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Onno Bloemers

Founder at First Day Advisory Group

Den Bosch, Netherlands

My core mission is to improve people's safety and well-being by developing solutions integrating technology and services to improve the way we handle risks. Reinventing how we manage risks & safety, so to speak. This ambition impacts the value chains around safety, personal risk management and insurance. I work with leading insurers and insurtechs implementing scalable solutions that make it possible to turn these concepts into reality. Besides that, I am a regular speaker on seminars and I've published a.o. in The InsurTECH Book (Wiley, 2018).

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Amsterdam
Speaking Topics: Insurance Transformation: from managing policies to managing risks, improving the way we handle risk through prevention

Onno Bloemers Points
Academic 0
Author 45
Influencer 13
Speaker 39
Entrepreneur 40
Total 137

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Insurtech Consulting
Theatre: Europe, US, Asia
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Last Media Interview: 03/27/2020

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 30.11
Change Management 31.54
Climate Change
CSR 30.68
Culture 30.02
Customer Experience 30.02
Customer Loyalty 30.12
Digital Disruption 30.48
Digital Transformation 30.62
Ecosystems 30.59
Emerging Technology
FinTech 30.15
Health and Safety
Innovation 33.03
InsurTech 57.21
IoT 30.43
Leadership 30.30
Marketing 30.03
Predictive Analytics 30.01
Project Management 30.10
Risk Management 30.13
Startups 31.36

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
Professional Services


20 Article/Blogs
From Policy to Prevention – The Sustainable Future of Insurance
April 09, 2024
Ten years ago, innovation in the insurance world was primarily driven by the seemingly boundless possibilities of technology. Now, there is a much more fundamental reason to question the existing framework: the rapidly changing risk landscape. The key to a sustainable, future-proof sector and meaningful customer relationships lies in smartly combining insurance and prevention.

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Tags: InsurTech, IoT, Risk Management

De duurzame toekomst van verzekeren (article in Dutch)
New Financial Forum / VVP
March 22, 2024
"Tien jaar geleden werd vernieuwing in de verzekeringswereld vooral aangejaagd door de schijnbaar onbegrensde mogelijkheden van technologie. Nu is er een fundamentelere reden om de bestaande inrichting ter discussie te stellen, namelijk het sterk veranderende risicolandschap. De sleutel voor een duurzame, toekomstbestendige sector en een betekenisvolle klantrelatie ligt in het slim combineren van verzekeren en preventie. Voor verzekeraars de kans om nu de regie te nemen in een onvoorspelbare en onzekere wereld.

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Tags: InsurTech, IoT, Risk Management

An innovation culture starts with an innovation structure
April 28, 2022
We often talk about the culture of an organization. In the corridors or in the coffee corner. In meetings and brainstorm sessions. We all want to work on a more innovation-oriented culture.

Everyone has his or her own ideas about what exactly that organizational culture is. For now, let's describe culture as the norms, values ​​and expressions of behavior that are shared by the members of an organization. Every organization has its own unique culture. But to say that it has now become a tangible concept? Sure, you can describe and categorize elements of a culture, but can you really put your finger on it?

Yet culture is seen as a crucial factor for the functioning of organizations. This can make the difference between going down ingloriously or surviving successfully. Between coloring neatly within the lines or cutting a corner when no one is looking. Between responding to change or sticking to the existing. We are all familiar with countless examples of the effects of culture, whether this has a positive or negative effect.

At the same time, we would like to work in organizations where entrepreneurship, personal responsibility and innovation are stimulated. Where there is room to experiment. Where failure is allowed without ending your career. In short: where there is a real innovation culture.

Does this mean we should let go of the reins and let everyone do their thing in freedom? On the contrary. My thesis: an innovation culture requires an innovation structure.

[Article in Dutch]

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Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, Innovation

Insurtech Trends Update – 2022
Insurance Thoughtleadership
January 03, 2022
The insurance sector is facing unprecedented change in a rapidly evolving environment.

Energy transition, circular economy, urbanization, digitization: these trends have far-reaching consequences for the way we live and work. From sustainable investing to healthy living, from sensor revolution to climate change – the playing field has become incredibly varied and complex over a relatively short period of time. How is this playing out for the insurance sector?

Amidst the abundance of sector reports by industry analysts, reinsurers, sector associations and consultancies, we provide you with a recap of what we believe are the key trends to monitor closely – for 2022 and beyond.

