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Vincent Mirabelli
Strategic Analyst at Love the Process
Toronto, Canada
Working with clients across industries and sectors, Vincent empowers leaders and organizations to develop cultures of high process performance and continuous improvement. A founding member of the Love the Process Academy, host of "Analysts After Work," and co-host of the podcast, “Business (Not) As Usual”, Vincent is a highly sought after speaker and instructor in the areas of Business Process, Lean Six Sigma, and Operational Excellence. He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®), Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP®), Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP), a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, and a trained facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials.
Available For: Advising, Consulting, Speaking Travels From: Toronto, Ontario
Speaking Topics: Strategic Business Analysis, Continuous Improvement, Organizational Behavior
Vincent Mirabelli
Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.
Effectively Leading Your Teams Through Change
Import from medium.com
October 07, 2020
We’ve all heard the saying, that “the only constant is change”…not to mention death and taxes. But it’s true, and it feels like now more than ever before. I mean, just 7 short months ago, we were sitting happily (?) in our offices, doing whatever we were doing, and for the most part, the i
The 7 Essential Traits of Leadership
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February 06, 2020
During the infrequent opportunities of solitude, I often find myself pondering, although sometimes I muse. In one such recent instance, I found myself thinking about leadership. I’ve often wondered, are people born to be leaders, or is it possible to learn the skills, traits and abilities that mak
Voice of the Customer — Focusing Lean Six Sigma
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February 05, 2019
Voice of the Customer — Focusing Lean Six SigmaYour end customer is the driver of your business. Without the end customer purchasing your products or using your services, you might as well pack up, go home and call it a day.It is not surprising that customer wants and needs drive innovation,
Get SMART: Goal Setting for Process Improvement
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March 15, 2018
Lean process improvement relies on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as a measurement tool for how things are going in your organization. After identifying poor performance numbers, some leaders have a tendency to initiate process changes before considering what the KPI are truly telling them, and i
Nine Steps to Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement
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March 06, 2018
I’ve shared with you my thoughts about building a culture. As I posted last August, “It’s about alignment to a vision; to a goal.”Where do you start if you want to create a culture in your organization that seeks continuous improvement to process?How do you create a culture where everyone
An Anatomy Lesson in Increased Collaboration
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March 01, 2018
What is a business?Big question, right? Bypassing the obvious, philosophic responses I’m sure are running through your head, I meant the question to be much more…basic and tangible.With that, let’s define a business as a singular entity, consisting of multiple teams, departments, units, etc.,
To Change Culture, You Need to Change Culture
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August 17, 2017
I’m doing something today that a year ago I would have thought was completely off the rails, or at the very least, a career-limiting move. I know that looking back, the events of today will seem completely insignificant, and yet I expect to be met with skepticism and sideways glances all day.What
Building a Brand from the Ground, Up
Import from medium.com
January 20, 2017
Before I get going, let me apologize to those who have clicked this link expecting to gain insights into personal brand building…This is not that.Rather, this ongoing series (of which this is the first) is my attempt to explore what is involved in creating a powerful personal brand.In particular
The 5 to 9 Podcast LIVE — How to Kill it with Social Media (when time is scarce) — (Episode 014)
Import from medium.com
January 18, 2017
Find more from Vince here: Website: http://ift.tt/2hxFaJN Twitter: http://twitter.com/vince_mirabelli Instagram: http://ift.tt/2gubUyp LinkedIn: http://ift.tt/2iow26F Sticher Radio: http://ift.tt/2jnZ4I1 iTunes: http://ift.tt/2iou3iU iHeart Radio: http://ift.tt/2jo3aQ9 Vincent is a principal at Glob
The 5 to 9 Podcast LIVE — 5 to 9 Tips for New Parents (Episode 013)
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January 07, 2017
Find more from Vince here: Website: http://ift.tt/2hxFaJN Twitter: http://twitter.com/vince_mirabelli Instagram: http://ift.tt/2gubUyp LinkedIn: http://ift.tt/2iow26F Sticher Radio: http://ift.tt/2jnZ4I1 iTunes: http://ift.tt/2iou3iU iHeart Radio: http://ift.tt/2jo3aQ9 Vincent is a principal at Glob
The 1 Page Project
Global Project Synergy Group
May 14, 2019
I often shout (internally, of course) whenever I'm asked to create another meaningless status report, artifact that doesn't help drive decision making, or slide deck that sits and waits for it's day in the sun, only to remain in the shade. It seems to me that governance and procedure have taken over the project space, like a pendulum that has swung too far to one side. And while they are not inherently bad, there are instances where projects have too much of those good things, where they become impediments to progress. And at the end of the day, the value of our project work lies in the progress and delivery of our projects and products, and not in the status reporting and updates.
That's why, over the past several years, I've developed and refined the Project Value Canvas. To accelerate the pendulum, swinging back to a focus on delivering value to the customers we serve. It is simple, it is effective, and it lets you focus on what’s important to your customer. Which should also be what’s important to you.
Bottom line, I like things to be as quick and efficient as possible. Some would argue that’s due in no small part to my wanting to avoid work altogether. I’d throw back that I want to do work that adds value. That our customers want...I want an alternative approach to help me manage the projects I have on the go.
Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Leadership
3 Keynotes
Fighting Through Fear
Vincent Mirabelli
September 16, 2020
Fear. That unpleasant emotion that grips us in response to people and situations where we perceive we are imminently subject to the threat of pain. And that feeling can be real, but often, is only imagined.
Fear has kept us alive. It has a real purpose in preserving our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It keeps us safe, secure, and...comfortable.
But nothing great ever happens when we're comfortable, especially in our careers.
Throughout our careers, we have, at every turn, to fight through fear. And if you read that sentence again, you'll realize there are multiple meanings contained within. Together, we'll explore how to turn your fears into weapons of growth, and the simple question that can help you bust out of your "box".
Slaying Your Organizational Dragons (Before They Slay You)
Vincent Mirabelli
October 07, 2019
Beware! Beyond Here Be Dragons! They cause nothing but pain, heartache, and immeasurable frustration. They have sacked cities, scorched the ground to make the land inhospitable, and caused entire empires to fall. Dragons! They’re the worst! Well, then get ready for a shock, noble knights…the dragons we fight everyday, with whom we are entwined in an eternal struggle, are winning…which, obviously, is not good for us. In fact, there are 7 dangerous, dastardly dragons that dominate, preventing our organizations (and us!) from achieving our full potential. No matter your industry, sector, or market, we all deal with dragons; some are just little baby dragons, best to be dealt with before they grow too large, because those older dragons make victory much more difficult. But not impossible. So grab your sword, your shield, and your shouts…we’ve dragons to slay!
Ugly Babies, And What To Do With Them (or, What's the Deal With Ugly Babies)
Vincent Mirabelli
May 27, 2019
Ugly babies are everywhere in your organization, and they are taking you down from the inside, causing you unknown (and unneeded) pain. Despite likely hiding in plain sight, these Ugly Babies may be negatively impacting your ability to deliver on important projects, improve organizational processes, which leads to a disengaging of your staff and team and worst of all, costing you a ton of money.
So what causes all of these rampant Ugly Babies?
What is to be done about these Ugly Babies?
What the heck IS an Ugly Baby?!?
In this session, participants will be introduced to the concept of the Ugly Baby, identify the three biggest sources of those Ugly Babies (along with the all-important ‘why’), and what you can do to counteract their influence and impact.
‘Cause there’s nothing worse than an Ugly Baby.
(Disclaimer: All babies are beautiful...I’m obviously not talking about REAL babies – VM)
CAPS (Canadian Association of Professional Speakers)
July 02, 2018
The leading Canadian resource for experts who speak professionally including keynote speakers, trainers, coaches and facilitators. We are a growing community embracing the CAPS Advantage: Learn Share Grow Belong.
Building Business Capability Conference
October 21, 2020
There aren’t enough BAs moving into strategy and leadership positions in organizations. And I’m not talking about leadership in a “subject matter expert” perspective, or even the idea of “leading without authority”. I’m talking about strategic, decision making, leadership roles, which impact the direction and success of their organizations. And that’s odd, because we have an understanding of Strategy Analysis, which positions us perfectly for that move. So, what’s stopping us? Or maybe, what’s holding us back?
Episode 030 - All About the Processes, Baby!
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October 06, 2020
In part 2 of our series The Missing Pieces of the Transformation Puzzle, Vince and Mike discuss the role of business process, and how vital it is to be included. Without it, you're doomed to failure.
Episode 029 - The Most Fire Podcast on Decision Making You'll Ever Hear!
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September 29, 2020
In mid-October, Vince and Mike will be at the Building Business Capability conference (virtually) to deliver their session, "The Missing Pieces of the Digital Transformation Puzzle." In this episode, the first in a series, we'll explore in more tactical detail those pieces that are the difference ma
Episode 028 - The Role of the Sponsor
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September 22, 2020
We talked roles, like characters, in a previous episode...but in this one, we'll dive down into the functional role of the sponsor, and how their accountabilities may change at different levels.
Episode 027 - From Fear
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September 08, 2020
Fear is a powerful emotion, which can create chaos or order. Nowhere is this more true than in our organizations. In this episode of the Business (Not) As Usual podcast, our valiant hosts will struggle with the causes of, and overcoming, fear.
Episode 026 - Avoid the Comfort in the Default
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September 01, 2020
Why is it that so many people and organizations are in a rush to get "back to normal", or what normal was before COVID? I get the return to normalcy, but what about all the advances we've made in that short period of time, particularly around remote working? Get the Vince and Mike take on the matter
Episode 025 - The Story So Far
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August 25, 2020
25 episodes...whodda thunk it? We take a look back at some of our favourite moments in the show so far, and new perspectives on some of those previous discussions.
Episode 023 - The Difference Between Digital Transformation and Business Transformation
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August 11, 2020
What's the difference between Digital and Business transformations? Or IS there a difference? In this episode, Vince and Mike give their perspectives on this hotly contested debate.
