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George Jucan

Managing Partner at Organizational Performance Enablers Network

Woodbridge, Canada

I am an internationally recognized project/program management expert with proven success in transforming private and public sector organizations to enhance organizational efficiency through effective project, program and portfolio management. Many of my clients have been large and complex organizations in public and private sector.

My management consulting expertise includes efficient stakeholders’ engagement, as well as developing and implementing effective methodologies, frameworks, policies and procedures to streamline operations. I excel in managing organizational change, and transforming business through innovative technologies. I am a strong financial manager with an excellent track record in negotiating contracts, overseeing procurement, and managing vendors.

I am internationally recognized for my project, programme and portfolio management expertise through leadership positions in ISO/TC258 (Project, programme and portfolio family of standards) and TC236 (ISO 21500), as well as PMI Standards Committees (PMBOK 6th, 5th & 4th Ed, PMCDF 3rd & 2nd Ed, Government Extension to PMBOK 3rd Ed).

My track record includes many keynotes and sessions on project management and leadership topics at international conferences, author and co-author of books and articles, curriculum developer and trainer of PMP boot-camp and advanced project management courses.

I am passionate about overcoming complex challenges while ensuring my clients and employers achieve or exceed their business and mission objectives. If your organization requires a visionary leader, consultant, or speaker who isn’t afraid to tackle obstacles that would daunt other project managers and business consultants, let’s talk.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Speaking Topics: project management, program management, stakeholders' engagement, influencing stakeholders, leadership, communication, code of ethics

George Jucan Points
Academic 10
Author 102
Influencer 27
Speaker 35
Entrepreneur 0
Total 174

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Service Provider
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Big Data 30.04
Business Strategy 32.79
Change Management 32.02
Coaching 30.08
Data Center 30.21
Future of Work 30.16
Leadership 32.39
Management 37.88
Project Management 30.89
Risk Management 30.80

Industry Experience

Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Professional Services
Travel & Transportation


1 Academic Award
University of Management and Technology Deans Scholarship
PMI Educational Foundation
September 01, 2016
University of Management and Technology Deans Scholarship for MBA studies

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

17 Article/Blogs
An Active Approach to Counteract Stakeholders’ Resistance
November 30, 2019
Every project manager has to deal with negative stakeholders that, left unmanaged, might end up derailing the project. This article provides some practical advice on minimizing their negative impact to increase project's likelihood of success.

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Tags: Coaching, Management, Project Management

Influencing Stakeholders: An Ethical Dilemma
October 03, 2018
For most project managers, words like “influencing” and “manipulating” are taboo. This article explores these concepts through the perspective of PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Stakeholder Register - how much should be shared and how much shouldn't?
January 19, 2018
Ethical implications of maintaining an accurate Stakeholder Register and sharing it or not with others.

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Tags: Leadership, Management

Survival Guide for the Public Sector PM
April 28, 2008
Practical advice to survive (and potentially succeed) managing public sector projects.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

The Bumpy Road to Alternate Service Delivery
November 01, 2007
Engaged in the path of transforming their business processes, many organizations need to choose between multiple options available to satisfy their needs. This article presents some practical advice for the analysis and selection process.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Learning Leadership
August 27, 2007
Some are natural leaders…the rest of us need to learn how to lead. This article presents a practical approach to enhance your natural leadership abilities.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Complexity Matters
June 21, 2006
Is the eight-month development of an internal time tracking system more complex than a two-month customization of a COTS invoice tracking package used by three different departments and 10 external suppliers? Or is building a school based on standard plans any simpler than a custom designed house for a single owner? This article shows a way to assess a project's complexity and present it to stakeholders.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

The Forgotten Side of Disaster Recovery
June 19, 2006
Most disaster recovery plans include detailed procedures to bring the operational systems back online. What about the people to operate them?

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Defining Roles for IT Governance (Part 4)
June 05, 2006
The first three articles in this series explored standard roles and responsibilities, considered valid in most cases, most of the time. This final installment takes a look at the "new kids on the block".

