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Larry Boyer

West Hartford, United States

Larry Boyer works and speaks in the intersection of Strategy, Technology and People. Recognized in 2021 by Onalytica as a Key Opinion Leader on Industry 4.0, Larry is also the author of "The Robot In The Next Cubicle: What You Need to Know to Adapt and Succeed in the Automation Age." Larry has worked to help business, agencies and individuals understand how the future is evolving, develop strategies to succeed and implement those strategies. Larry's hands on experience with analytics, technology implementation, policy, and governance gives him the diverse, cross-functional insights to create success in times of disruption.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: West Hartford, CT
Speaking Topics: Fourth Industrial Revolution, Data Science/Analytics, Leadership

Larry Boyer Points
Academic 0
Author 90
Influencer 183
Speaker 19
Entrepreneur 20
Total 312

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

Analytics 31.08
Big Data 30.56
Business Strategy 30.36
Change Management
Design Thinking
Digital Disruption 33.72
Digital Transformation 30.94
Digital Twins 30.68
Ecosystems 30.59
Emerging Technology 32.83
Future of Work 30.66
Health and Safety 32.63
Innovation 31.41
Leadership 30.35
Personal Branding 30.33
Predictive Analytics 30.04
Risk Management 30.85
RPA 45.97
Smart Cities

Industry Experience

Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Professional Services


1 Advisory Board Membership
Advisory Board Member
Rutgers Big Data Program
March 01, 2017
Larry was asked to join the Board of Advisors of Rutgers Big Data program at the Center of Innovation to help ensure that the program was focussed on issues of importance to employers.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Future of Work

1 Analyst Report
IHS Global Inc and Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)
September 13, 2013
This study explains and illustrates the important business role that banks play in the commodities
sectors of our economy. We highlight the size and significance of these sectors and review their
business value chains. We demonstrate how the role of financial intermediaries in physical
commodities is beneficial in providing businesses access to capital and related risk management
(e.g. hedging) services. We use industry examples to highlight the role of banks in physical
commodities and, while we believe the impact is significant, we have not estimated the overall
economic or consumer impact of this role as we have done in other studies. This report draws on
the multidisciplinary expertise of IHS Inc. The study has been commissioned by the Securities
Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA). The analysis and the opinions contained in
this report are entirely those of IHS Inc. and we are solely responsible for the contents herein.
The authors conducted interviews with commodity producers, transporters, converters, end users,
bank and non-bank traders and others. We also conducted discussions with our own internal and
external networks of industry experts. We supplemented primary research with secondary
research including a review of the existing literature, public filings and other accounts to
document our fact base and to develop industry case studies.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Innovation, Leadership

1 Book
The Robot in The Next Cubicle: What You Need to Know To Adapt and Succeed in the Automation Age
Prometheus Books
August 07, 2018
This optimistic and useful look at the coming convergence of automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence, shows how we can take advantage of this revolution in the workplace, crafting "robot-proof jobs" and not fearing "the robocalypse."It's called the Fourth Industrial Revolution--a revolution fueled by analytics and technology--that consists of data-driven smart products, services, entertainment, and new jobs. Economist and data scientist Larry Boyer lays out the wealth of exciting possibilities this revolution brings as well as the serious concerns about its disruptive impact on the lives of average Americans. Most important, he shows readers how to navigate this sea of change, pointing to strategies that will give businesses and individuals the best chance to succeed and providing a roadmap to thriving in this new economy.Boyer describes how future workers may have to think of themselves as entrepreneurs, marketing their special talents as valuable skills that machines cannot do. This will be especially important in the coming employment climate, when full-time jobs are likely to decrease and industries move toward contract-based employment. He provides guidelines for identifying your individual talents and pursuing the training that will make you stand out. He also shows you how to promote your personal brand to give more exposure to your unique skills.Whether we like it or not, automation will soon transform the work place and employment prospects. This book will show you how to look for and take advantage of the opportunities that this revolution presents.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, RPA

2 Book Chapters
The Business of You
Mission Unstoppable: Extraordinatry Stories of Failures Blessings/Yinspire Media
November 12, 2014
A look at how changing your perspective about your career

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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

The Problem of Intergenerational Equity: Balancing Risks, Costs, and Benefits Fairly Across Generations
Handbook for Environmental Risk Decision Making: Values, Perceptions, and Ethics/‎ CRC Press
January 08, 1996
How do you make decisions that affect people who aren't even born yet, or for the next 10,000 years? Building on the work of a National Academy of Public Administration panel, the authors explore the issues involved with making decisions today that will affect people thousands of years in the future. A framework for such decisions is offered.

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Tags: Ecosystems, Health and Safety, Risk Management

2 Influencer Awards
Industry 4.0 Key Opinion Leader 2021 - Onalytica
Who’s Who in Industry 4.0? Influential Voices & Brands / Onalytica
June 21, 2021
Industry 4.0, also known as the Forth Industrial Revolution, represents the digital transformation of manufacturing and production industries as well as value creation processes.

Industry 4.0 is closely associated with more automation (compared to the Third Industrial Revolution), bridging the physical and digital worlds enabled by IIoT, Big Data, IoT, cloud computing, cognitive computing and smart factories.

