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Len Pannett

Advisor at DiManEx

Oxford, United Kingdom

A seasoned operations implementation expert and leader who helps organisations to achieve sustainable change and improved EBITDA. Focused on helping organisation to realise their strategic objectives, interpreting the "what do we do" into the "how do we do it". Published author and keynote speaker on topics such as digital transformation, the impact of 3D printing on supply chains and succeeding at operational transformation.

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Wallingford
Speaking Topics: Supply chain management; operational transformation; digital transformation; 3D printing's impact on supply chains

Len Pannett Points
Academic 41
Author 98
Influencer 50
Speaker 118
Entrepreneur 191
Total 498

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Theatre: EMEA
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 25 years
Last Media Training: 05/14/2020
Last Media Interview: 02/17/2022

Areas of Expertise

Analytics 30.12
Blockchain 30.07
Business Strategy 38.46
Change Management 30.61
Cloud 30.07
Culture 30.10
Data Center 30.17
DevOps 31.72
Digital Disruption 33.15
Digital Transformation 31.50
Emerging Technology 37.35
FinTech 30.26
Innovation 30.14
Leadership 30.20
Management 35.34
Marketing 30.02
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mobility 30.58
Procurement 30.32
Project Management 31.98
Risk Management 32.34
RPA 30.80
Security 30.07
Supply Chain 38.68
Sustainability 32.09

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Agriculture & Mining
Engineering & Construction
Federal & Public Sector
Forest Products & Paper
Industrial Machinery & Components
Metal Products
Oil & Gas
Professional Services
Wholesale Distribution


2 Academic Certifications
Managing Successful Programmes, Advanced Practitioner
Office of Government Commerce
June 01, 2008

See publication

Tags: Management

Six Sigma Black Belt
October 01, 2007

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Management

1 Academic Course
Digital Storytelling Fellowship
November 07, 2022

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Marketing

10 Article/Blogs
Supply On-Demand
TCT Magazine
November 09, 2022
"Laura Griffiths and Sam Davies explore the impact of AM on supply chains."

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

Tackling the Triple Threat: Overcoming Cost, Resilience and Sustainability Challenges in Supply Chains
July 15, 2022
Benjamin Franklin said, "If you want something done, ask a busy person" and, with all that has been going on over the last few years, it is perhaps no wonder that supply chain leaders are feeling overworked of late. Practically across all sectors, they are having to juggle the consequences of macroeconomics, the seemingly continuous disruptions and the renewed focus on sustainability. The litany of issues that are buffeting supply chains worldwide grows ever longer, from rising inflation through war to resource shortages and the acceleration of digital transformation. From recent discussions I’ve had with supply chain directors and managers, it is apparent that there is no prognosis of the storm abating anytime soon, so how can they navigate it?

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Business Strategy

No Swimming Allowed: Making Change Happen
January 27, 2021
How to ensure change initiatives get off the ground

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Business Strategy

Interview: discussing the role of 3D-printing in supply chains with Visagio’s Len Pannett
January 26, 2021
It has long been said that 3D printing is capable of revolutionizing logistics. Despite this, the technology was arguably overshadowed in 2020 by the wave of supply chain digitisation sparked by the pandemic. The huge potential of 3D printing nonetheless remains, and the technology is still on course for a key role in the supply chains of the future.

With this in mind, we caught up with Len Pannett of Visagio, 3D printing expert and author of “Supercharg3d: How 3D Printing Will Drive Your Supply Chain”, to find out about how 3D printing can best be utilised, how the technology is developing and how it may be deployed in the future.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

The Next Step in Spare Parts Management: 3D Printing
March 01, 2019
With digital transformation affecting every part of the supply chain, old problems are using (adopting) new solutions. Spare parts management is a perennial issue in so many sectors, requiring a fine balance between service levels and working capital. However, digital innovations are changing the dynamic, bringing capabilities that were previously unreachable and re-writing the rules of the past. In this article, you will witness this change through the experience of one of the largest rail companies in the world, learning lessons that can be readily applied to your spare parts management.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

Disrupting Supply Chains with 3D Printing
Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics & Procurement
December 03, 2018
A look at how 3D printing affects the individual parts of the supply chain and enables the adoption of new supply chain models.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Business Strategy

Seeing the Wood for the Trees: Supply Chain Assurance through Blockchain
May 01, 2018
The development and implementation of new technologies is something that entrepreneurs are used to doing, but not all attempts work first time. When pressed, those pioneers will admit that they learnt more from failures – their own and others’ – in order to succeed. This article presents one such lesson learned, one stemming from personal experience. In it, Len Pannett discusses a business venture which aimed to solve a problem many supply chains have today – that of supply chain visibility and traceability – and how a recent technology development promises to solve what hasn’t been possible before.

