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Michael O'Farrell

Founder at The Mobile Institute

Toronto, Canada

Michael is Founder, The Mobile Institute; active member at Singularity University (Exponential Foundation Series); featured contributor to shift2020: How Technology Will Impact Our Future and Taking Ontario Mobile; lead-author, Mobile Internet For Dummies; and more.

As a global subject matter expert in the mobile + digital industry, Michael has been a notable technology pioneer and considered a leading industry expert. Since the early 1990s, Michael has chaired international forums, co-authored digital industry best practices, guidelines, research, articles; and led corporate development initiatives focused on the next wave of opportunities to service over 6 billion Mobile Internet users world wide.

Michael has played a key strategic role in the launch of innovative new products and services internationally with organizations including Accenture, Carlson Marketing, dotMobi, Ericsson, FedEx, Ford, Google, GSM Association, OATH, Kimberly-Clark, Microsoft, Mobile Marketing Association, Motorola, National Bank of Canada, Nokia, Open Mobile Alliance, PCIA, RBC Financial, RSA Security, Samsung, Syniverse, TD Waterhouse, VeriSign, Yellow Pages, Visa and mobile network operators globally including Bell, Eurotel, Hutchison 3, Microcell, Orange, Orascom, Rogers, Swisscom, T-Mobile, Telecom Italia, Telefónica, Telenor, Telus, Vodafone and more.

Featured speaker, expert and invited participant at scores of international events for organizations such as the Abu Dhabi Media Summit, Accenture Global CIO Summit, CTIA, CWTA, Canadian Telecom Summit, Government of Canada, Government of Ontario, ICANN, Informa, GSMA, Mobile Marketing Association, Mobile Mondays, Mobile Innovation Week, Monaco Media Forum, nextMEDIA, OCE Discovery, PCIA, Private Corporate Events, Voice America Internet Radio and more.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Speaking
Travels From: Toronto
Speaking Topics: Emerging Technology Trends for Non-Technology Executives, 5G - Mobile Internet Futures, 5G Business-Technology-Innovation Platforms

Michael O'Farrell Points
Academic 20
Author 98
Influencer 55
Speaker 120
Entrepreneur 285
Total 578

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Education & Publishing: Technology, Media and Telecommunications
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 25 years
Last Media Training: 07/15/2020
Last Media Interview: 10/27/2021

Areas of Expertise

5G 40.01
Autonomous Vehicles
Big Data
Business Strategy
Customer Experience
Cybersecurity 30.04
Data Center
Digital Disruption
Digital Transformation
Digital Twins
Emerging Technology 55.36
Future of Work
Innovation 45.83
Marketing 30.82
Open Innovation
Predictive Analytics
Privacy 30.08
Quantum Computing 31.55
Smart Cities 35.15

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Agriculture & Mining
Consumer Products
Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
Forest Products & Paper
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Oil & Gas
Professional Services
Textiles Production
Travel & Transportation
Wholesale Distribution


3 Academic Awards
Impact Lab - Certificate
Singularity University
May 31, 2019
The Impact Lab brings together everything from the first two courses and puts your new exponential education into practice with the development of a project that can help solve a global grand challenge. This course is a set of moderated experiences where like-minded individuals interested in a particular global grand challenge share their knowledge of known challenges and come up with ideal solutions. Participants show-and-tell about specific impact proposals in their area of concern.

- An understanding of the six Pathways to Impact and the ability to use them to define your next steps.
- A project outline and accompanying peer-reviewed report.
- Stronger knowledge of the world’s greatest challenges and their potential solutions.
- The ideas, feedback, network, and plan to move forward with your new project after the course.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Practicing Exponential Foresight - Certificate
Singularity University
April 30, 2019
This hands-on skill-building course will teach practical foresight skills to impact your preferred future. Through examining trends and exploring unknowns, you’ll practice looking at challenges in new ways, and in collaboration with a community of leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs.

- The ability to scan and identify current macro trends.
- An understanding of knowns and unknowns about the future and the ability to choose the right path forward.
- Experience framing new challenges from multiple perspectives, including STEEP lenses.
- New ideas about your preferred future from reflecting on your areas of personal and professional influence and concern.
- The ability to use facts and opinions to create informed predictions about possible futures.
- New methods for designing your preferred future and the ability to tell a compelling story when sharing your vision.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Foundations of Exponential Thinking - Certificate
Singularity University
March 29, 2019
Learn how exponential technologies like robotics, quantum computing, and synthetic biology are shaping our future. This course will uncover the societal and ethical impact of these technologies while providing you with the tools to innovate ahead of the curve.

- Critical insight: Discover how technology is evolving and creating opportunities for innovation.

- Practical skills: Learn proven methods from world-class faculty that will help you create and nurture your own ideas.