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Tags: Innovation, InsurTech, Business Strategy

Insurtech Trends Update – 2022
Holland Fintech
November 13, 2021
The insurance sector is facing unprecedented change in a rapidly evolving environment.

Energy transition, circular economy, urbanization, digitization: these trends have far-reaching consequences for the way we live and work. From sustainable investing to healthy living, from sensor revolution to climate change – the playing field has become incredibly varied and complex over a relatively short period of time. How is this playing out for the insurance sector?

Amidst the abundance of sector reports by industry analysts, reinsurers, sector associations and consultancies, we provide you with a recap of what we believe are the key trends to monitor closely – for 2022 and beyond.

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Tags: IoT, InsurTech

From policy to purpose: Safety as a compass for the insurance sector (article in Dutch)
June 11, 2021
In these special times we realize that we are more vulnerable than thought, both personally and in our working lives. We try we get to grips with the risks we face. It's not obvious that after an unforeseen event everything can be undone be with money, care or repair. Prevention is therefore better than cure. With new risks and less and less predictive power from historical data, we are facing the challenge to increase our social resilience. In front of insurers - the experts in this field - this naturally offers opportunities: to
develop new propositions that contribute to sustainable value, long-term customer relevance and social responsibility. But that's not so easy.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

How Insurers Can Help Reduce Car Accidents
Insurance Thoughtleadership
September 29, 2020
It's high time to complement government's top-down approaches on road safety with bottom-up activities addressing behavioral change by individuals.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, InsurTech, Predictive Analytics

Can the government actually change? (article in Dutch)
IT Executive
May 12, 2020
The world around us is changing at a rapid pace. This brings opportunities and threats for organizations in every sector. In order to set up the preconditions for a successful transformation towards a digital government, we should not only outline the IT services perspective but also take a close look at performance when it comes to successfully realizing large-scale transformations. The importance of a well-developed organizational change capacity cannot be emphasized enough. Change capacity therefore deserves attention in the context of the NL IT Delta Plan initiative.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Project Management

The Future of Insurance Is… Not Insurance
April 06, 2020
The classical insurance business model has been successful for a long time but does not stack up to modern standards. Nowadays, just a policy no longer provides the best solution for managing risks. Why wait until something happens when the technology and data are available to actually reduce the chance or impact of an unforeseen event?

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

Future of Insurance Is… Not Insurance
Insurance Thoughtleadership
February 07, 2020
There is only one sensible way forward: to rebalance insurance and prevention, going from managing policies to managing risks.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

The dark matter problem in Insurance
August 14, 2019
The dark matter problem astronomers are struggling with is a metaphor for traditional insurance companies. It feels invisible matter makes it difficult to effectively change the course of such an organisation.

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Tags: Change Management, Innovation, InsurTech

Lack of Organisational Adaptability Threatens Digital Transformation
July 24, 2018
An often overlooked critical competency of an organisation is its adaptability – the capacity of an organisation to effectively respond to new demands and circumstances, whether it’s customer-, regulator- or technology-driven.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Innovation

It's life insurance, Jim. But not as we know it – Part 3
March 12, 2018
The article below has been based on a keynote presentation delivered at the Euro Events Life Insurance & Pensions Conference in Amsterdam on November 16th 2017. This is part 3. The previous parts can be found here and here.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, InsurTech

It's life insurance, Jim. But not as we know it – Part 2
January 29, 2018
The article below has been based on a keynote presentation delivered at the Euro Events Life Insurance & Pensions Conference in Amsterdam on November 16th 2017. This is part 2, written with co-author Sophie Reynvaan. Part 1 can be found here.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

It’s Life, Jim, but Not as We Know It - Part 1
Insurance Thoughtleadership
December 14, 2017
Can life insurance become as hot and sexy as sci-fi, or at least an iPhone? Article based on a keynote presentation delivered at the Euro Events Life Insurance & Pensions Conference in Amsterdam on Nov. 16, 2017

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

Why the insurance industry has more on its plate than just Brexit!
August 17, 2017
From change management to cyber risk, Onno Bloemers of Delta Capita explains why insurers need to look beyond Brexit to the wider challenges facing the industry.

“Brexit means breakfast” may now be a phrase forever synonymous with political gaffes, but for the insurance sector, it represents far more than a ketchup splash of poetic irony. While the uncertainty surrounding the type of Brexit deal agreed undeniably represents the bacon and sausage, UK insurers will be at a disadvantage from their international counterparts should they push the mushroom and beans to one side.

