Speaker Q&A: Simone Jo Moore
The Service Desk Show
April 15, 2024
Learn more about Simone before she takes to the stage at SITS to deliver the seminar ‘Sassy CHAOS’ and joins the panel ‘Post Office – A National Scandal: What can we learn from IT?’
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Tags: AI, IT Strategy, Leadership
The Jigsaw Organization – putting the pieces back together
May 01, 2022
Rebuilding your organization for the future
2020 has taken the business clichés we use so often and brought them to life. ‘Change is inevitable’… ‘transform or fail’… ‘software is eating the world’. Strategies have been ripped up, plans have collapsed, and organizations in every sector and every country have had to make rapid adaptations.
Once the panic recedes, what next? Once we have smashed our organizations into pieces, how do we rebuild them? Do we go back to our previous state, or do we work towards something better?
In The Jigsaw Organization, experts and consultants from all over the world share their practical advice on how you can build something better. With topics ranging from leadership to business continuity and resilience, from agility to sourcing, you’ll find inspiration that will allow you to create positive changes. You’ll also be introduced to a range of amazing people who could help you start your transformation.
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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Leadership
Galleries of Purpose
September 21, 2021
You start with a feeling, it builds to an idea and then you start doing. It's not until you start doing that you realise if the idea in your mind has merit and what you feel is on track with your purpose and who you are and want to become.
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Tags: HR, Leadership, Mental Health
Underlying Uncertainty
January 10, 2020
Part 1 delving into the 'U' of VUCA from both a personal and professional perspective. Uncertainty throws us into doubt. It's an uncertain future, it's impossible to predict if what I imagine has a reality.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Risk Management
The Vulnerable in Volatility
December 08, 2019
Inspired to find the spark in our leadership and within ourselves, this article is dedicated to thoughts around Volatility within a VUCA environment. Exploring this facet of VUCA from a personal and professional perspective.
"Understanding the make up of our environment and our purpose within it, is necessary in order to be sensitive to its signals and manoeuvre with its activity."
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Risk Management
Are you the Spark?
July 21, 2019
Incredible #leadership from people that do not necessarily have the 'title' of #leader. Who are the sparks in your organisation?
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Tags: Culture, HR, Leadership
Undulating Uncertainty
January 10, 2019
Part 2 of the 'U' in VUCA. We move deeper into uncertainty - confronting untrustworthy behaviours and feeling unworthy.
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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Mental Health
Designing ITIL Practitioner Courseware – An Artistic Journey!
May 01, 2016
First and foremost, being a lead author of a certified course of any kind is primarily about being a facilitator of other experts in the field of interest. It’s about garnering their content, thought patterns, and experience. This combined is used to weave a story that produces a course which enables individuals to apply the knowledge and create their own reality.
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Tags: Change Management, HR, IT Operations
How To Create The Perfect Match In Your ITSM Portfolio
January 05, 2015
Do You Have A Match? When I ask this question of an ATO, I am looking to see if your course can light a fire in my people’s productivity. It’s a fact – we need to build skills to meet business objectives but as the skills demanded by business change, ATOs have the responsibility to provide what the industry needs and that means a portfolio to match the skill set within ITSM. That doesn’t mean your portfolio needs a complete overhaul but certainly a health check.
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Tags: HR, IT Strategy, Project Management
Forget-Me-Not Tips From The Traveling ITSM Trainer
January 05, 2015
t’s Always An Adventure So Make The Best Of It
Teacher, trainer, facilitator, coach, mentor, guide… we are all of these things and more, working within the boundaries set by the frameworks, exam conditions and syllabus set by the core centralized controlling bodies such as Axelos, ISACA etc. But let’s set aside the technical in terms of the content and accreditation you’re required to have and focus on some other aspects. That of the where-with-all the trainer needs when they travel.
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Tags: HR, IT Operations, Leadership
An Education in Service Management - A guide to building a successful service management career and delivering organisational success
itGovernance Publishing ITGP
December 07, 2023
Contributing Author to Service Management Usefulness section.
