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Paul Miller

VP Product Strategy at Wind River

Derry, United States

As Vice President of the Product Strategy at Wind River, Paul Miller is responsible for the company’s strategic vision and market support for telecommunications, aerospace, defense, industrial, automative and medical segments. With more than 25 years of telecommunications and advanced applications technology leadership at both large companies and successful startups, he is currently focused on Wind River’s NFV and SDN enabled products for the carrier market, including Wind River’s market leading Wind River Cloud Platform based on Kubernetes and StarlingX.

Prior to joining Wind River, he was the Chief Technology Officer of GENBAND, a market-leading software solutions provider to the world’s leading service provider and enterprise markets. He has led the architecture and development of various switching, IMS, IP media, call control and web applications solutions employed by multiple tier-one operators worldwide. His last six years has been focused on OpenStack, SDN, and NFV automation technology, and includes operation of a multi-site, multi-cloud infrastructure, multiple Tier one CSP VNF deployments as well as a significant NFV patent history. His contributions throughout his career have enabled many communications service providers worldwide to create new revenue streams, while dramatically reducing operating costs.

Paul Miller Points
Academic 0
Author 1
Influencer 0
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 1

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: CPO
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 15 Years

Areas of Expertise

5G 30.02
Analytics 30.04
Cloud 30.04

Industry Experience


1 Article/Blog
The industry’s first 5G cloud native, open source solution: Wind River Cloud Platform
Wind River
November 19, 2019
While 5G is becoming a well-known technology buzzword, not much is known about the major shift the industry is going through as 5G deployment heads towards prime time. Obviously, 5G’s promise to the service provider community is one of increased revenue through an explosion of use cases such as Industrial IoT, autonomous and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) applications, mobile edge computing (MEC), human machine interaction such as augmented reality, and much more. Combined with the higher bandwidth and massive endpoint count support that 5G introduces, a perfect storm of opportunity has been created. Hence the incredible worldwide investment starting around transforming the globe’s communications to 5G.

See publication

Tags: 5G, Analytics, Cloud



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