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

Brazil - Building the Country of Tomorrow
Institute of Civil Engineering
May 25, 2015
As a result of 40 years of little investment, Brazil still lags its Bric counterparts Russia, India and China in the quality and scale of its infrastructure, which in turn has restricted growth. However, Brazil is now undergoing the greatest building programme in the history of Latin America, with government investment in infrastructure targeting urban development and housing, roads and railways, ports and airports, and energy. The programme and the country itself offer attractive opportunities to civil engineers – and the nature of many of the projects calls for innovative engineering solutions. However, doing business in Brazil is not straightforward and interested parties must be prepared for differences in culture and ways of working. This paper identifies the key developments under way in major infrastructure areas. It then offers a pragmatic perspective on what engineers need to take into account to pursue the opportunities that the massive construction programme has to offer.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Management, Construction

3D: The Future of Printing
January 01, 2014
How 3D printing will change the way supply chains will operate

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

Strategic Partnering: The Emerging Relationship Between Industry and the MoD
RUSI Defence Systems
October 02, 2007
How will the UK Ministry of Defence adapt to the changing approach to procurement and the relationship with the private sector

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Management, Procurement

2 Board Memberships
Managing Partner
May 14, 2020
Managing Partner of Visagio, a Brazilian-founded, global operations management consultancy. I lead the business's operations in EMEA, including business development, project leadership, knowledge management development and firm management.

See publication

Tags: Management, Business Strategy

Visagio Ltd
Visagio Ltd
January 01, 2014

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy

1 Book
Supercharg3d: How 3D Printing Will Drive Your Supply Chain
March 01, 2019
A strategic and operational guide to using 3D printing to drive value in the supply chain.
- What 3D printing is, what it can do and what it can’t
- Understand the wider implications that 3D printing has
- Learn the best way to consider whether it is right for you and, if so, how to adopt it

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

1 Book Chapter
Project Management Institute
January 30, 2016
How to develop strategic risk management in programmes/projects

See publication

Tags: Management, Risk Management, Business Strategy

2 Corporate Partners
Manufacture 2030
Manufacture 2030
July 05, 2021
Providing operational strategy implementation to this scale-up company's customer service operations management

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Supply Chain, Sustainability

Visagio Ltd
Visagio Ltd
January 01, 2014

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy

1 Executive
DiManEx BV
DiManEx BV
May 19, 2022

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Supply Chain

1 Founder
VG Partner
Visagio Ltd
January 01, 2014

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy

2 Industry Awards
Supply Chain Pro to Know
Supply Chain Executive
January 01, 2019

See publication

Tags: Supply Chain

Tech Titan
Global Procurement Awards
January 01, 2016

See publication

Tags: Supply Chain

3 Industry Certifications
Advanced Practitioner in Management Successful Programmes
UK Office for Government Commerce
November 01, 2010
OGC has sponsored the development of a programme management
approach based on proven best practice from both public and private sector
organisations. MSP comprises:
· Principles
· Governance Themes
· Transformational Flow processes

See publication

Tags: Project Management

Certified Supply Chain Professional
January 06, 2008

See publication

Tags: Supply Chain

Six Sigma Black Belt
PRTM Management Consultants Ltd
May 01, 2007

See publication

Tags: Project Management

1 Journal Publication
Disrupting supply chains with 3D printing
Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Procurement
January 03, 2018
Despite it being integral to them, manufacturing is all too frequently forgotten when defining the size and shape of supply chains. Optimisation efforts typically focus on warehousing, sourcing and transport; however, that is changing. New manufacturing technologies are giving supply chain decision makers far greater freedoms than they have ever had, led by the emergence of 3D printing from being a tool for design and prototyping to making items destined for end uses. Now over 30 years old, this group of technologies enables established supply chains to radically increase their flexibility, to reduce lead times and costs, and to offer their customers far higher service levels in terms of what they provide and how it is provided. This paper will look at the impact of 3D printing on the individual elements of the supply chain, examining the benefits that it brings, balancing those with the constraints and current broader considerations that decision makers need to consider. It will then describe how organisations can go about evaluating whether it is right for them and, where there is a case to be make, how to go about identifying which approaches to take in deciding what to use it for and how to adopt it.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