IT is a business-critical function. It delivers experiences, stimulates strategic shifts, and protects organisations from theft, cyber attacks, and the related regulatory, reputational and financial impacts.
ITSM is a critical element of IT that is often misunderstood. In this book, the author and his network of associates demystify ITSM and help you understand how:
Working in or with ITSM enables you to build a career that spans global industries, locations and sectors;
ITSM roles vary from service desk analyst to chief technology officer or consultant; and
As a CTO, a CIO or an organisational leader, you can enable your teams to deliver exceptional digital experiences that delight your consumers, partners and customers.
Whether you are contemplating a career in service management or are working in the sector, this book will help you understand current trends, job opportunities, frustrations and progression. It also features contributions from industry professionals to show what their day-to-day service management role looks like.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Education, HR
ITIL 4: High-velocity IT (2022)
January 01, 2022
Co-Author of the AI Ethics section of the book.
This is the 2022 version published by PeopleCert following their purchase of AXELOS in 2021. The ITIL4 Managing Professional High Velocity IT guidance explores the convergence between business and IT, providing candidates with a specialised insight into the ways in which digital organisations and digital operating models function through a fast-paced environment. By highlighting the difference between IT transformation and digital transformation, the guidance enables the identification of new opportunities for digital investment, leading to significant business enablement. Encouraging IT and digital professionals to refine their abilities by increasing the speed and improving the quality of service delivery, the guidance focuses on creating greater value by promoting new methods of working and challenging existing ways of thinking. It encompasses cutting-edge digital technology to optimise end-user services and implement design-thinking, facilitating the construction of complex, yet adaptive, systems. This guidance covers a range of innovative working methods, such as DevOps practices and Lean and Agile approaches. It is designed to help bridge the gap between development and operational practices, and best support digital delivery from optimisation to radical transformation.
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Tags: Agile, AI, Digital Transformation
VeriSM: Unwrapped and Applied
Van Haren Group
September 25, 2018
Co-Author Knowledge Management section.
VeriSM: Unwrapped and Applied, the second volume within the VeriSM series, extends the information in the first volume VeriSM: A Service Management Approach for the Digital Age. It shows how VeriSM applies to the digitally transforming organization. This includes information around what digital transformation is, approaches to digital transformation and its implications for the entire organization, especially the people. The book explains how to use the VeriSM model, describing the steps to develop, maintain and use the Management Mesh to deliver a new or changed product or service. Within this content, a case study is used to illustrate how to apply the model for each stage and to show the expected outcomes. Implications for the entire organization are stressed throughout the entire volume, reinforcing the concepts of enterprise strategy tying together the organizational capabilities to produce consumer-focused products and services. The second part of the book also includes a wealth of case studies, stories and interviews from organizations and individuals who have a digital transformation journey to share. VeriSM early adopters from around the world provide more information about how they are applying the guidance.
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Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation
The Dave Jones Inspirational Leadership Award
November 11, 2024
Dave Jones was a popular member of itSMF UK and an influential service management professional for many years. This award, recently introduced in his memory, highlights the achievements of an individual who has demonstrated inspirational leadership within the ITSM world over a significant period.
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Tags: Leadership
HDI Top 25 Thought Leader - 2024
Simone Jo Moore
January 17, 2024
“Simone is a force of nature. Her spirit is contagious. When she speaks or runs a workshop, the room follows her every move or thought. Simone has the goal of humanizing IT and bringing ethics to the way people work.”
With input from our community, we celebrate those who have done great work to build the collective knowledge base of the technical support and service management profession.
More than a list!
How often have you taken the time to read why they were chosen? They have already, if you’ve seen their posts, expressed they are honoured, humbled, grateful and so on.
