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Mia Liljeberg

Keynote Speaker at Ponteo AB

Stockholm, Sweden

Senior adviser and trainer - unlock the full potential of your work and life with the 10X Upgrade program. As the future of work continues to evolve, it's more important than ever to be efficient, effective, and ready for change. This 10-hour program is designed to give you a competitive edge by freeing up 100 hours of time for each participant.

With a focus on the future of work, she will teach you the skills and strategies needed to work smarter, lead better, and achieve more. Through a combination of interactive sessions, real-world examples, and practical exercises, you'll learn how to streamline your work processes, increase your productivity, and stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly changing world of work.

Mia is confident in the impact of the 10X Upgrade program, and offers a money-back guarantee for attendees. With this program, you'll have everything you need to take your work to the next level and succeed in the future of work. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your future and upgrade your work game with the 10X Upgrade program.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Stockholm, Sweden - Certified Virtual Speaker
Speaking Topics: Artificial intelligence, Future of work , leadership, digital way of working

Speaking Fee $10,000 (In-Person), $7,000 (Virtual)

Personal Speaking Website:
Mia Liljeberg Points
Academic 0
Author 161
Influencer 32
Speaker 23
Entrepreneur 110
Total 326

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Featured Videos

TEDx Talk - changing the way we change
July 24, 2023
Mia Liljeberg Digital leadership speaker reel
July 24, 2023

Featured Topics

Artificial Intelligence - AI for leaders

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, understanding and harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is essential for leaders in every industry.

"AI for Leaders" is an indispensable keynote that equips executives, managers, leaders and decision-makers with the knowledge and insights they need to navigate the AI revolution with confidence.
Mia offers a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of AI concepts, applications, and strategic implications and how to lead your business, your team and yourself in the AI age.

Whether you're a seasoned executive seeking to leverage AI to drive business growth or a curious leader looking to demystify AI, this keynote will upgrade you with new mindset and insights.

Upgrade @WORK with digital tools

Unlock the full potential of digital tools with smarter collaboration and productivity. Embrace the ever-evolving digital landscape and stay ahead with continuous learning. In this session, discover how to lead remote teams to sustainable high performance in uncertain times. Upgrade your mindset for better collaboration and design context-based meetings. The future of work is already here. Leave with practical hacks you can implement right away.

Upgrade @ Work

We need to work smarter. We don't get more hours in the day, just because we get more digital tools. Learn the mindblowing mindset shifts that will upgrade your way of working, how you have meetings, how you collaborate, plan and prioritise tasks.
Learn the mindset, skillset and tools needed for todays digital world

Company Information

Company Type: Service Provider
Minimum Project Size: $1,000+
Average Hourly Rate: $200-$300
Number of Employees: 1-10
Company Founded Date: 2006
Media Experience: 10 years

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.78
AI 30.90
Business Strategy
Change Management 35.27
Culture 33.51
Customer Experience 30.18
Design Thinking 34.32
Digital Disruption
Diversity and Inclusion 30.10
Future of Work 30.18
Innovation 31.36
Leadership 32.91
Management 32.63
Open Innovation 33.16
Personal Branding
Project Management
Social 31.00

Industry Experience

Agriculture & Mining
Consumer Products
Engineering & Construction
Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Industrial Machinery & Components
Metal Products
Primary Metal & Steel
Professional Services
Travel & Transportation


17 Article/Blogs
La IA aumenta la curiosidad de los líderes para mejorar la conexión humana
Mia Liljeberg
September 12, 2023
Hola líderes, lo entiendo. La IA parece de otro mundo. Estás acostumbrado a guiar a tu equipo y a tomar grandes decisiones, no a programar un ordenador. Pero escúchame. La IA puede hacerte la vida más fácil y acercarte más a tu equipo. Vamos a ello

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Tags: Culture, Design Thinking, Leadership

