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Adnyesh Dalpati

Chief Executive Officer at Boson Technologies

Mumbai, India

Enterprise Architect, Technologist and an Internet of Things (IoT) Evangelist with 15+ yrs. of experience working in Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges, Cloud Companies, and Telecom. Has held various executive positions in JP Morgan, NSE and Alef Mobitech (US-based Edge Computing Company) Developed many low latency, high performance and scalable solutions using next-gen technologies like Edge Computing, Marketing Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual & Augmented Reality (AR/VR) and Blockchain Technology Applications catering to domains in Telco, Finance, Logistics, Media and Retail. An advocate of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Member of various technology groups and an active contributor to the field of next-gen technology.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Mumbai
Speaking Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, IOT

Adnyesh Dalpati Points
Academic 5
Author 15
Influencer 123
Speaker 66
Entrepreneur 40
Total 249

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Technology
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 17
Last Media Interview: 02/10/2020

Areas of Expertise

5G 30.43
AI 30.59
Analytics 30.79
AR/VR 30.66
Business Strategy 30.07
Climate Change 30.42
Cloud 31.56
COVID19 30.54
Culture 30.38
Customer Experience 30.05
Data Center 30.04
Digital Disruption 30.24
Digital Transformation 30.06
EdTech 31.61
Emerging Technology 30.57
Entrepreneurship 31.40
FinTech 30.05
Future of Work 30.05
Health and Safety 30.26
Innovation 30.88
IoT 31.18
Leadership 30.05
Lean Startup
Marketing 30.12
Mobility 35.64
Open Innovation 30.09
Predictive Analytics 30.04
Quantum Computing 30.26
Retail 30.22
Sales 30.10
Social 30.33
Startups 31.50
Sustainability 30.15

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics


12 Article/Blogs
Space Computing is here !!! Roadmap to Quantum Data Centers in Space
March 13, 2021
the article tells about Space Computing will help commercialize quantum computing in future.

See publication

Tags: Data Center, Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing

How to increase your online Sales using Google Search
January 01, 2021
Digital marketing has gone a long way and there have been growth hacking techniques which can help us drive online sales to next level. Search engine optimization (SEO) can help us drive customers organically without spending a dime. These are sustainable and effective ways of getting sales. Few of the techniques are discussed in the article.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Sales, Social

10 Plagues of Egypt and its relevance now - Book of Exodus
June 16, 2020
The 10 Plaques in Egypt is so synonymous with the current situation going around the world. Let me reiterate the story and you decide whether it really makes sense now.

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Tags: Sustainability, Health and Safety, Climate Change

Top 10 Business Opportunities due to COVID-19
April 04, 2020
Top 10 business opportunities which will enable you to capture maximum market share and if you are thinking of a new venture this might give you a jump start.

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Tags: Innovation, Mobility, Startups, COVID19

Top Covid-19 Reporting Dashboards
March 25, 2020
Here are some top dashboards which will help you get the up to date information.

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Tags: Open Innovation, Social, Climate Change, COVID19

Impact and Origins of Pandemic
March 23, 2020
The world has witnessed various pandemics for centuries, some date as far back as 2000–3000 years. These germs have travelled and lived with us, mutated with time and for some, we had developed immunity too. The study shows some interesting facts of what were the origins of pandemics and how they spread.

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Tags: Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Social

Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) take away our jobs !!
March 18, 2020
This topic has been widely discussed in various forums and conferences. Some experts agree while others are of the opinion that only repetitive jobs will be eliminated while even others believe in an apocalyptic takeover of mankind by the machines. There is no end to this debate until the future actually comes to pass.

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Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, IoT

AI is like a baby
February 27, 2020
Currently, AI has been part of every conference whether technology or not. AI has been part of every domain and every company wants that AI to be implemented and expects it will solve their problems. Many leaders and experts are talking about it and many are claiming to have implemented it in some form or the other in their organization. But for audiences, the term AI is a bit too confusing and there are lots of myths floating around AI. So, I thought why not simplify its understanding with an analogy and a story. If you are a parent you will relate this better and I hope the readers are either parent or handled a baby in their lives. When you have a baby to take care of, there are various analyses that can be performed and various observations you see. So let's analyze those observations and try to simplify AI understanding.