6 Keynotes
Pirate or Privateer? Using Additive Manufacture to Resolve Supply Chain Challenges
Premier Publishing
October 13, 2022
Supply chains are universally having to balance cost, resilience and sustainability, often sacrificing one for the sake of the others The onset of innovation in digital manufacturing, particularly additive manufacture (aka 3D printing), is now enabling it to reduce supply chain costs while simultaneously increasing resilience and sustainability, leading to a digital inventory and achieving agile make-to-order. Illustrated with contemporary examples, this talk will look at how additive manufacturing can be leveraged to overcome many of the challenges that are affecting supply chains today, and how to take the first steps on that journey.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Disruption, Supply Chain

Setting Up Data for Digital Success
Offshore Network
December 01, 2021
Too many digital transformation programmes and projects end up stranded on the rocks of bad data, such as materials, asset and supply chain data. This session will look at the consequences of bad materials master data and how to apply new methodologies
Traditionally, cleaning up that data is a task that is seen as never-ending, with few or no resources dedicated to it, and as a result, the issue festers and is never resolved – discover how to correct this challenge
Reduce the risk of failure by utilizing machine learning and AI to attack the problem systematically – giving you successful, sustainable, and fast delivery of results in terms of higher service levels, lower costs of procurement and inventory, reduced working capital, and higher productivity

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Management

Cloudy Waters: Steering post-Covid supply chains through the challenges to come
September 09, 2021
The 2020 Covid pandemic saw unprecedented disruption to supply chains globally. After focussing on the safety of their own personnel and their business continuity, many supply chain leaders were driven to accelerate changes to cope with the challenging conditions. In the gloom of the pandemic’s effects, there were several lessons learned that will continue to shape the needs of supply chains as we look to the post-Covid vaccine future. At the same time, supply chains have never had such a wealth of ideas, methodologies and tools at their disposal, complicating the choices that leaders must make.
This talk will look at those key lessons and consider where supply chain leaders must focus to be better prepared to face the challenges to come.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Risk Management, Supply Chain

Using 3D Printing to Increase Supply Chain Resilience
London Business School
May 28, 2021

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Risk Management, Supply Chain

3D Printing Connect Live
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Conference and Exhibition
January 15, 2019
Lead Moderator and Keynote Speaker on "How 3D Printing WIll Drive Your Supply Chain"

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

The Impact of 3D Printing on Supply Chains
Premier Publishing
January 02, 2019
A look at how 3D printing affects the individual parts of the supply chain and enables the adoption of new supply chain models.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Business Strategy

8 Media Interviews
Challenging the assumptions of 3D printing with Len Pannett
Transform Talks
October 12, 2022
Podcast covering:
- The pressures that supply chain is going through
- Whether 3D printing is misunderstood
- How the current mindset may be limiting additive manufacturing
- What state the supply chain finds itself in right now
- How you go about setting up your business for 3D printing

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Supply Chain, Business Strategy

Len Pannett on Innovation of 3D Printing in the Supply Chain
Tech Talks
June 18, 2022
Podcast covering:
- What is a Supply Chain
- What is 3D Printing
- Lasers and Electro beams!
- The Terminator movie
- Restrictions of traditional manufacturing
- History in 3D printing, began in the 1980's
- Materials in 3D printing
- Watching 3D printing is boring!
- Advantages of 3D Printing
- Why there is not more 3D Printing in 2022
- Customisation of 3D Printing
- Spare Parts and Customer Pain Points
- Sustainability in the Supply Chain

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Disruption, Supply Chain

Bumpy times ahead for Brexit Britain’s supply chains
March 02, 2022
Interviewed by Raconteur for the supplement in the Times newspaper on the implications of Brexit on supply chains.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Business Strategy

Interview with BBC Radio Oxford on 3D Printing
BBC Radio Oxford
January 29, 2021
Interview on how 3D printing is changing the world

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Change Management

Discussing the role of 3D-printing in supply chains with Visagio’s Len Pannett
BBC Radio Oxford
January 26, 2021
It has long been said that 3D printing is capable of revolutionizing logistics. Despite this, the technology was arguably overshadowed in 2020 by the wave of supply chain digitisation sparked by the pandemic. The huge potential of 3D printing nonetheless remains, and the technology is still on course for a key role in the supply chains of the future.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Change Management

Stressed firms look for better ways to source products
BBC News
April 27, 2020

See publication

Tags: Management, Supply Chain

Interview with BBC Radio Oxford on Covid's Impact on Supply Chains
BBC Radio Oxford
March 20, 2020

See publication

Tags: Management, Supply Chain

Interview with BBC Radio Oxford on 3D Printing
BBC Radio Oxford
March 10, 2020

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

2 Memberships
President of UK Roundtable
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
September 01, 2017

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Management, Supply Chain

Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
Institution of Engineering and Technology
January 06, 2014

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Engineering

1 Mentor
Durham University Business School
University of Durham
September 02, 2013
Mentoring students on the MBA programmes

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Culture

19 Panels
Impacts on Scottish Supply Chains - Covid, Brexit & More
Premier Publishing
October 13, 2022
Panel on how Covid, Brexit and other external strategic factors are affecting supply chains in Scotland and what firms can do about it

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Disruption, Supply Chain

Using real-time information to elevate risk operations
The Ortus Club
June 14, 2022
Risk experts are facing new challenges around resilience and efficiency. The organisations they work for are experiencing resource constraints at a time when threats and vulnerabilities are on the rise.

