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Dr. Uwe Andreas Amann

Explorer of Game Changers | Tech Enthusiast | Medical Doctor | Innovator | Growth Hacker | Outcome believer
Relational | Digital Influencer | Adaptable | Empathetic | Problem Solver | Visionary |

I am passionate about technology, and its ability to solve the upcoming problems in healthcare. One of my biggest strengths is the development and communication of big ideas within a cross industry environment that drive at the heart of consumer pain points. The communication of these ideas requires delicately crafted, and data driven narratives that consider all stakeholders. My understanding of the business needs as well as my entrepreneurial, and educational background as a medical doctor provide a strong foundation to articulate these ideas, gain buy-in, and drive initiatives forward.

I'm extremely hard working, intrinsically motivated, and enthusiastic, but operate with a deep sense of humility and gratitude. I carry this humility into every meeting and interaction by being truly present. I am observant and intrigued by the unique traits and contributions of team members, as well as, untapped talent, that can be extracted through encouragement with product teams.

Personal mission:
I believe in the integrity of people, people who can combine economic success and social responsibility. If what I do has a lasting effect, inspires people, and improves the value of life, then my life has been an asset to the world.

Let’s connect.
• Come and meet me at: Life Science meets DIGITAL #10:
• Email:

Dr. Uwe Andreas Amann Points
Academic 0
Author 3
Influencer 0
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 3

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

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Company Information

Areas of Expertise

Design Thinking 30.14
Digital Transformation 30.04
HealthTech 30.06

Industry Experience


1 Whitepaper
Is the Gordian knot for digital patient services finally been cut?
Dr. Uwe Andreas Amann
September 18, 2018

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, HealthTech



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Dr. Uwe Andreas Amann

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