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Gordon Platt

Greater New York City, United States

Gordon Platt is a Harvard educated attorney, strategic consultant and international award-winning, former investigative journalist. His legal practice focuses on representing companies and individuals with a need for due diligence as well as those affected by fraud, insolvency and other complex legal matters. Areas of focus include: fraud and investigations, due diligence, FCPA compliance, litigation finance analysis, and asset tracing and recovery. He is a member of the bar and licensed to practice in New York and Massachusetts.

Gordon combines skills gained as an investigative journalist with his background and experience as an attorney to deliver superior legal advice as well as to uncover and untangle complex situations and fact patterns. Gordon’s practice is complemented by an extensive, international network of attorneys, investigators, researchers and experts developed over the course of more than three decades in the field. Areas of special interest include:

Complex international transactions
International asset tracing and recovery
Due diligence research on potential investments, companies and individuals
The review of projects calling for litigation financing
Interviews with whistleblowers, witnesses and corporate executives

As a producer for ABC News based in New York and Washington, DC, Gordon received Emmy and Columbia Dupont Awards, and was the recipient of a Silver Gavel from the American Bar Association. His work includes extensive investigations of Iraqi arms and nuclear procurement networks, money laundering, and international and domestic terrorism. His documentary work has been featured on Discovery, The History Channel, CourtTV and on many other outlets.

Over the course of his career Gordon has acquired a wealth of experience in finding and analyzing documentary evidence and following paper trails. He has drawn upon his experience to file FOIA requests and to access databases to conduct in-depth personal interviews. He has conducted hundreds of interviews with sources ranging from whistleblowers, to participants in the Federal Witness Protection Program, to senior government officials.

Gordon received his J.D. from Harvard Law School. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College (Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, High Honors), where he majored in Russian and Government and received a Reynolds Fellowship for postgraduate study and the Woodbury Law Prize. He received an M.Sc. in Russian History and Politics from the London School of Economics where he was a recipient of the Leonard Schapiro Scholarship.

Gordon Platt Points
Academic 0
Author 0
Influencer 3
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 3

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Thought Leader Profile

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Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy
Legal and IP 30.63
Privacy 30.25
Risk Management 30.20

Industry Experience


1 Media Interview
Gordon Platt-from Investigative Journalism to White Collar Defense
FCPA Compliance Report
July 27, 2020
In the Episode, I am joined by Gordon Platt. Platt is an attorney, award-winning investigative journalist and filmmaker, and long-time entrepreneur and strategic consultant. His legal practice focuses on representing companies and individuals facing significant challenges in rapidly evolving sectors of the world economy. Areas of focus include: dispute resolution, fraud and internal investigations, and asset tracing and recovery. He is a member of the bar and licensed to practice in New York and Massachusetts. In this episode, we discuss Platt’s return to the full-time practice of law and how the skills he used as investigative journalist enhance his work as a white collar practitioner.

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Tags: Privacy, Risk Management, Legal and IP

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Gordon Platt

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