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Heiko Mock
Head of Customer Experience at VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
Duesseldorf, Germany
IT professional with excellent client interaction and management skills. Experienced in working in large and complex projects. Also experienced in Agile (SCRUM) as team lead (ScrumMaster) in the largest Agile project in Europe and as Project Manager (Scrum Product Owner). Oracle Commerce (ATG and Endeca) expert with experience supporting developer, architects and operations.
Highly pro-active attitude with problem solving and analysis skills. Proven track record building relationships with clients.
Experience working in the following sectors: Telecoms, Retail, Media, State government, University Institute, Tourism and Graphics.
Oracle Commerce experience since more than a decade. Working as an Oracle Commerce Consultant and Architect – liaising with external clients, reviewing their Company needs and making recommendations for the best Oracle product/system and giving also customized Oracle Commerce training on client site. Experienced in Oracle installations, system configuration and tuning, Oracle Commerce Solution Design, infrastructure support and Oracle Commerce Cloud.
Member of Oracle Thought Leadership Program and CX Hero.
Available For: Consulting, Speaking Travels From: Germany to world-wide locations Speaking Topics: eCommerce, Customer Experience, Project Best Practices
Heiko Mock
Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.
Reality Check: Müssen Behörden vollständig in die KI-Cloud?
April 23, 2024
„So ziemlich jede Regierung wird eine souveräne Cloud wollen", sagte Larry Ellison, der Chairman und Chief Technology Officer von Oracle, auf einer kürzlich abgehaltenen Konferenz mit Wall-Street-Analysten. Das Unternehmen des IT-Visionärs setzt viel Energie in den öffentlichen Bereich.
Regierungen digitalisieren zunehmend ihre Prozesse, und in Zukunft werden Cloud-Dienste und künstliche Intelligenz voraussichtlich eine immer größere Rolle spielen. Aber sollten auch kritische Regierungsfunktionen wie Verteidigung, Steuern und Gesundheitsfürsorge an automatisierte Technologien übergeben werden?
Wir schauen uns an, wie einige Experten zu dem Thema stehen.
Digitalisation is also an issue for administrative initiatives. In our third article in the cloud series, we take another look at the Oracle Cloud WorldTour in London. Nick Griffin from the Cabinet Office provided some interesting insights.
Have you ever heard of sociocracy?
March 01, 2024
Another form of organisational management is sociocracy. There are also some examples of this. In the Netherlands in particular, sociocracy is used in schools, but also in administration.
In Germany, Europace AG is certainly an interesting example of the introduction of sociocracy.
Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, Project Management
Design Tokens
January 31, 2024
In application development, there must be great flexibility in the design. The applications run on web browsers on the computer, Android or iPhone. It is important to consider accessibility, scalability and that the colour scheme can depend on the login.
Do you already use design tokens or have you thought about using them? Or have you not heard of them yet?
This article will give you a brief overview of design tokens.
Tags: Customer Experience, Design, Digital Transformation
MACH Architecture
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
January 27, 2023
MACH (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, Headless) architecture is a modern approach to building and managing IT systems that emphasizes flexibility, scalability, and the use of the latest technologies.
Google Ranking – Grundlagen von Suchmaschinen-Rankings
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
October 28, 2020
Die SEO-Anforderungen an eine Webanwendung ändern sich ständig, und es kann schwierig sein, mit den neuesten Entwicklungen Schritt zu halten. Aber wenn Sie möchten, dass Ihre Google-Rankings von ungesehen an die Spitze der Liste oder zumindest auf Seite 1 der Suchergebnisse gelangen, müssen Sie auf dem Laufenden sein und Ihre Webseite ständig überarbeiten.
MACH – The new reality in software development and customer experience
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
September 29, 2020
Most new companies base their business processes in the cloud. Start-ups and early adopter companies have consequently developed and optimised applications for the cloud. But not all companies have been so lucky. Some built their success decades ago on legacy technologies – suites of applications in which all components are closely connected and almost impossible to separate. This has led to significant management issues and expensive capital investment in hardware.
Tags: Cloud, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation
Of platforms and frameworks: An intro to modern commerce terminology
September 10, 2020
What’s the difference between a platform and framework? How do APIs and SDKs fit in? What do libraries contain? When we deal with the topic of online commerce, we very often notice that there is confusion in the selection process for the right commerce solution for a company. This is not only on the business side, but also when we talk on a technical level.
Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Retail
Top 10 Ecommerce Design Trends in 2020
May 30, 2020
Da sich das Webdesign ständig weiterentwickelt, werden verschiedene Konzepte und neueste Ideen für E-Commerce-Designs eingeführt, die das aktuelle Benutzermuster und die Online-Einkaufsgewohnheiten berücksichtigen. Jedes digital basierte Unternehmen sollte sich auf diese sich entwickelnden Muster konzentrieren und seine Online-E-Commerce-Websites aktualisieren, um in dieser Branche wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. In diesem Artikel möchte ich Sie auf die Top 10 der E-Commerce-Designtrends des Jahres 2020 und darüber hinaus aufmerksam machen.
Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Retail
Digitalisierung im Warenverkehr
May 20, 2020
Neue Technologien wie Blockchain, Künstliche Intelligenz und IoT führen heute auch im Warenverkehr zu einer Disruption und ändern den globalen Handel weitreichend.
Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Retail
5 Cloud predictions for the year 2020 (Part 2)
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
March 26, 2020
Today’s enterprise clouds continue to evolve, and enterprises must evolve with them by leveraging the next generation cloud model. The new blog article talks about the cloud predictions 3 – 5:
5 Cloud predictions for the year 2020 (Part 2)
Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Retail
Customer Experience Analyse
IT Management
January 31, 2020
Kennen Sie Ihre Kunden?
Das größte Gut eines Unternehmens sind dessen Kunden. Kann ein Unternehmen diese nicht von sich überzeugen, wird es schwierig erfolgreiche Geschäfte zu tätigen. Für eine erfolgreiche Customer Experience ist der Blick auf den Kunden deshalb das A und O.
Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Retail
Customer Experience Analysis – Part 1: An introduction
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
October 11, 2019
When it comes to customer experience, many people nod knowingly, but the definitions usually diverge widely. Find all answers in our new article series!
What is Blockchain?
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
January 16, 2019
Most people think of the technology behind Bitcoin when they hear blockchain. Even though this was the original purpose of it, there is much more potential in the blockchain.
Tags: Blockchain, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation
The sizzle sells the steak – How your online shop design seduces to buy
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
November 08, 2018
Where does the customer buy? And why? The design of an online shop is decisive for the purchase decision. Learn how to convince your online shop visitors
Burning Questions: What is the Most Important Step to Providing Great CX?
September 30, 2019
Track and understand your customer
You have to track your customer, you have to understand your customer, and you need a good database. You need customer data, for example, where all the information you have about your customer comes together.
Burning Questions: Where Is The Best Place To Start Implementing Machine Learning?
August 27, 2019
Machine learning for search and chatbots
I would say first you should start with search and chatbots, because these are the touchpoints with your customer on your website. Then you can start adding some more machine learning, or as Oracle says, “Adaptive Intelligence”. You can use it in search and then with chatbots.
Burning Questions: How Fast Are You Seeing Customer Experiences Change?
August 27, 2019
Everything comes together in commerce
It depends on which country you are in. In some countries people say, “Let’s wait, for example, to see what Amazon is doing. If it is successful, then we will jump on the train.”
In the US, for example, there is more and more progress because in many companies there is the funnel thinking. We have marketing and service, and then everything comes together in commerce. When you understand your commerce experience, then you understand your customer and your customer experience. But the first important point is to understand the customer experience.
Burning Questions: What Do 2019 CX Leaders Need to Know?
August 05, 2019
Find the right product to satisfy your customer
Everything comes together in commerce and there’s your customer base. And then you have to find the right product to satisfy your customer and to provide a good customer experience. And that’s the first step. And this is what many people don’t do right now. They still think in funnels.
Marketing says, “Okay, this is our campaign and implement it on your shop.” It should be the other way around. You have something and go to marketing and say, “Okay, please create your campaign space on this information we have.”
Expert Panel Discussion: Oracle Commerce Best Practices
September 26, 2017
Peter Curran | President at Cirrus10
Michael Fasosin | Chief Strategy Officer at Spindrift
Heiko Mock | Oracle Commerce Architect at VOQUZ
During this session, a team of the industry experts will discuss common mistakes companies make when implementing the Oracle Commerce solution, eCommerce market challenges and ways the platform’s fanctionality can help to address them, important criteria to consider when selecting partners and commerce software, the application upgrade preparation tips and many other topics.
Customer Experience Analysis
August 26, 2019
Through a holistic customer experience analysis, we identify key factors to increase customer loyalty and the willingness for recommendation. This session will cover methods and tools to measure customer loyalty, CX and optimization.
Blockchain & Co. An opportunity for my online business or just another hype?
September 18, 2018
Do you know if you have a use case for using Blockchain? What are the differences between AR/VR/MR/XR and do you know what exactly AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning) and DL (Deep LEarning) really are?
This session was held at the CommercePros (formerly PipelinePros) Insight Europe 2018 event in Lisbon. Recordings can be found on the CommercePros Website.
Tags: Blockchain, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation
Oracle Commerce to Oracle Commerce Cloud Migration: A Hairy Ordeal or Not?
