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Marcell Vollmer

CEO at Prospitalia Group

Frankfurt (Main), Germany

In my role as Partner and Director at BCG I am advising C-Level Executives & Executive Teams on the full range of digital transformation, innovation, new business models, restructuring and reorganization with focus on procurement, supply chain and operations globally.

As Chief Innovation Officer I focused on supporting customers and partners to define and execute digital transformation strategies globally. As a proponent of the power of process mining to create the "superfluid enterprise" and deliver extraordinary experiences, I evangelized in my role the market as an influencer. Like Celonis customers, I was previously in charge of shared services and business process transformation.
In my previous role as Chief Digital Officer I was a 'Digital Ambassador' by SAP's Digital Transformation Office to help SAP customers to define and drive digital transformation strategies in all industries globally.
As the former Chief Procurement Officer at SAP, I’m sensitive to the complexities surrounding the intersection of technology, compliance, and supplier networks that today’s procurement leaders face.
I implemented a global category management organization, procurement shared services and a hybrid model with Ariba for goods, Fieldglass for professional services, and Concur for travel.

As Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President of SAP Ariba, my focus was to help companies eliminate procurement and supply chain complexity through simple, smart, and open software solutions.

Marcell Vollmer Points
Academic 5
Author 304
Influencer 1184
Speaker 34
Entrepreneur 5
Total 1532

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.25
Analytics 30.17
Big Data 30.27
Blockchain 30.20
Change Management 32.42
COVID19 30.80
CRM 30.04
Culture 30.06
Customer Experience 30.17
Digital Disruption 30.53
Digital Transformation 32.28
Digital Twins 30.68
Diversity and Inclusion 30.10
Ecosystems 30.12
Emerging Technology 30.33
ERP 30.02
Future of Work 31.01
Innovation 30.71
IoT 30.36
Leadership 30.26
Management 31.34
Marketing 30.02
Open Innovation
Payroll 30.18
Predictive Analytics 30.01
Procurement 33.96
Risk Management 30.13
RPA 30.53
Sales 30.10
Social 31.55
Supply Chain 35.44
Sustainability 30.60

Industry Experience


1 Academic Whitepaper
White Paper: How to build a Shared Service Center. SAP internal Paper.
Marcell Vollmer
January 01, 2006

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement

87 Article/Blogs
Global Procurement Survey 2020 – Procurement post-COVID19
July 18, 2020
New survey from the Endowed Chair of Procurement at the University of Mannheim: 564 attended the CPO Survey 2020, 106 procurement executives contributed - more than 2,123 have been invited to join. Respondents reveal most procurement organizations have a digitalization strategy and are increasingly investing in digital technologies, but in their digital transformation journey they are merely midway towards the desired target state.

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Tags: AI, IoT, COVID19

Procurement empowered by cognitive and intelligent applications
May 28, 2020
Across all industries, procurement leaders are seeking significant and measurable productivity gains. New technology, based on machine learning and artificial intelligence, is driving the digital transformation of the procurement function to deliver value, driving supplier innovations, perform risk management, securing a sustainable supply chain and of course: managing budgets

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Tags: AI, Innovation, Procurement

Process Mining: A beginner's guide
May 26, 2020
With the increasing importance that the field of process mining gains day after another, many business leaders and technology enthusiasts want to understand what this technology is, what it can offer and how businesses can benefit from it.

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Tags: AI, Future of Work, RPA

7 Technologies to Disrupt Your Supply Chain
May 11, 2020
Meeting customer expectations and being prepared for the unknown is key for both: the future of a company and any crisis situation, as we have recently seen with the Coronavirus. In the digital economy, leading companies know they need to think outside the box to be successful, to increase productivity by automation and to use the right technology early to stay ahead of competition. Embracing new technologies to unleash the power of their supply chains is one core component of the success to keep manufacturing running from planning to sourcing to production to delivery.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, COVID19

What is Glocalization and how are disruptive technologies impacting supply chains?
April 26, 2020
Nearly 75 percent of companies report supply chain disruptions in some capacity due to coronavirus-related transportation restrictions, and more than 80 percent believe that their organization will experience some impact because of COVID-19 disruptions. "The story the data tells is that companies are faced with a lengthy recovery to normal operations in the wake of the virus outbreak," said Thomas W. Derry, Chief Executive Officer of ISM [1].