The reason, is we are only doing what any of our other industry colleagues are doing, yet someone felt the need to express the difference to the nominating body (HDI), of what they experienced from one or more of these people. The people here are a mix of countries, industries, experience, expertise and employee level, yet they are leaders because they represent through action what is within all of us. Often what we might term an ‘accidental’ leader, because it wasn’t a focus or due to having a particular ‘title’.
Don’t be shy in reaching out. Please take the time to know them and the why by watching this video and follow, engage and learn from their experience. They're linked below.
Never fail to express your appreciation for those you work with and learn to accept the compliments that come your way also. Your journey never stops, your becoming is the journey! Your story is also worth the telling, even if you haven’t realised it yet.
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Tags: AI
HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders of 2023
January 20, 2023
“Simone is fearless at the front line while being compassionate in the way she delivers her craft and in the way that moves people to change.”
With input from our community poll, we celebrate those who have done great work to build the collective knowledge base of the IT service and support industries.
by The Editors
Last Updated January 20, 2023
Each year we put out a call to the HDI community for their nominations for HDI’s Top 25 thought leaders. Those who made the list were nominated because they are generous with sharing their time and knowledge to help us all do better in the IT service and support industry.
Throughout the year, we’ll ask those on the list for their thoughts on subjects that arise in the industry, and share what respondents have to say.
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Tags: Business Strategy
Announcing HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders of 2022
January 13, 2022
“Simone is rocking the humanizing of IT. With recognition and nominations in DevOps and Womentech and multiple podcasts and webinars on talent management and ethical and emotional AI, her energy is out there!”
The IT support industry is constantly changing, and no amount of formal training will be enough to stay on top of every new trend. That’s why it’s so important for IT service and support professionals to share with others what they have learned in this dynamic environment.
Each year, HDI puts out a call for nominations for the Top 25 Thought Leaders in IT service and support and customer experience; those nominated share their wisdom on social media so others might benefit from what they’ve learned.
From the many nominations we’ve received, we’ve picked a list of thought leaders. Click on their names to find a link to their Twitter or LinkedIn account, and be sure to thank them for sharing what they know.
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Tags: AI
HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders of 2021
January 27, 2021
"Simone is pushing boundaries and asking the tough questions of organizations with how they are designing and using their technology."
Recently, we asked for your help in identifying the people in the technical support and service management industry who you turn to for guidance. These industry experts challenge us to provide better service and support for our customers, elevate our businesses, implement leading edge technology, and improve processes so all our stakeholders can benefit.
You helped us identify those who have influenced you the most and helped you advance your career. We tabulated and curated your votes, and are pleased to present the Top 25 Thought Leaders in Technical Support and Service Management for 2020.
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Tags: AI
Top 25 Thought Leaders in Technical Support and Service Management for 2019
January 23, 2020
The technical support and service management industry is a community of people dedicated to their craft, who strive for excellence every day. These industry experts challenge us to provide better service and support for our customers, elevate our businesses, implement leading edge technology, and improve processes so all our stakeholders can benefit.
As we began this new year, we asked for your help identifying the people who you turn to for guidance, the people who have influenced you the most and helped you advance your career. You helped us identify those people who are shaping the future of technical support and service management.
The people we honor here lead by example. They are practitioners and consultants. They blog. They speak at conferences and events. They tweet and share their insights on social media. They mentor us in the finer points of leadership, process improvement, and technology implementation. They provide guidance for the industry to help us all improve service delivery and advance our careers.
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Tags: IT Leadership
Top 25 Thought Leaders in Technical Support and Service Management for 2018
January 25, 2019
Service management and tech support professionals are a community minded bunch. They are a conscientious group eager to learn and grow and also to share with one another to help promote excellence in the industry. And so it is no surprise that this community is also eager to celebrate its champions, those who are the most active in the community and share their insights for the benefit of all. We are proud to celebrate all that these influencers do for our industry with HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders in Technical Support and Service Management.
