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Jennifer Sanchis

Account Director at CARMA

London, England, United Kingdom

Passionate about PR measurement and evaluation to help provide interpretive analysis, actionable insights and strategic guidance. Experience in working on international media analysis solutions for governments and corporations.

CIPR EA’s Outstanding Young Communicator 2019 and PRCA member.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Europe

Jennifer Sanchis Points
Academic 5
Author 26
Influencer 27
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 58

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

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Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Big Data
Change Management 30.18
COVID19 30.27
Leadership 30.08
Management 30.09
Marketing 30.59
Predictive Analytics
Procurement 30.04
Public Relations 32.08
Risk Management 30.45
Social 32.32

Industry Experience

Federal & Public Sector


1 Academic Whitepaper
Breach of Government Data - A Case Study
CIPR - PR Academy
July 01, 2019
The following report seeks to identify and define the communication challenges resulting from data breaches with special attention to governmental subjects. More specifically, it reviews the sensitive data leak that occurred in Sweden in July 2017, one of the largest in the country’s history. Secondary research allows the identification of the crisis situation, the analysis of social concerns and the evaluation of the management response. As a result, reasoned recommendations are formulated.

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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Risk Management

26 Article/Blogs
The Digital Pivot: How to Master Doing Business Online
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December 26, 2021
The concept of the “Digital Pivot” is essential to modern business survival. It refers to making the jump into online marketing. As Eric Schwartzman puts it, the author of the latest book I read, “the digital pivot is a journey from the old to the new way of doing business.” Competition onli

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Tags: Social, Marketing

Communicate in a Crisis: The Guide for PR Pro Survival
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October 11, 2021
Everybody makes mistakes. That’s to be expected. But that’s why we communications professionals measure, right? It’s about having the insights and ability to course-correct potential failures, provide guidance during unexpected events, advise around challenging contexts, mitigate risks and ass

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Tags: Social, Marketing

From France to the UK: What my travels have taught me about strategic planning
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December 30, 2020
For AMEC’s measurement month this year, I teamed up with the CIPR East Anglia group to organise a webinar on the topic of strategic planning. It was my second time organising an event for the CIPR. Because we had to do this on Zoom, it meant that we could reach out to a wider audienceContinue read

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Tags: Social, Marketing

Supporting diversity and inclusion efforts during Covid-19
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May 18, 2020
There are many lessons to be learnt for communicators and the way to look is forward. But let’s not forget … More

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Tags: Social, Marketing

Covid-19: How entrepreneurial spirit can boost PR efforts
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April 17, 2020
Society is facing an unprecedented health crisis. The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Some wonder: How can … More

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Tags: Social, Marketing, COVID19

Operation Matterhorn: How the Civil Aviation Authority navigated the turbulence caused by Thomas Cook’s sudden collapse
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December 06, 2019
When we think about PR, we often think about its creative aspects. The campaigns, photo shoots and fancy press events. But when a crisis hits, strategic communications can quickly become a life-or-death matter. In September 2019, Thomas Cook announced its compulsory liquidation. To repatriate more t

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Tags: Social, Marketing

How can PR secure a seat at the Board table? Oxford experts’ top tips
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October 01, 2019
2 in 10 execs don’t know what PR stands for. It is the disturbing conclusion of recent research published by the CIPR’s Influence Magazine. It is in this context that the Public Relations Oxford group held its latest event about PR’s seat at the Board table. We have got to wonder: how can dire

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

How to measure authenticity to strengthen your corporate image
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August 05, 2019
Corporate branding is at the core of what PR is about: strategic vision, organisational culture and stakeholder management. Corporate branding forms one of the cornerstones of any organisation’s identity and activity. It informs about who you are, what you stand for (or against), where you want to

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

Lucy Eckley: “Calling yourself a freelance communications consultant is too broad”
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May 12, 2019
I caught up with Lucy Eckley, an independent consultant who has been in the world of PR for more than 20 years. With her mix of marketing, business and communication strategy experience, she has been advising CEOs and leadership teams at some of the UK’s best-known companies for more than a decad

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

Writing about the Public Relations Oxford scene for a year showed me how vibrant this community is
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April 11, 2019
Pop the champagne (excuse my Frenchness)! I am celebrating my one-year anniversary as a content editor for the Public Relations Oxford group! This time last year, everyone was preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I attended this event at the Jericho Tavern (Public Relations O

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

Jesper Andersen: “An insight is an actionable piece of information presenting a choice”
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March 10, 2019
I’ve had the immense pleasure of catching-up with an inspirational figure in the world of PR measurement and evaluation: Jesper Andersen. Jesper is the founder and managing director of Quantum PR Measurement. Seeing an industry unable to reach its full strategic potential because of poor measureme

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Tags: Procurement, Management, Public Relations

Crisis management: measuring the attributes of success… and failure
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December 29, 2018
How can success be measured after a reputational crisis? Is there any valid metric to measure organisational change? I asked those questions to one of the panelists during a presentation about crisis response at Cision’s CommsCon last month. The answer I got to those questions? ...