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Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, Supply Chain

The Road to Successful Digital Transformation: 5 Steps to Do It Right
April 23, 2020
The word “digital transformation” gets thrown around a lot these days. For the last couple of years, almost every big company has been reinventing their business processes, culture, and customer experiences by embracing digital technologies.

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Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Future of Work

COVID-19: How to protect your supply chain in times of COVIDー19?
April 06, 2020
As the #COVIDー19 outbreak spreads across the globe, companies of all sizes and industries must grapple with one unexpected supply chain issue after another, from keeping the production and logistics running to mitigating delayed deliveries or replace suppliers no longer able to deliver right now until leading a suddenly virtual workforce as offices are closed. The globalization has led to complex supply chains with multiple steps from raw material extraction to manufacturing of semi-finished goods to assembly to shipping to wholesale and finally to retail or the end consumer.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Risk Management, COVID19

How to make it simple to explain AI, ML, DL together with Data Science, Data Analysis & Analytics and Data Mining?
March 23, 2020
Beginning of 2018 I have shared a blog on explaining #ArtificialIntelligence (AI), #MachineLearning (#ML) and Deep Learning (DL) together with Data Science. Today I like to expand the definition by adding Data Analysis as part of Data Science, Data Analytics and Data Mining.

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

What keeps the world of business rolling…?
February 01, 2020
Thirty years into my professional career, the one thing that I count on to keep me going is my cup of coffee. It’s a part of my routine, and I don’t go a day without it.

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Tags: Sustainability, Supply Chain

What is Procurement all about?
January 23, 2020
How can source-to-pay as process be defined and is it part of a (digital) supply chain?

Emerging technologies available today automate more and more activities of enterprise business processes. The source-to-pay process is one core process for enterprises to generate value and is an integrated part of every supply chain. Chief procurement officers are driving the digital transformation for their procurement functions – as all other functions do too – and define the future value proposition globally. Procurement is not seen as a front runner in driving the digital transformation, as surveys show from the last three consecutive years 2017[1], 2018[2] and 2019[3].

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Supply Chain, Procurement

Artificial Intelligence in Procurement – From Insight to Action
Dr. Marcell Vollmer
December 23, 2019
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to have a more profound impact on humanity than electricity or fire, according to Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai. In the manufacturing business heavy investments are being made in AI. It is predicted to affect every step within the supply chain process in future, enabling more efficient procurement activities than ever before. Numerous vendors already claim to operate with this intelligent technology. But the reigning buzzword is not always understood, used and promoted correctly, which leads to confusion both by buyers and sellers. This calls for a clarification of the terminologies around AI, before taking a look at how this impacts procurement.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Procurement

The Future of Robotics Process Automation (RPA)
Dr. Marcell Vollmer
November 30, 2019
We’re just at the beginning of the 4th industrial wave. The next level of automation will be unlocked when machine learning capabilities and artificial intelligence become smart enough to deploy RPA intelligently.

But to look at automation as the be-all and end-all is to miss the bigger picture–one where automation is only a single part of achieving process excellence. It’s a part that needs to be orchestrated in the context of that broader vision, alongside other tools that deliver what RPA alone cannot: visibility, intelligent optimization and a direct impact on overarching business outcomes.

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Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

How to build an engage with a community on Social Media?
November 27, 2019

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, Social

How to engage on #‪SocialMedia‬
November 27, 2019
Can you remember the time without Social Media? I still can and at the time I was born, television was becoming color and the phone was getting a keyboard. Social Media is everywhere today and can be very demanding, and time-consuming. The importance is shifting from sharing pictures and stories to Social Selling. Top influencers are making millions and an entire industry has been created. At the same time generations are shifting their interest - from MySpace to Facebook to Instagram.