The votes are in! The community has spoken! The winners are people who lead by example. They are practitioners and consultants. They blog. They speak at conferences and events. They tweet and share their insights on social media. They mentor us in the finer points of leadership, process improvement, and technology implementation. They provide guidance for the industry to help us all improve service delivery and advance our careers.
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Tags: IT Leadership
Top 25 Thought Leaders in Technical Support and Service Management for 2017
January 19, 2018
You have spoken! The votes have been tallied, and the results are in for the Top 25 Thought Leaders in Technical Support and Service Management for 2017.
The winners are people who lead by example. They are practitioners and consultants. They blog. They speak at conferences and events. They tweet and share their insights on social media. They mentor us in the finer points of leadership, process improvement, and technology implementation. They provide guidance for the industry to help us all improve service delivery and advance our careers.
We are proud to celebrate all these influencers do for our industry.
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Tags: IT Leadership
Top 25 Thought Leaders in Technical Support and Service Management 2016
January 31, 2017
I will stop doing things the same old way because “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
I will never say, “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” to a customer again.
When I wake up, I will repeat five times, “It’s not the network.” (I will still think, “It’s the network.”)
I will drink less coffee.
Here at HDI, we want to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions (well, most of them—we won’t hold you to that “drink less coffee” nonsense)! To help you start your year off right, we’ve compiled a list of the top 25 thought leaders in technical support and service management.
In December, we asked you to vote for your favorite thought leaders on Twitter and/or LinkedIn. Tweet, post, blog, you name it—we wanted to know who’s having an impact on the way we think about technical support and service management today. These individuals are active in the technical support and service management community, as practitioners and/or consultants, and every day they share insights on the challenges you face and the future of the industry. If you aren’t following these thought leaders now, you should be!
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Tags: IT Leadership
The Right Path to Developing the Next Generation Of IT Leaders
SDI - The Service Desk Institute
December 08, 2022
In part 4 of our blog series ’Back to The Future of ITSM’, we spoke with Simone Jo Moore, Industry Thought Leader.
We discussed some exciting things about modern leadership:
How to build an agile organisation in a sustainable manner and make it more resilient to changes?
What qualities make a person a great IT leader?
How is the next generation of IT leaders different from traditional leaders?
How will organisations need to work in the future?
…and more!
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Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, HR
HR Without Borders Episode 15: We're not HR, we're talent!
The HR Trail - Amber Trail
November 26, 2021
Our podcast covers topics with HR professionals in mind. We will have guest expert speakers in all areas of HR around the globe. Weekly podcasts are launched and housed right here on our page or in our LinkedIn page for you viewing pleasure.
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Tags: Careers, Change Management, HR
Girls in Tech: How to Create Gender Equality?
CXO Talk - Michael Krigsman
December 11, 2020
Participating in the conversation and Q&A.
Increasing gender diversity is an important and challenging goal for business. We speak with two leaders trying to solve this problem.
With gender equality still an issue in workplaces worldwide, how can we create diversity and inclusion programs to empower women? Common solutions include formal mentoring, education for employees about diversity, and training on unconscious bias. Recently, women-led initiatives have promoted diversity in the workplace, following research that shows equality is good for business.
Companies must learn how to create an intentional culture for gender inclusion, moving beyond the idea that a few prominent female role models are enough to create gender equality in a male-dominated industry.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, HR
CXO Talk
CXO Talk - Michael Krigsman
June 26, 2019
Participate in conversation / Q&A.
Cognitive technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) offers businesses an incredible opportunity to rethink traditional processes. Here's what you need to know.
Cognitive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers businesses an incredible opportunity to rethink traditional processes. By automating rote tasks and accelerating standard workflows, companies can free employees to pursue innovation in other capacities.
But are AI and intelligent automation different than other enterprise technologies? Does AI’s potential pose far more dramatic threats than previous technological innovations? Why are technologists and business leaders so excited and simultaneously apprehensive about a technology that, despite its creation in the 1950s, is still in its relative infancy?In this video, we speak with Fred Laluyaux, CEO and President of Aera Technology and David Bray, Executive Director of the People-Centered Internet, about these critical topics.