- Community perspective: Participate in community-driven discussions that will broaden your perspective on accelerating change.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

3 Advisory Board Memberships
OCE Discovery 2013: Mobile Innovations @ Discovery
May 27, 2013
Discovery is Canada's leading innovation-to-commercialization conference. Hosted by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), Discovery brings together key players from industry, academia, government, the investment community as well as entrepreneurs and students to pursue collaboration opportunities.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

MOCOM 2020
SIMYO / Ahead of Time
August 16, 2010
MOCOM 2020 is a non-profit open think tank for mobile media and communication worldwide. Our goal is to develop a visualized vision of the future of mobile media in the year 2020.

Featured Video: | This video was presented during the World Economic Forum in Davos 2017

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile Marketing Association - Canada
October 01, 2009
The MMA’s mission is to enable marketers to drive innovation and enduring business value in an increasingly dynamic and mobile connected world. Comprised of over 800-member companies globally and 14 regional offices, the MMA is the only marketing trade association that brings together the full ecosystem of marketers, tech providers and sellers working collaboratively to architect the future of marketing, while relentlessly delivering growth today. Anchoring the MMA’s mission are four core pillars; to cultivate inspiration by driving innovation for the Chief Marketing Officer; to build the mobile marketing capabilities for marketing organizations through fostering know-how and confidence; to champion the effectiveness and impact of mobile through research providing tangible ROI; and to advocate for mobile marketers.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Marketing, 5G

5 Board Memberships
November 27, 2017
Streamaxia is a leading provider of live video streaming broadcast technologies for iOS, Android and WebRTC developer ecosystems.

We help developers embed mobile and web applications with innovative live video stream broadcasting toolkits to accelerate their development time and, ultimately, assist developers capitalize on the exponential growth forecasted for mobile live video streaming broadcast and WebRTC technologies.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile Experience Innovation Centre (MEIC) @ OCAD University
September 17, 2007
The Mobile Experience Innovation Centre is a not-for-profit association that supports design leadership, experience innovation and applied research in Canada's mobile and wireless industries.

Since its founding in 2007 by OCAD University, The Mobile Experience Innovation Centre (MEIC) has grown from a mobile sector strategy and lobbying initiative to Canada’s only organization focusing on design leadership, sector growth and integration, and innovation in mobile content, services and computing. MEIC offers a membership program to serve clients and partners alike. Its Board of Directors includes international businesses such as Microsoft and IBM, Canadian strategic companies such as RBC Royal Bank and GestureTek, public sector entities, SMEs, associations, universities, and colleges. Its wider membership includes all major mobile associations and a wide array of mobile industry partners.

MEIC focuses on supporting start-ups and early-stage entrepreneurs, research commercialization, and national and international advocacy on behalf of Canadian companies, creating a strong framework in a fragmented industry.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

dotMobi Advisory Group
MAG / dotMobi (mTLD)
November 01, 2005
The dotMobi Advisory Group (MAG) is a dotMobi accredited independent not-for-profit industry forum with the goal of ensuring that the dotMobi Top Level Domain (.mobi) is operated in the best interests of the global dotMobi community and the Internet at large. The MAG explores the dotMobi technical style guides and best practices, domain policies and commercialization initiatives, providing policy advice to dotMobi through the Policy Advisory Board (PAB). The MAG enables its members to keep in touch with market trends and understand, assess and prioritize the needs of the mobile Internet community and acts as a vehicle for mobile industry stakeholders to network and voice their opinions and ideas for the betterment of the mobile Internet experience.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Wireless Advertising Association (WAA) (merged with WAIA in 2000)
MediaPost / IAB-MediaPost
July 06, 2000
The Wireless Advertising Association (WAA), an independent Strategic Organizational Unit of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), formed by the merger of the Wireless Advertising Industry Association (WAIA) and the IAB's Wireless Ad Council (WAC), held its first meeting last week in New York City, to establish voluntary guidelines for the wireless advertising industry.
The WAA's Board of Directors is composed of executives from wireless operators, wireless ISPs, content providers, ad sales firms, and wireless and ad serving infrastructure companies. Companies represented on the Board of Directors include: AdForce, AvantGo, Contra, DoubleClick, Engage, FusionOne, Lot21, Lycos, Media Metrix, Motorola, Nokia, OmniSky, OpenGrid, Oracle Mobile, PCS Innovations, Phase2Media, 24/7 Media, SF Interactive and Turner Broadcasting.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Marketing, 5G

PCIA - Mobile Data & Paging Council (currently the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA))
July 13, 1995
Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA)
Mobile Data & Paging Council 1995-2000

The Wireless Infrastructure Association represents the businesses that develop, build, own and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure.

Members include wireless carriers, infrastructure providers, and professional services firms that collectively own and operate telecommunications facilities around the globe. Through public affairs and advocacy efforts – on the local, state and federal level – WIA works to support the widespread deployment of wireless infrastructure in order to enable wireless broadband everywhere.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

1 Book
Mobile Internet for Dummies
July 08, 2008
You’re on the go all the time — maybe for business, maybe because it’s a byproduct of your busy lifestyle. But either way, your life would be easier if you had Internet access wherever you are.