To achieve more effective crisis response and recovery, organisations must utilise available technologies, such as real-time information, to gain timely insights into emerging risks. This can be the difference between a crisis and continued resilience.

- How do companies protect their people, assets, and operations worldwide?
- What can organisations do to efficiently close the gap between when security threats surface, when they discover them, and how quickly they act?
- How can risk leaders extract the maximum value from real-time information to enhance their mitigation efforts?

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Risk Management

Sustainability in the Cloud: Leveraging data to reach green goals
The Ortus Club
May 26, 2022
Cloud and data have opened companies up to unprecedented opportunities and new levels of agility. Furthermore, leveraging data in the cloud is instrumental in reaching sustainability goals. Using internal and external data sources, organisations can form a comprehensive view of their cloud carbon footprint, allowing them to drill down to the application and resource level.

Big data, AI, and cloud-based capabilities towards innovation in data collection. Companies can now identify which segments of their operations generate the largest and smallest carbon footprint, enabling their leaders to fine-tune sustainability strategies.

- What challenges do companies face in balancing cloud and sustainability strategies?
- How can companies generate insights enabling sustainability efforts?
- What can organisations do to build sustainable cloud infrastructure? What technologies can be utilised?

See publication

Tags: Cloud, Sustainability, Data Center

Smarter, faster security operations and the role of real-time data
The Ortus Club
May 17, 2022
The pandemic has raised the stakes more than ever before with operational experts constantly facing new challenges around resilience and efficiency. Meanwhile, the organisations they service are experiencing resource constraints at a time when threats and vulnerabilities are on the rise.

To achieve more effective crisis response and recovery, companies must better utilise available resources, particularly real-time information. Having timely insights at their disposal may spell the difference between a business in crisis and driving a competitive advantage.

- What can organisations do to efficiently close the gap between threat detection and response time?
- How can fast and accurate alerting add value to business continuity, contingency, and crisis response?
- How can leaders extract the maximum value from technology to enhance risk mitigation efforts?

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Security

Supply chain excellence: Using technology to improve and accelerate
The Ortus Club
March 15, 2022
For most organizations, the lifeblood of their work comes from getting the right quality product or service to the right customer in the right timeframe. In a rapidly changing environment, success may depend on a fully visible supply chain, where trading partners communicate and collaborate to avoid or manage disruptions.

Navigating the technology and assessing the investments required to get organizations where they need to be may seem daunting, particularly as world and consumer behavior continue to change daily. Adaptive businesses are now exploring predictive, intelligent tools to seize opportunities and drive market share.

How can organizations accelerate digital capabilities while mitigating technology investment risk?
How can leaders determine which technology investments are most important to their stakeholders?
How can organizations create supply chain plans that take into account real-world transportation and supplier restrictions?

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Elevate Your Risk Operations with Real-time Information
The Ortus Club
February 24, 2022
COVID-19 has raised the risk stakes more than ever before, with operational experts facing new challenges around resilience and efficiency. Meanwhile, the organisations they work for are experiencing resource constraints at a time when threats and vulnerabilities are on the rise.

To achieve more effective crisis response and recovery, companies must utilise available resources better, particularly real-time information. Having timely insights at their disposal may spell the difference between a business in crisis and continued success, driving competitive advantage.

How do companies protect their people, assets, and operations worldwide?
What can organisations do to efficiently close the gap between when security threats surface, when they discover them, and how quickly they act?
How can leaders extract the maximum value from technology to enhance risk mitigation efforts?

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Risk Management

The Transformation of Supply Chain Resilience
The Ortus Club
January 20, 2022
The pandemic has continued to wreak havoc on the global supply chain. Customer frustration is increasing, and businesses are being tested as supply issues and rising prices, that were once thought to be transient, are now expected to last far into the new year.

Companies now realize how crucial it is to strengthen the resilience of their supply chains, as the container market, shipping routes, ports, air cargo, trucking lines, railways, and warehouses remain in flux. What opportunities have arisen as a result of disruptions across the industry?