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Sales

What is the key to success for a digital transformation strategy?
October 31, 2019

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Future of Work

The way to Digital Supply Chain
August 01, 2019
Since the turn of the millennium, the internet has occupied an indispensable position. This is accompanied by a change in the purchasing behavior. With the change in purchasing habits in both the private and commercial sectors, companies must adapt to new challenges. Logistics in particular is becoming more important, as ever faster order processing is expected. In the following, the functions and the previous development of logistics tasks will be examined in more detail.

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Tags: ERP, CRM, Supply Chain
August 01, 2019

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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

The Concept Behind Digital Platforms: Sharing Economies
July 26, 2019
The main idea behind online platforms is to serve users with interactions between each other. The corresponding ecosystems are based on dynamic cooperation of different participants in the sense of a common added value. Thus, Platform Economies are - according to these two ideas - economies based on digital platforms which use algorithms to link buyers and sellers online. This means today's dominant economic model 'capitalism' will change. Digital Transformation paves the way for Platform Economies which are taking an increasing part in today’s business models - especially in a constantly expanding digital sphere.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Ecosystems

The evolution of global trade from 17. Century until today
July 25, 2019
After the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, the western world experienced the heyday of trade and commerce in the 17th century. Trade and industry flourished above all in England and the United Netherlands. The urban bourgeoisie played a major role in this change and promoted political power as well as military safeguarding of trade. Several setbacks, such as epidemics and various major fires, did not prevent London from growing and becoming the largest city in Europe. In addition, London had a favorable location and was well connected to local transport such as waterways. Furthermore, the rich coal deposits led to a growing city.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement, Management

Global Procurement Survey 2019 – What will the future of procurement look like?
April 26, 2019
New survey with 466 respondents reveals companies see need and high impact of digital transformation, but are still not adapting technology to automate and use machine intelligence.

During the past two decades, procurement is consistently evolving from a clerical back office function to a strategic business function. Procurement organizations are largely globalized to engage with the global supply base. The source-to-pay process is highly integrated in centralized IT and ERP systems. Mature technologies, like cloud, central master data base, or an integrated IT landscape are widely adapted. Emerging technologies, like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Chatbots or Blockchain are only at a small number of procurement organizations implemented.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Procurement

Going beyond the knowledge of new technologies – It’s time to act!
January 03, 2019
Digital technologies are sweeping the business landscapes, with many labels – digital analytics, automation, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, just to name a few. Yet, these technological transformations are not a future vision; they surround and impact us today. Knowing and understanding this development is one thing. Getting your arms around the emerging technologies and thus, creating value is a whole new step, which has become the defining business challenge and competitive advantage of our time. Companies in the McKinsey Global Survey on digital strategy expect a significant risk to their revenues from digitization in the years ahead if they take no action to respond. What’s more, they become vulnerable to those competitors, who adapt successfully. Advanced technologies are essential to modern enterprises, and it’s fair to say that every large company is working with them to some extent.

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation

Artificial intelligence, blockchain poised to reshape procurement
December 11, 2018
Traditionally, procurement professionals have dedicated themselves to sourcing, purchasing, contracting and payments. In recent years, though, their role has begun evolving from a tactical emphasis to a strategic one, as digital networks and cloud-based technologies take on many formerly manual processes. Innovations such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain are transforming the role of procurement and turbocharging the value it delivers.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Procurement

Artificial Intelligence - How will AI change our world and what rules do we need?
December 03, 2018
The smartphone has changed our lives fundamentally. Our professional and private world are more interconnected than ever before. Today, an iPhone already enables the use of and communication with artificial intelligence, such as Siri, Google search or even the automatic alert, at what time you have to leave for the next appointment, taking into account the current traffic situation, are just a few examples. We already carry AI with us every day, for our professional and private lives.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Digital Transformation

