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Joanne Griffin

Principal and cofounder at HUMOLOGY

Dublin, Ireland

Joanne Griffin is founder and CEO at AdaptIQ, a boutique consulting firm helping companies, and their employees, thrive in a world where change is the new constant, and Co-founder at IrelandTogether, a non-profit business support network, committed to finding innovative solutions to the unfolding economic uncertainty impacting Irish businesses. With a passion for problem-solving and an agile mindset, Joanne has extensive experience in finance, business transformation, automation, innovation management, and organizational change. She is a frequent speaker on the topics of emerging technologies, crowdsourcing, and how we respond to change.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Dublin
Speaking Topics: Behavior Design, Organizational Change, Finance Transformation, Digital Adoption, Neuroscience

Joanne Griffin Points
Academic 10
Author 114
Influencer 32
Speaker 29
Entrepreneur 70
Total 255

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Service Provider
Business Unit: CEO
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Last Media Interview: 12/12/2022

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.03
AI 30.06
Big Data 30.04
Blockchain 30.80
Business Strategy
Change Management 34.56
Climate Change 30.21
Culture 30.19
Design Thinking
Digital Disruption 38.40
Digital Transformation 31.21
Diversity and Inclusion
Ecosystems 31.77
Emerging Technology 34.01
Entrepreneurship 30.87
Future of Work 30.02
HR 30.04
Innovation 30.10
Leadership 30.38
Privacy 30.08
RPA 30.80
Social 30.22
Startups 32.72

Industry Experience

High Tech & Electronics
Oil & Gas
Professional Services


1 Academic Certification
Foundations of Humane Technology
Centre for Humane Technology
October 05, 2021
The recipient of this credential has completed "Foundations of Humane Technology," an online course focused on building technology which:

- Respects Human Nature
- Minimizes Harmful Consequences
- Centers Values
- Creates Shared Understanding
- Supports Fairness and Justice
- Helps People Thrive

Credential ID Blockchain ID: 739683

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

28 Article/Blogs
The Human Cost of the Digital Revolution
December 02, 2022
The human brain has evolved over millions of years to efficiently process threats (like lions or angry bears) and rewards (like food or sex) as a matter of survival. In modern times, technology has introduced a new kind of threat — information overload — and an entirely new reward system — likes and followers. Both can be addictive and potentially damaging to our brains. In an ideal world, our everyday use of technology would enhance eustress and mitigate distress. However, mounting evidence shows that technology-induced stress is reaching pandemic proportions and has the potential to undermine organisational agility and the adoption of emerging technologies.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Solve the Digital Adoption Gap with Goldilocks
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October 24, 2022
Despite the quickening pace of adoption of consumer technologies, enterprise technologies, are merely inching along the technology maturity curve. Many well-known enterprise applications have yet to go ‘mainstream’ or achieve the levels of adoption experienced by consumer apps. Consumers demand

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Egosystems to Ecosystems
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September 28, 2022
Moving from ‘Me’ to ‘We’Back in the heady ’90s, Wall Street’s Gordon Gecko character became the ultimate poster-boy for unbridled capitalism, spurring an influx of ambitious Gecko-wannabes into the investment world. In the 2010 sequel, Gecko wants to start over, but ultimately finds him

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Managing Stakeholders Using the SCARF Neuroscience Model
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August 29, 2022
When you think of stakeholders, what comes to mind? If you answered ‘HIPPOs’ or ‘people who love acronyms’, you wouldn’t be entirely wrong! Stakeholders are usually senior-level people in organisations like function leaders, directors, and the C-Suite. Because they may be time-poor and les

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

Human Lag: What is it and how does it contribute to the Capacity Gap?
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August 19, 2022
What is Human Lag?We all recognise technological lag: a sluggish webpage load time, a poor connection on Zoom, or a delay in mouse response are all instantly recognisable examples that trigger the all-too-familiar feeling of intense frustration. Lag typically results when a constituent of an ecosys

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

The Capacity Challenge | Humans v Technology
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August 19, 2022
A growing InfodemicA Growing InfodemicIn 2009, the New York Times reported on a study that found that the average American consumed around 34GB of data and information each day, representing an increase of 350% over nearly three decades. That’s the equivalent of consuming around 100,000 words ever

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

The Productivity Paradox
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March 08, 2022
“You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics”Nobel Laureate in Economics, Robert Solow (1987)For all of the headlines about technology’s ability to make us more productive, we seem to be working more hours — not less. And while we feel busier than ever, it

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

Hacked, Hooked or Harvested? Change is coming…
October 21, 2021
A perfect storm of cloud storage capabilities, data availability and machine learning competencies has fuelled the Internet of Behaviours . In this model, we provide the data in return for ‘free’ services. We have turned something previously worthless (our likes, thoughts, intentions) into something of great value — an incredible innovation story! However, as we arrive today at a point of digital-dependence, with technology deeply entwined in our everyday lives, we must examine how much we value trust and how much we value the services provided by this industry. A recalibration needs to happen urgently before trust is eroded for good.

