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Tina Osojnik

CEO, founder at Osojnik legal Boutique

Slovenia, Slovenia

Winner of 'Top 50 IP leaders" global award Legal/IP expert for value growth Legal/IP coach EIC & EBRD mentor Speaker

-Do you know that brand is only as strong as you can legally protect it?
-Do you know that 98% of global trading is knowledge and know how?
-But do you also know that 98% of business threat represents data and knowledge and brand theft?


We build strong lock on your know how, your brand and innovation, we help you get through legal systems, hurdles, we educate you and your team, we help you raise risk standards and create safe environment for you to be able to innovate, sell and grow. We take care of your growth through legal.

We mentor and support innovative companies to be able to move safely in global legal and IP world.

We open your eyes and establish legal/IP systems for succesful and safe growth. We put the lock on your vault.

We build companies that cherish their knowledge, protect their biggest asset and grow in brand value. Safely.

We work with owners/CEOs/R&D/marketing teams:
- when they innovate and want to get the most out of it.
- when they move internationally and have foreign partners, build relationships.
- when they look for investors, are preparing for M&A.
- when they expand in terms of people, products, territories.
- when they experience business theft.
- when they want to build a strong brand through trademarks, social media, e-commerce.

In the last three years we've worked with more than 30 companies, from start ups and big corporations and we developed strong system, prepared at least 5000 documents, established 30 internal systems.

We've had more than 50 seminars and speaches (public&custom made) regionally, we lecture at schools, faculties and business events.

We have written more than 50 blogs/articles on importance of protecting and monetizing knowledge in order to support growth.

We choose projects carefully, we do not work on mass, but on quality, we have happy clients:)

When do we meet you?


Tina Osojnik Points
Academic 0
Author 0
Influencer 28
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 30
Total 58

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Law
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Business Continuity
Business Strategy 30.36
Legal and IP 36.29
Mergers and Acquisitions
Privacy 30.82

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Engineering & Construction
High Tech & Electronics
Industrial Machinery & Components


1 Founder
INNO Legal
INNO Legal
July 01, 2016
A boutique company that was born from a desire to transform companies by using business and intellectual property law.
We are specialized in supporting growth in companies, by using intellectual property and business law as a tool for transformation.

We identify, create, protect, educate and maintain legal and intellectual property system in hi tech, IT, and all international growing companies.

We help transform with strategic approach towards protecting and monetizing know how, innovations, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights.

We coach and teach on importance of being innovative and protecting this innovations and we help you with strategic approach towards protecting your knowledge, we create legal documents, applications and registrations and internal safeguards.

We teach you that intellectual property and law are your business partners and support, and they helps you grow safely and maximized.

See publication

Tags: Legal and IP

1 IP Asset
Multiple blogs and videos
May 29, 2019

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Legal and IP, Privacy

Thinkers360 Credentials

2 Badges



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Tina Osojnik

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