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Fausto Turco

CEO at Si-Net

Milan, Italy

AI and Sustainability Expert | Official Rubricist at I, WE - AI & Sustainability

Personal Leadership & Organizational Culture Masterclass at WOBI, Master in Digital Transformation, has 33 years of activity as System Integrator dedicated to Professional Firms and Companies, and has followed about 500 projects of every dimension and known and met thousands of professionals.

He started as a programmer and was always intrigued by the passage and transformation of technologies, up to the point of studying and implementing Digital Transformation projects for Professional Firms.
Its greatest satisfaction is the fact that it has gone from selling device, office model products to selling MSP as a service solutions.

Today he dedicates himself almost completely to the Digital Transformation in the Firms, working both with the owners and above all with the collaborators: always arguing that the transformation must start from bringing the "resource" to the center of innovation.

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Milan, Italy
Speaking Topics: Digital Transformation, Leadership, Data Driven Strategy

Speaking Fee $1,500 (In-Person)

Fausto Turco Points
Academic 0
Author 29
Influencer 98
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 30
Total 157

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: System Integrator
Theatre: Italy
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 30 years
Last Media Interview: 08/04/2021

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.17
AI 30.06
Business Strategy 30.04
Change Management 30.44
Culture 30.60
Customer Experience
Design Thinking 30.05
Digital Transformation 30.43
Entrepreneurship 30.71
Future of Work 30.16
HR 30.40
Leadership 30.53
Management 30.32
Open Innovation
Public Relations
Social 30.55

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Professional Services


27 Article/Blogs
AI: Come Prepararsi al Futuro del Lavoro
July 03, 2024
Nel 2019, l'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico (OCSE) fece una previsione coraggiosa. Secondo le stime, entro 15-20 anni, le nuove tecnologie di automazione avrebbero potuto eliminare il 14% dei posti di lavoro a livello globale e trasformarne radicalmente un altro 32%.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Il Commercialista Digitale: Ascolta i Tuoi Clienti
June 19, 2024
Per gli studi professionali, il futuro si presenta pieno di opportunità e sfide. La trasformazione digitale è una realtà che dobbiamo affrontare con una visione chiara e un approccio pro attivo

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

I 7 passi per iniziare la trasformazione digitale del tuo Studio
May 28, 2024
La trasformazione digitale non è un progetto a breve termine; è un viaggio che richiede impegno e costanza. Gli studi professionali che adottano una strategia chiara, costruiscono una cultura solida, coinvolgono il personale e sfruttano la tecnologia in modo efficace saranno quelli che prospereranno nel futuro.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Il futuro del Commercialista dipende dal ruolo delle donne
May 20, 2024
Gli studi professionali stanno affrontando una trasformazione significativa, ma nonostante l'adozione crescente di nuove tecnologie, la cultura prevalente è ancora fortemente maschile

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

La trasformazione è obbligatoria, il cambiamento è facoltativo.
May 06, 2024
Il cambiamento nel settore dei servizi professionali non è solo inevitabile, ma richiede una trasformazione digitale profonda e ponderata, non più come un'opzione ma come una condizione essenziale per la sopravvivenza.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Il Digitale è tecnologico, non è tecnologia
April 30, 2024
Il concetto di digitalizzazione è ormai diventato un tema centrale nei dibattiti che riguardano gli studi di commercialisti. Tuttavia, uno degli errori più comuni è associare il digitale esclusivamente alla tecnologia.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Possiamo fidarci di quello che ci dice l'Intelligenza Artificiale
April 12, 2024
Nell'era digitale attuale, l'intelligenza artificiale (IA) ha assunto un ruolo cruciale in numerosi aspetti della vita quotidiana e professionale. Tuttavia, con la sua crescente presenza, sorgono interrogativi fondamentali sulla fiducia che gli umani ripongono in queste tecnologie.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Impatto del nuovo regolamento europeo sull'AI.
March 15, 2024
Il Parlamento europeo ha ufficialmente sancito l'AI Act, segnando una svolta storica nella regolamentazione dell'intelligenza artificiale a livello mondiale. Con una maggioranza schiacciante di 523 voti a favore, 46 contrari e 49 astensioni, questo atto legislativo posiziona l'UE come un precursore globale nello stabilire standard etici e di sicurezza nell'utilizzo dell'IA.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Rivoluzione nel mondo del Lavoro: I'uso dei modelli di linguaggio AI sul lavoro nelle organizzazioni
March 09, 2024
L'avvento dei Modelli di Linguaggio di Grande Dimensione (LLM) sta segnando un'epoca di cambiamento radicale nel panorama lavorativo e aziendale, promettendo di riscrivere le regole di come le competenze umane e la tecnologia coesistono e si integrano nel contesto lavorativo.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Man mano che le macchine migliorano nell'essere macchine, gli esseri umani devono migliorare nell'essere più umani.
February 21, 2024
Se le macchine ci sollevano da incarichi ripetitivi e automatici o ci aiutano nel prevenire danni e problemi, cosa ci resta?