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Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, Privacy

Hacked, Hooked or Harvested? Change is coming…
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October 20, 2021
I’ve been fascinated with how our relationship with technology is evolving over the past 20 years. By far the most intriguing aspect of this relationship is the power we willingly hand over to technology companies. Throughout the debate about ethical AI and tech, we cry foul at Zuckerberg and his

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

A Love Letter to Spreadsheets
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August 29, 2021
I love spreadsheets! I genuinely do. It may possibly be the nerdiest thing I’ve ever admitted to. Maybe it’s the IKEA effect, having…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

If you want to make a change — burn the friggin’ boats!
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June 23, 2021
We’ve all come up with great promises to ourselves like getting more exercise, saving money, reading more books, seeing friends more often…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

How Data Drives Scale in SaaS Operations: Revenue Recognition (ASC606)
June 17, 2021
With a volatile external market, there is even more pressure on Finance to produce real-time, accurate revenue metrics that empower the business to make agile decisions, navigate pricing and volume conversations, and plan marketing spend in response to changing market dynamics. Business teams cannot afford to wait for information or spend time debating the accuracy or providence of each data source. The onus is on Finance to establish a single source of truth (SSOT) and create a holistic view of QTC data.

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Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Startups

The End-User Era — Product-Led Growth in SaaS
May 21, 2021
For those of us on Clubhouse — what do you remember about the sign up process? A text from a friend? maybe a link? How about Zoom, or Calendly, or Slack? These are the apps that go from ‘New Kid on the Block’ to a central part of your tech stack in light speed. The virality of these tools ensures they remain the darlings of the product-led growth world and are deeply embedded into your daily tech stack — sometimes unintentionally!

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Tags: Social, Leadership

The End-User Era — PLG in SaaS
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May 21, 2021
Growth-hacking user acquisition and adoption with Product Led GrowthContinue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

The CFO's Guide to a Continuous Close
May 19, 2021
Monotonous to Continuous – Rethinking the Close Cycle
2020 was a whirlwind year, and in addition to learning lessons from the past year, it is important to be thinking ahead to critical success factors for the year to come. In the world of finance, the biggest impact from the pandemic was felt in the additional demands in planning and reforecasting. More than ever before finance is under pressure to provide high quality, relevant information in real time to support critical business decisions.
The urgency for timely information has shone a light on one of the most fundamental pillars of finance – the monthly process of ‘closing the books’. Every month without fail, finance teams all over the world cycle through a close management process – often working long hours to hit pressured deadlines. Despite the additional effort, the folks at APQC recently reported that the average finance team takes 12 calendar days to get from trial balance to completed management reports. With many financial reports offering a snapshot of the company’s past rather than providing a window into its future, is it any wonder that finance leaders come under pressure to stay relevant?
How did we get here?
To understand how we got here, let’s dust off the history books and travel back to 1494 when a bright Italian mathematician named Luca Pacioli authored the world’s first printed book-keeping manual, earning himself the title ‘The Father of Modern Accounting’. In it, Pacioli outlined the system of debits and credits we know today as ‘double-entry bookkeeping’.
Over 500 years later, this modern accounting system remains at the core of finance ERP systems around the world. Think of the changes our world has undergone in the past 100 years, and yet finance is reliant on a system built in the Middle Ages. Was it Einstein who said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results? Pardon me, Mr Pacioli, but it may be time we had a fresh look at ‘modern accounting’!

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Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Startups

Why KISSing is critical to product adoption
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May 14, 2021
How many Apps do you have on your phone right now? And about how many of those do you use daily?Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

Reward & Motivation in the Age of Technology
May 08, 2021
The world of work is changing — and so are our expectations. Job loyalty is a dying concept, flexible work is gaining traction, and despite on-site baristas and free lunches, more than half of employees would prefer to work from home. Something is missing from the equation lately and it has less to do with demanding millennials and GenZ’ers than you think!