In addition to a shortage of skilled labor and more resignations, what are the biggest threats to supply chains today?
Why is transparency important, and can suppliers have too much of it?
How are companies developing more responsible, sustainable, and stronger supply chains? What role is technology playing?

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Supply Chain, Risk Management

Revolutionising procurement and finance through IT transformation
The Ortus Club
November 25, 2021
From increasing revenue to lowering the cost of goods and services and shortening the procurement process turnaround, CPOs and CFOs have different ways of ensuring the financial health of their companies. Discussions on how best to improve these measures are heavily centred on technology, but to what end?

With the ultimate goal of extracting value from new technologies, reducing the number of decision-making steps involving people and automating business rules are welcome additions to daily operations. Leaders must now identify the best solutions that will help them drive their organisations forward.

What role has technology played in accelerating leading organisations’ procurement and finance transformations?
How do companies agree and align processes when setting up their business for success?
What methods should leaders use to communicate change to their teams and stakeholders?

See publication

Tags: FinTech, Procurement, Supply Chain

Smarter supply chain strategies: boosting driver retention Virtual Roundtable
The Ortus Club
November 10, 2021
Even in today’s business landscape, operational efficiencies are still heavily dependent on the front lines. For supply chain and logistics processes, drivers do more than just deliver shipments. They help chart the path to organizational success, creating opportunities to adopt new technologies along the way.

Pay incentives, better planning for time-off, and robust communication tools are some of the many ways to improve relationships with drivers, which has become increasingly necessary as companies rapidly digitize. Forward-thinking leaders must then exhaust all efforts to not just retain their fleet operators, but enable them.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Management, Supply Chain

How real-time data is helping the telco industry manage emerging risks
The Ortus Club
November 09, 2021
From unexpected challenges to an unprecedented demand for new ways of working, 2020 was a pivotal year for sector-wide change. Digital transformation, above all else, became a key business lever towards resilience, and telco leaders now look to one asset in particular for sustained momentum: data.

Through the rapid (and successful) adoption of real-time data throughout their operations, companies can be better positioned to address more than just shifting consumer attitudes. They can gain a competitive advantage with the help of innovative technology, enabling them to reinforce security measures and mitigate risk.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Management

The evolution of supply chain resilience
The Ortus Club
August 31, 2021
The pandemic has been especially disruptive to the logistics industry, exposing how vulnerable it is to shocks that ricochet across complex and global supply chains. Lockdowns and border closures led to shortages of critical goods, longer shipment lead times, and delays. For many businesses, it meant being unable to either predict or guarantee deliveries.

Companies now realize how crucial it is to strengthen the resilience of their supply chains. Increasingly, they are embracing location-technology solutions, such as real-time tracking and route optimization, to create efficient, smart, and dynamic supply chains.

What opportunities have arisen as a result of disruptions across the industry?
How are companies currently strengthening the resilience of their supply chains?
What role will location technology play in the future of last-mile delivery?

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Risk Management, Supply Chain

Why digitising supply chain is the need of the hour in Europe
The Ortus Club
August 26, 2021
The accelerating pace of disruption in the modern-day business landscape has driven companies to
develop operational efficiencies with greater urgency. Eliminating manual re-keying errors, improving
data accuracy, reducing costs, automating labour-intensive processes, and facilitating
decision-making at multiple stages in the lifecycle—all are necessary for businesses to succeed.
Leaders now look to digitisation for more effective supply chain management, advancing their use of
innovative technologies and integrating new best practices. The adoption of data-powered
strategies also enables their response to an evolving market and changing customer expectations.
■ What challenges do companies face as they modernise their supply chain?
■ What are the key considerations for successful digitisation?
■ How can the use of data help deliver better business results?

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

The Digital Innovation Leaders' Virtual Roundtable
The Ortus Club
June 24, 2021
The world has gone through a series of disruptive changes at breakneck speed. In Britain alone, the change in trading conditions due to Brexit and the change in customer conditions due to the pandemic has forced companies to adapt quickly to stay afloat. Some have even thrived as a result.

What successful manufacturers all have in common is the ability to fast-track digital innovation and embrace new methods of supply chain management. This has empowered them to redefine partner and customer interactions, even paving the way for new revenue streams.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Supply Chain

Revolutionising procurement and finance through IT transformation
The Ortus Club
June 03, 2021
2021 poses a very different landscape for IT leaders tasked with transforming the business, and having the best technology in place is essential. However, low adoption and complexity can significantly impact the potential value realised. In the same way organisations like Salesforce and Workday have revolutionised how companies manage their customers and employees, business spend management has revolutionised overall operations.