Episode 022 - The Case for Transformation in Government
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July 07, 2020
Around the world, public institutions and government agencies are in the midst of transformation. Not in the ideological sense, but in the business, and specifically digital sense. Which begs the question, "why?" given they usually don't have to compete for market share, so why invest in making thin
Episode 021 - The Value of Training Your Team
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June 30, 2020
Training. Everybody needs it, wants it, but it can be hard to come by. As we transition to a more distributed training format, what impact will that have on businesses, transformations, and your staff?
Episode 020 - How Small Businesses Can Navigate Transformation
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June 23, 2020
We've spent a lot of time talking about the challenges faced by larger organizations, but what about the smaller shops, that don't have the same challenges and advantages? In this episode, Vince and Mike will dive into some of the ways small business owners are winning in this transitional period.
Episode 019 - Where Do We Go From Here?
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June 17, 2020
Some companies will revert back to their way of doing business BC (Before COVID) but they will have made a tremendous error if that happens. In this episode, Vince and Mike explore what should, could, and might come next when we inevitably emerge from this pandemic period.
Episode 018 - Is it time for a Celebration? (or, How to Stay Engaged at Work)
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June 09, 2020
Engagement...is it Hawaiian shirts and beer cart afternoons, or is it something...else? In this episode, Vince and Mike discuss their philosophies on being engaged at work, and pivot to discuss celebrations and recognition, which, believe it or not, has an impact on engagement. Enjoy!
Episode 015 - The Roles Needed in a Transformation (Part 1)
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May 19, 2020
We've spent a bit of time so far taking about the importance of team in times of business transformation. And yet, we have yet to define what "team" means, and more specifically, what are the roles, or personalities, you need to be successful. In this, the first of a two part episode, we'll explore
Episode 014 - Dealing with Distributed Teams
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May 12, 2020
We've all had to figure out how to work in a distributed way pretty quickly, so in this episode, we'll chat with a very special guest, Skaidra Puodziunas, who worked this way, even pre-pandemic, to learn a few hacks on being "distributed by default".
Episode 013 - The Art of Remote Working
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May 05, 2020
It would be totally wrong to say that things haven't changed as a result of our need for physical distancing and working from home. But it would be just as wrong to say that some work becomes impossible (except if you are a hairdresser/barber, or something with high human touch) when navigating your
Episode 012 - The Most Fire Episode on Governance in Business Transformation You'll Ever Hear
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April 28, 2020
Here's a question...does governance and bureaucracy add, or detract from a transformation program? As with most things, it depends. Hear what Vince and Mike think on this episode of the Business (Not) As Usual podcast.
Episode 011 - Quick, Transform, GO
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April 21, 2020
When faced with the prospect of transformation in the face of a pandemic, what choices do you really have? Well, maybe more than you think. You can act, or die.
Episode 009 - Transformational Change and the Role of Story Within It (an interview with Lori Silverman)
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April 07, 2020
Hold on to your hats for this XL episode of the Business (Not) As Usual podcast! We learn a TON from Lori Silverman, who drops value from the second we hit record. We talked story, busting bureaucracy, and organizational change and transformation.
Episode 007 - The Role of AI (an interview with Rhonda Scharf)
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March 24, 2020
It's a special day on the podcast, with our first guest, Rhonda Scharf, talking about AI and its impact on the world of work. In this episode, we don't just scratch the surface of the topic, but try to get granular and into the weeds to uncover practical tips and tactics you should start using, like
Episode 006 - Managing Your Transformation in Times of Crisis
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March 17, 2020
When you're dealing with a global pandemic, the way we are now, it's important to be able to mitigate the effects and keep things that matter on track and stable. But what actually matters when navigating through crisis? Hear what Vince and Mike have to say on this episode of the podcast.
Enterprise Analysis, Not As Usual
IIBA Palmetto (South Carolina) Chapter
November 13, 2020
Our organizations are a complex honeycomb of activity. With a bevy of components, artifacts, processes, and egos, it can be a lot to navigate. Fortunately, we can harness the awesome might and power of Enterprise Analysis! While Enterprise, or Strategic, Analysis typically involves taking both a high-level and detailed look at the different activities currently being undertaken in the enterprise and determining what opportunities exist to improve the organization. At the same time, seeking alignment on all of the different components, to ensure the left-hand knows what the right is doing. And as if that wasn't complex enough, we now have to layer on the fact that our working world has fundamentally changed, and we are all forced to see all the pieces of the organization in this new, distributed reality. But we don't generally back down from a challenge, do we? In this session, building upon the skills and tactics borrowed from a new workshop of the same name, we'll set out the skills needed to move into an Enterprise Analysis role, and explore how to win the strategic war in our new battlegrounds, so that you, and your organizations, can continue to be successful, no matter what comes next.
The Missing Pieces of the Digital Transformation Puzzle
Building Business Capability Conference
October 21, 2020
The business world is in a constant state of transformation. And the most common of these are digital transformations.
And yet, despite all our practice, we have a less than stellar track record with transformations. The whole point of a transformation should be to improve the way you do business, and to not revert back to the old-world way of doing things.
So, what’s the deal? Why are so many failures?
In this session we’ll explore the often overlooked components of People and Process, and the role they play in successful transformations.
Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Digital Transformation
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