Well, when it comes to the Internet, you CAN take it with you! You just need the right stuff, and Mobile Internet For Dummies tells you what that is, how to find it, and how to use it. This easy-to-follow guide is packed with tips on choosing the best mobile device, software, and service provider for your needs, but that’s not all. You’ll see how to use your mobile Web browser, find made-for-mobile content (and create your own) and much more.

Mobile Internet For Dummies explains how the Mobile Internet differs from the garden-variety Internet, and shows you how to:

- Find your mobile phone browser
- Use the Mobile Internet to surf, shop, blog, watch movies, and more — on the go
- Send and receive e-mail from your mobile device
- Locate other mobile applications
- Watch TV on your mobile phone
- Manage your kids’ access to the Mobile Internet
- Secure and name a mobile Internet site and acquire mobile Web development tools
- Build your own made-for-mobile Web site

Use your Mobile Internet site to promote your business and generate revenue
With the help of Mobile Internet For Dummies, you’ll be able to stay connected wherever you happen to be, and maybe even make it pay off with a bit of income.

Book published pre-iPhone Release

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

2 Book Chapters
shift2020: How Technology Will Impact Our Future
Rudy de Waele / Blurb
March 07, 2014
The idea of shift2020 is based upon Mobile Trends 2020, a collaborative project by Rudy de Waele launched early 2010. It's one of the highest viewed Slideshare decks (in the Top 50 of All Time in Technology / +320k views). Reviewing the document a few years ago, Rudy realized the future is catching up on us much faster than many of the predictions that were made. He thought it was time to ask the original contributors for an update on their original predictions and new foresights for the year 2020.

Additionally, Rudy wanted to broaden the scope of this new book project and asked new contributors to give their vision and foresights on the following topics: 3D Printing, AI, Apps, Biotech, Cloud, Connected Living, Consumers, Context, Crowdfunding, Data, Education, Entrepreneurship, Enterprise, Fashion, GreenTech, Health, Hyperconnectivity, IoT / IoE, M2M, Maker Movement, Media, P2P Money, Retail, Robotics, Sensors, Smart Cities, Social Media, Society, Surveillance, Transport, Wearables with global input as well as focused on emerging markets such as BRIC and Sub-Saharan Africa.

shift 2020 includes quotes, paragraphs and essays from 74 final contributors, such as:

Neelie Kroes (VP of the European Commission)
Douglas Rushkoff
Salim Ismael (Singularity University)
Shannon Spanhake (Innovation Officer San Francisco)
Saul Klein (Index Ventures)
Aubrey de Grey
Sunny Bates (Kickstarter / Jawbone)
Carlos Domingo (Telefonica Digital)
Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten (The Next Web)
Laurent Haug (Lift)
Martin Recke (next)
David Rowan (Wired Magazine)
Will Page (Spotify)
Scott Jenson (Google)
Gerd Leonhard (The Futures Agency)
Yuri Van Geest
Russell Buckley
Russ McGuire (Sprint)
Delia Dumitrescu (
Georgie Benardete (Shopbeam)
Hans-Holger Albrecht (CEO Millicom)
Tariq Krim (JoliCloud)
Dr. James Canton
Christian Lindholm (Korulab)
Eze Vidra (Google Campus)
Harald Neidhardt (MLOVE)
Raina Kumra (Juggernaut)
Robin Wauters (
Nicolas Nova
Gianfranco Chicco
Ken Banks
Kelly Goto
Erik Hersman (Savannah Fund)
David Risher (Worldreader)
Glen Hiemstra (
Jessica Colaço (iHub)
Mark Kanji (Apptivation)
Priya Prakash (Changify)
Andrew Berglund (Geometry Global)
Alan Moore
Martin Duval (Bluenove)
Maarten Lens-FitzGerald (Layar)
Andrew Bud (mBlox/MEF)
Andy Abramson
Fabien Girardin
C. Enrique Ortiz
Raj Singh (Tempo AI)
Inma Martinez
Robert Rice
Ajit Jaokar
Jonathan MacDonald
Tony Fish
Dan Appelquist
Redg Snodgrass (Stained Glass Labs)
David Wood
Mark A.M. Kramer (razorfish Healthware)
Aape Pohjavirta
Kosta Peric (Innotribe)
Blaise Aguera y Arcas (Microsoft)
Tricia Wang
Louisa Heinrich (Superhuman)
Paul Berney (MMA)
Mike North (UC Berkeley)
Kate Darling
Simon White
Chris Luomanen (Thing Tank)
Ariane Van De Ven (Telefonica)
Sena Gbeckor-Kove
Timothy Kotin
Michael J. O'Farrell
Tomi Ahonen
Dr. Peter Cochrane
Ed Maklouf
Raimo Van der Klein