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Tags: Change Management, Innovation, InsurTech

What Maslow means for keeping customers
May 02, 2017
Many firms apply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to seduce customers -- but stop once a sale is made. Why not continue?

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Tags: Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty, Marketing

Het gedachtegoed van Maslow toepassen voor klantretentie
March 27, 2017
Er is een tekort aan aandacht voor de bestaande klant. Dienstverleners zijn vooral bezig met het binnenhalen van nieuwe klanten. Leon Veenhuijzen, adviseur bij Improven, en Onno Bloemers, partner bij Delta Capita, gaan in op hoe banken en verzekeraars het gedachtegoed van Maslow kunnen toepassen om klanten te overtuigen om tot een aankoop over te gaan en vooral voor klantretentie.

See publication

Tags: Customer Loyalty, InsurTech, Marketing

2017: A Journey Toward Self-Disruption
January 27, 2017
A constant process of internal creative destruction is required to avoid becoming the victim of an external, competing creative force.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

Vier archetypen voor het intermediair van de toekomst
March 08, 2016
Digitalisering en robotisering zorgen de komende jaren voor een verstoring van vrijwel iedere sector en zullen leiden tot nieuwe businessmodellen en een niet eerder geziene golf aan innovatie. Deze veranderingen kunnen hoge kosten voor de gevestigde orde met zich meebrengen. Om de bedreigingen tegen te gaan, omarmen en ontwikkelen deze spelers in toenemende mate toekomstbestendige strategieën en concepten. Ook in de verzekeringswereld en voor de duizenden werkzame intermediairs in de sector is dit niet anders. De boodschap voor deze spelers is duidelijk: grote veranderingen staan voor de deur en om te overleven in dit veranderende marktlandschap is mee veranderen essentieel.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

1 Book Chapter
June 18, 2018
The classical insurance business models has been successful for a long time, but is now under attack. Insurers struggle with building a new, futureproof value chain. The core problem is that an insurance policy alone no longer provides the best solution for managing customer risks. Insurers therefore need to revisit their original reason for existence. With the rise of new technologies, insurers can evolve into organisations offering a much broader set of risk management solutions, integrating technology, services and policies. The future playing field will eventually be dominated by insurers contributing to their customers’ safety, wellbeing and peace of mind.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Innovation, InsurTech

2 Founders
Co-founder & CCO of safety-based home insurance start-up
October 01, 2020
Personal home safety platform protecting you, your loved ones & your key assets through risk assessment, solutions & safety-based insurance.

InConnect is a Europe-based start-up revolutionising the way we manage our day to day safety, startingwith the home. Smart homes & IoT are a gamechanger for how we deal with fire / burglary / water / cyber risks. Using this growing number of sensors and data sources, we take the safety aspect as a starting point and have developed a fully digital customer journey that logically links safety and insurance with better outcomes for all involved. Our data-driven approach includes safety scans, value-added services and dynamic insurance. We aim to mitigate up to 50% of home insurance claims in the areas of fire, burglary, water and cyber risks.

We’ve laid the groundwork for our connected home insurance concept including functioning prototypes, safety models, insurance products and a robust, centralised system approach. Market research and initial tests show promising results. Now seeking funding to achieve the next milestones. Our central safety theme presents an excellent opportunity to build an attractive value proposition for any B2C organisation looking to broaden their offering and increase their customer share of wallet.

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Tags: InsurTech, IoT, Startups

First Day Advisory Group
January 01, 2020
Our new reality forces organisations to reconsider their business model and working methods. Flexibility and innovative strength are crucial competencies to ensure survival, to embrace new opportunities or to initiate a transformation into a balanced, future-proof organisation.

First Day helps in the search for future-proof, sustainable business models. And with our innovative approach we also ensure successful realisation of this. We leave existing cart tracks to break new ground. We offer solutions tailored to the contemporary challenges of our customers and work closely with qualified partners, each with their own speciality.

Examples include:
- boosting the bottom-up innovation within organisations with our partner Pridea and the XiBE platform.
- measuring and improving organisational adaptability with our partner Business Fitscan

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Tags: Change Management, Innovation, Leadership

3 Keynotes
Insurance alone is not enough! From managing policies to managing risks:
November 21, 2019
The insurance value chain has been centered around policies, which have offered tremendous value to society over centuries. Nowadays, just a policy no longer provides the best solution for managing customer risks. The near future: we embrace a preventative approach integrating sensor technology, services, data science and behavioural psychology. And insurance of course.
Let’s improve people's safety and well-being by developing solutions integrating technology and services to improve the way we handle risks.

