
The Bridge Young People Must Understand - Javnyuy Joybert


The Bridge Young People Must Understand - Javnyuy Joybert


I was talking to a group of university students and I said...


"I have a question for you."


Do you have a lot of untapped potential?


Here's something important - potential doesn't mean much if you don't do anything with it.


What makes the difference between just having talent and actually achieving something?


It’s all about sticking with a high standard of discipline to a routine and bouncing back from tough times.


Imagine you are standing at the edge of a big gap. Your unused talent is on one side, and what you could achieve with it is on the other side.


The bridge between these two? It's built on making a plan and sticking to it, no matter what.


When I first started out, I had a lot of potential but wasn’t getting anywhere. It wasn’t until I got serious about following a daily plan and didn’t let failures keep me down that I started to see real progress.


So, here's my advice:


Don’t just sit on your potential. Work hard, leverage tools to work smarter and keep going even when things get tough. 


Be the one who makes your success happen.


Reflect on the following questions and see where you can initiate change that will lead to progress:

- What is one area of my life where I have a lot of potential that I haven't fully used yet?

- Have I established a daily routine that helps me work towards my goals? If not, what simple routine can I start today?


- What setbacks have I faced recently, and how did I respond to them? Could I have handled them differently to stay on track?

- What small, consistent action can I take every day that will bring me closer to realizing my potential?


- Who in my life can hold me accountable to my goals and help me stay disciplined?

- When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone, and what was the outcome? How can I make stepping out of my comfort zone a regular part of my life?

- What skills or talents have I neglected that could significantly change my life if developed?

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Dr. Javnyuy Joybert 

By Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Keywords: Coaching, Leadership, Social

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