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, 5G, Smart Cities

Mobile Future @mocom2020: A collaborative vision of the future of Mobile Media and Communication
Monty C. M. Metzger / Books on Demand GmbH
September 10, 2009
In the year 2020 mobile communication will offer you anything you can dream of, anywhere and anytime. Technology for mobile media and communication is developing rapidly. What are the key trends in mobile communication today and for the upcoming years? How does the iPhone, Twitter, Facebook mobile or other innovations change our way we communicate? What are the main milestones for your mobile life for the next decade? What will the future of Mobile Media look like? And what will these changes mean for our lives? The MOCOM 2020 community brings together people who are passionate about Mobile. The goal is to analyze current trends and forecast future developments for mobile media and communication. The research methodology is based on a collaborative vision combined with strategic road-mapping and an open crowd-sourcing process. This book summarizes the key results of the first stage of the MOCOM 2020 project running from 2008 to mid 2009.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

5 Corporate Partners
MobileBiz BootCamp + Concierge Services @ Mobile World Congress 2018
February 26, 2018
Private Training + Concierge Services for Digital Technology Platform SMB from Europe:

Objective: To accelerate non-mobile industry executive training and education on the global mobile industry ecosystem tailored to their key objectives for attending Mobile World Congress 2018

Educate, enable and empower executives attending Mobile World Congress 2018 with: Pre-event training on The Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem & The Mobile Mindset; On-site training on mobile business, technology and innovation platforms; and Facilitating key target vendor/executive meetings to maximize on-site time management.

Services included:

pre-MWC 2018 mobile technology and industry ecosystem bootcamp training for key executives and staff
pre-MWC 2018 conferences, events + trade show floor programming
pre-MWC 2018 key executive introductions and onsite meeting scheduling

MWC 2018 onsite key executive meetings, conference session briefings and technology tours
MWC 2018 onsite daily briefings, meeting summary reviews and evening events

post-MWC 2018 full executive summary report of activities, meetings and next steps for industry engagement per Digital Technology Platform SMB corporate strategic and business objectives

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

MobileBiz BootCamp + Concierge Services @ Mobile World Congress 2016
February 22, 2016
Private Training + Concierge Services for non-mobile industry F100 Company:

Objective: To accelerate non-mobile industry executive training and education on the global mobile industry ecosystem tailored to their key objectives for attending Mobile World Congress 2016

Educate, enable and empower executives attending Mobile World Congress 2016 with: Pre-event training on The Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem & The Mobile Mindset; On-site training on mobile business, technology and innovation platforms; and Facilitating key target vendor/executive meetings to maximize on-site time management.

Services included:

pre-MWC 2016 mobile technology and industry ecosystem bootcamp training for key executives and staff
pre-MWC 2016 conferences, events + trade show floor programming
pre-MWC 2016 key executive introductions and onsite meeting scheduling

MWC 2016 onsite key executive meetings, conference session briefings and technology tours
MWC 2016 onsite daily briefings, meeting summary reviews and evening events

post-MWC 2016 full executive summary report of activities, meetings and next steps for industry engagement per F100 corporate strategic and business objectives

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

MobileBiz BootCamp + Concierge Services @ Mobile World Congress 2015
March 02, 2015
Private Training + Concierge Services for non-mobile industry F100 Company:

Objective: To accelerate non-mobile industry executive training and education on the global mobile industry ecosystem tailored to their key objectives for attending Mobile World Congress 2015

Educate, enable and empower executives attending Mobile World Congress 2015 with: Pre-event training on The Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem & The Mobile Mindset; On-site training on mobile business, technology and innovation platforms; and Facilitating key target vendor/executive meetings to maximize on-site time management.

Services included:

pre-MWC 2015 mobile technology and industry ecosystem bootcamp training for key executives and staff
pre-MWC 2015 conferences, events + trade show floor programming
pre-MWC 2015 key executive introductions and onsite meeting scheduling

MWC 2015 onsite key executive meetings, conference session briefings and technology tours
MWC 2015 onsite daily briefings, meeting summary reviews and evening events

post-MWC 2015 full executive summary report of activities, meetings and next steps for industry engagement per F100 corporate strategic and business objectives

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

MobileBiz BootCamp + Concierge Services @ Mobile World Congress 2014
February 24, 2014
Private Training + Concierge Services for non-mobile industry F100 Company:

Objective: To accelerate non-mobile industry executive training and education on the global mobile industry ecosystem tailored to their key objectives for attending Mobile World Congress 2014

Educate, enable and empower executives attending Mobile World Congress 2014 with: Pre-event training on The Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem & The Mobile Mindset; On-site training on mobile business, technology and innovation platforms; and Facilitating key target vendor/executive meetings to maximize on-site time management.

Services included:

pre-MWC 2014 mobile technology and industry ecosystem bootcamp training for key executives and staff
pre-MWC 2014 conferences, events + trade show floor programming
pre-MWC 2014 key executive introductions and onsite meeting scheduling

MWC 2014 onsite key executive meetings, conference session briefings and technology tours
MWC 2014 onsite daily briefings, meeting summary reviews and evening events

post-MWC 2014 full executive summary report of activities, meetings and next steps for industry engagement per F100 corporate strategic and business objectives

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

MobileBiz BootCamp + Concierge Services @ Mobile World Congress 2013
February 25, 2013
Private Training + Concierge Services for non-mobile industry F100 Company:

Objective: To accelerate non-mobile industry executive training and education on the global mobile industry ecosystem tailored to their key objectives for attending Mobile World Congress 2013

Educate, enable and empower executives attending Mobile World Congress 2013 with: Pre-event training on The Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem & The Mobile Mindset; On-site training on mobile business, technology and innovation platforms; and Facilitating key target vendor/executive meetings to maximize on-site time management.

