
A Vision of Fuzzy Logic


Chapter from Transformation: A Guide for Change

For one in simple observance, it appears the Universe is trending a new and improved product; an evo-leap (evolutionary leap) for mankind on numerous fronts. It would seem that the challenge to change engages ‘shaking the trees’ and letting all the dead fruit and leaves fall to the ground.

Politics, religion, social architecture and technology are all necessary participants. Our personal outlook and world view is even more critical. How can we remove that which continues to keep us apart and unhealthy? The attached graphic might have some relevance.

Do we recognize the global financial system is failing? Or that the corporatocracy is unwilling to relinquish their dominance and profit at the expense of human life? Governments and private interests are competing for resources and ‘extremists’ often just want their people to have better lives.

How do we step beyond the separation and realize we are one people on one planet? ...yes ONE PLANET - a beautiful blue-domed world that we share. Are we going to continue to acquiesce to unhealthy choices?

What can we really do?

Maybe a better question is, “How do we determine what really needs to be done?” and then, “How can each of us participate in ways that make sense?” The access to internal information is precursive to the logic of collaboration amidst conscience path.

Scientists are saying the natural cycles of the planet are presenting challenges for sustainable living. Environmentalists are saying that humans are the major cause of global warming and that we need to do something fast. The oil-based economic machinery is entrenched and won’t be changing any time soon, no matter how loud the voice of reason is screaming.

Indeed something is happening.... just what?  Obviously something is being missed in the process. How does it all fit together without distortion? How can we find FLOW and then live in it as much as possible? The point of wisdom just might be to recognize that when one attaches identity to themselves, especially in self-proclaiming ways, then the likelihood of the ‘reality’ is probably miniscule.

About the time you confess to 'knowing' it simply means you have much to learn. Truth is evidenced by everything surrounding the point, or person as the case may be. One needs the awareness to be able to observe from the non-personal perspective in order to 'see' clearly. Only by continuing to release attachment to ‘identity’ can one truly find their perfect path, free of the continued subtle effects of the ego desiring to be in control, which creates a polarizing paradigm paralysis.

Truly… there is NO EGO without WEGO in the current best practices of Spiritual Evolution. A true spiritual master claims no ownership of the Divine flowing through them. They allow the process without attachment to outcome, giving freely their concepts, ideas, heart, mind, spirit, soul and wisdom. Deep within there is a residing 'knowing' and 'trust' of the process.

If we knew that Satan came from the Greek 'Thetan' and only meant 'thinker' then we might realize there is no devil, only our own misguided thinking. Lucifer might be just a celestial consciousness that was given the edict to 'condense into form' to show other celestial beings how to do it... a natural evolutionary process presented in the book Biocosm by John Gardner and noted by Nietzsche as, 'God just wants to have playmates.'

As humans, it is rare that we are able to live in such an awareness and reflection of the Divine within us. The Collective Messiah prevailing in many ‘world servers’ now is an example of the progress toward true ONENESS. Each has a gift, just as important as the next.

It is not the size of the gift, or the manner in which it is delivered. It is the fact that it is used that is important. We all can note how information technology has escalated the amount of information available to digest and we still have a hard time managing it. What might a download of consciousness do to the Internet?

We may find that ONE in our hearts and share it with the Many who are here on the planet now as our brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grand mothers and fathers, and even great grandmothers and grandfathers.

The Earth is our relative, too, as well as all species of flora and fauna - plants and animals. What about the other relatives that are looking on, encouraging us to grow and mature? The media tend to sensationalize fear-based activities because of the emotional impact. Imagine what a rush of love-based activity might generate. Our ancestors await. They are watching too.

The only way that we can truly exemplify the Cosmic Consciousness that we so profess is through leading by example just as Jesus or Buddha did, by letting go and offering ourselves to the Divine Flow that permeates ALL THAT IS in us. It begins with love, often through forgiveness and gratitude, and embraces even the darkest corners of ourselves and others; not to condone or condemn, simply to be aware beyond denial.

To fool ourselves into believing that we are separate from anything is another false belief, yet the polarity paradigm seems to edify it [separation] still. How do we get beyond this? How do we move beyond duality? How about recognizing that all things are available to those that believe? Believe in what? LOVE… limitless oscillating vibrational energy.

Energy is active and so we must BE active. We are far more advanced technologically than in the times of Jesus, and yet the WORD is still in our HEARTS and the KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN. What we seek to do now is to make the WITHIN WITHOUT… BE in the world as we know it. It does not mean to be in some convoluted notion of the world as you think it might be or someone else says it is, but AS IT IS.

