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Neivia Justa

Sao Paulo, Brazil

• Awarded senior leader, passionate about people, communications, culture, digital transformation, change management, inclusion, diversity, innovation, sustainability and results.
• Jornalist, marketeer, entrepreneur, mother, keynote speaker, mentor, whose purpose is to build a more fair, equal and sustainable world for the next generations.
• More than 28 years of experience in communications and marketing in B2C and B2B companies such as J&J, Goodyear, GE, Schincariol, Natura and Timex.
• Developed, implemented and lead 360° communications projects and strategies as well as reputation management, communications crises, social media, owned media channels, storytelling, branded content, branding and marketing teams.
• Responsible for GE brand reputation management, integrating corporate and 8 BUs content, processes and communications channels – external and internally, orchestrating the participation of more than 30 C-level spokespeople, among them, 12 CEOs, bringing innovation for the B2B sector and making GE communications a benchmark for the market.
• Started up communications areas at Natura, Schincariol, GE, Goodyear and J&J with team leadership of up to 10 direct and 20 indirect professionals and annual budget up to US$10 mi.
• Participated on the planning, articulation and execution of major events gathering government, academy and private sector such as World Economic Forum, Inova+ and +Brasil.

Neivia Justa Points
Academic 0
Author 1
Influencer 843
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 844

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

Leadership 30.02
Management 30.05
Sustainability 30.15

Industry Experience


1 Article/Blog
Use your #PowerPosition to include
July 31, 2019
Are you a white, straight, with no visible handicap man and held a power position? This article is for you.
Calm down! You don´t need to start your defense mode and disqualify the content that you haven´t yet read labelling it as silliness.

See publication

Tags: Sustainability, Management, Leadership

Thinkers360 Credentials

1 Badge



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Neivia Justa

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