Services included:

pre-MWC 2013 mobile technology and industry ecosystem bootcamp training for key executives and staff
pre-MWC 2013 conferences, events + trade show floor programming
pre-MWC 2013 key executive introductions and onsite meeting scheduling

MWC 2013 onsite key executive meetings, conference session briefings and technology tours
MWC 2013 onsite daily briefings, meeting summary reviews and evening events

post-MWC 2013 full executive summary report of activities, meetings and next steps for industry engagement per F100 corporate strategic and business objectives

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

3 Coursewares
Mobile Accelerator
The Mobile Institute
January 12, 2011
Mobile Accelerator programs are designed to assist Private Corporation executives and management as a concierge services when planning to attend a major mobile industry conference and trade show (example; the GSM Association Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain and Mobile World Congress in Los Angeles, USA).

To accelerate non-mobile industry executive engagement and growth opportunities with the global mobile industry ecosystem, tailored to their key objectives for attending major mobile industry events.

Educate, enable and empower executives attending major mobile industry events with:
- Pre-event briefings on The Global Mobile Marketplace for 2016 and major event planning;
- On-site briefings and education on mobile business, technology and innovation platforms at major events; and
- Facilitating key target vendor/executive meetings and tours to maximize on-site time management at major mobile industry events.
- Introduce and establish key net-new mobile industry executive contacts to further explore core service offerings and potential collaboration opportunities.
- Post-event executive summary and next steps for corporation

The Mobile Accelerator program has been offered to select corporations since 2011. For more information about this custom tailored program, please contact me.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile Think Tank - Series of Private Corporate Workshops
The Mobile Institute
September 10, 2008
Since 2008, The Mobile Institute has been delivering Mobile ThinkTanks to companies world-wide.

Mobile ThinkTanks are Private Corporate Workshops focused on exploring corporate objectives for going mobile, assessing the corporate state of the nation in mobile, understanding global mobile industry ecosystem, workshop ideation on how the organization could work within and with the mobile ecosystem, follow up education and training to defined corporate objectives for going mobile.

Please contact me for more details and information as each Mobile ThinkTank is unique and custom tailored to organizational requirements and audiences.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile Biz Bootcamp
The Mobile Institute
September 09, 2008
Mobile Biz Bootcamps were created in 2008 and have been an ongoing series of education and training workshops focused on Private Corporate client needs.

An intensive full day workshop session delivered by mobile industry experts, vendors and supporting organizations focused on creating exponential value for all corporate participants to accelerate their understanding of the global mobile world as it relates to their business role, business unit and industry category.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

1 Founder
The Mobile Institute
The Mobile Institute
January 03, 2005
The Mobile Institute helps educate, enable and empower organizations to capture their share of the global mobile marketplace.

The Mobile Institute has played a key strategic role in the launch of innovative new products and services internationally with organizations including Accenture, Carlson Marketing, FedEx, Ford, Kimberly-Clark, Mobile Marketing Association, Yellow Pages and more.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

1 Industry Award
Webby Awards 2009 - Mobile Sites & Apps Best Use of GPS or Location Technology
Webby Awards
April 30, 2009
Webby Awards 2009 Official Honoree - Mobile Sites & Apps / Mobile Web Features Category / Best Use of GPS or Location Technology for Mobile Web App for DAILY PRAYER TIMES FOR THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY WITH CITY LOCATOR developed by the Zameen Group Inc.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

3 Influencer Awards
Mobilista Rockstar
Tomi Ahonen
August 08, 2013
Global mobile thought leader Tomi Ahonen selected 32 global mobile industry experts based on their industry expertise, industry influence and ability to present their subject matter expertise in keynote sessions.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile Innovation Week 2010 - City of Toronto Proclamation
City of Toronto
September 13, 2010
Mobile Innovation Week 2010 in Toronto, Ontario featured over 100+ Global Industry Speakers hosted in 6 events across the City of Toronto, showcasing the future of mobile, emerging technologies and digital innovation. Industry support from 15+ global mobile organizations supported the event series.

Featured events included: IN | Interactive Exchange 2010 at The Carlu, FITC Mobile at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Mobile Media World at the CBC Broadcast Centre, MXD mobile experience + design at OCAD University, Mobile ThinkTank at CN Tower, and MobileBiz BootCamp for Start-Ups at OCAD University.

The Mayor of Toronto and City of Toronto opened the events awarding a City of Toronto Proclamation for Mobile Innovation Week September 13-18, 2010.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile Innovation Week 2009 - City of Toronto Proclamation
City of Toronto
September 14, 2009
Mobile Innovation Week 2009 in Toronto, Ontario featured over 100 Global Industry Speakers hosted in 5 events across the City of Toronto, showcasing the future of mobile, emerging technologies and digital innovation. Industry support from 10+ global mobile organizations supported the event series.