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Tags: AI, Analytics, Predictive Analytics

IOT RoadMap - Adoption and Standardisation
Industrial Automation Magazine
December 01, 2017
The roadmap for IoT will be focussed on providing existing IoT solutions an enhanced experience to its customers and resolving their concerns. However, Standardization, Adoption, and Technology Maturity are the key pillars to achieve the same.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, Mobility

Basic Introduction of IOT
March 29, 2016
This is the basic description of IoT. What is IoT and what it can do, the basic architecture of IoT and its components?

See publication

Tags: Analytics, IoT, Mobility

IOT Architecture
March 29, 2016
This video explains the IOT architecture. The various hardware and software components placed in the architecture.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, IoT, Mobility

IOT Architecture Part 2
March 29, 2016
This video explains the IOT architecture. The various hardware and software components placed in the architecture.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, IoT, Mobility

2 Founders
August 15, 2019
Storypedia is an initiative to create compelling stories based on the crowd authoring. Crowd Authoring is a concept in which multiple authors provide their own contributions for a story.
The author writes a part of the story and the other author continues it. To make this more interesting we are introducing interactivity in storylines, this will introduce various choices within the story which will help create different stories in different directions. Imagine this as the same story happening in parallel universes.

For stories please visit

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Tags: AI, EdTech, Innovation

Eureka Moment
Eureka Moment
November 01, 2018
Eureka Moment captures the journey and the exciting stories of New Age Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Artists, Promoters and Philanthropists. It also highlights the interesting moments of their lives which shaped their future.

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Tags: Culture, Entrepreneurship, Startups

4 Keynotes
Future is IOT
Mumbai Techie Group
February 18, 2018
As new technologies are emerging, It is giving rise to immersive and seamless interactions between devices and systems. This, in turn, gave rise to different use cases which have brought about many disruptions and innovations in the last couple of years. Internet of things (IoT) has given a new outlook in which systems are getting developed, integrated and delivered. To learn more about this, we are organizing a seminar on Future is IoT and understand the use case of it.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, IoT

Open Source - Fog Computing Architecture
Open Source India
October 13, 2017
Fog computing has an immense potential to help deliver rich content and services at the edge of the network. This facilitates a rich immersive experience to the users and uncovers many use cases in IOT and other domains. The talk will cover the fog computing architecture and the open source technologies used for the same.

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Tags: Cloud, IoT, 5G

Elastic & Kibana: High Volume Rich Data Analysis
October 21, 2016
Analysis of telecom & media use case which was implemented successfully at an operator network. The thought process and results of using technologies like Elastic and Kibans to successfully execute the business problem.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Mobility

Workshop on IOT
March 19, 2016
The full-day workshop was on IoT and a demo was given to students and faculty on it describing how IOT can be used in different domains.

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Tags: Cloud, Emerging Technology, IoT

3 Media Interviews
The Impact of Emerging Technologies
Industrial Automation Magazine
March 01, 2020
Spoken on the Impact of Emerging Technologies, Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Manufacturing, Trust Issues in Cloud Computing, Blockchain in Manufacturing and many more. Do give me your feedback on what you think about the article.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, IoT

IOT RoadMap
Industrial Automation Magazine
December 01, 2017
Industrial Automation Magazine -Dec 2017 describing the roadmap of IOT, its current adoption and standardisation.
Article Link:

See publication

Tags: 5G, IoT, Mobility

Rise of Open Source in India
OpenSource Magazine
February 18, 2017
Was quoted in the article to provide few insights about open source technology in India.
The article contains about The future of open source in India, the role of the Indian government’s Digital India initiative and the announcement of its Open Source Policy.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Mobility, Future of Work

8 Panels
Ennovate 2021
K J Somaiya College of Engineering
April 25, 2021
Was a Judge in the panel of BloomBox which organized its flagship event Ennovate as a part of the first ever E-Summit in KJSCE’s history. The idea behind this event was to give participants hands-on experience in the world of entrepreneurship.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

LOC - Lines of Code 2021
D J Sanghavi College of Engineering
March 20, 2021
Judged the Hackathon - LOC in D J Sanghavi College of Engineering

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Startups

Navigating Digital Transformation and the Legacy Challenge
June 03, 2020
The APAC region reportedly spent $375 billion on Digital Transformation projects in 2019. According to IDC, “The adoption of emerging technologies supporting digital transformation strategies in APAC is shaping up as it’s helping organizations reimagine their businesses, re-evaluate their value chain, reconnect with their customers, and rebuild their organization into a digital native enterprise”.