Today’s CIOs are tasked with modernising the back office, tackling complexity, and reducing cost. When it comes to procurement, they are faced with consolidating on ‘good enough’ ERP modules vs innovating with solutions that automate and facilitate business processes for all areas of business spend within one platform.

How can IT leaders drive innovation at speed and meet the growing demand of managing spend across the business?
Is now the time to break away from ‘good enough’ ERP modules and transform back-office functions like procurement and finance with a dedicated spend management platform?
What is the best way to drive adoption and communicate change across the organisation?

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Risk Management

Considerações para uma Implementação SASE de Sucesso
The Ortus Club
May 11, 2021
SASE, ou Secure Access Service Edge, promete reduzir a complexidade e custos, melhorar o desempenho, aumentar a acessibilidade e intensificar a segurança. Para adotar o SASE, administradores de rede e de segurança devem desenvolver um plano de migração para esta nova arquitetura que leva em consideração a natureza dos usuários e dos dados. A pergunta é: como obter tais benefícios ao implementar a arquitetura SASE? Na verdade, é muito menos complicado do que os provedores imaginam.

O que uma empresa deve avaliar quando estiver criando um plano de migração para uma plataforma SASE?
O que deve ser considerado num plano de 3, 6 e 12 meses para sua implementação?
Que desafios futuros as empresas enfrentarão em termos de segurança de TI?

See publication

Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation

How Electrolux and Sidel optimize their supply chain with 3D printing
January 20, 2021
A panel discussion with two consumer goods companies on how 3D printing helps them to overcome supply chain challenges

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

The Finance and Procurement Leaders' Virtual Roundtable
The Ortus Club
December 02, 2020
Finance and procurement leaders have seen a significant evolution in their roles and responsibilities over the last few years. Geopolitical uncertainty, tough regulation and rapidly advancing technology have all put greater pressure on companies, in turn placing greater demands on the financial and risk management functions.

Although these leaders’ functional duties have not diminished, they must now be even more risk-aware and take a holistic approach to the business, striking a balance between the operational and strategic. With multiple operational and strategic risks to manage at all times, strengthening the integration between the risk, finance, technology and procurement teams is crucial.

How can finance leaders ensure they understand and account for the myriad of risks facing the organisation without losing focus on working capital management?
How can firms ensure that they meet the expectations of international regulators for third-party risk management?
What will the role of the finance leader look like in the future? How can they be more risk-aware without losing sight of the big picture?

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, FinTech

Scalable and Efficient Third-Party Cyber-Risk Management
The Ortus Club
November 25, 2020
Organisations today have interconnected supply chains that are inevitably open to cyber disasters, either directly or indirectly through vulnerable vendors. The global epidemic has highlighted the importance of maintaining smooth supply chain operations to prevent these catastrophic disruptions.

Many businesses still struggle to find the most effective and efficient ways to manage the cyber risks present across their entire supply chain which invariably outweigh the resources available. The need has arisen for organisations to reassess the reliability, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency of their current security landscapes.

How can businesses mitigate potential disruptions and risk throughout the supply chain?
Should organisations reevaluate the efficiency and costs of cyber risk data management and reassess actionable intelligence?
What are the most cost-effective and scalable models for third-party cyber risk management?

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Management

Role of 3D Printing in Localization
Warwick Univeristy
May 10, 2015
A look at how 3D printing can support greater localisation of manufacturing

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Business Strategy

1 Podcast
Setting up Data for Digital Success
Visagio Ltd
May 10, 2022
In this short conversation, CSCMP UK President, Len Pannett, and Inventory and Master Data specialist and founder of Synopps, Innokentiy Kirillov, introduce the concept of Data Management in times of Digital Transformation, how bad data can have a negative impact on your organisation, and ways to overcome these challenges with new tools on the market.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

8 Speaking Engagements
3D Printing Your Way to a Resilient Supply Chain
Premier Publishing
March 10, 2022

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

Setting Up Data for Digital Success
Premier Publishing
March 10, 2022

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

3D Printing's Impact on Post-Covid Supply Chains
Cranfield University
September 01, 2020
A look at how 3D printing's operational capabilities provide the capabilities of improved resilience, reduced cost and better sustainability that post-Covid-19 supply chains now need.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