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Tags: Social, Management, Marketing

Organisations can and should be ready when a crisis hits
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November 24, 2018
Research, evaluation and planning are at the very core of the strategic function of PR. In crisis times, providing a solid basis of information is vital to enable organisations to thrive and survive their hostile environment. To many extents, issues and crises are relatively predictable. Famously, B

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We need to see audiences as content creators to counter disinformation
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October 24, 2018
Fake news is not a new phenomenon but its current scope is alarming. According to the latest 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer, 63 percent of the U.S. general population finds it difficult to distinguish between what is real news and what is fake. Dr Jon White’s new series on the challenges of disinfo

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I am starting a Specialist Diploma on crisis communication – Here is why
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October 07, 2018
I’ve done it! I am a student again! If it doesn’t scare you, your goal isn’t big enough as they say. I can fairly say the thought of starting a postgraduate qualification whilst working on a full-time job and volunteering is scary. But I’d been thinking about it, I had to do it. I have [R

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People are confused by PR measurement – Here is how to communicate about it effectively
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September 17, 2018
PR remains an obscure discipline from an outsider’s point of view. Therefore, it goes without saying that its measurement probably baffles more people than we think, including some from the media industry. Richard Bagnall, Chairman of AMEC, recently shared a Forbes article on Twitter titled: “Ho

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Tags: Marketing, Public Relations

Why ethics is the future of PR
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September 06, 2018
“The next step is to explore not what you do, but why you do it”.’s editor Richard Bailey recently published a powerful reminder about the state of the PR working environment. If we want to move beyond the event management, content marketing and media relations technician role, we

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

Is thought leadership evaluation the answer to fake news and fake followers?
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August 29, 2018
The fake news and fake influencers crisis have left social media and giant tech companies under scrutiny. Actions have been taken to tackle authenticity issues with organisations attempting to monitor, measure and clean content from our digital platforms. Influencer marketing and advertising continu

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Tags: Social, Marketing

How my masters’ dissertation helps me with my work in research
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August 20, 2018
Media audiences are generally aware of journalists’ biases and newspapers’ ideologies but struggle to define what parameters make a story subjective. So for my masters’ dissertation, I decided to start with a story, the Charlie Hebdo attacks, to understand the various ideologies at stake...

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Tags: Social, Marketing

What can open data bring to your reputation?
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August 15, 2018
Today’s digital world offers organisations an unprecedented opportunity to communicate information. Open data is no longer only useful for research, evaluation and measurement. It can only be turned into a powerful PR tactic if practitioners are aware of its advantages and understand its risks. Op

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

Is the Influencer Marketing bubble about to crash down to Earth?
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August 06, 2018
It is a fair question. Recent news on the topic have caused quite a stir in the digital world so the value of influencer marketing is under scrutiny. I recently reviewed the matter in a Twitter chat with various practitioners. CIPR board and council member Ella Minty started the debate: Is the inf

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Tags: Social, Marketing

Public Affairs: Top tips for your Brexit communication
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June 20, 2018
I recently had the chance to attend a masterclass held by Dr Jon White at the CIPR headquarters in London. Alongside 17 other practitioners, we gathered to review, discuss and map out the communication challenges brought by Brexit. Nearly two years after the referendum, the CIPR has recently reveale

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

What is wrong with PR?
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June 05, 2018
This is probably PR’s greatest irony: PR suffers from bad reputation and image issues. Although the discipline has been institutionalised for years now, the industry is still facing an existential crisis that most practitioners and professional bodies are actively tackling. I wanted to look at the

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

Aligning Content Analysis with Journalism: A Better Path to Public Relations Success
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May 14, 2018
Before I conducted Public Relations research and evaluation, I worked in Paris for national news and specialized media outlets as a freelance journalist. Since my day-to-day work consisted of collecting, checking, compiling and commenting on facts, I found that Research occupied most of my time an

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

Cambridge Analytica: PR learnings from the whole debacle
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April 23, 2018
Reading the news about Cambridge Analytica’s fraudulent use of Facebook data made me feel concerned, but not for the most obvious reasons. Yes, the scandal raises serious questions about security issues and online trust, but I am particularly worried about how this case could, almost accidentally,

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

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Jennifer Sanchis