During our conversation, we define some of the industry buzzwords and scientific terms that may still mystify the business world. We discuss the ways in which humans and machines should work in collaboration, both now and in a future that may give rise to machines that become responsible for many of the tasks humans handle today. The conversation touches on industries such as retail, manufacturing, automotive and more. We also examine how AI will revitalize current business technology including supply chain solutions, e-commerce platforms, and the still-nascent Internet of Things.
To learn more about how, when, and why your business should jump into the world of AI and automation, be sure to watch this video. In it, you’ll also find valuable advice from David and Fred on how to handle the ethical implications of AI adoption, and how you should treat your employees as AI becomes ubiquitous.
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Tags: Agile, AI, Business Strategy
Panel Discussion – Post Office – A National Scandal: What can we learn from IT?
Service Desk Show (SITS)
April 18, 2024
David Barrow, Sol Seven Studio
Sophie Hussey, Lapis COnsulting Services Ltd
Simone Jo Moore, SJM
Patrick Stapleton, ITSM Leader
Bekki Hill, JD SPorts Fashion plc
The discussion will focus on the lessons learned from the Post Office Horizon IT scandal, analysing its impact and exploring the crucial role of Service Desk and IT Service Management (ITSM) in averting such crises in the future. We will engage in a conversation about the significance of communication, knowledge, governance, and the profound impact of IT issues on mental well-being. We welcome your input during the event.
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Tags: IT Leadership, Mental Health, Risk Management
ITSM Crowd 105 - Evolution of ITSM: Transforming Leadership
September 06, 2022
In this episode, Claire Agutter is joined by guests Simone Moore and Sophie Hussey to talk about how organizational changes require changes in leadership. How does leadership need to be transformed, and how do leaders use a range of external resources to support them? Touching on consultancy, mentoring, coaching and more this is a fascinating topic.
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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Leadership
ESG #4 The G Force - Embracing a Healthy Risk Attitude.
Mark Thomas
August 31, 2021
Environmental and Social Governance Webinar Series #4
Governance risks are inherent to the decision-making process in any organization. Understanding the “G” in ESG is critical, because governance means either taking unknown risks or leveraging key opportunities, depending on how much you focus on prevention rather than just dealing with remediation.
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Tags: Change Management, GovTech, Risk Management
ESG #3 Social Reflections - Turning CSR Inside Out
Mark Thomas
August 18, 2021
Environmental and Social Governance Webinar Series #3
In addition to diversity and inclusion, every company operates within a broader, diverse responsibility that should address relationships your company has and the reputation it fosters with people and institutions in the communities where you do business. Check what’s happening inside reflects what’s happening outside and vice versa.
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Tags: Change Management, HR, Mental Health
ESG #2 Green with Envy - The Natural Change to an Environmental Tech Mindset
Mark Thomas
August 11, 2021
Environmental and Social Governance Webinar Series #2
This is the second of four global panel discussions. In this session we're addressing the what, so what and now what of our global environment and how technology professionals can enable positive change.
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Tags: Change Management, Climate Change, GovTech
An ECG on ESG - Where's Our Heart-beat?
Mark Thomas
August 03, 2021
Environmental and Social Governance Webinar Series #1
This is the first of four global panel discussions. In this first session, we're setting the baseline about ESG. The context and nature of our current world has shifted and therefore our boundaries need to be re-examined and adjusted. Understanding the context, the future of our viability and the drivers steeped in the way we experience trust, ethics, competency and more.
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Tags: Business Strategy, GovTech, Sustainability
ITSM Crowd 69 - Good Communication
May 12, 2020
Claire Agutter is joined by guests Kirstie Magowan and Simone Moore to talk about the importance of good communication, how we can all improve our listening skills, and advice for communication in virtual teams.