Featured events included: FITC Mobile at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Mobile Media World at the CBC Broadcast Centre, ILuvMobileWeb Networking at the 5Th, Mobile ThinkTank at Ontario Investment and Trade Centre, and MobileBiz BootCamp for Start-Ups at OCAD University.

The Mayor of Toronto and City of Toronto opened the events awarding a City of Toronto Proclamation for Mobile Innovation Week September 13-18, 2010.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

1 Journal Publication
Taking Ontario Mobile
OCAD University | Government of Ontario
April 02, 2012
The report, officially titled “Taking Ontario Mobile: Researched-based recommendations for how mobile technologies are part of the financially responsible solution to providing better access to services for Ontarians,” was led by Dr. Sara Diamond, President of OCAD University, together with her co-principal investigator, Dr. Vera Roberts, Research Facilitator at OCAD University’s Inclusive Design Research Centre and included the work of a large, diverse group of academic and industry researchers.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

11 Keynotes
How Technology Will Impact Your Future: People Places & Things
TMI / The Mobile Institute
June 11, 2019
Private Corporate Event - Ontario, Canada
25 Business & Technology Management

Exploring Top 10 Emerging Technologies:
- 5G Networks
- Internet of Things
- Wearable Technology
- 3D Printing
- AR VR Holograms
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics
- Blockchain
- Quantum Computing

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

How Technology Will Impact Your Future: People Places & Things
TMI / The Mobile Institute
March 14, 2019
Private Corporate Event - Florida, USA
20 Executives and Management

Exploring Top 10 Emerging Technologies:
- 5G Networks
- Internet of Things
- Wearable Technology
- 3D Printing
- AR VR Holograms
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics
- Blockchain
- Quantum Computing

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile ThinkTank - Private Company
TMI / The Mobile Institute
November 21, 2016
Mobile ThinkTank - Full Day
Private Company - Cluj-Napoca, Romania

- Exploring Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem
- Mobile Business, Technology and Innovation Platforms
- Identify Key Stakeholders and Industry Ecosystems
- Wrap Up & Next Steps Executive Summary

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Product Innovation Trends and Next Wave Forecasts - IT Days 2016
Today Software Magazine
November 17, 2016
IT Days Annual Technology Summit in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania
Produced by Today Software Magazine

2 international speakers
3+ trend setter CEOs of Cluj IT Companies
5+ research projects
8+ startup pitches
15+ technical presentations
550+ participants

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile Biz Bootcamp - Private Company
TMI / The Mobile Institute
November 16, 2016
Full Day Session - Private Company
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

12 Executive, Business and Technology Leaders

An intensive full day workshop session delivered by mobile industry experts, vendors and supporting organizations focused on creating exponential value for all corporate participants to accelerate their understanding of the global mobile world as it relates to their business role, business unit and industry category.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

How Technology Will Impact Our Future: People, Places & Things
Association of Managers in Canadian University Student Organizations
April 13, 2016
Annual Conference for Members: Keynote Session

Over the course of development, AMICCUS-C has improved in the delivery of educational and professional sessions. In the early days, delegate numbers were small and sessions revolved around group round table discussions. Presently the sessions developed into group and concurrent programs that meet the growing and diversified attending delegates. With a mixture of long attending delegates and the ever-growing newcomer, the organization looks to meet all facets of its membership.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

ICT Industry, Marketplace and Regulatory Landscape
SICTEC / The Mobile Institute
October 22, 2015
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MITT) - People's Republic of China

Full Day Presentation to 25 Ministers and Executive Team

Executive Overview

- Introduction about the development of mobile and ubiquitous computing in North America, along with consumer privacy and data collection concerns and legislative/policy/industry approaches to addressing these concerns.

- Overview about major telecommunication companies and their approach to consumer information management, latest developments and trends.

- Introduction about the federal and regional governments, industry associations and telecom companies, what different roles do each have in setting guidance for consumer data use and management

- Correlation about future trends and outlook in the protection of consumer and user personal information and data, examples, scenarios and possible solutions undertaken by government, industry and companies.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Canadian ICT Industry, Regulatory and Marketplace Landscape for Going Mobile
November 20, 2014
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MITT) - People's Republic of China

Full Day Presentation to 25 Ministers and Executive Team

Executive Overview

- Introduction to the Canadian ICT ecosystem, along with regulatory, privacy and legislative/policy/industry approaches to addressing going mobile.