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Management

AI Act Ue, crocevia tra opportunità e sfide
December 13, 2023
L’Unione europea vive un momento cruciale, schiacciata tra due potenze dominanti nel campo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI): Stati Uniti e Cina. Tradizionalmente, l’Ue ha agito come ago della bilancia, cercando di equilibrare i propri valori e interessi in un contesto globale complesso. Oggi, però, con la discussione dell’AI Act, Bruxelles non solo si trova davanti a una grossissima opportunità, ma anche a una sfida significativa.

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Tags: AI, Leadership, Management

Tra Paura e Potenziale: L'AI come Estensione del Progresso Umano
October 10, 2023
L'AI rappresenta una nuova frontiera del progresso umano. La vera sfida non è se accettarla, ma come farlo in modo che miglioriamo la condizione umana piuttosto che comprometterla.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Il Commercialista 4.0: Il Nuovo CFO della Piccola e Media Impresa
October 09, 2023
L’era digitale ha ribaltato molti paradigmi nel mondo del business, e al centro di questa rivoluzione, sorprendentemente, troviamo il Commercialista. Da semplice interprete di numeri, oggi si trasforma nel CFO de facto delle PMI, guidando la loro trasformazione digitale e strategica

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Per difendersi dall’AI basta non essere tecnolesi
June 01, 2023
“Sei dei casi presentati sembrano essere decisioni giudiziarie fasulle con citazioni fasulle e citazioni interne fasulle”, ha detto il giudice che ha supervisionato il caso. Ho voluto citare questo episodio di cronaca, che ha coinvolto due avvocati di uno studio legale avvezzo all’utilizzo dell’App di Intelligenza Artificiale generativa più popolare del momento: ChatGpt.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Al Professionista è richiesto un cambiamento di mentalità, con una visione strategica
November 04, 2022
Al centro della grande rete economica ci sono le società di servizi professionali, che forniscono, o dovrebbero fornire consulenza, ai propri clienti in base alle opportunità di crescita che si presentano in questo nuovo contesto, andando oltre alle questioni normative e di conformità.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Leadership vs Management
September 16, 2022
Come avrai notato, nella mia definizione di leadership avere una visione di come le cose devono essere in futuro e convincere gli altri della stessa cosa è fondamentale.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Come abbassare lo stress negli Studi Professionali
September 05, 2022
Nell'articolo di lunedì ho parlato di quanto sia diffuso lo stress negli studi professionali, e mi ha fatto molto piacere le interazioni e il contributo di molti professionisti. Come avevo promesso, avrei dato alcuni consigli, dei piccoli atteggiamenti, comportamenti che possono aiutare ad alleviare stress e tensioni, sono piccoli atteggiamenti, comportamenti che possono esser emessi in pratica, senza stravolgere le abitudini.

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Tags: Leadership, Agile, Entrepreneurship

La professione del Commercialista è stressante? Perchè non farsi aiutare?
August 29, 2022
Molti commercialisti trovano la loro professione \ gratificante, ma può anche essere stressante di volta in volta. Anche le loro preoccupazioni variano, dalle scadenze agli straordinari ai carichi di lavoro pesanti alle aspettative irrealistiche e alle richieste dei loro clienti.