Equipos diversos dan soluciones más inteligentes: Las ventajas de la colaboración inclusiva
Mia Liljeberg
May 29, 2023
En el panorama digital actual, en constante evolución y a un ritmo vertiginoso, es más importante que nunca contar con equipos que puedan colaborar eficazmente y aportar una amplia gama de perspectivas y habilidades. Por eso la diversidad en el lugar de trabajo es un factor crítico para el éxito. Cuando los equipos son diversos, reúnen experiencias, habilidades y antecedentes únicos que pueden dar lugar a soluciones más inteligentes e innovadoras

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Tags: Culture, Design Thinking, Leadership

Mobilen - hot eller möjlighet?
November 21, 2019
Jag tror gott om människan. Jag tror att vi vill varandra väl. Därför blir jag ledsen i ögat när jag ser att årets julklapp är Mobillådan. Jag har faktiskt ännu inte behövt stöta på den i ett möte i verkliga livet, så jag är tacksam över att jag befinner mig i sammanhang och umgås med likasinnade som också tror gott om människor att vi kan ta ansvar själva. Som jag skrev i tidigare krönika hos VD-tidningen,
varje möte är en miniatyr av er kultur i organisationen eller företaget.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Agile

Som man sår får man skörda - vilken organisationskultur odlar du?
September 27, 2017
Kulturen sitter i väggarna. Det är ett slitet uttryck, men samtidigt ack, så fel. Om det var i väggarna det satt, så hade det bara varit att måla om. Kulturen sitter i människorna och framförallt i relationen mellan dessa människor.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Culture

Odla kultur och skörda kvalitet!
October 11, 2016
Så var titeln på mitt pass under konferensen Kvalitetsmagasinet Live som gick av stapeln förra veckan i Stockholm. Det var ett av tre parallella pass och hälften av de 240 konferensdeltagarna valde mitt pass. Som ingenjör i industriell ekonomi i grunden, och tidigare styrelseledamot i Svenska föreningen för Kvalitet, ja Kvalitetsnörd skulle man kunna säga, så blev jag oerhört glad att engagemanget för att odla kulturen i organisationerna för att nå resultat äntligen är så stor! Att genom att arbeta med kulturen, lyfta mjuka frågor, fokusera på framgångar, engagera medarbetarna som i sin tur når resultat. Det är lätt att man pratar bara om engagerat ledarskap som framgångsfaktorn, men engagerade eldsjälar som ledare finns ofta i organisationerna men de måste få stöd i form av systematiskt arbete för att engagera hela organisationen till gemensam förståelse och ansvar.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Culture

Gratis streaming av Möteskulturdagen i 14 dagar!
June 16, 2016
"Vilket ord ändrar energi på alla möten? "

"Hur kan jag halvera tiden i möten? "

"Vad är magin i Storytelling? "

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Culture

Mer stuns i mötet!
May 27, 2016
Vad gör att man minns möten? Vad gör att man vill minnas vissa möten?

Möten mellan människor fascinerar mig. Hur kan något så naturligt, vara så komplext? Utifrån en av mina föreläsningar: "Uppgradera mötet" skrevs en artikel med mycket av kontentan jag delade med mig av.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Agile

Trender och inspiration om möteskultur. Vilket erbjudande!
April 14, 2016
Sharing is caring - och vad är bättre än att ge bort ännu mer av kunskap och inspiration? Vi behöver möten, men vi dränks i dåliga möten dagligen. vi spenderar i snitt 30% av vår arbetstid i möten.. Hur många möten är bra? Hur mycket bidrar du och andra i varje möte? I hur många möten är energin högre efter mötet än innan mötet? Påverkar era möten er företagskultur positivt eller negativt? Vem blir sedd under ett möte?

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

Vad är det värt för dig? Mindre stress och mer självförtroende.
February 22, 2016
Allt kommunicerar, hela tiden. Alla kommunicerar, hela dagarna. Alla har sin referensram och förstår eller missförstår därefter.. Hur gör man?

Vet du hur ditt uttryck gör intryck som lämnar avtryck hos deltagarna och åhörarna på dina presentationer? Du är troligen redan medveten om att 90% av ledarskap är kommunikation.