#DigitalTransformation – Next stop…the future
November 06, 2018
Procurement organizations are on the brink of change – and the future is bright. In the coming years, they will automate most transactional activities, freeing up resources to focus on strategic efforts that drive value to the business. As a result, the cost to run the function will decrease, while the actual value derived from it will grow.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Procurement

Big Data + Cognitive Technologies = Supply Chain Excellence
October 12, 2018
When it comes to getting – and staying ahead in the digitalizing economy, leading companies know they need to think outside the box. And they are embracing new tools to unleash the power of Big Data and power ever greater and sophisticated capabilities across the organization that can take them to new heights.

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Tags: Big Data

3 Books
Erfolgreiche Führung von Shared Services
Fischer, T. /Vollmer, M.
March 17, 2017
Herausgeber: Fischer, Thomas M., Vollmer, Marcell (Hrsg.)

Wissenschaftliche Fundierung des Themas verbunden mit hohem Praxisbezug durch die Mitwirkung von 16 Unternehmensvertretern aus dem Arbeitskreis Shared Services
Wissenschaftliche und praktische Darstellung der Wertschöpfungssysteme, des Performance-Controllings und der Geschäftsentwicklung in Shared-Service-Organisationen
Eine Vielzahl an Erfolgsbeispielen zum Thema Shared Services aus führenden deutschen Unternehmen

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Tags: Supply Chain

Successful leadership of Shared Services / Original in German: Erfolgreiche Führung von Shared Services (ZfbF-Sonderheft)
Marcell Vollmer
March 10, 2017
Decentralized support processes are re-organized in shared service center. A shared service center offers administrative services like accounting, personnel administration, or information technology. Main objectives of the centralized services are cost reduction and quality improvement. Centralized process bundling of services will become a competence of the implemented shared services and is analyzed in the book with company examples across European enterprises, incl. SAP, Siemens, Linde, Bertelsmann, BASF, ...

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Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Digital Transformation

Die Auswirkung einer Post-Merger-Integration auf die Interaktionsbeziehung zwischen Geschäftsleitung und Betriebsrat. Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel der Integration zweier Unternehmen in einen Konzern
Marcell Vollmer
December 28, 2006
Diese Fallstudie befasst sich mit der Akquisition und anschließenden Integration von zwei Unternehmen in einen Konzern. Die empirische Grundlage der Untersuchung sind qualitative Interviews mit Betriebsratsmitgliedern und Personalverantwortlichen. Obwohl die Akteure zwei völlig unterschiedliche Verhandlungsstrategien wählten, folgten daraus keine Unterschiede im Zusammenhang mit den zentralen Entscheidungen auf Konzernebene und für den Verlauf des Integrationsprozesses. Der Autor kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass sich kein einheitliches Verlaufsmuster der Interaktionsdynamik herauskristallisiert hat. Die Einflussmöglichkeiten der Akteure, insbesondere die der Betriebsratsmitglieder, auf die Entscheidungen der Konzernführung im Verlauf der Integrationsphase waren sehr gering.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Future of Work

3 Book Chapters
Next Generation Shared Services – Automation as a Trend
August 28, 2018

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

Strategisches IT-Management in Förderbanken
August 28, 2018

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Tags: Leadership, Management

Change Management und Shared Services – Einbindung der Stakeholder
Neuenkirchen, R./ Vollmer, M.
January 01, 2008

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Change Management

1 Industry Award
Digital Ambassador for SAP
October 18, 2018
Selected as 'Digital Ambassador' by SAP's Digital Transformation Office to help our customers to define and drive digital transformation strategies.

