Ten Thoughts That Need Thought
Konstantinos Karypidis
July 15, 2019
I am on the road for work and to be honest I seized the opportunity for a few holidays. Today we have some food for thought. All the following thoughts I would like to share with you are my personal notes (and wording) from the magnificent small book Derek Shivers has written, called “Anything you Want”.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
What Type Of Goals Are You Chasing?
Konstantinos Karypidis
March 26, 2019
I have already shared the idea that that in order to be as productive as possible what you need first and above all, is to be in a pleasant state of mind, because in that state you are able to tap into your full potential and perform optimally. Mass amounts of research indicate clearly that we perform at our best when we are feeling great.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Beat Procrastination In 5 Minutes
March 20, 2019
Not long ago, I created a five hours long online course which I named “Productivity Masterclass”. A fundamental part inside that course and in the way I approach productivity, is the way we are able to conquer procrastination and tame that little voice inside our head which tempts us all the time, by making less important stuff appear as more urgent.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Forget Success. Focus on Competencies.
March 14, 2019
Today is the 14th of March. From another perspective it is the 73rd day of the year and from another one, it is the day that Albert Einstein, Stephen Curry, Michael Caine and Quincy Jones Jr. were born and also the day that Stephen Hawking, Vic Marshall and Susan Hayward died. Today is one day like any other of its kind but the names above belong to people that they were - or are – absolutely unique. The names above belong to people we deservedly consider as successful.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Six Tactics of Extreme Producers
Konstantinos Karypidis
January 09, 2019
Professors Dan Ariely, George Loewenstein and Drazen Prelec some years ago did a very interesting experiment. They showed six different products to marketing students at Sloan Business School at MIT.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Do you Trust your Mind?
Konstantinos Karypidis
November 03, 2018
Professors Dan Ariely, George Loewenstein and Drazen Prelec some years ago did a very interesting experiment. They showed six different products to marketing students at Sloan Business School at MIT.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
The Domino Effect
Konstantinos Karypidis
June 05, 2018
Of course in life, things are a little bit more complicated than in domino competitions, because nobody tells you from where to start and what to do, but taking care of the fundamentals is a starting idea. Focus on them. Then find what you want, acquire productive habits according to your desires, set priorities and make the small everyday things perfectly for a long period of time. This strategy works because success is never instantaneous, but the result of small building blocks that you have put them perfectly for thousands of days. What starts linear becomes exponential and doing the one right thing after the other, creates a chain reaction with a tremendous force which is far greater than the pieces that compose it.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Do you want to Change? Some ideas and Requisites.
Konstantinos Karypidis
March 21, 2018
So you feel that something is really wrong and that things should be better or at least that you’d like them to be better, and you keep thinking that you should finally take the step and make a decision to change your life. Here is some food for thought on the always popular topic of change.
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Tags: Change Management, HR, Leadership
7 Strategies for Surefire Misery
Konstantinos Karypidis
January 12, 2018
My life is focused on happiness. Strictly. How to create it, how to share it and how to give strategies, tools and methods to help other people fill their own life with joy and above all to live it on their own terms and specifications.
Nevertheless, even constant happiness is monotonous. So today, for a change, I thought that it would be a good idea to share with you seven guaranteed and confirmed strategies that will for sure lead you to undeniable misery and gloom. Read, apply and weep freely.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Being the Best vs Being Average
July 12, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Create Unique Moments
July 12, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Forgetting about Success in order to Achieve Success
June 21, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
7 Strategies for Maximizing Morning Performance
June 14, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
On Productivity
May 31, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Tips to Live Your Life Better
May 03, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
How to have More Time
April 19, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Strategies for Progress
April 06, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Thought Leading to Success
March 22, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Ideas for Winners
March 15, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
The Other Side of Happiness
March 01, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
4 Steps to Originality
February 22, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Leaders and their Teams
February 15, 2017
in Greek
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Do you Trust your Mind?
June 30, 2016
We must stop being extremely confident in our ability to evaluate things and to predict the future. Whenever you are extremely confident in your rational thinking abilities, remind yourself the experiment discussed in this article. And think twice whether you are arbitrary influenced or not.
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Tags: Future of Work, Leadership, Management
Think and F.. Act! - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep. 14
October 31, 2019
In this 14th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Ellis' and Harper's, "A Guide to Rational Living". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
The Perfect Moment Syndrome - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.13
October 29, 2019
In this 13th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Paul Arden' s, "It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
Why You Feel Stressed?- "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.12
October 27, 2019
In this 12th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Kelly Mc Gonigal' s, "The Upside of Stress". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
What Kind of goals Do You Have? - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep. 11
October 24, 2019
In this 11th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Edward Deci' s, "Why We Do What We Do". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management
The Greatest Challenge You Will Ever Face - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.10
October 23, 2019
In this 10th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Shad Helmstetter' s, "What to Say When You talk to Yourself". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management
The Catalyst of Champions - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.08
October 20, 2019
In this 8th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Bob Rotella' s, "How Champions Think". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management
Are You Truly Committed? - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.09
October 20, 2019
In this 9th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Mark Divine'' s, "The Way Of The Seal". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management
The TRUE Meaning of Competition - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.07
October 18, 2019
In this 7th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Dr. Stan Beecham' s, "Elite Minds". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, HR, Leadership
What Is Excellence? "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.06
Konstantinos Karypidis
October 16, 2019
In this 6th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Ben Bergeron's, "Chasing Excellence". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, HR, Leadership
Write A Champion's Journal - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.05
October 14, 2019
In this 5th episode Konstantinos is sharing an idea from Jim Afremow's book titled "The Champions Mind". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and keynote motivational speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Leadership, Future of Work, Change Management
Win or Learn - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.04
October 13, 2019
In this 4th episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from John Kavanagh's book "Win for Learn". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and keynote motivational speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, Future of Work, Leadership
The Fundamentals of Success - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.03
October 11, 2019
"Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court".
In this 3rd episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from John Wooden's book "Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and motivational keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Leadership, Future of Work, Change Management
How to Overcome Obstacles - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.02
October 09, 2019
In this 2nd episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Troy Bassham' s book "Attainment". "Peak Ideas" is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, HR, Leadership
How to Deal with Adversity - "Peak Ideas" with Konstantinos Karypidis Ep.01
October 07, 2019
In this 1st episode Konstantinos Karypidis shares an idea from Jason Selk's book "Mental Toughness". is part of the Peak Performance program that Konstantinos developed and delivers as a peak performance coach and keynote speaker all over the world. The concept is all about sharing a great idea from a great book in a matter of few minutes.
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Tags: Change Management, HR, Leadership
Unravel the Future
Konstantinos Karypidis
October 05, 2019
Show Reel
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Tags: Change Management, HR, Leadership