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

3 Tips på en kvart som spar tid, energi och ger lust, effektivitet och inspiration
February 11, 2016
Tre smarta tips-gratis podcast!! Tycker du att podcasts är ett smidigt sätt att bli inspirerad och få nya tankar, men att du önskade att de var lite kortare? Typ 15 minuter? Här är lösningen!

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Agile

Talare eller moderator som vill vässa sig? Lär från proffsen på våra gratisevent!
September 28, 2015
Talarföreningen startades för drygt ett år sedan som ett initiativ av bröderna Teo och Fredrik Härén. Nu är den etablerad och vi har ca 130 medlemmar. Varje höst och vår kommer vi ha intressanta kompetensevent med kända scenvana personer som ger sina råd och tips på vägen. Höstens event är öppna för alla talare och moderatorer där du kan komma en gång som gäst för att prova på föreningen och sedan se om du vill bli medlem.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Culture

Kommunicera med färger! Seminarium i Stockholm 18 augusti kl 18-21
August 13, 2015
Kommunicera med färger! Fåtal platser kvar till seminarium i Stockholm 18 augusti 18-21

”Hur kan du sälja mer genom att anpassa dig till dina kunders profil?”

För att vara framgångsrik räcker det inte med att vara kunnig i sitt ämne, sitt gebit. Man måste kunna kommunicera med kunder och andra med helt olika profiler.

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

Powerpoint - vän eller fiende?
March 27, 2015
Powerpoint har sitt existensberättigande, men man måste förstå några huvudaspekter om mottagarens förmåga att ta till sig information för att kunna använda det rätt. Rätt använt så uppskattas det av åhörarna.

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

Mikrofonkåt? ...eller talarna samlar sig
March 18, 2015
Äntligen! Nu finns föreningen som vill bidra till att öka inspirationen, kompetensen och professionaliteten för yrkesverksamma i talarbranschen. Vi verkar för ökad kunskap om vår bransch och vi tror på att det talade ordet kan skapa stor nytta för individer, organisationer och samhället i stort. Genom medlemskap får du tillgång till ett grymt nätverk av talare och moderatorer med möjligheter att lära, växa och dela med dig. Eftersom vi är ett socialt släkte blir det även många tillfällen att mingla och umgås.

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

Högt i tak ger kreativitet.. eller??
February 17, 2015
Vi är alla lika... och olika.

Något jag lyfter ofta i föreläsningar och workshops.

Vi må se olika ut, men vi är så lika. Vi må se lika ut, men vi är så olika. Mycket av framgången bakom att nå fram med kommunikation är att vara ödmjuk och förstående för att mottagaren kan vara av annan åsikt och ha andra referensramar. Alla tänker inte som jag, och det är varken mer rätt eller fel. Vi är bara olika.

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

Follow your heart... and the rest will folllow
February 14, 2015
A lot of us have been there; We have had jobs, doing tasks, trying to put on masks that is expected for the role. Trying to fit in. And we did get results, sometimes mediocre results, sometimes even better than good enough, but the gut feeling wasn´t there.. it didn´t feel good. Success on the outside, but it didn´t feel genuine on the inside.. Compare this to the situations in your daily private life when you do things, out of instinct, and even if you get appreciated or not, it still feels good. The things you do for yourself, your family, your friends, or strangers.

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

Fem enkla tips för att nå fram!
January 30, 2015
Alla kan nå ut men kan du nå fram? Idag är det enklare än någonsin att nå ut med sitt budskap och information. Men därför också svårare att nå fram i bruset bland alla andra som når ut. I min senaste artikel åt Mötesbranschen ger jag några enkla tips på hur du kan nå fram effektivt.

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Tags: Social, Management, Leadership

3 Board Memberships
Swedish Association for Innovation Management Professionals
April 01, 2020
Sweden being the second most innovative country in the world, Innovationsledarna, the Swedish Association for Innovation Management Professionals plays a huge role in continuing the innovation growth in our country. The work we do nationally is contributing to the international growth through our partnering with ISPIM.

