FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas
FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas
August 01, 2023
Graduated in Administration, with an MBA from BSP, Specialization and Master's in Economic Development from UFPR, Doctoral student in Production Engineering & Systems from PUCPR (in progress), complementary training at FGV EASP in Banking & International Finance and in Entrepreneurship from Boston College & Singularity University. Board advisor, senior advisor, mentor (North Forge, Alchemist, EIA, AIA, Copernicus, Startup Chile), judge for the MIT Innovators under 35 Award EU & LATAM. Honored with the 10th Edition of the Aster Award for his Professional Trajectory, founded HAG Ventures, invested in +25 startups (USA, EU, LATAM & MENA) and accelerated hundreds of startups and entrepreneurs around the world."
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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Startups
The role of entrepreneurship centres in shaping innovation
Startups Magazine
August 19, 2024
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Tags: Education, Entrepreneurship, Innovation
Powerful Partnerships: Strategic Planning and Open Innovation for Unparalleled Success.
Import from medium.com
October 04, 2023
In the relentless pursuit of unrivaled corporate triumph nowadays, strategic planning and open innovation have become the critical pillars…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Innovation
The Case for Investing in New Venture Capital Firms and Managers: Unlocking Value in the Startup…
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May 17, 2023
We decided to write this special series of 3 blog posts, in which we will be delving deep into the world of venture capital, exploring its…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Venture Capital
Dissecting the Rise of New Venture Capital Firms and Managers: Strategies, Performance, and…
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May 11, 2023
We decided to write this special series of 3 blog posts, in which we will be delving deep into the world of venture capital, exploring its…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Venture Capital
Understanding the Venture Capital Landscape: Stakeholders, Performance, and the Rise of New Players…
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May 08, 2023
We decided to write this special series of 3 blog posts, in which we will be delving deep into the world of venture capital, exploring its…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Venture Capital
How to Drive Open Innovation Using a Corporate Venture Capital Approach
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May 03, 2023
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, it is more important than ever for companies to be innovative. One way to do this is to…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Innovation, Venture Capital
Revolutionize Your Business with Open Innovation and Collaborative Value Creation!
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May 01, 2023
In the ever-changing landscape of business and economics, there is a growing focus on the concept of “open innovation.” This approach…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Innovation
Exploring the Differences: Corporate Venture Capital vs. Traditional Venture Capital
March 21, 2023
As the world of finance and investment continues to evolve, entrepreneurs and startups frequently face the challenge of raising capital to support their innovative ideas. Traditionally, venture capital has been a standard funding option for many budding businesses, but in recent years, a newer player has emerged — corporate venture capital.
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Tags: Innovation, Startups, Finance
Why and How Corporates should use Venture Building as an Open Innovation tool
March 06, 2023
Innovation is crucial for any business that wants to remain competitive in the market. Many corporations have turned to open innovation to stay ahead of the game. Open innovation is a collaborative approach that involves seeking external ideas, technologies, and expertise to advance a company’s internal innovation. One of the tools used in open innovation is venture building. Venture building is the process of creating new businesses or ventures that are aligned with the corporate strategy. This blog post will discuss why and how corporations should use venture building as an open innovation tool to create future value.
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Tags: Open Innovation, Startups, Business Strategy
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Unicorn Marketplace
September 11, 2022
The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a profound impact on businesses around the world. In the tech industry, we see the effects in several ways. This blog post will look at how the pandemic has impacted unicorns — startups with valuations of $1 billion or more.
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Tags: Startups, Entrepreneurship, Mergers and Acquisitions
Corporate Venture Capital in LATAM & Brazil: How Open Innovation is Driving Investments
May 17, 2022
Latin America has been experiencing a corporate venture capital (CVC) boom in recent years. This is primarily due to the increasing interest of corporates in startups and their innovative products and services. In addition, the rise of open innovation approaches has allowed corporates to connect with startups in new and more effective ways. As a result, the volume of investments done through corporate venture capital has grown rapidly.
