Internet of Things projects
April 19, 2020
an overview of the findings of a research project on IoT
See publication
Tags: Innovation, IoT, Open Innovation
Best practices for Purchasing during a time of transition
April 15, 2020
At EIPM we have started collecting good practices on how best performing organisations are leading the way through the current period of transition. Here is a one page summary
Today we don’t know what the new normal will be and how soon it will materialize.
Discontinuities can be described as period of transition from one state to another They are characterized by increased variations and experimentation in business practices. They also entail tensions as practices from the past coexist and get combined with emerging ones?
We manage the transition by focusing on they questions
How to restore continuity?
How to recover performance?
How to regain advantages?
See publication
Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Business Continuity
a short guide on communicating during high stress
March 15, 2020
Communication during high stress situations has been scientifically studied by Vincent T. Covello, Director of the Center for Risk Communication
His research has shown that stress dramatically reduces our ability to process communication by up to 80%
See publication
Tags: Supply Chain, Change Management
Digital: Is Pareto misleading us?
March 09, 2020
Our brain relies on heuristics to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of our world. Heuristics are sorts of algorithms, rapid short-cuts that we use as part of our thinking process. They help us save time, but they can create bias and mislead us.
This article apply this logic to digital innovation in Procurement
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Procurement
My take on the revised EFQM model
February 17, 2020
I have seen with great pleasure the new version of the EFQM Excellence model. Having been at the periphery of the EFQM community for ten years now, this is an interesting exercise. I believe this new version is a great step forward that builds on the foundations of the Excellence movement while addressing some contemporary challenges.
In terms of foundation, I am glad to see the word execution at the center of the new EFQM model. The Excellence movement have always focused on getting things done and on the quality and depth of execution. I am glad to see this so clearly at the center of the model. Today there are a lot of agitated people who rush from project to another and bump into glass walls. We hear a lot about the agile imperative but systematic ways of working that combine simplicity, collaboration, speed and value creation are still scarce. Too often transformation programs are piling up on each other. Instead of focusing on a few breakthrough goals for the whole organization, every department and units pursue their own transformation programs and require the contribution of others. This leads to a collaboration overload and rigidifies organizations. The revised EFQM model recognizes that multiple change can impact an organization, but it also advocates that organization should have one purpose, one vision and transform themselves accordingly. It is good to see this so clearly on the forefront of the revised EFQM model.
See publication
Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain
The rise of open supply chains
February 17, 2020
Today Open architectures, Open Hardware and Open Source Software are making progress across diverse industries where they could disrupt supply chains and bring to life open supply chains. This will not happen overnight, but it is worth understanding such developments. The present article aims at describing what open supply chains are about. It builds on the Open RAN example in the telecom sector.
See publication
Tags: Open Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain
How purchasing can contribute to innovation in digital Product-Service System ?
December 12, 2019
A research paper on the role of purchasing in Digital Product Service System.
In the last years, the servitization journey towards a Product Service System (PSS) offering
has been growingly supported by digitalization. Adopting of a PSS strategy that transform
products into solutions requires the development of collaboration across an ecosystem of
external partners. The study aimed at developing a more comprehensive understanding of how
purchasing can assist PSS innovation. From preliminary data collected with Schneider Electric,
our results reveal some correlations between the PSS offering strategy, the presence of
downstream complementors and the capabilities and degree of structural differentiation in PSM
See publication
Tags: IoT, Supply Chain, Management
Using Personas and User Journey to power Request for Solution
October 01, 2019
Many Buyers are looking for effective ways of sourcing innovative solutions. Discussion on innovation best practices often focuses on complex high-tech cases that require long, uncertainty-reduction projects where early involvement enables anticipation of a myriad of opportunities and risks. However, in fast-changing markets, we can also benefit from innovative solutions immediately available on the market. In such projects, the main challenge is to find the best fit between your internal problems and the external solution.
See publication
Tags: Change Management, Social
Digitalisation and Procurement: Where are the real opportunities?
July 08, 2019
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Procurement
Attracting Innovation from Suppliers: The People Motivation Factor
June 06, 2019
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain
Procurement goes design thinking
June 05, 2019
See publication
Tags: Design Thinking, Procurement
Innovation: cracking the code of stakeholder collaboration!