Digitization and Automation: It's deja vu all over again!
March 28, 2019
Today’s supply chain decision makers are being bombarded by the widest range of innovations and technological developments, all promising to revolutionise their operations and bring them countless transformative benefits. How do they navigate that blizzard of new terms to figure out what is right for them? In this talk, Len Pannett will look at the digitisation tsunami, considering why it is so different from past changes and how to go about implementing the right solutions. He will take a closer look at one digital innovation that is already changing supply chains and operations: robotic process automation.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Interview with BBC Radio Oxford
BBC Radio Oxford
March 21, 2019
Discussion on the supply chain implications of Covid-19

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Tags: Supply Chain, Management

Supercharging Supply Chains with 3D Printing
Wold Class Maintenance
September 26, 2018
The advent of industrial 3D printing affects more than just design and manufacture. It impacts each of the component element of a supply chain: ‘plan’, ‘source’, ‘deliver’ and ‘return’ all have to adapt, as well as ‘make’. Moreover, the use of 3D printing enables new supply chain models to be implemented, providing greater flexibility and responsiveness while reducing risks. In this talk, Len Pannett will look at the impact of 3D printing on each of the SCOR elements of the supply chain and the new supply chain models that emerge.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

The Impact of 3D Printing on Supply Chains
February 21, 2018
A look at how 3D printing impacts the elements of supply chains and enables new supply chain models

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Business Strategy

Examining Sustainable Supply Chain Management Through Technology
September 21, 2011
How traceability technologies can provide assurance of sustainability in food supply chains

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Sustainability

2 Steering Committee Memberships
Co-Chair of Inventory Management Working Group
UK Ministry of Defence
February 01, 2022
As part of the Chief of Defence Logistics Strategy (CDLS) Additive Manufacture Challenge, I am the Industry Co-Chair of the Inventory Management Working Group, overseeing and directing a group of MoD and Industry experts to identify areas of strategy, policy and procedure that need to be adapted to enable the wider use of 3D printing across the UK defence sector.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

School Governor
St Nicholas Junior School
March 01, 2011

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Tags: Leadership, Management

1 Trademark
UK Patent Office
October 01, 2007

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Tags: Emerging Technology

3 Visiting Lecturers
Driving Supply Chain Success through 3D Printing
London Business School
May 27, 2022
Lecture on how 3D printing affects supply chain operating models at the elemental and systematic levels, presented to the MBA and Executive MBA courses at the London Business School

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

Visiting Lecturer at London Business School
London Business School
May 01, 2020
Annual lecture to MBA/EMBA/Sloan Fellows on impact of 3D printing on supply chains

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

The Impact of 3D Printing on Supply Chains
London Business School
May 01, 2019
A walk through what 3D printing is and how it affects supply chains, function-by-function and holistically.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

2 Webinars
The Trouble With Logistics: Developing Tomorrow's Personnel
November 03, 2021
The USA and UK are both currently experiencing the greatest disruptions to logistics seen in decades. Successive supply chain disruptions, from the Covid pandemic to natural and man-made disasters, have exposed underlying problems, particularly those regarding the availability of logistics personnel, such as HGV drivers and warehouse staff. While the rapid advent of digital transformation has promised to alleviate those issues, supply chains in both countries are suffering from delays and interruptions.

In this panel session, leading logistics figures will share what is happening in their respective areas and what some of the approaches have been to tackle those.

The CSCMP International Supply Chain Reflections Webinar series will bring together professionals from the United States and United Kingdom to discuss relevant topics affecting the global supply chain industry. Webinar topics will include a comparative analysis of US and UK markets, shifts in demand planning, and best practices regarding workforce retainage and hiring gaps.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Supply Chain

The Trouble With Logistics: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective
October 19, 2021
The USA and UK are both currently experiencing the greatest disruptions to logistics seen in decades. Successive supply chain disruptions, from the Covid pandemic to natural and man-made disasters, have exposed underlying problems, particularly those regarding the availability of logistics personnel, such as HGV drivers and warehouse staff. While the rapid advent of digital transformation has promised to alleviate those issues, supply chains in both countries are suffering from delays and interruptions.

In this panel session, leading logistics figures will share what is happening in their respective areas and what some of the approaches have been to tackle those.