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Tags: Culture, HR, IT Leadership
ITSM Crowd 49 - Agile isn't Working?
November 12, 2018
Claire Agutter is joined by Karen Ferris, Daniel Breston and Simone Jo Moore to talk about whether Agile is delivering the expected results in organisations.
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Tags: Agile, IT Leadership, IT Strategy
ITSM Crowd 11 - all things organisational change management
February 04, 2016
Claire Agutter hosts #teammentor as we discuss all things organisational change management - what it is, why it's hard and how to get it right
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Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, IT Leadership
The Youth Rise in Power
November 01, 2022
As Editorial Director, Simone Jo Moore, hosted by Freshworks, creates this original docuseries exploring the generations shaping the future of CX and EX.
Our episodic video series and detailed research report by the London School of Economics, dives into changes businesses need to make to stay ahead of the technological and cultural impact of a new generation.
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Tags: Emerging Technology, Future of Work, IT Leadership
SJM HumanisingIT Series - a Natural Connection Becoming Visible
Simone Jo Moore
October 08, 2022
Part of my Becoming Visible moments, this video is a short journey into "a Natural Connection" focused on well being.
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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health
SJM Humanising IT Series - Where do dreams go?
SJM HumanisingIT
January 24, 2022
Part of Becoming Visible Moments in the power of the imagination unleashed, this short video is a Journey Moment - "Where do dreams go?"
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Tags: Coaching, Creativity, Leadership
The Era of Humanising IT
March 01, 2020
As Editorial Director, Simone Jo Moore, hosted by Freshworks, brings 30+ leading CIOs, industry leaders and technology visionaries together over 12 episodes in an interview series full of insights and learnings. We will be exploring the evolution of user behaviour, the significance of designing IT services that interact with humans, and the benefits of delivering world-class experiences.
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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IT Leadership
AI and ITSM walk into a bar - An Experience To Remember
ITSM Academy
November 21, 2024
Let's explore the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IT Service Management (ITSM). Be it ITIL, DevOps, Agile or other principles, they guide the enhancement of the human experience with 'Automation Empathy' so we can navigate the ethical challenges of AI. Whether you’re an IT professional, a service manager, or simply curious about the future of technology, this session offers you a perspective to embrace AI while maintaining trust, transparency, and empathy in your IT services.
From the first few moments, you'll be challenged and asked to share your perspective on our humantech world. You'll be surprised by some facts, curious about others and hopefully have your current journey validated and be inspired to create the world that embraces human centric innovation.
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Tags: AI, DevOps, IT Strategy
How to Avoid Chatbot Loop Hell
IT Care Centre
October 01, 2024
Let’s chat about CHAT! Join us for a webinar about how to get out of the loop of bad chatbot conversations and boost your tech-enabled customer interactions. Featuring a keynote with Simone Jo Moore and demo session with Jack Geron showcasing the integrated chatBOT capabilities of IT Care Center (ITCC), the global ITSM platform.
“How to Avoid Chatbot Loop Hell”
Calling all customer and support service managers, chatbot developers, and anyone interested in leveraging chat technology to improve customer support engagement.
In this keynote address, Simone explores the power of conversational AI, Digital Proxemic awareness, and the common pitfalls of chatbots. Learn actionable strategies to optimize chatbot interactions and ensure seamless and satisfying customer experiences.
We’ll focus on three core areas to transform the way your organization communicates with customers:
How to Build Better Chatbots: Design chatbots that intuitively understand and respond to customer needs without trapping them in frustrating loops. Learn best practices to create intelligent, context-aware bots that can handle complex queries and know when to escalate to human agents.
Knowledge Management Made Easy: Integrate chatbots with robust knowledge management systems to streamline information retrieval. Learn techniques to organize and present knowledge efficiently through conversational interfaces.
Chatbot Scripting: Explore the art of scripting conversations that feel natural and human-like. Understand the principles of creating engaging and empathetic chatbot interactions that build trust and enhance user satisfaction.