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Open Innovation, Management

Director of Communications
International Association of Facilitators (IAF)
November 01, 2018
Jan 2018 - Nov 2018

Member of the Global Board of the Association to promote the power of Facilitation in the world.
Shortlisted best Association e-Newsletter in the International and European awards 2018

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Design Thinking, Leadership

Director of Communications
Lean Forum
December 31, 1969
Lean Forum is a Swedish association for Lean practitioners. We are best known for our conferences, which are the meeting places for everyone who is passionate about lean and wants to take part in the exciting knowledge development that takes place in organizations and academia.

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Leadership

2 Books
AI for leaders
Ponteo AB
July 08, 2024
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, understanding and harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is essential for leaders in every industry.

"AI for Leaders" is an indispensable guide that equips executives, managers, leaders and decision-makers with the knowledge and insights they need to navigate the AI revolution with confidence.
This groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of AI concepts, applications, and strategic implications and how to lead your business, your team and yourself in the AI age.

Whether you're a seasoned executive seeking to leverage AI to drive business growth or a curious leader looking to demystify AI, this book is your ultimate companion.

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Tags: AI, Change Management, Culture

Let the image do the work
September 25, 2012
The book is structured so you can browse it as a reference book, when you need some inspiration and knowledge in a certain area, but it is best to read from cover to cover as it is structured based on first understanding how man works, how to draw symbols and models, how people converse and finally how messages are perceived in presentations. The book is structured with chapters based on the communication forms meetings and presentations. To make it more practically applicable, we have a chapter with example situations and suggestions for suitable models to clarify the message in these situations. The book has some exercises to practice in a new way of thinking and communicating, but is primarily intended for you to take with you tips and techniques from the book and apply in your everyday life.

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Tags: Design Thinking, Leadership, Culture

2 Book Chapters
AI for facilitators
Swedish Facilitator network.
August 20, 2024
A chapter on how facilitators can embrace AI for better meetings and workshops. A Swedish anthology consolidated by Swedish Facilitator network.

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Tags: AI, Change Management, Culture

The World of Visual Facilitation
The Visual Connection Publishers
July 02, 2019
Visual Facilitation is a field helping teams and organisations to explore, develop and realize their goals. Think of for example visioning, strategic planning and team performance.

The World of Visual Facilitation will share new approaches and stories from visual facilitators all around the world. By sharing their best experiences, co-authors will help readers who want to know more about visual facilitation and how this can lead to new energy, innovation and results.

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Tags: Change Management, Customer Experience, Leadership

2 Industry Certifications
Certified SAFe 5 Program Consultant
Scaled Agile Inc
November 21, 2020
This badge was issued to Mia Liljeberg on 21 November 2020.
Expires on 20 November 2021.

A Certified SAFe 5 Program Consultant (SPC) is a SAFe implementation professional responsible for training leaders, change agents, consultants, and team members to drive a Lean-Agile transformation at enterprise scale. Key areas of competency include designing a SAFe implementation, launching and facilitating an Agile Release Train (ART), and extending the Lean-Agile portfolio by launching additional ARTs.

Issued Nov, 2020 – Expired Nov, 2021

See credential

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Tags: Leadership, Agile, Entrepreneurship

Certified Virtual Facilitator
November 04, 2020
Today I earned my Certified Virtual Facilitator (CVF ) credential through the International Institute for Facilitation (INIFAC). I now join a growing group of facilitating professionals who have demonstrated the skills, knowledge, and understanding to facilitate virtual meetings. The CVF was created based on a set of researched international facilitation competencies.

To become a CVF , I met the requirements in six facilitation competency areas:

I am proud to say that I am a CVF , a Certified Virtual Facilitator , and have proven my knowledge of facilitate virtual meetings against an impressive set of standards.