- Overview about major telecommunication regulatory government, NGOs and their approach to consumer information management, latest developments and trends.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile ThinkTank - F100 Company
January 16, 2013
Mobile ThinkTank - 2 Full Days
Private: Company Executive Only - Memphis, Tennessee

- Exploring Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem
- Mobile Business, Technology and Innovation Platforms
- Identify Key Stakeholders and Industry Ecosystems
- Wrap Up & Next Steps Executive Summary

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile ThinkTank - F100 Company
January 11, 2012
Mobile ThinkTank - 2 Full Days
Private: Company Executive Only - Neenah, Wisconsin

- Exploring Global Mobile Industry Ecosystem
- Mobile Business, Technology and Innovation Platforms
- Identify Key Stakeholders and Industry Ecosystems
- Wrap Up & Next Steps Executive Summary

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Going Mobile: The Next Wave of Consumer Advertising and Promotion
The Mobile Institute / Government of Canada
February 09, 2011
Keynote session presented to the executive leadership at the Government of Canada - Competition Bureau in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Presentation defined the Mobile Advertising category, ecosystem, industry guidelines and policies, consumer privacy initiatives and roadmap to the future of Mobile Advertising - followed with extensive Q & A among participants.

Feedback from Keynote Session:

- Excellent presentation, dynamic speaker
- The speaker was very knowledgable about the topic
- Excellent exposure to a market that is moving at light speed
- A very good education of the current mobile world and where it is going
- Thank you for an enlightening and stimulating presentation

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

3 Media Interviews
2020 vision: We’re seeing in the New Year with some technology predications from the past
January 01, 2020
As we wake up to the dawn of a shiny new decade, we take a look at how good past predictions were about 2020. You’ll find an eclectic mix; some hilarious, some that missed the mark and some that were scarily accurate!

Telepathy and Teleportation

Michael J O’Farrell, founder of The Mobile Institute predicted that “…telepathy and teleportation will be possible by the year 2020 – with both commonplace by 2040.”

Whilst you might think O’Farrell’s predictions sound more like science fiction than science fact, only last month scientists from the University of Bristol’s Quantum Engineering Technology Labs developed chip-to-chip quantum teleportation. The chips can encode quantum information in light generated inside the circuits and demonstrated quantum teleportation of information between two programmable chips for the first time.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing, 5G

2020 visions: forecasts from the past - The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
November 12, 2019
The Institution of Engineering and Technology - Magazine November 2019

With 2020 just round the corner, we turn the clock back to revisit 20 technology predictions made about our future and ask if past predictors really had 2020 vision.

NOTE: Unfortunately The Institution of Engineering and Technology did not do their homework as Telepathy is on the rise with Elon Musk's NeuraLink ( plus the abundance Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) commercial releases.... And, Quantum Teleportation along with AI, AR.VR, Blockchain, Holograms, Avatars and 3D Printing are shaping a brave new world of the future.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing, 5G

SAP Radio “Coffee Break with Game-Changers”
SAP Radio “Coffee Break with Game-Changers”/ Voice America
December 11, 2013
Episode Description
Today’s buzz: Mobility. Welcome to the Mobile 2.0 world. Enterprise mobility is moving at triple-Internet speed. Adoption of BYOD and enterprise-wide B2E, B2B and C2B is disrupting traditional computing. Your company may soon need a BYOA (Bring Your Own App) policy. Tablets will soon outsell PCs. Arm yourself with knowledge or be left behind. The experts speak. Michael O’Farrell, Mobile Institute: “Companies that know how to harness the power of enterprise mobility will have a tremendous competitive edge in the global mobile economy.” Ben Robbins, Palador: “Mobile in the enterprise: You’ve got to know why, before you’ll see ROI.” Carolyn Fitton Coad, SAP: “You are not alone. We’re all in this together — networked, connected, up in the cloud, flying through wi-fi and the web, carrying it all in our pockets and purses with handheld mobile phones and tablets.” (Enterprise Mobility for Dummies Book - first paragraph) Join us for Enterprise Mobility for Dummies: You can run but you can’t hide.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

4 Panels
Hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Everything
May 13, 2014
The Internet of Everything, the connectivity of people, data and things, is predicted to be five to 10 times more impactful than the entire Internet revolution and a $19-trillion global opportunity over the next decade. The tools needed to enable the Internet of Everything will result in cost savings,
increased productivity, new revenues and enhanced citizen experiences.
This panel will examine the exponential opportunities for business, networked individualism and what it means to live in a hyper-connected world.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

BYOD & Mobile Security: The Great Debate
May 28, 2013
Going mobile is malware’s new best friend. Unauthorized tapping into networks has never been so easy. Privacy has never been so personal. Welcome to the Age of Mobile Security, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). The combination of over 5,000 mobile device classes, 6 billion mobile subscriptions and millions of mobile applications compounded by the variance in mobile operating systems, browsers and end points are wreaking havoc on IT leaders and human resources professionals. Policies, best practices and mobile security technologies are critical requirements for all industry enterprises right now and forevermore. In the flash of a mobile app, your whole enterprise could be at risk. In this IT and corporate leaders will find out how to prepare, manage and proactively protect their enterprises from the Achilles heel of the mobile industry.

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, 5G

2010 Consumer Privacy Consultations - Government of Canada
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
October 25, 2010
In the spring of 2010, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) held consultations with Canadians on online tracking, profiling and targeting; and cloud computing. We received numerous written submissions and held three public events in Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. The goal of the consultations was to learn more about certain industry practices, explore their privacy implications, and find out what privacy protections Canadians expect with respect to these practices. The consultations were also intended to inform the next legislative review process for the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Privacy, 5G

Mobile Commerce - Panel Session
GST Conferences - Canadian Telecom Summit 2010
June 07, 2010
Exploring Mobile Commerce with Enstream (Bell, Rogers, Telus Joint-Venture), PWC, SmartTrust and Sybase 365.

