Harnessing the power of connected assets for better customer experiences
May 13, 2024
With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), the potential for connected assets to revolutionize traditional processes has become limitless. Be it a smart home or a smart factory, IoT and Industrial IoT (IIoT) are driving immense value and business outcomes for our clients across the globe. According to a research report by Microsoft, 33 percent of manufacturers’ product revenue comes from smart products. However, fragmented market demand, inefficiencies that impact productivity, and the increasing demand for sustainable and responsible operations are posing serious challenges for not only the manufacturing industry but also others like retail, supply chain, transportation and logistics, etc.
Smart connected products can bridge some of those challenges by generating actionable insights from data that will help our clients chart a better course on their digital transformation journeys.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, Manufacturing
Navigating Through the Waters of #AIWashing: My Appeal for Transparency and Authenticity in the World of Artificial Intelligence
Fabio De Pasquale
January 30, 2024
Check out my latest article shedding light on the crucial topic of #AIWashing: "Navigating Through the Waters of AI Washing: My Appeal for Transparency and Authenticity."
In this quick read, I explore the parallels between AI Washing and Green Washing, urging for honesty and transparency in AI communications. Let's ensure our industry's growth is built on authenticity.
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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Sustainability
The Digital Revolution in Agriculture: AgriTech, Regenerative Agriculture, and Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Future
Fabio De Pasquale
November 13, 2023
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of #agriculture, technology emerges as our steadfast companion, reshaping the way we cultivate the land.
The integration of cutting-edge technologies, from #ArtificialIntelligence to #IoT and #DigitalTwins, is propelling the agricultural sector into a new era of efficiency and #sustainability.
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Tags: AI, Innovation, Sustainability
Embrace the Power of GenAI in Manufacturing
July 10, 2023
Unlock the potential of GenAI to propel your business to new heights!
The advent of GenAI, a cutting-edge blend of genetic algorithms and artificial intelligence, has ushered in a new era of possibilities in the manufacturing sector. With its ability to optimize complex processes, improve efficiency, and enhance decision-making, GenAI is reshaping the way we approach manufacturing.
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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Management
Sustainability in Manufacturing: A Necessity for Our Planet and Industry
Fabio De Pasquale
March 01, 2023
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the impact that manufacturing industries have on the environment. The production and disposal of goods, the consumption of natural resources, and the emissions of pollutants contribute significantly to global warming and other environmental issues. It is clear that #sustainability in #manufacturing is no longer an option but a necessity.
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Tags: Climate Change, Digital Transformation, Sustainability
“Green IT” and “IT for Green”, technology at the service of the planet
Atos Blog
May 27, 2021
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Sustainability, Renewable Energy
The Roadmap to becoming Carbon Neutral
Atos Blog
April 22, 2021
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Tags: Sustainability, Change Management, Renewable Energy
Industry 4.0: The future of the industry is today!
Atos Blog
March 17, 2020
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Tags: 5G, Digital Transformation, Innovation
Why do we have to test the real User Experience before launching an app on the market?
Atos Blog
August 01, 2019
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Tags: Customer Experience, Design Thinking, Innovation
Artificial Intelligence: do we need an ethical code?
Atos Blog
May 06, 2019
See publication
Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Change Management
Mobile World Congress 2019
Atos Blog
March 04, 2019
See publication
Tags: 5G, Emerging Technology, Innovation
Is an autonomous vehicle safe?
Atos Blog
February 18, 2019
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Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Emerging Technology
Blockchain VS User eXperience
Atos Blog
January 14, 2019
See publication
Tags: Blockchain, Customer Experience, Design Thinking
Voice assistants: change and evolution
Atos Blog
September 27, 2018
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Tags: Customer Experience, Innovation, IoT
Atos Art Exhibition 2022: How to maximize the experience with your clients
June 09, 2022
Guidelines on how to utilize the Art Exhibition for innovation workshops, both virtual and onsite experiences
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Tags: Customer Experience, Innovation, Metaverse
Conosci un Competence Center? BI-REX si presenta
Camera di Commercio della Romagna
May 10, 2022
Incontro di presentazione di BI-REX, uno degli 8 Competence Center nazionali istituiti dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico nel quadro del piano governativo Industria 4.0.
BI-REX intende essere un supporto strategico e operativo per le imprese orientate alla digitalizzazione dei processi industriali nell’ottica dell’Industria 4.0: dalla progettazione alla produzione, dalla R&D alla Supply Chain, dalla sicurezza alla Blockchain.
Consorzio pubblico-privato, nato nel 2018 e con sede a Bologna, riunisce in partenariato 58 player tra Università, Centri di Ricerca ed Imprese di eccellenza e ha un focus specializzato sul tema Big Data. BI-REX è l’unico Competence Center a guida industriale.