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Tags: Leadership, Agile, Entrepreneurship

Essere una guida oltre i problemi verso il futuro
August 19, 2022
Questo articolo è scritto a 4 mani con l'amico Dr. Oleg Konovalov, che ringrazio per essere sempre fonte di ispirazione e critico attento verso ciò che ci circonda.

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Tags: Leadership, Agile, Entrepreneurship

Una riflessione essenziale: perché è il momento di pensare in modo audace alla tua leadership.
June 10, 2022
Stiamo vivendo un periodo storico, senza dubbio turbolento ma per i leader non c'è momento migliore per fare un passo indietro rispetto al caos quotidiano e crearsi uno spazio per riflettere sugli aspetti, motivazioni, comportamenti, azioni della propria leadership...

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Tags: Leadership, Agile, Entrepreneurship

More leaders than managers! So what leaders are needed in these times?
Fausto Turco
May 31, 2022
How does digital transformation impact leadership styles and organizational processes? Difficult to give a univocal answer, but certainly in a disruptive way: this is the opinion of Giuseppe Stigliano, CEO of Wunderman Thomson Italia, one of the oldest advertising agencies in the world, author of two books that have a lot to do with innovation. (Retail 4.0, released in 2018 and On life fashion, on the market for a few weeks).

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Tags: Agile, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

The leader of the future? Open-minded, ready and above all else, able to decide. Growth Strategist Simon Haigh's rules for sustainable leadership
Fausto Turco
May 16, 2022
“Basically, my role is to help leaders and organizations identify, and execute, their goals and improve their reputation. So what must a leader be today? Leaders must embrace global thinking, cross- cultural diversity and understand the big shifts in technology as well as being collaborative-oriented. In other words, a leader today must be authentic, with a humanistic approach. He or she should also demonstrate a degree of vulnerability, which does not mean being weak, rather it means being able to connect with the people who follow him or her ”.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Leadership

Engaging Hearts and Minds: A Leader’s Challenge'​
Fausto Turco
May 16, 2022
Leadership is anything but authoritarianism and decisions made alone: rather it has to do with generosity, respect and compassion. In English, with the word “grace”: this is the extremely particular point of view of John Baldoni, an American executive coach and leadership educator with clear Italian ancestry.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Change Management

Lo studio del futuro dipende dalle donne, ma è necessario cambiare la cultura
January 10, 2022
Quindi qualsiasi strategia di trasformazione, innovazione, aggregazione, passa necessariamente da questi numeri: per chi vuole pensare al proprio studio dei prossimi 5-10 anni dovrà fare queste altre considerazioni ed avere un approccio e una cultura completamente diversa da quella radicata attualmente.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Social, Culture

The story of Herb Kelleher, a manual for all CEOs, HR, Leaders, Entrepreneurs
Fausto Turco
December 02, 2021
Not many in Italy will be aware of Herb Kelleher: one of America's most famous CEOs, who passed away in January 2019. Fortune said "Kelleher was the best CEO in America". He changed the world and his model is taught in all business schools as a case study. Herb was the CEO and co-founder of Southwest Airlines, the largest low-cost airline in the world, originally born from an idea by Rollin King and Herb Kelleher and elaborated by the two during a dinner (pinned on a paper napkin!).

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Tags: Culture, Leadership, Social

2 Executives
Accademia dei Commercialisti
Academia del Commercialisti
December 03, 2018
L’Accademia dei Commercialisti è l’associazione creata per aiutare gli studi commercialisti ad affrontare il percorso di Trasformazione Digitale e ha come scopo la promozione culturale per la digitalizzazione degli studi commercialisti e la formazione tecnica dei loro componenti.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Culture, Change Management

January 01, 1999
Si-net è un’azienda informatica composta da esperti del settore e professionisti nel mondo dei dottori commercialisti e delle aziende. Un team di tecnici specializzati decisi ad unire le proprie esperienze e passioni

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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Leadership

1 Industry Certification
Radical HR
March 01, 2022
La certificazione Future of Work Expert, prima del suo genere in Italia, permette di identificarsi come HR competente sul futuro del lavoro e sulla trasformazione aziendale in ottica people.