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Tags: Open Innovation, Startups, Entrepreneurship
How to foster team building, diversity & culture on startups and even corporates
January 13, 2022
Over the last +27 years of my career, as a venture builder, angel investor, mentor, executive, and board member, I have witnessed the difficulties and challenges corporates face in team formation, diversity, and culture. More recently, over the previous +10 years, in which I’ve been dealing more closely with startups, entrepreneurs and the construction of tech & impact-driven startups, I have had the opportunity to address this subject in depth. Here, I share what I’ve learned from this experience.
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Tags: Startups, Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Inclusion
A community must build impact!
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September 10, 2020
Community building is an impact-driven social endeavour that aims to transform people’s lives. As such, it must be designed in a way that…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Open Innovation, Startups
A Community must build impact!
August 26, 2020
Community building is an impact-driven social endeavour that aims to transform people's lives. As such, it must be designed in a way that we can engage participants in fostering fellow members and their own lives into the next step. Thus, the community must build impact! Does that sound ok to you?
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Tags: Startups, Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Inclusion
Impacting lives: a mentor experience in changing students’ lives in the MENA region
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July 23, 2020
AIA — Arab Innovation Academy 2020 — Feb 2020 — Doha, QatarIt is not every day that we have the opportunity to impact lives, much less in a place as far from Brazil as the Middle East (MENA region), more precisely, Doha — Qatar. However, that was my 3rd edition (2018, 2019 a
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Tags: Entrepreneurship
Venture Building & Startup Studios versus Acceleration Programs – Conceptual & Performance Differences
XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference - ISPIM Conference Proceedings - Florence, Italy
June 01, 2019
A relatively new phenomenon called Venture Building has been formed to address the challenge of creating a company from scratch. This process is based on creating and analyzing many ideas simultaneously and then choosing the most promising ones to be developed further. Even though this phenomenon has been growing during the past years, not much academic research has been done on this particular organizational form. Some questions remain open, such as how effective this strong and long-term guidance model is compared to more traditional accelerator and incubator models. Startup terminology is evolving all the time, and hence it is hard to precisely define a phenomenon such as Venture Building. This paper aims to address the lack of academic research by offering a definition that captures the nature of the phenomenon.
Keywords: Venture Builder, Startup, Startup Studio, Acceleration Programs, Incubation Programs
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Open Innovation
Brazilian protectionism, a myopia that has deeply affected its economic development.
XV Congresso Virtual de Administração - CONVIBRA 2018
November 30, 2018
Brazil is traditionally known as a protectionist country; its trade policies have an eminently interventionist bias, with broad restrictions on free trade, whose impact is extremely harmful to economic development and national industrial performance. Despite the damage caused by protectionism, in Brazil, these practices remain on the agenda. Exaggerated interventionism leads the country in the opposite direction of the world trend, which, over the last few years, has experienced an unprecedented advance, a consequence to a large extent of increased trade between countries. Brazil, isolated from the global integrationist spirit, does not benefit from the productivity gains associated with the global trends that have shaped the most competitive industrial production, including international trade integration and a fluid reallocation of resources between companies through fragmentation of the value chains. Based on this scenario, the objective of this work is to analyze how the protectionist position adopted by Brazil concerning the international market impacted the country’s process of industrialization.
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Tags: Leadership, Management, Risk Management
How to deal with investors and fundraising
SIT Port - Pilsen - Czech Republic
April 27, 2020
HAG ventures x SIT Port live on how to deal with investors!
A video about what you need to get an investment most importantly, why should an investor choose your startup, in which they invest their money and efforts? Rodrigo de Alvarenga is an angel investor from Brazil and CEO of HAG ventures, which has already supported over 70 startups. What exactly interests him and what annoys him? How to reach investors at all? You will learn everything in the recording of the online lecture with Rodrigo.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Startups
Startups around the World: so many countries, so many customs
BoostUP ZCU - West Bohemia University
February 21, 2020
Podnikatelský inovační klub BoostUp nezahálí ani v letošním roce a před námi je první workshop letního semestru.
Z daleké Brazílie k nám na univerzitu zavítá Rodrigo de Alvarenga, který v průběhu workshopu představí rozdíly v zakládání startupů napříč celým světem. S firmou HAG Group investoval a pomohl rozjet více než 30 startupů v Evropě, zemích Latinské Ameriky, Asie a východní a severní Afriky.
