
5 Signs Your Strategy Is Failing


A robust and adaptable strategy is essential for success in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. However, even the most well-thought-out strategy can falter, leading to stagnation or decline. Recognising the signs of a failing business strategy is crucial to pivot and realign efforts towards sustainable growth. Here are five critical indicators that suggest your business strategy might not be working:

1. Stagnant or Declining Sales

A clear sign that your business strategy may need a reevaluation is if you’re experiencing stagnant or declining sales figures. While market fluctuations are expected, a consistent downward trend or prolonged periods of flat sales can indicate that your value proposition no longer resonates with your target audience. It may also suggest that your marketing and sales tactics are not effectively aligned with your customer’s needs or preferences.

2. Poor Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

Customer feedback is a valuable indicator of your business’s health. If you’re noticing an increase in negative feedback or if customer satisfaction scores are declining, it’s a strong signal that your offerings or customer service may not meet expectations. This can result from a misalignment between your strategy and customer needs or a failure to innovate and adapt to changing market demands.

3. Inability to Achieve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Setting and monitoring KPIs is a crucial aspect of strategy execution. If your business consistently misses its KPIs, it’s a sign that your strategic goals may not be realistic or your execution plan is flawed. This misalignment can stem from various factors, including overambitious targets, inadequate resources, or a lack of alignment and understanding across the organization.

4. Loss of Market Share to Competitors

Losing market share to competitors is a significant red flag, indicating that your strategy might fail. This could be due to competitors offering more innovative, valuable, or cost-effective solutions. A loss of market share suggests that your strategy is not sufficiently differentiated or competitive in the current market landscape, necessitating a reevaluation of your unique value proposition and competitive advantages.

5. Internal Confusion and Misalignment

A well-crafted strategy should provide a clear direction and align all organisational efforts towards common goals. If there’s confusion among your team members about strategic priorities or if departments are working in silos rather than collaboratively, it’s a sign of strategic misalignment. This internal confusion can lead to inefficiencies, wasted resources, and missed opportunities, undermining the execution of your strategy.


Recognising these signs early can distinguish between a temporary setback and a long-term failure. It’s essential to conduct regular strategy reviews involving feedback from all levels of the organization and external stakeholders. By staying attuned to these indicators, leaders can pivot their strategies, realign their operations, and regain a competitive edge in the market. Remember, the goal is not only to create a winning business model but also to remain flexible and responsive to the ever-changing business environment.

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By Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

Keywords: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

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