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Tags: HR, Future of Work



2 Article/Blogs
Revolution and Responsibility: Reflections on Giordano Bruno's Legacy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
March 25, 2024

Five centuries ago, a visionary like Giordano Bruno stood out for his ability to look beyond the present, foreseeing a future where science, if not grounded on solid humanistic foundations, could turn into a force against us. Today, as we delve deeper into the era of artificial intelligence (AI), his words resonate with renewed relevance, urging us to carefully consider the course we are charting.

Artificial intelligence brings with it unprecedented revolutionary potential. However, as Bruno emphasized regarding the science of his time, AI also presents fundamental ethical and moral challenges. The question we ask ourselves is whether we are steering this powerful force towards sustainable human enrichment or towards the dangerous precipice Bruno feared.

History teaches us that progress brings both promises and perils. It is essential to look to the past for insights on how to address new challenges. In this case, we must draw inspiration from Bruno's humanistic approach to science, reminding ourselves that our task is not only to pursue innovation for its own sake but to do so in respect of fundamental human values.

Giordano Bruno's idea that AI should be a tool for human understanding and enrichment, rather than an end in itself, continues to guide our reflections. AI, though endowed with extraordinary powers, must not stray from its humanistic essence. We must constantly question how to ensure that AI serves to promote the well-being and advancement of humanity as a whole.

Our goal, therefore, is not only to harness AI for its technological potential but also to do so responsibly and ethically. We must ask not only what we can do with AI but also what we should do to ensure that its impact on society is positive and constructive.

In conclusion, Giordano Bruno's legacy calls us to deep reflection on the intersection of technology and humanity. AI represents one of the most significant challenges of our time, but also one of the most extraordinary opportunities to shape our future. It is up to us to embrace this challenge with awareness of the risks and responsibilities it entails, working together to ensure that AI truly serves humanity.

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Tags: AI, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship

Impact of the new European regulation on AI
March 15, 2024

Approval and Voting: The European Parliament has officially ratified the AI Act, marking a historic turning point in global regulation of artificial intelligence. With an overwhelming majority of 523 votes in favor, 46 against, and 49 abstentions, this legislative act positions the EU as a global precursor in establishing ethical and safety standards in AI usage.

The approval of the AI Act signifies a groundbreaking shift in the regulation of artificial intelligence, positioning the European Union at the forefront of global governance of this revolutionary technology. With the goal of balancing innovation and protection of fundamental rights, this legislation lays the groundwork for ethical, safe, and human-centered AI development. Through exploring its implications for consumers, businesses, and the future of AI regulation, we gain a comprehensive overview of how the AI Act could shape the global technological landscape.

A Regulatory Revolution: The Approval of the AI Act in the EU

Objectives and Ambitions

The AI Act aims to create an environment where AI can be developed and used reliably while simultaneously protecting citizens and their fundamental rights. It introduces a risk-based regulatory approach, categorizing AI applications based on their risk level and applying proportional requirements.

Risk Classification and Prohibitions

This innovative legislation categorizes AI applications from unacceptable risk to low risk, categorically prohibiting those assessed as dangerous, such as social scoring and behavioral manipulation. For high-risk applications, it imposes rigorous transparency and security standards.

Global Impact and European Leadership

With the adoption of the AI Act, the EU seeks to set an international standard for AI regulation, promoting an approach to technological development that is ethical, safe, and individual-centered.

Sanctions for Non-Compliance

Companies that fail to comply with the provisions of the AI Act face significant sanctions, up to 7% of their global turnover, highlighting the importance the EU places on compliance and accountability in the AI sector.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Despite imposing stringent rules, the AI Act leaves room for innovation, allowing the industry to adapt and innovate within the bounds of the law, especially regarding low-risk applications and support for startups and SMEs.

Next Steps and Implementation

Following parliamentary approval, the AI Act will proceed towards entry into force after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, ushering in a transition period for businesses and authorities to adapt. The establishment of an AI governance body will be crucial for the effective implementation and monitoring of the law.

The AI Act: Between Innovation and Regulation

The new law raises a series of considerations, from opportunities to risks and challenges, deserving thorough analysis.