But with reimagining and reevaluating comes the challenge of navigating what’s currently in place. Nowhere is this more apparent than with technology and legacy systems. For organisations that have been around since before the internet, Digital Transformation has a whole host of extra challenges.

Join this expert panel as they address these challenges, including:

- How the functionality of legacy systems can make it tricky to know when to stick or twist
- How to ensure your Digital Transformation strategy is robust enough to avoid failures and gain competitive advantage
- How to manage the impact of Millennials in the workplace - who expect continuous change and evolution

Ruchir Shastri, President & Founder, SoftSys Hosting (Moderator)
Philip Ng, CEO, BitCyber
Adnyesh Dalpati, Chief Technology Officer, 4 Marketing Technology Venture

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Leadership

CTO Round Table
March 04, 2020
A round table discussion with CTO’s from various OTTs and Platform Providers on challenges faced in delivering content and potential solutions for it.
An innovative event led by Anil Wanvari at #thecontenthub2020.

Tushar Vohra - CTO Zee Tv
Rahul Golecha - CTO Videogram
Lokesh Chauhan - CTO Eros Now
Rajiv Sharma- Head IT Red Chillies
Junaid Banatwala - CTO Prime Focus
Anant Roongta - MD Famous Studio
Vibha Gosher - VP IT 9x Media
Mahima Chaurasia - VP Reliance JIO
Chiranjeev Singh - VP Mediakind
Kinnari Dave - VP IT Shemaroo

Some highlights of the points discussed
Security - DRMs, Content Encryption solutions
Monetization - Ad Tech Platforms / Targeted Advertising
Native Players - Device Compatibility / Screen Resolutions issues
Release Management - Faster Development Cycles / Media Formats Encoding
Infrastructure Cost - Maintaining and Scaling infrastructure as per usage (Storage)
Encoding - Huge Data Encoding and Delivery across media
CDNs Expenses - Saving CDN space and expenses
Content Search - Platform created for Content Search
Technology Outsourcing - Need for Innovation internally
Problems with Cloud - Encoding Cost / Storage Cost / Storage Generations/ Latency Problems
Standardization - Codecs/ Devices / Protocols
5G in India and how it will change the dynamics of media delivery

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, IoT

Artificial Intelligence in Banking
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics
February 15, 2020
Invited to speak at the event in NM to speak on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Banking, interacted with the students and professors in NM college to help them clear their queries regarding AI and motivate them on the career path in AI.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, AI, Predictive Analytics

Solving the Infrastructure Challenges to Allow the Realization of Edge
DataCloud 2020 and Edge Forum
February 05, 2020
Was on the panel to discuss "Solving the Infrastructure Challenges to Allow the Realization of Edge" about Edge Computing Challenges and what considerations need to be taken to provide a robust Edge Computing Infrastructure.

See publication

Tags: AI, IoT, 5G

The Impact of Industry 4.0 on The Indian Logistics Industry
Technology Supply Chain Conference 2020
September 19, 2019
Was part of the panel discussion on topic "The Impact of Industry 4.0 on The Indian Logistics Industry". Discussed on how technologies like Edge Computing and Artificial intelligence use-cases used in the logistics industry to provide efficiency in operations.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Marketing

AI in Banking
Narsee Monjee College
July 12, 2019
Panelist to discuss Artificial Intelligence in Banking in Narsee Monjee College [NMIMS]
Various usecases used in banking and how Machine learning is making a difference were explained to the students and faculty of the college.

See publication

Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, FinTech

1 Visiting Lecturer
Advance IoT Workshop
Veermata Jeejabai Institute of Technology
March 19, 2016
A full-day workshop on the Internet of Things (IoT) at VJTI, Mumbai for Professors of different Engineering Colleges.
The program is initiated by AICTE, Govt. of India & VJTI to bridge the gap between industry experience and curriculum studies. It will help the professors to educate their students with the latest happenings in the industry.