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Tags: Digital Transformation

3 Keynotes
Disruptive Trends in Technology: Dr. Marcell Vollmer
Operation HOPE
April 05, 2018

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Procurement

Disruptive Trends in Technology
Marcell Vollmer
April 05, 2018
Disruptive Trends in Technology

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Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, Social

Ariba COO Marcell Vollmer on Procurement at SAP | Ariba LIVE 2015 Munich
SAP Ariba
June 16, 2015
Marcell Vollmer, Ariba's Chief Operating Officer, explores procurement at SAP and the transformation journey to improve the end user experience and compliance, enhance supplier relationships and ultimately save money. For more information, visit:

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Tags: Customer Experience, Procurement

11 Media Interviews
Episode 15: Marcell Vollmer Future Technologies
Dr. Marcell Vollmer
November 25, 2019
Forward Focused
Episodes Produced by Pypestream Digital LabsWebsite
Talking to thought leaders about the impact of technology on the future of business.

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Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Explore SAP’s digital supply chain
Dukascopy TV
June 06, 2019
Normal process of supply chain is about producing something and also get logistics done. But in the digital world, supply chain is about using IoT and Big Data to make everything connected. However, when referring to digital supply chain transformation, companies would ask ‘what are the process? Where to start now?’ These are definitely challenges for them. Dr. Marcell Vollmer, Chief Digital Officer of SAP Ariba

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Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, Supply Chain

Exclusive podcast with SAP Ariba’s Marcell Vollmer!
CPO Strategy
May 17, 2019
This week we are joined exclusively by Procurement Influencer and SAP Ariba’s Chief Digital Officer, Dr. Marcell Vollmer.
Marcell examines the integral elements to a successful procurement transformation and how it aligns with, and helps steer, a company’s strategic aims.
A fantastic and inspiring listen.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement

Chief Digital Officer Role as Chief Value Officer
SAP Ariba
May 10, 2019
Hear Dion Hinchcliffe and Marcell Vollmer chat about the role of CDOs, and their thoughts on the opportunities for CFOs and CPOs in a digital transformation projects.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement

Dr. Marcell Vollmer, Chief Digital Officer, SAP Ariba
Regalix Inc.
December 04, 2018
In this episode of Deep Dive, our guest is Dr. Marcell Vollmer the Chief Digital Officer of Sap Ariba. We discuss the role of SAP Ariba in a company’s digital transformation journey, new business models that can emerge from taking advantage of the world’s biggest business network, and how procurement has moved from the back-office to become a strategic game changer.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement

An Interview with Dr. Marcell Vollmer
Enterprise Alliance
October 17, 2018

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Management

Transforming Procurement for the Future
SAP Ariba
July 17, 2018
SAP Ariba Chief Digital Officer, Marcell Vollmer, talks to Nicholas Evans about the role of Procurement and its evolution from a back-office function to a key driver of growth within organizations.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement

Using Business Networks and Machine Learning to Evaluate Suppliers
SAP Ariba
July 17, 2018
Global Top 10 IoT, AI & Data Science Influencer Ronald van Loon interviews Marcell Vollmer, Chief Digital Officer at SAP Ariba. Watch this video to learn how CPOs can use business networks to increase transparency and evaluate suppliers.

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Tags: AI, Supply Chain, Procurement

IOT Recruiting Podcast - #5 Dr. Marcell Vollmer - SAP Ariba Chief Digital Officer
IoT Recruiting
March 24, 2018
Marcell Vollmer is responsible for defining and driving digital transformation for SAP Ariba customers globally. He is a thought leader in procurement, supply chain, finance, and shared services, Marcell’s expertise lies in defining digital transformation strategy. He makes Run Simple a reality for customers around the world by helping them achieve significant cost reductions in procurement.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement

Views from Business Leaders
SAP Nordic
May 09, 2017

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Leadership, Management

On Becoming a CPO and Procurement Transformation at SAP: An Interview with Dr. Marcell Vollmer (Part 1)
Spend Matters
March 27, 2017
At SAP Ariba LIVE last week, I had the chance to catch up with Dr. Marcell Vollmer, who, despite his degree, comes off as anything but an academic. The discussion quickly turned into an interview because I was most curious about his past role as an almost “accidental CPO” at SAP before he became the chief digital officer for SAP Ariba.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement

1 Panel
Reimagining Supplier Ecosystems
September 02, 2020
It's with great pleasure that I can announce Dr. Marcell Vollmer will joining the Vizibl Collaborate 2020 speaker lineup.

