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Raj Malhotra

Boston, United States

Serial innovator with a track record of hacking ideas into transformative enterprises. Skilled builder of start-ups and teams within Fortune 500 companies that generated outsize returns from modest investments in disruptive technologies and innovation processes. Expertise in channeling network effects to create extraordinary value for diverse communities across multiple industries -- ranging from healthcare to travel services to software assets. Inventor with patents in 3D printed surgical meshes, cognitive radio, and distributed ledgers.

Feel free to reach out if you want to talk #innovationlove.

Raj Malhotra Points
Academic 0
Author 2
Influencer 0
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 40
Total 42

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

Blockchain 30.07
Entrepreneurship 32.81
Innovation 31.38
Legal and IP 38.38
Startups 30.07
Sustainability 30.15

Industry Experience


2 Article/Blogs
In Code We Trust?
September 06, 2019
A movement is growing to evolve open source – before it’s too late

“You look at where you're going and where you are and it never makes much sense, but then you look back at where you've been and a pattern seems to emerge. And if you project forward from that pattern, then sometimes you can come up with something.”
― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values

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Tags: Blockchain, Startups, Entrepreneurship

InvenTrust partnered with WIPO GREEN at the NEWIN Symposium on Water Innovation in MA on September 18, 2017
September 19, 2017
InvenTrust was a proud participant at the NEWIN Symposium on Water Innovation in Massachusetts together with WIPO GREEN on September 18, 2017. This event brought global leaders together to share their outlook on water innovation, demonstrating how local innovation can be harnessed to combat global needs.

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Tags: Innovation, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship

2 Founders
January 01, 2017
Conceptualized, architected, and founded the world's collaboration platform for "Trusted Source" that has applications in domains ranging from software code to 3D printing design to tech transfer. Attracted top-tier team and partners for business development, rights management, and blockchain and AI innovation. Bootstrapped enterprise and closed initial sponsors that included WorId Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the UN Climate Technology Network, WTOIP (China's "unicorn" marketplace for intangibles), major multinationals, and industrial labs.

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Tags: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Legal and IP

January 01, 2008
Built and grew start-up into a leading advisory services boutique in a market crowded with outsourcing players. Differentiated start-up by combining competencies in building sector-specific patent portfolios, patent intelligence solutions and venture incubation.
• Led the delivery of 800+ client engagements to clients ranging from Fortune 50 companies to venture-backed startups spanning mobile, internet software, energy, and medical devices by assembling invention and prosecution processes. Managed an international team of scientists, financial analysts, and business developers
• Partnered with major intellectual property law firms, and patent and technology specialists in the US, EU, and Asia to create a world-class expert network for rapidly scaling client R&D programs. Formed an IP aggregation vehicle.
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Tags: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Legal and IP

Thinkers360 Credentials

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