See publication

Tags: Innovation, IoT, Mobility

6 Webinars
Data is the New Oil and Martech is the Oil Refinery
July 19, 2019
Marketers have inevitably grown more and more reliance on data, with the general view being held that collecting more data means knowing more about your audience. But having more data is not the only prerogative but monetizing it by using right set of tools and technology is the way forward.

This webinar will focus in interesting ways marketing technology can enable businesses to monetize their data.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, AI, Marketing

5G & Hyper-Personalization - The Backbone to Next-Generation Products
April 18, 2019
On the cusp of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the technologies like 5G, IOT, and Artificial Intelligence are used to develop real use cases rather than proof of concepts. Companies have started seeing the value they can deliver in comparison to what they have now.

This webinar will be covering what are the real use cases which have started taking shape and adoption. What is the role of 5G in it and how will IOT shape up the world as we go ahead.

This webinar will delivered by Adnyesh Dalpati. Adnyesh is a Enterprise Architect,Technologist and an Internet of Things (IOT) Evangelist with
15+ yrs. of experience working in Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges, Cloud Companies and Telecom. He has held various executive positions in JP Morgan, NSE and Alef Mobitech (US based Edge Computing Company).

Adnyesh has developed many low latency, high performance and scalable solutions using next-gen technologies like Edge Computing, Marketing Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual & Augmented Reality (AR/VR) and Financial Technology Applications catering to domains in Telco, IT, Finance, Retail and Ecommerce.

He is an advocate of the 4th Industrial Revolution, member of various technology groups and an active contributor to the field of Next Gen Technology.

He is currently a Chief Technology Officer at 4 Marketing Technology Venture, providing solutions to different domains on Hyper-personalization.

See publication

Tags: Cloud, IoT, 5G

Iot and Marketing Technology
4 Martech
November 02, 2018
IoT and Marketing Technology go hand in hand to provide a good consumer experience. The Webinar provides a simple explanation of IoT and Marketing Technology with few use-cases where IOT and Marketing Technology can be used.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, IoT, Marketing

Mixed Reality - Market Potential and Use Cases
December 14, 2017
Mixed reality is the result of blending the physical world with the digital world. Though it is relatively new technology and its adoption is still in initial stages. Mixed Reality devices and applications are projected to be the next technological era after smart phones.

The webinar will give a brief on Mixed Reality Potential Usecases those provide an immersive experience but also revenues streams to the creators

See publication

Tags: AI, AR/VR, Retail

IOT Future Roadmap - Adoption & Standardization
November 10, 2017
Internet of Things (IoT) envisions that everything in the physical world is connected seamlessly and is securely integrated through the Internet. New products are innovated under the umbrella of IoT and opening up different opportunities. This webinar will discuss the future potential of IoT and the trend in which it is moving in adoption and standardization.

See publication

Tags: Cloud, IoT, Mobility

Fog Computing in Mobile Network
June 22, 2017
Fog computing has the potential to resolve the issues with network latency since the media rich content can be delivered through such nodes directly.

Fog Computing inside the mobile network providers opens up a window of revenue opportunities for MNO's and creates a innovative space in content & application delivery platform.

Join this webinar to learn how to tackle the different challenges with fog computing and its role in the IoT cycle.

See publication

Tags: Cloud, IoT, 5G

1 Whitepaper
Edge Computing Forecast - Global Forecast 2024
Markets and Markets
August 01, 2019
Edge computing is a new approach to network architecture that eliminates the drawbacks of traditional cloud computing. The rise in the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) across industries and pervasive use of mobile devices compel companies to enhance their IT infrastructure with edge computing for leveraging the rising data and machine-to-machine capabilities of IoT. In edge computing, devices installed with sensors, actuators, and controllers collect data and analyze it themselves or send it over to the nearest data centers or computing devices. By facilitating the processing and analysis at the edge of the network (near to the data source), edge computing eliminates the network overloading risks and latency issues.

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Tags: 5G, Cloud, IoT

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