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Tags: Future of Work, HR, Leadership

Motivation in the Age of Technology Moving from Algorithmic Work to Heuristic Work
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May 07, 2021
In Drive (2009), Daniel Pink writes that until recently most humans performed algorithmic work — that is, we’ve followed a set procedure…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

Give My Brain A Break!
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April 22, 2021
Did you know that watching yourself while on a video call can actually increase the amount of processing your brain needs to do? Our…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

AI Could Be The Moon Landing Of Our Generation
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April 13, 2021
Never before in our history have so many technological advancements emerged in parallel, and in combination, carrying so much impact. A…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

Why Change Feels Hard — and what you can do about it
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April 11, 2021
Have you ever come up with promising New Year’s resolutions like getting more exercise, saving money, reading more books, seeing friends…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

The Symbiotic Roles of Habit and Anxiety in Adapting to the Next Normal
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April 11, 2021
Old habits die hardContinue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

Why are we so fatigued when we’re doing so much less than we were before?
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April 11, 2021
Since the first quarter of 2020, an ominous cloud has hung over the world as a novel coronavirus spread across the globe. Initially, we…Continue reading on Medium »

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Startups

Creating Moments of Serendipity Online
September 22, 2020

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Entrepreneurship, Social

The Symbiotic Roles of Habit and Anxiety in Adapting to the Next Normal
May 10, 2020
Towards the end of Breaking Bad Episode 508 Gliding Over All. Walt, at the height of his newfound success, and Jesse are awkwardly reminiscing about their times cooking in their old RV in the middle of the desert. Jesse brings up the point of how much money they had made by then and wonders why they didn't buy a newer, more reliable vehicle. Walt replies with one word: ‘Inertia’

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Tags: Leadership, Agile, Entrepreneurship

1 Book
Humology - Putting Humans Back At The Heart of Technology
Rethink Press
July 25, 2022
Technology doesn't have to disrupt. Unlock the potential for technology by working in harmony with human psychology. Technology is advancing faster than we can keep up with. We are no longer living at the speed of humanity. Instead, technology dictates the pace while we battle to keep up.

Humology explores how rapid advances in technologies are impacting our world, disrupting societies and ourselves. We are approaching a tipping point; in order to build better technologies tomorrow, we have to start with new principles today.

This book shows how to:
* Build solutions that address real needs
* Design products that work in harmony with human psychology
* Minimise disruption and increase adoption
* Discover your purpose, and be grounded in ethics

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology

2 Book Awards
Best Business Book
Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards
December 31, 2022
Each year, for the past 40 years, NABE, The National Association of Book Entrepreneurs has honored some of the finest books published. Books are recognized for the Pinnacle Awards based on content, quality, writing style, presentation and cover design. Award Winners receive honor and mention in an upcoming issue of "Book Dealers World," and press releases announcing the Awards all over the web.

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Tags: Digital Disruption

American Writers Award (AWA) - FINALIST
Rethink Press
July 26, 2022
Humology has been named as a finalist in the Business & Entrepreneurship category of the American Writers Awards 2022. Commended for it's topical exploration of how technology is impacting humanity, and how we can build better products starting with new principles today. Humology is a handbook for all technologists who are keen to create real value in a noisy world full of distractions.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Entrepreneurship

3 Founders
Rethink Press
July 01, 2022
Humology focuses on technology that doesn't disrupt. Unlock the potential for technology by working in harmony with human psychology. Imbue your product with purpose and connect deeply with the end-user, using a mix of business strategy, psychology and behavioural science.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Ireland Together
Ireland Together
July 01, 2022
Ireland Together is a fast growing community of entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders – connecting, collaborating, supporting each other in business and innovating towards a stronger ecosystem and a better future. What makes us effective is the power of a diverse collective.

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Tags: Ecosystems, Leadership, Startups

AdaptIQ Solutions - your partner in change
January 01, 2020
AdaptIQ was founded by leading experts in business transformation and organizational change management. We have helped organizations around the world navigate difficult times. You don't have to lead change alone. We're with you all the way.

In a world of accelerating change, the difference between success and failure rests on our ability to embrace change and adapt our mental and business models to the evolving world we live in. From executive leadership mentoring and corporate engagement programs, to strategic initiatives and educational content, AdaptIQ is your partner in navigating change.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

3 Influencer Awards
FINALIST Women in Digital 2022
Digital Business Ireland
December 05, 2022
Shortlisted top 5 Women in Digital 2022 as chosen by Digital Business Ireland

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Tags: Digital Transformation

Top 175 Women B2B Thought Leader to Follow in 2023
November 23, 2022
Named as one of the top 175 B2B thought leaders globally by Thinkers 360