See credential

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Agile

1 Keynote
Changing the way we change | Mia Liljeberg | TEDxVasa
TEDx Talks
September 22, 2017
TEDxVasa 22.09.2017
Mia Liljeberg - Changing the way we change

Mia Liljeberg works with leaders to upgrade them to survive and thrive in the VUCA world. Building resilient leaders and calibrating their organizations to stay ahead of the game. With over 15 years of change management in the luggage, and having lived and worked in over 14 countries on five continents for global companies in most industries makes it easy for her to chart and navigate in new environments. Do you know what corporate culture you are cultivating? Do you get the best of your employees in a culture of shared vision, trust and co-operation where they are being good and unique results are created? Mia Liljeberg is the side-kick during organizational changes, big and small. With over 15 years of international change management in the luggage, she shows, guides, coaches organizations throughout the process in a simple and engaging way. Engineering background and have lived and worked in over 14 countries on five continents in most industries makes it easy for her to chart and navigate in new environments.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

See publication

Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

1 Podcast
Boosting Collaboration and Productivity: The Benefits of Digital Leadership
Mia Liljeberg
September 06, 2023
In this episode of the Mia Liljeberg podcast, titled "Digital Leadership", we dive into into the urgent need for digital leadership in today's rapidly changing world. With complexity and uncertainty on the rise, leaders must adapt to the digital age to succeed. Mia shares her own experience from 20 years ago, when video conferences and teleconferences were the main modes of collaboration. Fast forward to today, and Mia is shocked to see that some leaders are still stuck in old ways of working.

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Tags: Culture, Design Thinking, Leadership

1 Speaker Bureau Listing
Mia Liljeberg - Future of work speaker
February 02, 2016

See publication

Tags: Culture, Future of Work, Leadership

1 Speaker Certification
February 02, 2021
The INIFAC Certified Virtual Facilitator credential focuses on the facilitator’s experience in using virtual platforms while facilitating meetings.

See credential

See publication

Tags: Culture, Future of Work, Leadership

1 Speaking Engagement
Mia Liljeberg — Cultivate the culture
June 27, 2017
Mia Liljeberg - Keynote speaker, advisor and process facilitator.

Do you know what culture you are cultivating? Do you get the best of your employees in a culture of shared vision, trust and co-operation where they are being good and unique results are created?
Mia Liljeberg is the side-kick when you want to start organizational changes, big and small. With over 15 years of international change management in the luggage, she shows, guides, coaches you throughout the process in a simple and engaging way.

Engineering background and have lived and worked in over 14 countries on five continents in most industries makes it easy for her to chart and navigate in new projects.
Her thought seeds in the form of stories and simple tools last for a long time and continue to grow with the attendees. Fun, clarifiying and strengthening are words that are often used as reviews of her efforts.

Whether you've already on your way or want to get started, Mia can provide inspiration as well as tools. How to avoid pitfalls and learn from others who have succeeded. Success factors and easy-to-use tools. A lecture, an action plan to work on or coach you through the process. She makes it so easy, so easy that it gets done!

Mia Lijleberg helps you to see and develop the potential you already have and with small, small steps make giant leapsand reach unique results in large and small organizations. With external eyes, Mia can help you dig the gold where you stand.

She offers her services in both English and Swedish.

See publication

Tags: Management, Leadership, Culture

Thinkers360 Credentials

5 Badges


3 Predictions
Personal brand will be even more important with AI

Date : July 08, 2024

SEO has served companies well over the last decade, when the prospects have been satisfied with thousands or millions of search results. The behaviour change that comes with AI tools like Chat GPT is, why should I scroll search results when I can get Top 3 or what feels like a Top 3 list from AI chatbot?

See Radar

Digital adoption must continue in recession

Date : February 10, 2023

Some of the key trends that are likely to emerge include:

Increased Focus on Cost-Effective Solutions: As the recession deepens, companies will be looking for cost-effective solutions to support their digital workplace. This will drive the adoption of cloud-based solutions, automation, and artificial intelligence, which are typically more cost-effective than traditional on-premise solutions.

Accelerated Adoption of Remote Work: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote work, and this trend is likely to continue, even as the recession deepens. Companies will be looking for digital solutions that support remote work, such as virtual collaboration tools, video conferencing, and cloud-based productivity tools.

Increased Demand for Data Privacy and Security: As companies rely more heavily on digital solutions to support their remote workforce, there will be a growing demand for data privacy and security. Companies will need to invest in digital security solutions, such as data encryption, secure cloud storage, and user authentication, to ensure the protection of sensitive data.