It is up to each of us to explore it; to inquire or question authority on our own. We can do it silently within as we engage a situation that warrants further inquiry, or we can challenge those in authority roles at work, in our community and in the leadership of our state or nation. Learning how to do that with style and grace is imperative.

Jesus said to 'Love thine enemy. Feed them if they are hungry; give them water if they are thirsty.' We deny ourselves opportunity when we judge harshly. Then we find ourselves living what we just judged. Maybe, just maybe, we need to learn to love our own 'evil' too. When we can love the worst in ourselves and others, then we can begin to address these features in positive ways, resolving and rehabilitating rather than resisting their obvious existence.

A Method

Imagine being able to operate from outside emotions, beyond prejudice, completely free of separative notions. How? Well, there is an interesting meditation you can experiment with to understand a process that can lead you there. Put your fingertips together and feel your heartbeat for as long as you possibly can. When you can stop thinking and just feel your heartbeat, then you might be able to hear and see differently.

This WORK takes nothing short of ultimate cooperation and collaboration from the depths of our Souls, where it is natural and in divine order, simply by choosing to embrace ourselves as we are and opening to possibility or change of mind. It is called 'metanoia,' a change of mind. What are we to do? 

We each have gifts as well as skill sets we've garnered from living in this world. Would it not make sense to honor these, bridging our inner and outer worlds now? Is it possible to make sense common? Only when we do this individually can we do it collectively, sharing our wealth and our wisdom through demonstrating how to work together for the greater good.

Attachments to identity or ownership of ideas only get in the way of this process of progress toward a new world order of harmony among people and planet. Our individual contributions create tributaries that feed the river of life. Still, some are better prepared and/or have natural inclinations toward certain functional roles. The dynamics of the evolving life-force within us guides us to our fulfillment. We learn to feel what is right and then do it.

Finding solace in the Heart of Creation comes from forgiveness of self, others, and situations that have not met our expectations. Our worst personal enemies are unspoken unfulfilled expectations. Even the most advanced souls still have expectations and they are constantly vigilant of the need to detach and forgive.

How does this fit with your own personal experience?

Many are experiencing delays in what they feel are important projects for the world, yet they refuse to relinquish ‘control’ of their ideas and how they are to be implemented.

Wouldn’t it make sense to combine all ideas, as the natural process would synergize them into a greater potential for actual manifestation? This is a lesson it seems we are still learning. Can we rise above our confusion? It is time we changed our condition.

Could we actually choose to bring all our talents and skills together and WILLINGLY SHARE them? Do you think that you, personally, would be willing to offer your most vulnerable secrets for the benefit of the entire world? That was a trick question. See how easy your conditioning shows up? Believing that there are secrets might be your first step in an undesirable direction.

There are no secrets when you reach this level of awareness. This does not mean that we 'know everything' yet instantaneous answers to pertinent questions often occur. Master Teachers can facilitate learning and lead the way for a new living awareness to permeate the planet.

As a Zen master once said, “There is interaction if there is a call for it, no interaction if there is no call for it.” It would seem that the Universe is calling for it now as we have entered the new millennium. The calendars are closing the old and beginning the new. The world is ripe for change as we consider how to align with better stewardship of people and planet.

Faith, trust and allowance (components of LOVE) in this new living awareness is the Way, the ultimate showing of strength on the Path. We begin to gather together now in celebration of our birthright, understanding that we are all part of the ONE, each with our personal path that compliments the whole. Knowing is showing. Showing is caring. Caring is giving and/or sharing. We will all receive the benefits of learning how to work together for everyone.

Giving is receiving to others. Receiving is the limitless love pouring through our minds, hearts and bodies toward reunion with Source in the Oneness - the People and Planet paradigm. As we move forward the resistance to change is replaced by the desire to let go of the impedance. We encourage each other with renewed relationships. 

As each of our masks is revealed in our discovery process, we allow the ONE to play through our actions in the ultimate play of life, love and happiness for all. All things are possible to those who believe. I believe every day provides us with a new opportunity to do things better. I believe that I am here to help facilitate a new world order of harmony among people and planet; a new millennium mindset congruent with the design of our creation.

May our dreams mold future realities. Better yet, may we mold possibilities into reality.

Amen... women... human... whoopeee!


Assignment (optional):

Write a 750-1000 word paper -

Reflect on other scientific and spiritual premises that show a resemblance to what you now know.

Include at least 2 references from scientific and spiritual resources.

By Zen Benefiel

Keywords: Culture, Design, Sustainability

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