April 10, 2019
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Supply Chain
Searching and Selecting an Innovation Partner
March 26, 2019
See publication
Tags: Innovation
Four Ways of Structuring Innovation Activities in Purchasing
March 14, 2019
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Supply Chain
Complexity is a blessing for Purchasing
March 06, 2019
See publication
Tags: Analytics, Procurement
Webinar: The Fundamentals of Innovation in Purchasing
February 26, 2019
Today, many purchasing teams have put innovation on their agenda. They have started some communication and launched a few workshops with key suppliers. They want to get more innovation out of their strategic partners and they wonder what role they can play with start-ups.
However, innovating with suppliers requires purchasing teams to make profound and enduring changes.
This webinar will explore the foundations that Purchasing teams need to have in mind and in place to progress with innovation.
At EIPM we have performed research over the past five years on this matter and we have trained hundreds of people.
Today, we want to further help the profession to take the right steps forward.
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Procurement
Is Purchasing ready for an hybrid Measurement logic?
November 19, 2018
See publication
Tags: Procurement
Webinar: Mapping Business Ecosystems – A Key to Innovation
June 28, 2017
The business landscape is a continuously changing Ecosystem
With the ongoing transformation of the business landscape, many industry boundaries have drifted, blurred and changed. New players emerge while other business activities are unbundled.
In this context, thinking in terms of industry and value chains can be misleading; the business landscape is best described as a continuously changing ecosystem where some relationships and collaboration need to be abandoned while others need to be strengthened, initiated or nourished.
See publication
Tags: Innovation
Sustainability and Procurement: Time to look beyond compliance
January 19, 2017
See publication
Tags: Procurement, Sustainability
Is open Hardware worthwhile
Research and Technology managment
July 16, 2020
In this article we frame the concept of a hardware-rich open source ecosystem (H-ROSE) that generates software and hardware components. In an H-ROSE, the designs of some components are accessible under open source licenses, while other component designs remain proprietary. We describe seven adoption factors used by the multinational French firm Thales to assess the efficacy of RISC-V to design processors. Other companies can use these adoption factors to explore whether an open hardware initiative supported by an H-ROSE is worthwhile.
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain
Making sense of the impact of the internet of things on Purchasing and Supply Management:A tension perspective
January 14, 2020
The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming how industries operate. It impacts on firms’ supply networks, business processes and business models. This article describes how the IoT influences the Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) function. Our findings based on interviews and workshop with more than 200 senior European purchasing managers from large corporations suggest that PSM has opportunities to support the development of IoT solutions within firms which are required to work with dynamic and complex markets. At the same time, the IoT supports the development of a more capable and efficient PSM organisation. As part of this early stage theory building effort, we outline scenarios for the future of the PSM function. This leads us to reflect on how PSM leaders manage IoT-related tensions by means of differentiation and integration tactics.
See publication
Tags: Innovation, IoT, Procurement
The procurement call for agile
European Business Review
November 15, 2019
Today, Procurement teams need to embrace the agile ways of working in order to work in synch with their stakeholders. The present article describes how an agile vendor selection process has been adopted by a Software procurement team. It describes its advantage, how it is performed and when it is relevant. This methodology can be adapted to other market domains if the mindset and the success factors are maintained.
See publication
Tags: Agile, Innovation, Procurement
Internet of Things adoption: a typology of projects
October 22, 2019
This article describes a taxonomy of IoT projects It is aimed at understanding what types of Internet of Things projects are adopted by companies.
See publication
Tags: IoT, Procurement, Supply Chain
Value Creation Observatory - Innovation with Suppliers
December 17, 2018
The age of Edgeless Innovation
As companies have extensively streamlined their activities around core competencies, their success now depends on external sources of innovation.
For Purchasing teams, this promises many changes ahead and offers unique opportunities and challenges.
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain
Value Creation Observatory - The Internet of Things
August 20, 2018
Time to re-think the Purchasing Business Model
With the advent of the internet of things, a number of megatrends have started to collide. How companies strategise, innovate, operate and engage with external players becomes utterly important.
Purchasing teams have an opportunity to rethink their Business Models and to be amongst the pioneers who will lead this transformation.
See publication
Tags: IoT, Procurement, Supply Chain
Value Creation Observatory - Partnering with Start-ups
July 03, 2018
Purchasing is the key for success
Purchasing teams are increasingly realizing that they need to look beyond the classics and search for new opportunities to contribute to their Company’s success.
This sometimes includes working with Start-ups! Our Companies are now surrounded by dynamic ecosystems where Start-ups are gradually taking prominent roles.
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Startups, Procurement
Value Creation Observatory - Innovation Culture in Purchasing
March 14, 2018
Are we ready?