July 31, 2018
In this educational and entertaining session, two industry veterans will debate which aspects of an Oracle Commerce to Oracle Commerce Cloud migration are hairy or not. The topics discussed will include both technical (integrations, scalability, data, code, etc.) and business (team structure, timelines, costs, benefits, etc.). Real-world scenarios will be showcased. The audience will be engaged through an entertaining Q&A process and rewarded with fun prizes. Business topics: Organizational impacts, cost impacts, implementation timelines, merchandising, marketing,
customer segmentation, B2B considerations, conversion rate optimization, benefits, etc. Technology topics: REST services, software version control, scalability, data migration, custom code migration vs. rewrite, integrations,
upgrades, scalability, etc.
Clean Code – Develop Clean and Secure Code – A Best Practice Guide
July 30, 2018
Even bad code can function. This session will give you some advice how to structure your development on premise and in the Cloud the achieve good code quality. Furthermore, it will give you some ideas how on how to check that your code is secure.
Oracle Commerce Business Pitfalls and Best Practices
August 30, 2017
This session is about Pitfalls and Best Practices during the realisation of an Oracle Commerce project. This session was held at the CommercePros (formerly PipelinePros) Insight 2017 event in Chicago. Recordings can be found on the CommercePros Website.
Clean Code: Entwickeln Sie sauberen und sicheren Code - Ein Best Practice-Guide
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
February 06, 2019
Auch schlechter Code kann funktionieren - aber wollen Sie das Risiko wirklich eingehen? In unserem Webinar "Clean Code" zeigen wir Ihnen Tipps und Tricks, wie Sie Ihre Entwicklung strukturieren können, um eine gute Code-Qualität zu erreichen. Bei uns erfahren Sie, wie Sie ganz einfach überprüfen können, ob Ihr Code sicher ist.
Webinar: Commerce in der Cloud - Ist eine native Cloud-Lösung eine Option?
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
December 05, 2019
Startseite / News / Webinare / Commerce in der Cloud - Ist eine native Cloud-Lösung eine Option?
Webinar: Commerce in der Cloud
- Ist eine native Cloud-Lösung eine Option?
Jeder, der einen Online-Shop betreibt, weiß wie wichtig es ist auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik zu bleiben. Eine hohe Flexibilität, Kostenreduzierung und Vereinfachung der Prozesse von der Entwicklung, über Build und Deployment, hin zum Betrieb sind die Herausforderungen, die man sich hier stellen muss.
Doch was ist die geeignete Zielarchitektur? „Cloud-Hosting“ oder doch eher eine native Cloud? VOQUZ und Oracle zeigen Ihnen im kostenlosen Webinar anhand von realen Beispielen, wie eine native Cloud-Lösung funktioniert.
Migration von Commerce on Premise nach Commerce in der Cloud
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
September 25, 2019
In diesem informativen und unterhaltsamen Webinar diskutieren wir, welche Punkte Sie bei einer Migration von einer On-Premise Commerce-Lösung zu einer Commerce Cloud-Lösung beachten müssen
Die behandelten Themen umfassen sowohl technische Aspekte (Integrationen, Skalierbarkeit, Daten, Code usw.) als auch geschäftliche Aspekte (Teamstruktur, Zeitpläne, Kosten, Nutzen usw.).
So meistern Sie Ihre Projekte - Business Pitfalls vermeiden, aus Best Practices lernen
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
May 09, 2019
Häufig kommt es bei der Durchführung von Projekten zu den verschiedensten Problemen, die einen Projekterfolg gefährden können. Lernen Sie in unserem Webinar:
• wie Sie Probleme während des Projekts vermeiden
• wie Sie Projekte (Team, Methodologie, etc.) richtig aufsetzen um einen reibungslosen Verlauf zu gewährleisten
Blockchain & Co. - Neue Chance oder nur der nächste Hype?
VOQUZ IT Solutions GmbH
March 14, 2019
Viele Leute reden heutzutage über die Themen Blockchain, IoT, AI, AR / VR / MR und Digital Twins. Aber für viele sind diese Begriffe reine Schlagworte und sie wissen nicht so recht, was eigentlich genau dahinter steckt - gehören Sie auch dazu?
Wir zeigen Ihnen anschauliche Anwendungsfälle für diese Technologien und erklären, wie Sie sie erfolgreich in Ihrem Online-Geschäft einsetzen.
Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Digital Twins
Large Delivery Service Provider Migrates and Integrates Web Applications into ATG
March 27, 2018
A large DSP (Delivery Service Provider) decided to integrate three of their web applications into their long running (since 2001) ATG shop. To achieve this goal, two system integrators needed to work in two streams on different releases. Code quality, security and best practice development were a must have to achieve to the project goal. Besides integration, additional migration aspects needed to be covered as well as adding a new search solution to the current implementation and enhancing functionalities. In this webinar, we will walk through the project journey and how the large DSP made it successful.
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