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Defining Roles for IT Governance (Part 3)
May 30, 2006
Coordinated execution of multiple projects elevates project management discipline at a new level. The third article in this series explores the project management roles and responsibilities above and beyond the single project boundary.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Defining Roles for IT Governance (Part 2)
May 17, 2006
The first article in this series presented an overview of major roles seen today in the project management arena and their typical interactions. This second article is focused on typical roles within project management function at a single project level.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Defining Roles for IT Governance (Part 1)
May 01, 2006
At the beginning it was the project manager. For many years it was good enough for everything and everyone, until offsprings started to appear: Program managers, portfolio managers, technical project managers, project leaders, project coordinators, project assistants, project controllers and many more. And then it was's an all-important look at all of these roles and responsibilities.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Customer Feedback Received
April 25, 2006
You're working for a software house and you're in charge of the next product upgrade project. The product manager handed you a list of features that requires twice the time and twice the budget you were given. You need to scrub the project scope, but the product manager is nowhere to be found. What can you do?

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Effort-Based Project Forecasting
December 07, 2005
Can't use earned value because your cost data is confidential? Or because the actual costs are not accurate or itemized enough? No problem! Simply use the time assignments and completion percentages for project status and forecasting.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Estimation Blues
October 17, 2005
"I don't know yet what I want, but I expect you to tell when I'll have it and how much will it cost!" A common problem each project manager faces is providing effort and duration estimates based on unclear or high-level requirements. We can provide a best guess, padded because it will surely be trimmed down. Or we can provide a response that will make the executive understand the need for more details, without saying so. This article shows a simple way to do so.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Aggregates Location: A Rule of Thumb
The Data Administration Newsletter
April 01, 2004
Data Warehousing design

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Tags: Big Data, Data Center, Management

A 3D Software Architecture Framework
The Data Administration Newsletter
October 01, 2002
Combining the Zachman’s Framework with Rational Unified Process and Oracle’s Custom Development Method.

See publication

Tags: Big Data, Data Center, Management

1 Book
A Pocket Guide to Stakeholders' Engagement
Organiational Performance Enablers Network
October 27, 2017
No-fluff book that provides a practical foundation for effective stakeholders' engagement, as well as time-tested original tools, tips and techniques.

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management

2 Book Chapters
52 Tips To Break Into Project Management
Geoff Crane
June 01, 2014
Compilation of project management advice from 52 project professionals, targeted to graduating students and new project managers.

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Tags: Future of Work, Leadership, Management

The Handbook of People in Project Management
Gower Publishing
September 28, 2013
Edited by Dennis Lock and Lindsay Scott, the Handbook is divided into six parts, which begin with management and project organization and progress through to more advanced and emerging practices. The contributors have been drawn from around the world and include experts ranging from practising managers to academics and advanced researchers.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

1 Book Foreword
Managing Project Stakeholders: Building a Foundation to Achieve Project Goals
March 27, 2013
Why do some project managers achieve their project goals while others fail? Drawing on his years of experience as a recognized global expert on project management and organizational change, author Tres Roeder answers that question, and lays out a proven path to project success.
Focusing on the major differences between project management and other types of management—not least of them being the temporary nature of projects versus the repetitive nature of most managerial tasks—Roeder describes best practices in all key areas of managing project stakeholders.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

1 Journal Publication
In Search of Project Management Principles
Project Management Journal
May 08, 2023
The objective of this article is to determine whether a set of project management principles can be identified to serve as a common framework for developers and publishers of project management standards and guides. Twenty-two project management standards and other consensus documents were reviewed, revealing a common understanding across the globe of the requirements for effective project management. Potential statements of principles were extracted and clustered into four categories. The validated principles identified in each category were rewritten in a prespecified, consistent form. The resulting set of 12 principles should serve as a common basis for future standards and guides.

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Tags: Leadership, Management, Project Management

2 Keynotes
Stakeholders’ Engagement
PMI Lakeshore Chapter
March 04, 2019
In the recent years, a rising trend by executives and project managers considers that the project success lies more “in the eye of the beholder”, and less in simply meeting the targets on Triple Constraint dimensions. Introduced as Stakeholder Management in PMBOK Guide 5th Edition, this knowledge area is already evolving into Stakeholder Engagement.
This session covers the entire life-cycle of stakeholders’ engagement, from day 0 to project sign-off. Each topic is introduced through a mixture of instruction material describing not only what to do but also how to do it efficiently, coupled with enhanced real-life examples that showcase each concept in the day-to-day activities.
Several original tools will also be provided, proven by years of experience in complex stakeholders’ environments and recently published in “A Pocket Guide to Stakeholders’ Engagement”.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Using PMCDF to Become a Better Project Manager
Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC)
September 07, 2011
Project Management Institute (PMI) uses three dimensions to define what is considered a "competent project manager": knowledge, performance and personal competencies. While a project manager's knowledge can be demonstrated by obtaining the PMP or equivalent certification, assessing the performance and personal competencies is much more difficult.
PMI addresses this gap with the Project Manager Competency Development Framework (PMCDF), now at the Second Edition. It includes not only a clear definition of competencies required of project managers, but also examples of evidence to demonstrate them as well as a process to assess and improve individual competency level.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

9 Media Interviews
Get Your Sponsor to Pay Attention to Your Project
September 07, 2023
Getting the project sponsor to actually spend time to support the project is sometime challenging - here's some practical tips!