The CSCMP International Supply Chain Reflections Webinar series will bring together professionals from the United States and United Kingdom to discuss relevant topics affecting the global supply chain industry. Webinar topics will include a comparative analysis of US and UK markets, shifts in demand planning, and best practices regarding workforce retainage and hiring gaps.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Supply Chain

5 Whitepapers
A Way Forward for UK Supply Chains in 2020
October 09, 2020
UK supply chain decision-makers are today facing a perfect storm of challenges: not only are the needs of the market changing, but the wider environment in which they operate is being buffeted by the complete disruption from Covid-19 and the uncertainty of the post-EU paradigm. Mitigating these effects and risks is now urgent and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. Key to achieving the flexibility and productivity that supply chains will need is digital transformation. However, despite significant coverage of the topic, supply chains are still reticent to embark on it. This article starts by examining why that is and what can be done to overcome the causes of this hesitation. It then looks at how to make digital transformation a sustainable change to the supply chains.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Management, Business Strategy

A Way Forward for UK Supply Chains in 2020
May 01, 2020
UK supply chain decision-makers are today facing a perfect storm of challenges: not only are the needs of the market changing, but the wider environment in which they operate is being buffeted by the complete disruption from Covid-19 and the uncertainty of the post-EU paradigm. Mitigating these effects and risks is now urgent and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. Key to achieving the flexibility and productivity that supply chains will need is digital transformation. However, despite significant coverage of the topic, supply chains are still reticent to embark on it. This article starts by examining why that is and what can be done to overcome the causes of this hesitation. It then looks at how to make digital transformation a sustainable change to the supply chains.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, RPA, Supply Chain

Meeting the Needs of MRO Spares through Digital Manufacturing
May 01, 2020
With “disruption” becoming an increasing feature of supply chains, whose decision-makers have to find new ways to mitigate risks from it, supply chain innovation is now a key requirement for effective, efficient and economic success. The use of optimization tools has long been a feature of the area of inventory management, and now new technologies are advancing those further. MRO spare parts management often balances the need to hold stock on shelves with the locking-in of working capital. However, digital manufacturing, such as the use of 3D printing, is now proving to change that paradigm, allowing companies to ensure service levels without the financial constraints of the past. This article looks at how 3D printing helps with MRO spare parts management, and describes the first steps to adopt it.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Supply Chain

Meeting the Needs of MRO Spares through Digital Manufacturing
March 10, 2020
With “disruption” becoming an increasing feature of supply chains, whose decision-makers have to find new ways to mitigate risks from it, supply chain innovation is now a key requirement for effective, efficient and economic success. The use of optimization tools has long been a feature of the area of inventory management, and now new technologies are advancing those further. MRO spare parts management often balances the need to hold stock on shelves with the locking-in of working capital. However, digital manufacturing, such as the use of 3D printing, is now proving to change that paradigm, allowing companies to ensure service levels without the financial constraints of the past. This article looks at how 3D printing helps with MRO spare parts management, and describes the first steps to adopt it.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Management

Breaking the Binds: Achieving Working Capital Release Through Spares Optimization
October 01, 2014
How to release working capital and improve service levels through MRO spares optimization

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Tags: Management, Supply Chain

3 Workshops
Modernising apps for consumption in a 24×7 world
The Ortus Club
June 30, 2022
To stay ahead of their competition and drive profitability, businesses need to develop market-leading products capable of evolving rapidly. However, without the capabilities and architecture that drives down TCO, companies cannot gain the flexibility to accelerate product development.

Costs for ISV customers to license, learn, integrate, and maintain multiple technology database platforms remain a concern, but various tools are leveling the playing field. Leaders now have at their disposal everything from a document database and built-in caching to full-text search and analytics.

What database challenges do companies face today?
How can companies improve development agility and speed?
What technologies can help companies save time, effort, and costs?

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Tags: Mobility, Data Center, DevOps

Reinventing finance and procurement: business transformation through new technology
The Ortus Club
November 25, 2021
Procurement and finance leaders in London are invited to join this roundtable dinner on the topic ‘Reinventing finance and procurement: business transformation through new technology’. It is a great opportunity to see how leading organisations use technology to drive business success.

An expert moderator will guide the knowledge-sharing event, stimulating discussion between participants in a closed, confidential environment. Attendance is by invitation only and complimentary. Registration is limited to a certain number of guests per event.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, FinTech, Procurement

Online supply chain innovations for a post-Brexit, post-pandemic world
The Ortus Club
June 24, 2021
The world has gone through a series of disruptive changes at breakneck speed. In Britain alone, the change in trading conditions due to Brexit and the change in customer conditions due to the pandemic has forced companies to adapt quickly to stay afloat. Some have even thrived as a result.

What successful manufacturers all have in common is the ability to fast-track digital innovation and embrace new methods of supply chain management. This has empowered them to redefine partner and customer interactions, even paving the way for new revenue streams.

The pandemic has increased customer interactions online. How can companies create great experiences for customers?
How can API management be leveraged to build developer relationships and generate new revenue streams in 2021?
What is the quick route to platformisation (or Open Innovation)? How can enterprises compete effectively by embracing new IT practices?

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Supply Chain

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