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Peter C. Evans, PhD

Managing Partner at Platform Strategy Institute

Atlanta, GA, United States

Peter Evans is the Managing Partner at the Platform Strategy Institute, a consultancy dedicated management strategy and application of platform business models across a wide range of sectors. Peter has over 20 years of experience leading teams in identifying, framing, assessing, and communicating high-priority marketplace trends and disruptions that support business planning and investment prioritization. He has specialized in helping companies see around corners, anticipate key market trends and craft seminal thought leadership that framed major multi-year growth initiatives.

Peter C. Evans, PhD Points
Academic 0
Author 3
Influencer 0
Speaker 21
Entrepreneur 20
Total 44

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Theatre: North America
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 15 years
Last Media Interview: 09/15/2020

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.01
Business Strategy 31.68
Digital Disruption 30.05
Digital Transformation 30.53
Ecosystems 32.58
Future of Work 30.02
HR 30.04

Industry Experience


3 Article/Blogs
Platform Talent: The New Frontier in the Platform Economy
The Digital Transformation People
January 06, 2020
Building a strong bench of platform talent is demanding the increasing attention of senior executive teams. Finding talent that the right digital acumen and experience is one thing. Finding these capabilities plus a sophisticated understanding of platform dynamics and implications of network effects, platform pricing, data management, and external ecosystem management is an even taller order. Platform talent is now what sets companies apart.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Future of Work, HR

How platform strategies will shape the rise of AI-as-a-service
The Digital Transformation People
September 27, 2019
While enterprise AI market may be imbalanced today, conditions are rapidly changing. The demand side of the enterprise AI market- in terms of appetite for investment and clarification of where to apply AI – and the supply side – in terms of breadth and quality of offerings – will come into closer balance over the next three years. The market is evolving rapidly. Platform strategies will play a growing role. The supply side of the market increasingly recognizes that platform strategies that link open-source frameworks, large developer communities, bot stores/exchanges, digital learning and technical certification will support faster enterprise AI adoption.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Ecosystems

The Four Biggest Challenges Digital Platforms Need to Address
MIT IDE/ Medium
July 19, 2019
When digital platforms emerged a decade ago the challenges seemed straightforward and the possibilities endless. Today, the landscape is rumbling with activity, but also with complexity and far-reaching concerns. We see the platform market rapidly changing, maturing, and giving rise to at least four big issues: Regulatory constraints, growth pressures, a shift to enterprise markets, and technology disruptions.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Disruption, Ecosystems

2 Executives
Managing Partner
Platform Strategy Institute
September 01, 2019
- Develop new conceptual frameworks and analytical approaches to understanding platform business strategies and the broader platform economy
- Draw on a deep reservoir of experience with large and small companies to develop and present solutions and recommendations
- Prepare and deliver senior executive education and training programs
- Build and manage propriety PSI databases on platform companies globally across all sectors
- Draw on PSIs unique platform related data assets to provide new insights and points of view
- Own and grow client relationships and accounts

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Business Strategy, Ecosystems

Vice President
The Center for Global Enterprise
October 01, 2013
The Center for Global Enterprise was founded by Sam Palmisano, former President, Chairman and CEO of IBM. Globalization has transformed the economies of countless countries. It has also transformed business – how it’s conducted, where it’s conducted, and by whom. The transformation has touched the very structure of the enterprise as well as the nature and definition of economic “value.” A key element of the change has been the emergence of the Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE), which refers to companies that are truly “global” (as opposed to “multinational”) in their management and their operations, utilizing global supply chains not just for products, but also services, capital, ideas and intellectual property. As at previous inflection points in history, we need a new language – and new thinking – to harness the promise of this new era for society and avoid the peril that can arise in periods of change. The Center for Global Enterprise is dedicated to this purpose.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Business Strategy, Ecosystems

2 Keynotes
The Rise of Digital Platforms - Dr Peter Evans, VP Research, The Center for Global Enterprise
April 15, 2016
The Rise of Digital Platforms – Opportunities and Threats for UK and European Businesses

Executive Briefing, February 2016, The Shard, London

The Rise of Digital Platforms – Opportunities and Threats for UK and European Businesses

Executive Briefing, February 2016, The Shard, London

Businesses predominantly grow in one of two ways, either organically, focused on internal resources, or through mergers and acquisitions. There is a third way, which some call ‘leveraged growth’ – leveraging the resources and creativity of other people.

BearingPoint thinks this is a new discipline for businesses, and they are calling it Digital Ecosystem Management.

In this video, Dr Peter Evans, VP Research, The Center for Global Enterprise, discusses platform businesses.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Business Strategy, Ecosystems

Platforms Go Global: Overview of a Platform Company
June 15, 2015
Platforms Go Global: Overview of a Platform Company

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Business Strategy, Ecosystems

1 Panel
2018 Platform Review and Forecast
MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
August 15, 2018
2018 Platform Review and Forecast

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Business Strategy, Ecosystems

Thinkers360 Credentials

1 Badge



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Peter C. Evans, PhD