In my keynote, I cover the new integrated value chain for managing safety & risk and discuss how to implement this. And I address some of the barriers for traditional insurers in making the transformation and share ideas how to break through.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

How to Mobilize Your Insurance Organization for Digital Transformation
Betty Blocks
March 14, 2019
Keynote on implementing a new digital services entity within mutual insurance company Univé, in order to develop a capability to quickly launch risk reducing and preventing products and services augmenting the available insurance solutions. The new platform and structures helps to reduce time to market of new value propositions while ensuring scalable growth in a consistent, controllable manner. Leveraging Low Code platform Betty Blocks reduced the critical path drastically, ensuring delivery on even in a complex organisational environment.

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Tags: Change Management, Innovation, InsurTech

It’s life insurance, Jim, but not as we know it
Euro Events
November 16, 2017
Keynote on 2-day event focusing on strategies to make life insurance interesting and attractive!

Insurers are increasingly aware of the gap between the products offered and customer expectations, fueled by the digital revolution. We see how other sectors have been disrupted by concepts powered by the latest tech, allowing us to manage our lives increasingly through easy, friendly, highly integrated apps and digital infrastructures. People are actually waiting in long lines to buy the latest Apple product!

Can insurance become as hot and sexy as an iPhone? Can it become something that customers actively engage in? That seduces people to actively manage future risks? That becomes urgent, relevant, an integral part of your life, even fun?

The answer: Yes. But it’s going to take some changes from current insurance practices.

The key note covers 2 distinct approaches to make this happen.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Ecosystems, InsurTech

2 Media Interviews
The COVID crisis as the tipping point for insurers to recognise the need for change and innovation
Risk & Business
April 24, 2020
In terms of the ability to adapt, insurers and pension funds score lower than banks and other companies and institutions within the financial services sector. Compared to 15% of employees who have strong confidence in their own company's ability to change, 43% of insurance personnel have little or no confidence in this, according to a survey by First Day Advisory Group and Business Fit Scan.

In this interview in Risk & Business Magazine, Onno Bloemers, Robert Witteveen and Tom Koppelman give the following explanation: “Within the insurance sector, the real need for change and innovation is less obvious than in other sectors. The banks needed the major recent financial crisis to drastically change course. This has led to innovative changes and customer-friendly initiatives. The insurance industry has not yet felt such "pain". Perhaps the impact of the current COVID crisis will be the tipping point for insurers to recognise the need for change.

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Tags: Change Management, Innovation, InsurTech

Two out of three transformation plans fail due to lack of leadership
De Limburger
March 27, 2020
[Article in Dutch]

It is amazing how quickly we adapt to a new reality. The country is massively seeking cover from the corona storm. It accepts without complaints the lowering of the speed limit on the motorways. How different is the situation at organizations and companies. The ability to change of Corporate NL is alarmingly low, is the conclusion of the Benchmark Organisational Adaptability 2020. "You really need leadership."

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Tags: Change Management, Innovation, InsurTech

1 Profile
Top Insurtech Influencers Leaderboard
June 24, 2022

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

1 Webinar
The DIA After
Holland Fintech
July 11, 2022
On Wednesday July 6, at Holland FinTech we hosted a special event: The DIA After. An online wrap up & discussion about the key DIA insights hosted by Holland Fintech’s Don Ginsel, Onno Bloemers and Jochem Davids and with a panel existing of:
- Annina Angstmann, Head P&C Solutions NCEE – SwissRe
- Christiaan Erasmus, CEO – SLVRCLD
- Florian Graillot, Partner –
- Dennis van Avendonk, Insurance Lead – Projective Group
We discussed our impressions linked to 5 key topics we took away from this DIA:
1. Turning ecosystems into new revenue streams and business models
2. How to get the most out of embedded insurance
3. InsurTechs & incumbents are joining forces
4. Even with Insurtech stocks in a downdraft, the sector is booming with a huge earning potential
5. The insurance sector is taking responsibility to build a more sustainable future. But the challenges are huge.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

3 Webinars
Round Table: The future of Insurance
Holland Fintech
September 30, 2020
Event with board level representatives from NL Insurance sector. The topic: how to boost the innovative power in the NL insurance industry.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

Insurtech trends for MicroFinance
Microfinance Centre
September 08, 2020
How current insurance trends, like on demand insurance and micro insurance, are applicable for microfinance institutions and what examples we see in the market

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Tags: CSR, FinTech, InsurTech

Round Table 1 – The Future of Insurance
Holland Fintech
July 01, 2020
Help - not another insurtech ecosystem! Still, we see a huge offer of ‘Insurance Innovation’ activities. This leads to fragmentation and a lack of coordination. Round table to discussi if participants in the NL insurance sector 1. recognise this and 2. share their thoughts on how to fix this. An initiative by the Insurance Peer Group of Holland Fintech.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

4 Whitepapers
Benchmark Organisational Adaptability in The Netherlands 2020
First Day Advisory Group
March 01, 2020
The world around us is changing rapidly. We do not live in an era of change but in a change of era. For organisations in every sector this creates opportunities and threats. The importance of a well-developed capacity for change - Organisational Adaptability - is critical. The better this is developed, the greater the chance of success in remaining future-proof. In many organizations, this adaptability to change receives still insufficient attention.

Business Fitscan has partnered with First Day Advisory Group to map thisOrganisational Adaptability
in the Netherlands. The independent research was carried out by RenM | Matrix. This benchmark study offers a number of insights into the state of affairs in the Netherlands.

One of the learnings here is that is in fact possible to measure Organisational Adaptability. Once measured, you can develop this with targeted solutions and interventions but always goal-oriented, practical and with objective outcomes. This data-driven approach may provide guidance and help.

[Full Report in Dutch avalaible at request, included is summary in English]

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Benchmark Adaptability Financial Services in The Netherlands 2018
Delta Capita & Net Change Factory
May 28, 2018
Lack of adaptability is a significant risk for financial services organisations. For that reason, it is important to pay attention to this. A first step is to measure this Adaptability. This has been mapped for the 2nd time for the Netherlands in the 2nd National Benchmark Adaptability 2018 and now for the first time
specifically for the Financial Services sector.

It turns out that the Organisational Adaptability in the Financial Sector is quite low. On a scale of +100 to -100 the sector scores -20. This is comparable with the overall score in the Netherlands across all sectors. However, within Financial Services we see significantly different results. The results among banks are in
line with the average result in The Netherlands (-21). Insurers (including pension funds and service providers) are lagging behind with a score of -38. Only the government has a lower score with -42.

It is striking that in the sector 1/3 (33%) of employees indicate to have little or no confidence in the adaptability of their organisations. Among insurance respondents, this amounts to nearly half with 45%. On the other hand, only 13% demonstrate to have a lot of confidence; this is only 7% among insurers.

Change Drivers
The explanation for these outcomes scores needs to be found in the Change Drivers - the relevant and influenceable factors of Adaptability.

In general we can conclude that among banks and particularly among insurers there is substantial room to improve the organisational adaptability. With each one of five Change drivers there is potential gain.
Especially among insurers there is urgency.

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Innovation, InsurTech

Visie op schade - Op weg naar het nieuwe verzekeren
Van Ameyde
November 01, 2015
The wave of digitization causes a fundamental reassessment of the traditional business model in the insurance sector. Technological developments have an exponential impact on traditional businesses. Can the gap between providers and customers be bridged ? Can an established market party arm itself
against the disruptive violence of new entrants? And is there still a role for the traditional intermediary?

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

Visie op Schadeverzekeringen - Het ABC van Innovatie
Deloitte Nl, Aquila
September 01, 2011
Stagnation means decline. This will be what many non-life insurers think when contemplating innovation. A virtual tour across insurer websites shows how important innovation is for their business. But is it real innovation? And what exactly is that? What is the motivation to innovate and what prevents insurers from achieving radical, breakthrough innovation? What does it take to to claim the market of tomorrow? Deloitte and Aquila look ahead and together with the expert panel show how innovation changes the personal lines non-life insurance in 2020.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, InsurTech

Thinkers360 Credentials

4 Badges



1 Business Consulting
Augmenting insurance with safety-related value propositions

Location: Virtual    Fees: To be discussed

Service Type: Service Offered

My mission is to improve safety and wellbeing by developing innovative concepts changing the way we handle risks. I am a strong advocate of the idea that the future of insurance lies in a shift from managing policies towards managing risks, augmenting traditional solutions that do not contribute to safety with these new technologies and services.

I see a future where we embrace a preventative approach integrating sensor technology, services, data science and behavioural psychology. And while tech & data is crucial, this is also about creating awareness among customers about their behaviour and how they can change to improve safety.

I am working with leading insurers and Insurtechs turning these concepts into reality. Happy to discuss how I may be of value in defining and executing your ambition!

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