Safeguarding Fundamental Rights

One of the AI Act's main strengths is its commitment to protecting citizens' fundamental rights. The inclusion of specific provisions against discriminatory use of AI and behavioral manipulation underscores the EU's clear stance against practices that may undermine democracy and ethical values. However, this requires ongoing updates of definitions and risk criteria to keep pace with technological evolution.

Promoting Innovation and SMEs

The AI Act promotes innovation by creating "regulatory sandboxes," offering SMEs and startups the opportunity to develop and test new technologies within a regulated framework. This is crucial for keeping the EU competitive on the global AI stage, but it requires a delicate balance to avoid stifling innovation with excessive bureaucracy.

Debate on Biometric Surveillance

The decision to allow the use of biometric surveillance by law enforcement agencies under exceptional circumstances has raised concerns. While there are safeguards, there is a risk that these technologies may be misused, leading to invasive surveillance and privacy violations. It is crucial for the EU to closely monitor the implementation of these technologies to prevent abuses.

Generative AI and Intellectual Property

The late inclusion of generative AI models in the AI Act raises questions about the regulation's ability to keep pace with technological innovations. Copyright compliance and transparency are vital aspects, but regulations must be flexible enough to adapt to future developments without hindering progress.

The Challenge of Global Interoperability

As the EU seeks to position itself as a leader in AI regulation, the challenge of interoperability with other jurisdictions, particularly the United States and China, emerges. It is essential for the EU to promote international dialogue to create global standards and ensure that the AI Act does not become a barrier to international trade and collaboration.

Sanctions and Enforcement

The severe sanctions envisaged by the AI Act for non-compliance highlight the importance the EU attaches to AI regulation. However, to ensure effective enforcement, robust monitoring mechanisms and cooperation among Member States will be essential, along with ensuring that SMEs are not deterred by potential sanctions.

A Path Yet to Be Traveled

The AI Act is a significant but not definitive first step in the regulation of AI. It will be crucial for the EU to remain vigilant, ready to amend and update legislation in response to rapid technological changes and their social, economic, and ethical implications. While the AI Act represents a significant advancement in AI governance, its success will depend on the EU's ability to adapt and respond to emerging challenges in this dynamic technological field.


The AI Act represents a milestone in AI regulation, aiming to strike a balance between technological innovation and the protection of fundamental rights. Among its main advantages is the promotion of ethical, responsible, and transparent AI usage, positioning the EU as a leader in implementing high standards for privacy protection and security. Additionally, the legislative act provides regulatory clarity to businesses, facilitating responsible innovation and competitiveness in the global AI market.


Despite positive intentions, the AI Act presents some disadvantages, including the risk of imposing excessive regulatory burdens that could hinder startups and SMEs, thus limiting innovation and growth in the AI sector. The law may also prove too rigid to quickly adapt to technological advances, limiting the EU's ability to effectively address future challenges posed by AI. Furthermore, the possibility of biometric surveillance in exceptional circumstances raises concerns about privacy and individual freedom.


The main challenges posed by the AI Act include ensuring effective and uniform enforcement across all EU Member States, given the complexity and variety of AI technologies. A significant challenge is also to keep legislation up to date with rapid technological development, avoiding obsolescence. At the same time, the EU must balance the promotion of innovation with the need to protect citizens, ensuring that regulations do not unduly limit the potential for AI development.


The AI Act opens up several opportunities, including positioning the EU as a leading region in setting global standards for ethical and safe AI, exporting its values and principles internationally. It also offers the opportunity to stimulate innovation through regulatory experimentation spaces, supporting research and development of innovative AI solutions that respect fundamental rights. This can also encourage businesses to invest in responsible and secure AI technologies, promoting sustainable growth.

EU's Role Internationally

The adoption of the AI Act strengthens the EU's role as a pioneer in AI regulation, confirming its position as a leader in global technology governance. The EU has the opportunity to influence international standards and promote an ethical and responsible approach to AI, serving as a model for other regions. Furthermore, through international dialogue and cooperation, the EU can contribute to establishing a global framework for AI regulation that respects human rights and promotes sustainable technological development.

See blog

Tags: AI


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