Investing in innovative Industry 4.0 technologies has many advantages. It boosts collaboration between departments, increases efficiency, fuels growth as well as trims costs. Real-time data and intelligence, predictive analytics and IoT machinery helps companies be proactive when it comes to solving and addressing potential supply chain management and maintenance issues. In addition, it makes it easy to optimise and manage all aspects of manufacturing processes and supply chain.

This Who’s Who report aims to provide you with a varied sample of different influential personas creating content and talking about Industry 4.0 online. From Industry KOLs, Analysts, Event Speakers and Contributors to experts discussing 3D Printing and Digital Twins, two important pillars of Industry 4.0 as a whole

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Twins, Big Data

The Future of Recruitment: Top 100 Influencers 2018 - Onalytica
The Future of Recruitment: Top 100 Influencers / Onalytica
November 26, 2018
Onalytica's list of the Top 100 Influences for The Future of Recruitment.

See publication

Tags: Future of Work

1 Keynote
The Jobs of The Future
Career Thought Leaders
November 16, 2021
Everyone has an opinion about the hot jobs of the future and who doesn't enjoy reading a list of the jobs of the future? But how helpful is any of that for career planning and finding a job. With the Great Resignation in full swing we'll start by asking some fundamental questions about jobs, look at unstoppable megatrends and then explore jobs of the future in context.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Innovation

3 Media Interviews
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and You: How to Adapt and Manage Your Career in the Automation Age
Reach Personal Branding Interview Series podcast
January 04, 2019
The business world is changing fast. From new and emerging technologies to the rise of the gig economy and contingent workforce the way we live and work is being disrupted. Each year 20 million people in the US lose their job and that number will just increase as technological change both creates and destroys jobs and companies. What can you do to understand the changes, risks and opportunities the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring? ​

We'll talk about:

* Understanding how emerging technologies will transform how business is done. The risks and opportunities to both jobs and entire companies.

* How to compete in the Automation Age, where machines are taking on more and more job tasks.

* How understanding what is special about you will become critical to positioning yourself for long term success.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Future of Work, Innovation

Learning from the Best - Larry Boyer, Full Episode
Sardar TV
December 11, 2018
They call it The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Larry Boyer discusses the Fourth Industrial Revolution and what it means to you with Emmy winning correspondent Vanessa Tyler. What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? How do you personally prepare for exponential change and disruption? What is the importance of personal branding to help you succeed

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Tags: Innovation, Future of Work, Personal Branding

Business in the Automation Age with Larry Boyer
TAKE THE LEAD A Nationally Syndicated Leadership Radio Show / Dr. Diane Hamilton
October 22, 2018
After the start of the Great Recession, there was a lot of economic disruption. Banks were failing literally overnight. People would wake up and find out that the company that they were working for had closed and they had no job. Fast forward a few years, we’ve gone through a lot of technological change, and the idea of the fourth industrial revolution is starting to come through. We’re seeing many new technologies being developed across industries, whether it’s artificial intelligence, virtual reality, drones, or work in the biomedical fields. Economist Larry Boyer partners with business executives across divisions to help them anticipate and address complex challenges through big data and advanced analytics. He is the author of The Robot in the Next Cubicle: What You Need to Know to Adapt and Succeed in the Automation Age.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Innovation, Leadership

3 Speaking Engagements
Leading Business Transformation In Times of Disruption: From Covid-19 to The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Digital Process Automation Live - A Virtual Conference / Proquis
May 12, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us that the emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are not the only source of disruption in business and life. The suddenness with which the pandemic struck has magnified for us to see the effects of disruption and the effectiveness of our responses as leaders, businesses, governments, and individuals.

The pandemic has also exposed both strengths and weakness of business continuity plans, changemanagement and business transformation efforts and the leadership behind them. As we emerge from the pandemic what have we learned that will enable us to harness the power of disruption – whether we create the disruption or not. How do you successfully implement business transformation efforts when everything is not only changing fast but shifting?

Business transformation must be about more than just targeted efforts. The enterprise itself must be included. Organizations must be not only agile the must be anticipatory. In this presentation we will discuss:

Exponential Change, Tipping Points and Disruption
Evolution or Revolution: The Nature of Industrial Revolutions
Strategy, Change Management, and Business Transformation Lessons for Leaders from the pandemic for future disruptions

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Innovation

Decision Analytics: Revealing Customer Preferences and Behaviors
World Economic Forum / Global Insight
October 22, 2009
This presentation was given at the World Economic Outlook Conference on 22 October 2009 as an introduction to decision analytics and predictive modeling and how it could be applied predicting the decisions of individuals, rather than aggregates, of people. This was before the days of Big Data and Hadoop so the possibilities are even greater today.

Of particular note in this presentation are the slides illustrating the additional power of adding local economic information to an analysis rather than relaying on more aggregate economic information. Small scale, local changes in the economy will influence consumer behavior and it's important to know that when launch products and setting prices, for instance.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Predictive Analytics

Modeling & Simulation: Finance and Economics
Modeling and Simulation Leadership Summit / Congressional Modeling and Simulation Caucus
February 11, 2008
This presention is to brief members of the US Congress Modeling & Simulation Caucus and attendees on the use of modeling and simulation in the fields of finance and economics. An overview of the field, areas for further investment in the field and education are discussed.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Risk Management, Finance

Thinkers360 Credentials

11 Badges



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