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Tags: Digital Disruption

Top 100 Thought Leader - Blockchain
August 01, 2022
Awarded by Thinkers360

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Tags: Blockchain

6 Infographics
Technostress SSO framework
December 13, 2022
Technostress is defined as 'stress or psychosomatic illness caused by working with computer technology on a daily basis'. None of us are immune. Technostress is the new uber-stressor of the digital age with real-life costs and consequences. Using the Stressor-Strain-Outcome model to analyse the components of Technostress provides insights on its impacts for individuals, organisations, and technologists alike.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

General Adaptation Syndrome
December 13, 2022
General adaptation syndrome (GAS) is a description of the process of how your body responds to stress. The phenomenon was first identified by a scientist named Hans Selye in 1946 and now colloquially known as The Stress Response. The easiest way to understand GAS is to view it as the different stages of stress and how your body reacts at each stage. Stress can create positive (EUSTRESS) and negative (DISTRESS) reactions in the body - knowing what it's doing to our bodies can help prevent chronic stress and burnout.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

SCARF for STakeholders
December 13, 2022
The SCARF model involves five domains of human social experience: status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness. Status is about where you are in relation to others around you. Certainty concerns being able to predict the future. Autonomy provides a sense of control over events.and burnout. Relatedness is a sense of safety with others, of friend rather than foe. Fairness is a perception of impartial and just exchanges between people. THE SCARF model is an ideal way to anticipate and plan for stakeholder alignment.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Pressure Performance Curve
December 13, 2022
In 1908 two scientists called Yerkes and Dodson conducted a series of experiments with
‘dancing mice’ . They put mice under pressure and assessed how well they performed. This
was achieved by heating the floor of their cage (hence ‘dancing mice’) to see how this affected
their ability to perform. Yerkes and Dodson were able to demonstrate a clear and definitive
relationship between pressure and performance which has stood the test of time. Since then,
this relationship has also been verified for people, computers, complex systems and corporations - as well as mice.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Egosystem to Ecosystems
December 13, 2022
In a world where investors and venture capitalists demand hockey stick growth charts from their portfolio of investments, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most: humanity itself. Growth metrics and external market expectations have historically swayed product decisions and have an outsized impact on internal decision-making. It's time to put 'we' above 'me'

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

The Capacity Gap: Humans vs Machines
July 29, 2022
As technology's evolution continues to march on unfettered, we're busy addressing the emerging consequences of the rapid technological evolution of the past two decades. Just when we need the full power of our brains to solve our planet's most complex and pressing challenges we are experiencing a burnout epidemic. Meanwhile the tech world is racing forward with the next iteration of the Web.

When technological evolution continues to outpace human evolution, the result is ‘human lag’. We experience lag when we feel overwhelmed and unable to keep up with the impact emerging technologies has on our lives.

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

2 Keynotes
Shaping the Future: Emerging Threats and Opportunities
AICEP Portugal Global
October 20, 2022
A meeting of C-suite leaders to explore relevant threats and opportunities - in particular talent attraction, cybersecurity and emerging technologies

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

ABC's of Blockchain
October 10, 2019

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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology

1 Steering Committee Membership
Connecting Women in Technology
August 01, 2016
Connecting Women in Technology is a network of Irish based technology companies who all share a common goal to support the development of women in the technology industry. Founded by Accenture, Dell and Microsoft in 2009, the network today spans over 20 leading multinational technology companies, who all collaborate to attract, promote and encourage women in STEM careers.

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Tags: Culture, Digital Disruption, Ecosystems

2 Webinars
Intellectual Property Strategy for SMEs
April 26, 2021
Intellectual Property (IP) can be daunting for many Irish SMEs. They may not be able to identify the IP in different areas of their business, let alone know how to create and implement a successful IP strategy.

ISO 56005 is a new guidance framework for SMEs to effectively manage the IP that supports and protects their innovation. Forming part of the ISO 56000 Innovation Series of Guidance Standards developed by the world’s leading IP experts, this document will be a valuable resource and practical tool for Irish companies navigating through the world of Intellectual Property management.

This webinar will show how IP strategy, a typical pain point for innovators, can now be streamlined thanks to this new Standard.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, Startups

Technology-enabled Finance
March 16, 2021
This one hour workshop will showcase the ‘no-code’ automation movement and how recent advances make automation accessible for ALL finance teams without the need for IT, developers, or data-scientists. Supercharge your finance processes with intuitive, easy to use, technology solutions built with you in mind.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

1 Workshop
Solving the Digital Adoption Gap
The Conference Board
September 21, 2022
An interactive session with C-suite change, transformation and technology leaders to unpack the nuances behind the digital adoption gap

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

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