
The Real Me: Unmasking the Leader Within


As I navigate the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, a profound realization echoes through my interactions: many leaders carry the belief that who they were is who they are. This perception, while deeply ingrained, often obscures the vibrant spectrum of potential that lies within.

The concept of an 'authentic self' is not a static style or a fixed state. It's a dynamic and continuous journey of growth, discovery, and expression. The moment a leader recognizes that they have uncharted depths to explore, they unlock a more profound sense of aliveness and purpose.

In the realm of authentic leadership, it's essential to discern between style and substance. Style can be mimicked and adapted; it’s the outer layer that people see. Authenticity, however, is the core—it's what fuels our values, beliefs, and actions. When we urge leaders to change, to push boundaries, or to amplify or soften certain traits, it may initially feel inauthentic. But this discomfort is often a sign of growth, a necessary step in the transformation process.

We've all heard the adage that we become the average of the five people we spend the most time with. This holds a kernel of truth in the context of authenticity as well. The company we keep can significantly influence our self-perception and, by extension, our authenticity. To remain true to ourselves, we must be selective about our inner circle, fostering relationships that support our growth and reflect our core values.

How do we then navigate the currents of influence while maintaining our authentic selves? It's about balance—absorbing the positive, learning from the diverse, and still being able to stand firm in our own identity. Confidence in our authenticity comes from this equilibrium, from knowing that the essence of who we are remains constant even as we evolve.

In your journey to authenticity, ask yourself: Are the traits I'm expressing in alignment with my deepest values? Am I growing in the direction that resonates with my true self? The answers to these questions are the guiding stars to authenticity.

By Dean Miles

Keywords: Business Continuity, Coaching, Mental Health

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