Chat in Practice: ITCC ChatBOT Demo
Speaker: Jack Geron, Founder & CTO of ITCC - That’s IT
Following Simone’s keynote, we’ll take a look at how to put the principles of great chatbots into action.
Join Jack for a walkthrough of the IT Care Center’s ChatBOT capabilities, including:
Digital customer experience and improved self-service
Contextual-based human conversational scenarios
Extending ChatBOT with internal, external knowledge, and public/private AI platforms and language models (LLM)
Platform – ChatBOT designer, API integration, exposure through MS Teams
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Tags: AI, Future of Work, IT Operations
AI meets ITSM: Humanising IT Services with ITIL in the AI Era
PeopleCert & TechStrong
September 17, 2024
PeopleCert SkilUp day, bringing you this exciting session, to explore the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IT Service Management (ITSM).
Using ITIL Principles, guide the enhancement of the human experience with automation empathy, and explore navigating the ethical challenges of AI.
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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IT Leadership
Flow Science, Focus, And Whole Health: 3 Key Ingredients to Successful IT, With Simone Jo Moore
Ticket Volum
September 22, 2022
Simone Jo Moore's fresh take on how to look at work more healthily and efficiently is definitely worth a look. In this episode, she shares some ideas about Flow Science and explains how to be "in the zone" without overstaying our welcome.
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Tags: Culture, Leadership, Mental Health
Becoming Visible
getIT - Johann Botha
March 16, 2022
There is a gap between feeling the shift and actioning the shift and in this gap, we often find ourselves frozen. Becoming visible starts with how we see ourselves, says Simone Jo Moore. What are the ways to become visible?
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Tags: Change Management, HR, IT Leadership
DevOps Practitioner Series | Episode 8 | Simone Jo Moore | Industry Thought Leader, SJM
TAUB Solutions
July 14, 2021
In this Episode 8 of #DevOpsPractitionerSeries, our coach Suresh GP is having a conversation with Simone Jo Moore, Industry Thought Leader, SJM on the theme #HumanizingIT.
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Tags: Agile, Digital Transformation, IT Leadership
Single Point of Contact
December 13, 2018
HDI’s SPOCcast is your single point of contact podcast for service management and support insights. For Episode 7, I interviewed Simone Jo Moore via Skype to discuss the human side of AI, the future of training, and the meaning of VUCA. Along the way, we discussed mixology, frameworks, and “outside-in” service. What follows here is excerpted; for the full impact, I encourage you to listen to the entire podcast.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Mental Health
StressLess - Building your Well Being Toolbox of Techniques
November 14, 2023
The stress of working and living in a hyper-technology world is a compelling and relevant issue that demands our immediate attention and action. It goes beyond mental health and wellbeing to the heart of business distress.
Are we creating stress or alleviating it? How do you and your employees feel at the end of the day when they close the laptop? Are we enabling burnout?
“Stress,” has become a catch-all word for a whole range of feelings. Stress hormones are like arsenic: each drop secreted adds up over a lifetime, damaging tissues and organs. Wherever a thought goes, a chemical goes with it. We cope the best way we know how, so learning and experiencing various techniques, including digital health, builds our Resilience Toolbox.
An SJM HumanisingIT 2 hour mini-workshop helping you to act on your decisions in a clearer light. Your level of technostress resilience, primes you for navigating your circumstances in the best way possible.
This interactive session, originally created for Service Desk Analysts, is designed to enhance your understanding and experience of relieving stress impacts on the mind and body with practical techniques to get you started on your journey to better wellbeing. The SJM HumanisingIT workshop will help you and your team become more switched-on, energised and moving into productive flow energy for increased vitality, clarity of thought, mental and emotional resilience and effective decision-making. Let's not create or become one of the negative statistics as highlighted in World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum and other international research.
Contribute to creating and being in a healthier and happier workplace.
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Tags: Health and Wellness, HR, Mental Health