The rapid pace of changes requires companies to innovate more, to innovate faster and more efficiently. When it comes to innovation, culture is an essential ingredient of success.
If purchasing teams around the world want to seize opportunities, they will need a different mindset that embraces creativity, risks, failure and curiosity.
See publication
Tags: Culture, Innovation, Procurement
Class on Technology, Innovation and Procurement
January 30, 2020
the opening speaking engagement at a dinner conference on innovation and procurement
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain
10 years of Peter Kraljik Awards taking stocks looking ahead
December 12, 2019
Keynote speaker at the gala dinner of the EIPM Peter Klaljik award 10 years anniversary
Taking the lessons of 10 years of awards
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain
opportunity for Purchasing in the current crisis sitiation
May 13, 2020
how best practice companies have managed the covid period
See publication
Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, COVID19
CPO virtual roundtable
April 08, 2020
A roundtable on procurement response to Covid-19
See publication
Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Change Management, COVID19
Valeurs&Achat - SharedValue
Université Valeur
May 28, 2019
La collaboration Client-Fournisseur, un moyen de produire plus de Valeur(s) ensemble. Retour d'expérience (Success Story)
See publication
Tags: Sustainability, Supply Chain, Procurement
EIPM: The Internet of Things - A game changer for Purchasing?
Lider Media
December 18, 2018
See publication
Tags: IoT, Procurement, Supply Chain
Webinar: Working in an Ecosystem
June 28, 2019
The business landscape is a continuously changing Ecosystem
With the ongoing transformation of the business landscape, many industry boundaries have drifted, blurred and changed. New players emerge while other business activities are unbundled.
In this context, thinking in terms of industry and value chains can be misleading; the business landscape is best described as a continuously changing ecosystem where some relationships and collaboration need to be abandoned while others need to be strengthened, initiated or nourished.
See publication
Tags: Leadership, Ecosystems
Webinar: Innovation Culture in Purchasing
November 19, 2018
Fostering an Innovation Culture in Purchasing – What, Why and How
The rapid pace of changes requires companies to innovate more and faster.
When it comes to innovation, culture is an essential ingredient of success, as it determines how things are executed and how results are achieved.
If purchasing teams around the world want to seize opportunities, they will need a mindset that embraces creativity, risks, failure and curiosity.
See publication
Tags: Culture, Innovation, Procurement
Webinar: Organising Innovation Days with Suppliers
March 08, 2018
As Purchasing teams increasingly support innovation, Innovation Days have gained popularity.
At EIPM, we have gathered some lessons and best practices on how to organise such workshops and to develop this topic, Dr Hervé Legenvre, Professor & Value Creation Observatory Director at EIPM, will host a live session on Thursday, 08th of March 2018.
In this informative session, we will cover:
See publication
Tags: Innovation
Webinar: The impact of the Internet of Things on Purchasing
April 26, 2017
Major opportunities ahead for Purchasing!
The Internet of Things (IOT) will bring a tectonic change in the structure of industries in the next 20 years. More disruptions and value chains reconfigurations have to be anticipated. We have only seen the first sparks of a broad transformation.
Dr Hervé Legenvre, Value Creation Observatory Director at EIPM, will host the live session “The impact of the Internet of Things on Purchasing” on Wednesday, 26th of April 2017. This webinar will look into some case studies and highlight the opportunities for Purchasing within this transformation.
See publication
Tags: IoT, Procurement
Webinar: The future of Purchasing – Planning for tomorrow by looking at business trends
February 16, 2017
As the world keeps changing, it is worth taking a step back and to ask ourselves how the broader world will evolve and what impact this will have on our purchasing organisation, on our processes and on our skillsets.
See publication
Tags: Procurement
2nd eipm CPO roundtable
May 05, 2020
presentation and facilitating exchange among 20 CPOs on current challenges faced by purcjasing leaders
See publication
Tags: IoT, Procurement, Supply Chain
Agile RFX
April 19, 2020
This was a webinar delivered to Indirect buyers in China
I outlined how to implemnet agile RFX
See publication
Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Agile
Fifth generation Purchasing
April 01, 2020
For the launch of The Book 5th generation purchasing I ran a webinar that introduced the six work modes describedin the books
See publication
Tags: Innovation, Supply Chain, Procurement
Supply chain recovery
March 19, 2020
Some Views about the current Covid crisis and Business recovery
See publication
Tags: Change Management, Procurement, Supply Chain