Svolge attività di orientamento, formazione e consulenza alle imprese su tematiche Industria 4.0 nonché di supporto nell'attuazione di progetti di innovazione, ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale finalizzati alla realizzazione, da parte delle imprese fruitrici, in particolare delle Pmi, di nuovi prodotti, processi o servizi (o al loro miglioramento) grazie alle tecnologie Industria 4.0 della propria Linea Pilota che si suddivide in 4 diverse aree: Additive Manufacturing, Big Data e IoT, Robotica, Finitura & Metrologia. Facilita lo scambio di “best practices” ed il Trasferimento Tecnologico.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Business Strategy
Innovazione digitale e sostenibile: i servizi di BI-REX, competence center nazionale, nel webinar della Camera di commercio il 4 maggio
Camera di Commercio di Parma
May 04, 2022
La trasformazione digitale e la sostenibilità hanno assunto negli ultimi anni un ruolo sempre più rilevante nei processi innovativi di quasi tutti i settori industriali. L'adozione di tecnologie digitali è in grado di migliorare le prestazioni e i processi aziendali con un impatto positivo sulla salvaguardia dell'ambiente e accelerare la transizione verso modelli produttivi più sostenibili.
Il PID - Punto Impresa Digitale della Camera di commercio di Parma e Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, in collaborazione con il Competence Center BI-REX, organizzano un evento di approfondimento sull'innovazione digitale e sostenibile, con focus sui servizi e sui contributi per le imprese.
Testimonianze aziendali sull'adozione di soluzioni digitali per migliorare la competitività e per rendere i propri modelli produttivi più sostenibili sotto l’aspetto dell’impatto ambientale ed ecologico.
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Tags: Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Sustainability
April 08, 2022
BI-REX, SAP ed Atos, in collaborazione con Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, organizzano un evento presso la sede BI-REX con focus specifico su digitalizzazione e sostenibilità: ampio spazio ai progetti implementati da BI-REX, alle iniziative realizzate da Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, alle soluzioni tecnologiche offerte SAP e ai servizi erogati da Atos su questa tematica. Al termine dell’evento i partecipanti potranno effettuare un tour della Linea Pilota BI-REX.
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Tags: Climate Change, Digital Transformation, Sustainability
February 28, 2022
According to Juniper Research, the number of IoT connected devices in 2021 will reach a whopping 46 billion, a 200% increase in the last 5 years. The increase in these devices is not going to slow down anytime soon, but we do need to use these innovations in technologies to slow down climate change and secure global net zero by 2050. In a report published by Ericsson, the use of IoT has the potential of reducing emissions by as much as 63.5 gigatons by the year 2030. IoT solutions are already helping slow climate change with small changes like a global recommendation to switch all lighting to LED in public spaces, which is estimated to reduce energy consumption by up to 50%. In this session we will take a look at IoT solutions that are already reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency within homes, businesses and organisations.
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Tags: Climate Change, IoT, Sustainability
Green Tech in Manufacturing
June 10, 2020
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Tags: Renewable Energy, Supply Chain, Sustainability
Tech for Green in Manufacturing
June 10, 2020
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Tags: Open Innovation, Renewable Energy, Sustainability
UX for Manufacturing
June 09, 2020
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Tags: Customer Experience, Design Thinking, Digital Disruption
UX Testing
July 02, 2019
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Tags: Customer Experience, Design Thinking, Innovation
UX for Autonomous Vehicles
January 29, 2019
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Tags: Autonomous Vehicles, Customer Experience, IoT
UX for Internet of Things
July 03, 2018
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Tags: AI, Customer Experience, IoT
UX for Internet of Things
February 01, 2018
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Tags: Customer Experience, Innovation, IoT
Mobile World Congress 2024 Recap
Fabio De Pasquale
February 28, 2024
Reflecting on the Game-Changing Innovations of Mobile World Congress 2024!
As my day at #MWC24 wraps up, I'm excited to share my insights and key takeaways from this year's event. From cutting-edge technology to groundbreaking discussions, it's been an exhilarating journey of exploration and discovery.
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Tags: Generative AI, Innovation, Manufacturing
Shoptalk Europe 2023
May 11, 2023
Here some conclusions together with Marcos Pascual (Head of Industry in Avanade Spain).
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Retail
Shoptalk Europe Barcelona 2023 Microsoft Booth
Fabio De Pasquale
May 09, 2023
Shoptalk Europe Barcelona 2023 Microsoft for Startups Booth
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Startups, Retail
Azure Private 5G core
Fabio De Pasquale
February 28, 2023
Experience high performance and secure private 5G connectivity at the enterprise edge
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Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, 5G
Mobile World Congress 2023
Fabio De Pasquale
February 28, 2023
The Mobile World Congress has always been a hub of innovation and collaboration, where industry leaders come together to showcase the latest advancements in mobile technology.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, IoT
Metaverse and Immersive Experience
Fabio De Pasquale
February 28, 2023
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Tags: AR/VR, Customer Experience, Metaverse
Onalytica Interview
June 09, 2020
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Sales, Social
Corporate Innovators Programme: From Reactive to Proactive: AI as the New Frontier of Corporate Innovation
Mobile World Congress
March 03, 2025
This session explores how AI-driven systems enable companies to anticipate market trends and customer needs, shifting from reactive strategies to proactive, autonomous innovation. We’ll delve into how AI is transforming R&D processes, accelerating the integration of new ideas, and speeding up the journey from concept to market. Join us to uncover the ways AI is reshaping innovation practices and empowering companies to stay ahead in an ever-changing world.