Rodrigo je od roku 2010 Angel Investorem a dále působí jako mentor v mezinárodních podnikatelských programech, jako jsou European Innovation Academy v Portugalsku, Global Scaling Academy nebo také v Silicon Valley, o kterém jste již mohli slyšet v rámci podzimní akce z úst Alfreda Copolly.
V rámci workshopu budou pro zájemce možné i individuální konzultace.
Srdečně zveme nejen studenty, ale i členy širší veřejnosti či akademické obce.
Pokud vás zajímá téma startupů, chcete se dozvědět nové světové trendy nebo byste rádi prodiskutovali vlastní projekt, zavítejte 21. února do B-room naproti HelpDesku.
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Tags: Culture, Entrepreneurship, Startups
Business Models for Tech Entrepreneurs
OrbitLab - Aarhus University
November 29, 2019
Join us in ORBIT Lab for the second Tech Startup Launchpad, where accomplished Mentor, Business Angel, Educator and Entrepreneur alike, Rodrigo de Alvarenga, will share his experiences with entrepreneurial students and people from the tech startup scene.
The topic will be business models for tech entrepreneurs. While finding the right skills for your tech startup is one challenge, making sure your business model fits the industry and customers is equally important. Rodrigo de Alvarenga will take you through different business models for apps and software-based startups. Using case examples, he will guide you on how to choose the correct business model for your startup. He will also share his personal story of how he went from being an educator in entrepreneurship to becoming an entrepreneur himself.
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Tags: Open Innovation, Startups, Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy
Ecossistemas de Inovação
Lisbon Innovation Summit
November 08, 2019
O primeiro evento independente sobre inovação, futuro, transformação digital e impacto social de Lisboa.
O Lisbon Innovation Summit é o primeiro evento independente sobre inovação, futuro, transformação digital e impacto social, que levará ao palco da NOVA SBE algumas das mentes mais visionárias e inovadoras da era contemporânea, que nos inspirarão com temas instigantes e inquietantes para o futuro dos negócios, das pessoas, das cidades e da vida. Além desses temas o evento terá um módulo especial sobre negócios Brasil-Portugal.
Palestra - Ecossistemas de Inovação:
Quais são os principais ecossistemas e polos de inovação do mundo e o que faz eles serem relevantes e geradores de talentos, transformações e negócios.
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups
How to Unlock Access to Corporates
WebSummit 2023
November 16, 2023
Startup Masterclass at WebSummit 2023 focusing on how to handle and deal with corporates to unlock access.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Startups
9th Global Venture Lab at UC Berkeley
Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology - College of Engineering - Berkeley University
August 20, 2018
The Global Venture Lab (GVL) is an international summit of academics, entrepreneurs, and innovators sharing common research and
educational programs to spur new industry and economic growth. Since our first event in 2009, GVL continues to be an extraordinary
opportunity to network, learn, and share best practices among entrepreneurship centers around the world.
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups
Brasil: Crises & Oportunidades
April 29, 2015
No próximo dia 29, acontece o Encontro Marcado com o tema “Brasil: Crise x Oportunidade”. O evento promovido peloISAE, traz a pauta os aspectos da crise que são comumente ignorados. A palestra será conduzida por Sérgio Itamar, profissional de gestão de riscos e operações, e Rodrigo de Alvarenga, diretor do Startup Grind Brasil, parceira da Google for Entrepreneurs.
No roteiro, a crise social do Brasil, a que Itamar chama de “crise invisível”. “São crianças crescendo em lares desestruturados, a não-retenção escolar, o grande número de analfabetos diplomados, a violência não computada em estatísticas”, esclarece Itamar. Todos estes fatores, somados, segundo ele, afloram na crise que vivemos hoje.
Já Rodrigo Alvarenga, no contraponto, traz uma análise do cenário atual apontando oportunidades de reinvenção. “A baixa produtividade de nossas empresas hoje é uma grande chance para os gestores repensarem o modelo de trabalho que vêm adotando”, afirma Alvarenga. Na opinião do especialista, se algo é ruim, tem que morrer para dar lugar ao novo. “Os jovens que tem entre 15 e 25 anos vão assumir o país nos próximos 15 anos. Este público tem uma oportunidade única de transformar o futuro”, exemplifica Alvarenga.
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups