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Washington Filho

João Pessoa, Brazil

Graduated in Public Management at UNINASSAU and Studying Administration at IFPB. He was an evaluator of MEG - Management Excellence Model in the MPE Brasil Sebrae awards, ANTP Quality Award, GESPÚBLICA, Sebrae Business Woman. I evaluated and participated in the creation of improvement plans in more than 10 companies in the city of João Pessoa. I am also Internal Auditor ISO 9001: 2015 by Bureau Veritas and consultant in Social Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking;

Work with Digital Marketing (Rd Station, social network automation and lead generation);

I have already staged and worked in the following companies: UFPB Virtual, GigaHost, PBGold, Sebrae, SEMOB, Energisa, PPQ - Paraibano Quality Program among others;

I was founder and president of the Time Enactus IFPB, Enactus is a worldwide organization present in 36 countries that operates in universities and in which it implements teams to work with Social Business. I am also certified by Yunus Social Business on how to create and develop a Social business.
I am currently a Fellow of Enactus (Project Managers that aims to advise Enactus teams in Brazil);

Member of Rotary International and develop projects, actions and volunteer services as an associate of the Rotary Club - João Pessoa Porta do Sol.

I have worked in several volunteer projects involving entrepreneurship, management and technology, among them I can highlight TEDx João Pessoa, Núcleo João Pessoa, Fundação Estudar;

I made several projects related to Japanese culture, in 2008 I obtained along with 23 other Brazilians the title of Young Leader of the Brazil-Japan Interchange by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan;

Member of the Intelicidades Network - a network of professionals, researchers and students who research, carry out projects and events related to the theme of Smart Cities;

I organized more than 20 pop culture / geek projects and events;
Sou pesquisador e atuo com projetos de Economia Criativa.

Já estagiei e trabalhei nas seguintes empresas/ organizações: UFPB Virtual, GigaHost, PBGold, Sebrae, SEMOB, Energisa, PPQ - Programa Paraibano da Qualidade, Justiça Federal da PB entre outras;

Fui fundador e presidente do Time Enactus IFPB , a Enactus é uma organização mundial presente em 36 países que atua em universidades e na qual implementa times para atuar com Negócios Sociais. Também sou certificado pela Yunus Social Business em como criar e desenvolver um negócio Social.
Fui Fellow da Enactus (Gestores de projetos que tem como objetivo assessorar times Enactus pelo Brasil);

Faço parte do Rotary International e desenvolve projetos, ações e serviços voluntários como associado do Rotary Club - João Pessoa Porta do Sol.

Atuo em diversos projetos voluntários envolvendo empreendedorismo, gestão e tecnologia, entre eles posso destacar o TEDx João Pessoa, Núcleo João Pessoa da Fundação Estudar;

Realizei vários projetos relacionados a cultura japonesa, em 2008 obtive junto com outros 23 brasileiros o título de Jovem Líder do Intercâmbio Brasil-Japão pelo Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros do Japão;

Sou membro da Rede Intelicidades – Rede de profissionais, pesquisadores e estudantes que pesquisam, realizam projetos e eventos relacionados ao tema de Cidades Inteligentes (Smart Cities);

Organizei mais de 20 projetos e eventos de cultura pop/geek;

Washington Filho Points
Academic 0
Author 0
Influencer 181
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 181

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

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Areas of Expertise

Big Data
Business Continuity
Business Strategy
Data Center
Design Thinking
IT Operations
IT Strategy
Smart Cities

Industry Experience


Thinkers360 Credentials

1 Badge



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Washington Filho