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Management, Project Management

UMT Alum Authors Book on Stakeholder Management
University of Management and Technology
June 24, 2019
University of Management and Technology alum George Jucan, PMP, CMP (MBA in Project Management, 2018) has authored a book about identifying and working with stakeholders, titled A Pocket Guide to Stakeholders' Engagement, published in 2017.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Interview With Renowned Project Management Coach | George Jucan
November 05, 2018
Interview on stakeholders' engagement and leadership topics

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Developing Talent: The Next Frontier for Project Managers
December 15, 2014
The talent and creativity of individuals are the next frontier for project managers to manage. The unique nature of project work presents a major talent opportunity. With some thoughtful planning, project managers can build the talents of their team members: a win-win-win situation.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

ISO/TC 258, ISO Technical Committee for Project, Program, and Portfolio Management, convenes in Tällberg, Sweden
PM World Journal
October 15, 2013
ISO/TC 258, the Technical Committee (TC) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) set up to work with standards in the field of project, program, and portfolio management convened for the fourth plenary meeting at Tällberg, Sweden, on September 9th … 13th 2013.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Management

The Most Serious Data Threat May be Sitting Next to You
PM Tips
October 17, 2009
An article that appeared recently in InformationWeek magazine examines what is sometimes the most serious threat an organization faces in terms of their own data security – the internal authorized user base. The following article from Ericka Chickowski explains that hackers may covet your data, but insiders are the most common source of database leaks

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Tags: Management, Risk Management

Dark Reading Tech Center: Database Security
Dark Reading
October 08, 2009
In all of their frenzy to protect sensitive data from hackers and thieves, many organizations overlook the most likely threat to their databases: authorized users.

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Tags: Management, Risk Management

Databases' Most Serious Vulnerability: Authorized Users
Dark Reading
October 01, 2009
In all of their frenzy to protect sensitive data from hackers and thieves, many organizations overlook the most likely threat to their databases: authorized users.

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Tags: Management, Risk Management

Replication using LogMiner
November 15, 2005
This tip describes how to leverage Oracle LogMiner as a data replication utility.

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Tags: Data Center, Risk Management

4 Speaking Engagements
Stakeholders: The Ultimate Key To Project Success
Project Management Institute (PMI)
October 30, 2017
For years, a successful project was defined as “in time, within budget, and delivering full scope”—but is the Triple Constraint really the ultimate measure of project success? Combining traditional instruction with hands-on exercises and simulations, this session provides practical tools and techniques to effectively engage and influence your stakeholders to achieve success beyond the Iron Triangle? It also provides a safe environment to practice effective communication and change facilitation, negotiation, and conflict resolution.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Hands-on Lab: Influencing Stakeholders
Project Management Institute (PMI)
October 30, 2017
This interactive workshop is limited to 50 participants on a first come, first serve basis and will provide an opportunity to practice useful skills to strengthen your PM toolkit.
We will discuss several real-world ways of effectively influencing others to understand and support your position, and provide the opportunity to practice them through group exercises.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Stakeholders – The Ultimate Key to Project Success
PMI Canada's Technology Triangle Chapter
October 29, 2013
For years a successful project was defined as “in time, within budget, and delivering full scope” - but is really the Triple Constraint the ultimate measure of project success? There is a growing trend of executives and project managers that consider that the project success lies more “in the eye of the beholder” and less in strictly meeting the targets on triple constraint dimensions.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Using PMCDF to Advance One's Career
PMI spouth-Western Chapter
June 05, 2011
A practical guide to using Project Manager Competency Development Framework (PMCDF)

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

1 Webinar
Stakeholder Engagement - The Ultimate Key To Project Success
February 08, 2018
This session covers the entire life-cycle of stakeholders’ engagement, from day 0 to project sign-off, and describes not only WHAT to do but also HOW to do it efficiently – including original tools and techniques proven by Mr. Jucan’s successful track record in complex stakeholder environments.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

Thinkers360 Credentials

3 Badges



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