Cloud Migration for Small Business: What, Why and How
March 28, 2022
For the majority of small businesses, cloud-based solutions will be a preferred option, because they offer far more upsides than possible downsides. However, no solution is right for every customer in every scenario in every geography. No system ever has been— or we would all drive the same cars, use the same smartphones and have the same applications.
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Tags: Cloud, Business Strategy
Cloud’s Gift to Small Businesses
March 28, 2022
Cloud computing has revolutionised our lives and industries over the past 20 years, and will continue to do so as it evolves, innovates and becomes increasingly more affordable for all. Today, cloud computing platforms and applications span technology sectors, vertical industries, and use cases. While many businesses had adopted cloud computing models prior to 2020, the global pandemic dramatically accelerated the pace. Less than two years later, due to the cloud’s ability to solve the business disruptions caused by COVID-19, we now sit 7-8 years ahead of predicted adoption rates, and with many changed opinions around cloud readiness and its fit for businesses.
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Tags: Cloud
Four Ways Cloud-based Solutions Benefit Small Businesses
March 21, 2022
Cloud-based solutions have already become an everyday part of our lives. We use cloud applications at every turn, often without even realising it. We may use an application on our computer or phone, and not think or care that the reason it works is because it’s operating in the cloud (e.g., Google Maps, Waze, Spotify, Shazam, Slack, etc.). In the same way, cloud-based applications may be brought into a small business, often without the user realising it. But, one thing is clear: users and the company they work for benefit tremendously from the hidden value the cloud brings. The cloud model is a stronger, more flexible, and commercially-beneficial way for a small business to access a business technology, function, or service.
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Tags: Cloud, Business Strategy
‘Why 700 Is The Magic Number Of 5G Mass Adoption‘
CIO Watercooler
September 14, 2021
There is no doubt that 5G has become a technology evolution that surpasses the 1st impression it made. When 5G was 1st announced the immediate perceived improvement was that of speed of transmission and reports were wide that the consumer would not pay the higher price for the pure speed improvement. However, what was missed was the wider application and implications that 5G delivers to the business community and the economic advantages that can be extracted from this new extension to a medium we increasingly take for granted; the ability to access anything, anywhere at any time.
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Tags: 5G, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
SaaS is the way – and the way is SaaS: Exploring new market moves
May 28, 2021
SaaS (software as a service) is not a new term and has shown continued adoption and growth year on year since the term first appeared fifteen years ago, with its commonality and mass adoption only growing over time. With its innate scalability and flexibility, SaaS took advantage of the new public cloud market. Today we find ourselves at a time where SaaS is taking over the cloud computing market and according to Bloomberg, public cloud platforms, business services, and applications (SaaS) will all grow at a 9% CAGR (compound annual growth rate) between 2020 and 2023.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
Why quality calls are more important than ever
May 26, 2021
Ian talks about quality conversations and why they are more important than ever, he talks in more detail about this in his recent blog.
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Tags: Cloud, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation
Everything should go cloud now, right?
May 26, 2020
From time to time, we invite industry thought leaders to share their opinions and insights on current technology trends on the IBM Systems IT Infrastructure blog.
The state of cloud today
We are now at the stage where the majority of easy workloads have been shifted, representing an estimated 20 percent of compute moved across. We now enter the next phase. This is where the harder workloads will be migrated, those that will likely bring the most advantage to the business and the customer in moving to the cloud. This shift represents more than a simple technology change and will lead to new ways of working, where we shall see the reaping of the optimal benefits of cloud compute.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
Cloud Challenges SkillsSkills Gulf Is Cloud’s Biggest Peril
January 27, 2020
Cloud is undoubtedly the driver of the new tech economy. Be it SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Public, Private or Hybrid clouds, E-Commerce, IOT (Internet of Things), Big Data or some iteration that at the back of it is supported by cloud technologies. Technology is both enhancing and reducing in cost at such a speed, that it is no longer the entitlement of only the large firms, but can empower any organisation from small to large, from start up to established, to be able to revolutionise their customer offering and to elect to disrupt or be disrupted.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
Cloud Industry Forum (CIF)
November 13, 2019
What is truly driving the real growth of cloud and what should be?
Cloud in various iterations has been around now for approaching 20 years (longer if you go back the concept of compute as a public utility introduced by scientist John McCarthy in th1 1960’s), many remembering seeing iterations such as the ASP (Application Service Provider) as a failed step along that journey until we matured to the SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and varying other ‘aaS’ (As a Service) offerings now in the market.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
Q&A on Cloud Ubiquity with Ian Moyse
September 04, 2019
Cloud to date has grown through the hosting of apps, delivery of SaaS based business applications and being able to do things easier and often cheaper. The next wave of cloud growth comes from new application uses such as Big Data, IOT and AI. These deliver new advances in technology and new end user experiences, powered by cloud back-end technologies and economies of computing power. Cloud makes these technologies affordable and available to the masses.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
Cloud Articles by Ian Moyse at CloudTech
October 02, 2018
Microsoft, Amazon and Google infrastructure-centric: Why the cloud is increasingly ‘magic’
In today’s cloud world – phones don't need to be frozen out
The top five reasons for a multi-cloud infrastructure
How cloud can neutralise the telephony hot potato
Why you need to understand GDPR now – and what you need to do from here
Are you being served? Big data and the disrupters of customer service
Big data, cloud, mobility, and why IT needs to move at the speed of business
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation
Q&A on Cloud Ubiquity with Ian Moyse
September 04, 2018
How does cloud connect Big Data, IoT and AI?
And how do drones and VR fit into this?
Is cloud the basic building block of digital transformation for enterprise?
How does cloud enable AI?
What are the key challenges to connecting these technologies together?
What are the limits of cloud to connect other technologies?
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation
The past, present and future of cloud from an industry veteran
January 30, 2018
Ian Moyse, Board Member at Cloud Industry Forum and Director at Natterbox, spoke to The Stack about the lingering concerns over cloud adoption and the rapidly approaching ‘tipping point’, ahead of his session at Cloud Expo Europe, London 2018
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
Blogs for Oracle DYN
September 13, 2017
5 Reasons for a Multi-Cloud Infrastructure
Influencer: Skills Gulf Is Cloud’s Biggest Peril
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Social
5 Reasons for a Multi-Cloud Infrastructure
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September 13, 2017
Having been focused in the cloud sector over 12 years now, I have experienced much fast paced change and continued assumptions, misunderstanding and over promising of cloud as the saviour of all ills. Cloud is used as a generic term and yet covers a wide plethora of sub form factors (SaaS – Softwa
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Tags: Cloud
Influencer: Skills Gulf Is Cloud’s Biggest Peril
Import from wordpress feed
July 13, 2017
Cloud is clearly a massive driver of the new tech economy – be it SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Public, Private or Hybrid clouds, E-Commerce, IOT (Internet of Things), Big Data or some iteration that at the back of it is supported by cloud technologies. Technology is both enhancing and reducing in cost at
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Tags: Cloud, Big Data