I've really enjoyed collaborating with Marcell few years and excited to have him involved in the topic of "reimaging supplier ecosystems & partnerships" at Collaborate.

I hope you can join us on the 30th Sept for the virtual event. In addition to the great speakers like Marcell there will be lots of opportunities to network and speak the other attendees who are exploring the topic.

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Tags: Sustainability, Supply Chain, Ecosystems

1 Speaking Engagement
What’s the future of automotive? Disruptive technologies impacting and transforming the industry
Dr. Marcell Vollmer
May 20, 2019
What’s the future of automotive?
Disruptive technologies impacting and transforming the industry

Electric Cars, Autonomous Vehicles, Tesla, Automation, AI, IoT, Supply Chain

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Tags: Autonomous Vehicles, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

1 Video
Digital Transformation starts with Analytics and Culture
SAP Ariba
July 17, 2018
In this interview, Daniel Newman, Principal Analyst at Broadsuite Media Group, talks SAP Ariba Chief Digital Officer, Marcell Vollmer, about the characteristics of companies that are successful in digital transformation. He shares his insights on the consumerization of B2B and how players in the space can become experience focused and differentiate from the competition.

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Culture

1 Whitepaper
Procurement 2025
SAP Ariba
January 15, 2018
The golden age of procurement is upon us.

Over the next 10 years, companies will face more opportunity and
disruption than ever before. Digital transformation is already helping
companies redefine their business models, operating processes, and
work – and this trend will accelerate as powerful technologies mature.
Given that up to 65% of the value of a company’s products or services is
derived from its suppliers1, procurement will play a leading role in
enabling this transformation.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Procurement

Thinkers360 Credentials

16 Badges


1 Article/Blog
How will disruptive technologies change the future?
August 21, 2018
100 years ago, nearly 40% of all US jobs were in agriculture. Today, the figure is less than 2%. The same dynamic happened in manufacturing, which in the 1950s dominated the jobs, but since then has consistently dropped as a mass employer. Technology made both trends happen then, and new, disruptive technology shows no evidence of slowing down these trends now. Digitalization is having disruptive effects on managerial, logistics and other supply chain functions. Automation in plants, artificial intelligence, connected devices in fulfilment centers, and areas like procurement, production planning and maintenance are transforming jobs. Procurement has a unique opportunity by focusing on value creating activities as automation will reduce transactional, bureaucratic tasks and free up resources. Currently more and more operational, tactical activities are getting automated in all back office functions. The impact for source-to-pay – procurement, operational procurement, accounts payable, finance and travel & expenses – is significant and will lead to less people needed to drive the purchasing activities, finance tasks. The future procurement function will be much smaller, but more strategic, as the strategic tasks are remaining. I like the saying: The future procurement, finance function will be powered by data, but driven by people. The CPO of the future needs to define an organization with a unique value proposition. The value contribution is and will be key, but with a smaller organization focused on the strategic tasks with category management, driving supplier innovations, highly integrated supply chain, risk management, compliance, sustainability, supplier management and analytics. As the procurement organization of the future owns the relationship with suppliers and can define standards for sustainability, CSR, diversity in the entire supply base, including the balance between global and local supplies. The focus is purpose, because consumers demand to know where the products they are buying come from. Supply chains are the biggest source of risk and opportunity in terms of finding solutions to today’s challenges and the demand from the consumers. The procurement function of the future must align goals and actions as well as understand how to work with suppliers best to find answers to the purposeful questions that really matter.

See blog

Tags: Digital Transformation, Sustainability, Procurement


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