Over 1,000+ in audience from telecom and technology industries.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

2 Speaking Engagements
Internet of Things: Sensor-based Nanotechnology Research Futures
May 28, 2013
M2M sensor platforms are evolving from the convergence of nanotechnology with digital media, AI, manufacturing and communications. This presentation will provoke ideas as well as provide intelligence and strategic insight to further explore the dynamics of the electrifying newly engineered world we are creating. If you think quantum computing is cool, come and check out what is really just around the corner.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobile: Changing How People Interact with Technology
November 08, 2011
Accenture Global CIO Forum - Berlin, Germany

The Accenture Global CIO Council is a worldwide gathering of more than 200
CIOs from FORTUNE 1000 companies and equivalent government organizations. CIO Council members include representation from every industry group and nearly 40 countries.

Mobile: Changing How People Interact with Technology

Executive Panel Session and Workshop led by Michael O'Farrell
Over 40+ CIO Executives attended panel session and 20+ CIO Executives in round-table workshop.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

3 Whitepapers
Mobile Payments: Reaching Six Billion Potential Customers
Tammy Erickson Associates
July 31, 2012
Mobile payments are on the threshold of disrupting commerce by country, by region, and by local market. The changes we are about to witness will have a greater impact on economies, customer behaviour, and financial institutions than any recent innovations brought on by the Internet or by any “e-commerce” applications or services of the developed world. In this brief, we review the global mobile payments marketplace and provide insights into how non-mobile industry leaders can keep up with the future of mobile commerce.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Adopting the Mobile Mindset to Invigorate Employee Engagement
Tammy Erickson Associates
May 30, 2012
Mobility, along with the consumerization of IT, is transforming organizational
effectiveness, efficiencies, and even employees. Net-new mobile service paradigms are challenging traditional thinking, policies, and work"ow procedures. New mobile devices and services are wreaking havoc on HR best practices, enterprise IT systems, and frontline operations. Daunting as it may seem, enterprises can capture the spirit of change that enterprise mobility offers. Those that do will substantially bene!t from increased employee effectiveness, engagement, and delight. In this report we explore the wave of change mobility is producing, offer some ideas on how to understand the mobile ecology, and, ultimately, recommend a course for organizations to adopt a “mobile mindset” that leverages employees’ passions and desires for the mobile life.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Mobilizing the Technology Architecture for Mobile Business: A mobile strategy, platform and leadership structure for service delivery success
Moxie Insight - Thought Leadership Division of Moxie Software
June 03, 2011
Mobile employees and mobile customers operate with a new set of expectations that revolve around services being available anytime and anywhere, and according to context. What’s more, the shift to the mobile platform has led to an unprecedented increase in the number of users and devices, across a complex array of platforms, devices and carriers. The rise of specialized apps, the demand for context-appropriate information and the ability to engage socially and commercially exert new demands on a company’s information infrastructure. In practical terms, that means that IT leaders must reconsider their architectural designs and make decisions that will seamlessly enable mobile service to be delivered on demand. This paper will explore the mobile requirements of a company’s technology architecture and related issues like security, privacy, development environments, mobile platform and device support decisions, app provisioning and distribution, and the overall underlying services architecture.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

Thinkers360 Credentials

5 Badges



1 Business Advisory
Technology Trends 2021-2025 (For Non-Technology Business Leaders)

Location: Global - Virtual or On-Site    Fees: Provided Upon Request

Service Type: Service Offered

This Half-Day or Full-Day workshop is for Non-Technology Executives and Business Leaders.

Technology innovation is moving at triple-Internet speed and will have major impacts on current business platforms. In order for Non-Technology Executives and Business Leaders to keep up with the pace of change, this workshop is focused on helping people understand the technologies that will impact their business, organization and resources; explore the truths vs myths about emerging technologies; the technology vendor ecosystems; and how to stay on top of technology trends as they relate to their specific business, products and human resource needs.

Please contact me for more details, and how to customize this workshop for your business and target audience attendees.

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1 Speaker
Technology Trends 2020-2025 (For Non-Technology Business Leaders)

Location: USA or Canada    Fees: Provided Upon Request

Service Type: Service Offered

This Half-Day or Full-Day workshop is for Non-Technology Executives and Business Leaders.

Technology innovation is moving at triple-Internet speed and will have major impacts on current business platforms. In order for Non-Technology Executives and Business Leaders to keep up with the pace of change, this workshop is focused on helping people understand the technologies that will impact their business, organization and resources; explore the truths vs myths about emerging technologies; the technology vendor ecosystems; and how to stay on top of technology trends as they relate to their specific business, products and human resource needs.

Please contact me for more details, and how to customize this workshop for your business and target audience attendees.

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Michael O'Farrell

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