
The biggest nightmare of new or emerging thought leaders by Dr. Joybert Javnyuy


The biggest nightmare of new or emerging thought leaders.


Take a moment.


You see, for emerging thought leaders, obscurity is a formidable barrier. I have been there.


Obscurity is the significant disconnect between possessing transformative ideas and the ability to influence public or professional settings. This disconnection not only impedes the spread of valuable insights but also costs emerging thought leaders career opportunities, growth in their industries, and the fulfillment that comes with making an impact.


4 main pain points of obscurity;

- Limited Influence: Limited influence restricts your ability to impact discussions and decisions within your industry.

- Missed Opportunities: Obscurity can lead to missed opportunities for collaborations, speaking engagements, and partnerships that are crucial for growth.

- Reduced Credibility: Being less known can often be equated with having less credibility. New thought leaders might find it difficult to be taken seriously by peers and potential followers if they haven't yet established a strong presence.

- Economic Impact: Without recognition, it’s harder to monetize expertise through books, courses, consulting, or speaking engagements.


The 4-Step Basic Process to Overcome Obscurity

- Collaborate with Established Leaders: Reach out to existing thought leaders for collaboration opportunities. Co-authoring articles, appearing on podcasts, or conducting joint seminars are excellent ways to gain immediate exposure and credibility.

- Develop a Strong Online Presence: Establishing a robust online platforms is crucial. From social media to websites, get it right. It takes some time and investment. 

- Communicate with Clarity: Develop the ability to express your ideas clearly and compellingly to resonate with your audience using different channels. Add a touch of storytelling. 

- Creating Local Impact: Engage with local communities. This encourages deeper connections and can turn local followers into advocates for your message. For example, people in your church, people in your neighborhood, local community library and more. 

- Highlight Success Stories: Share testimonials or success stories from within your community. This not only provides proof of impact but also celebrates community achievements.


For thought leaders breaking out of obscurity, the future is bright. With consistent effort, your ideas will not only reach but also resonate with a wider audience.


This expanded influence can lead to more speaking engagements, consultancy opportunities, and a prominent voice in shaping discussions in your field. 


As your impact grows, so too will your ability to effect change, driving innovation and inspiring others. The journey from obscurity to recognition is challenging but deeply rewarding, promising a future where your ideas pave the way for new thinking and progress.


Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

By Dr. Joybert Javnyuy

Keywords: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

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