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Tags: Agile, Innovation, IT Strategy
Avanade School of Innovation
Avanade Spain
June 17, 2024
Ayer celebramos el evento de Manufacturing “Descubre las posibilidades de la IA en la Fabricación” en el que tuvimos el placer de contar con la inestimable participación de nuestros clientes Bridgestone EMEA y Yanmar y de nuestros partners Accenture España, Microsoft; todo ello en el fantástico campus de la Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio de Chamberí.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Open Innovation
AI in Sustainability and Human Well-being
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization
August 26, 2021
AI in Sustainability and Human Well-being
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization
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Tags: AI, Sustainability, HealthTech
Mobile World Congress 2021
June 30, 2021
Discover the very latest in climate technology as the spotlight is placed on leading technologists who are delivering change for society, not only for today but for generations to come. Identifying and promoting the industry’s top innovators, this session aims to boost the visibility of companies who are making an impact today and showcasing the importance of collaboration between the mobile industry and climate evangelicals.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Sustainability
Innovation for Nonprofit Organization
Fabio De Pasquale
November 10, 2023
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, IT Strategy
Safer roads with autonomous vehicles?
Atos Blog
July 05, 2019
Self-driving cars can have a tremendous effect on road safety. They would eliminate more than 90% of car accidents caused by bad decisions by motorists today.
But while they may be safer, autonomous vehicles can still be involved in accidents, including deadly ones. So, how safe should self-driving cars be to be allowed on the road?
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Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Customer Experience
Manufactura Digital: Principales retos para el 2022
Atos México
February 24, 2022
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Tags: Business Strategy, Open Innovation, Sustainability
Atos a new global partner in Emilia Romagna
Confindustria Emilia Centro
November 17, 2021
Atos Italia entra in Confindustria Emilia Area Centro e consolida la presenza nel territorio emiliano
L’azienda leader italiana nella trasformazione digitale aderisce alla Confindustria locale dopo la recente apertura della sede di Bologna nel 2021 e i progetti di innovazione nel Tecnopolo.
Bologna, 17 novembre 2021 – Atos Italia, azienda leader nella trasformazione digitale, annuncia il proprio ingresso nella Confindustria Emilia Area Centro.
L’azienda ha scelto di rafforzare ulteriormente la propria presenza sul territorio emiliano, un contesto che si candida a essere l’hub europeo dei Big data e del digitale. Il contributo di Atos è quello di consentire, con la sua tecnologia, alla ‘Data Valley’ italiana di ospitare circa l'80% della capacità di calcolo di tutto il Paese e il 20% di quella europea.
L’azienda è infatti protagonista e fornitore delle tecnologie HPC installate all’interno del Tecnopolo di Bologna, gestite da ECMWF (Centro Europeo per le previsioni Meteo a medio termine) e CINECA. Quest’ultima vedrà il prossimo lancio ufficiale del supercalcolatore ‘Leonardo’, tra i primi al mondo per capacità di calcolo e in grado di eseguire 250 milioni di miliardi di operazioni al secondo, con una capacità di archiviazione di oltre 100 petabyte.
Leader nella Cybersecurity, Cloud e High Performance Computing (HPC), Atos offre soluzioni digitali pensate in una ottica di sostenibilità e decarbonizzazione, al servizio dell’innovazione e della digitalizzazione del sistema Paese. Nel 2021 l’azienda ha aperto una nuova sede a Bologna (dopo quelle di Milano, Roma e Napoli), con un piano di crescita che coinvolgerà le realtà locali per la formazione e il reclutamento di talenti.
“La scelta di entrare a far parte della Confindustria Emilia Area Centro nasce dal riconoscimento del territorio come centro di eccellenza e innovazione e base strategica europea dei Big Data. Ci troviamo orgogliosamente in prima linea nella valorizzazione di questo territorio e delle sue competenze, non solamente attraverso l’enorme lavoro richiesto dai supercalcolatori ma anche attraverso il coinvolgimento delle università locali e la scelta di aprire una nuova importante sede proprio a Bologna” - ha commentato Giuseppe Di Franco, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di Atos Italia - “Entrare a far parte di Confindustria Emilia Area Centro ci consentirà di mettere a sistema la nostra esperienza con le altre aziende presenti sul territorio”.
Oggi, 17 novembre, dalle 16.00 alle 17.30, Atos si presenterà alle aziende associate nel corso dell’evento “Atos si presenta: un nuovo partner globale per le imprese dell’Emilia Romagna”. L’incontro presenterà come Atos, unitamente al suo “Open Innovation EcoSystem”, possa affiancare le imprese nei loro percorsi di innovazione digitale.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Innovation