See Radar

Upgrade or fade - upskill and reskill is the only way.

Date : February 10, 2023

The upcoming job market is facing a major shift due to the ongoing recession. Although it's challenging to predict exactly how it'll play out, here are some trends that are likely to shape the future of work:

Embrace Remote Work: The COVID-19 pandemic has fast-tracked the trend towards remote work and it's expected to continue even as the economic impact deepens. Employers are seeking ways to cut costs and remain competitive, and remote work offers a solution to achieve both.

Automation and AI at the Forefront: As the recession continues, companies are looking for ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Automation and artificial intelligence are likely to play a significant role, which may result in job loss in some industries.

The Need for Reskilling and Upskilling: While the recession may result in job loss in certain sectors, it also presents opportunities for workers to reskill and upskill. Employers will be in search of employees with new skills and competencies, and employees will need to be adaptable and continuously evolve their skill sets to stay ahead in the job market.

See Radar


1 Article/Blog
Diverse Teams, Smarter Solutions: The Benefits of Inclusive Collaboration
February 10, 2023

Diverse Teams, Smarter Solutions: The Benefits of Inclusive Collaboration

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, it's more important than ever to have teams that can Icollaborate effectively and bring a wide range of perspectives and skills to the table. That's why diversity in the workplace is a critical factor for success. When teams are diverse, they bring together unique experiences, skills, and backgrounds that can lead to smarter and more innovative solutions. But diversity alone isn't enough - it must be combined with smart collaboration to truly drive results. In this blog post, we'll explore the intersection of diversity and collaboration and how they can work together to build stronger, more successful teams.

Diverse teams are fact-driven:

Diverse teams bring a wider range of perspectives and experiences to the table, leading them to gather more information and consider more angles before making decisions. This increased focus on facts helps ensure that decisions are well-informed and based on a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand.


Diverse teams are more aware of the collaboration process:

Diverse team must learn to process information more carefully and consider differing viewpoints. This leads to more thoughtful decision-making and helps avoid the pitfalls of groupthink.


Diverse team are also more Innovative:

By combining diverse perspectives and experiences, diverse teams are more likely to identify new and innovative solutions to problems. The different backgrounds, ideas, and perspectives brought to the table help foster a culture of creativity and encourage new ways of thinking. How much is that worth for you?





The benefits of having a diverse workplace and promoting smart collaboration are clear as a diverse team allows for a wider range of perspectives and experiences to be brought to the table, leading to better decision making and problem solving. At the same time, smart collaboration leads to a more productive, efficient and innovative workplace. By embracing diversity and fostering an environment of collaboration, organizations can reap the rewards of a more successful and dynamic workforce.

See blog

Tags: Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Future of Work


1 Business Advisory
Culture transformation advisor

Location: Anywhere or virtual    Fees: On request

Service Type: Service Offered

Do you have your strategic direction? Do you know what culture and leadership is needed? Do you know how far you have become? If not, let us help you assess and calibrate toward the desired state. Money back guarantee.

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1 Business Consulting
Business agility

Location: Stockholm or remote worldwide    Fees: 500

Service Type: Service Offered

No company can avoid the transformation into a faster, flexible yet robust state. The questions are many, and answers are few. No silver bullets exists but with careful consideration of agile principles apply them to your organisation without losing the soul and the culture that is your unique competitive advantage. Talk to me about how to embrace agility and enable it in your organisation.

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1 Webinar
AI for leaders

Location: Virtual    Fees: 7000

Service Type: Service Offered

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, understanding and harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is essential for leaders in every industry.

"AI for Leaders" is a webinar that equips executives, managers, leaders and decision-makers with the knowledge and insights they need to navigate the AI revolution with confidence.
It offers a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of AI concepts, applications, and strategic implications and how to lead your business, your team and yourself in the AI age.

Whether you're a seasoned executive seeking to leverage AI to drive business growth or a curious leader looking to demystify AI, this webinar is for you.

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