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Mru Patel

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Founder & CEO MyTokenized.Capital, eWealthTech LLC and EWT Investments LLC.
Mru Patel is a visionary on a mission to transform the lives of one billion people and forge a path towards a sustainable impact ecosystem. As the Founder and CEO of eWealthTech and MyTokenized.Capital, Mru embodies the spirit of a fearless disruptor and serial entrepreneur, determined to make a tangible difference in the world.
With a compelling background in technology and property investments, Mru's journey spans over four continents, unfolding against the backdrop of the ever-evolving digital landscape. With more than 35 years of experience in his arsenal, including a pivotal role in the dot com era and open source revolution while working with esteemed organizations such as IBM, Siemens, and Sun Microsystems (Oracle), Mru's expertise is unparalleled.
Beyond his impressive corporate achievements and as the founder and CEO of two real estate funds in Eastern Europe since 2004, Mru is a force to be reckoned with on the global stage. A celebrated bestselling author, captivating public speaker, and motivator, he has graced countless venues worldwide. From electrifying TEDx talks to commanding the attention of world political events, Mru's voice resonates far and wide.
Having personally overseen contracts worth over $3 billion, Mru's prowess extends to the crypto realm. He has spearheaded the creation of two successful cryptocurrency exchanges, cementing his status as a major global influencer in the blockchain and crypto space. His insight and expertise in this cutting-edge field have solidified his position as a sought-after thought leader.
Mru Patel's unwavering dedication to his mission, combined with his vast experience and influential voice, render him an unstoppable catalyst for change. With an audacious vision and unwavering commitment, he continues to push boundaries, shape industries, and leave an indelible impact on the lives of millions.

Mru Patel Points
Academic 0
Author 3
Influencer 281
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 20
Total 304

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.04
Blockchain 31.74
Ecosystems 31.21

Industry Experience


3 Article/Blogs
Navigating the Swift Rise of Artificial Intelligence from a Tech Visionary’s Perspective
January 27, 2024
In my over three decades of navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape, I've witnessed the remarkable journey of artificial intelligence (AI) from its infancy to the rapid mass adoption we're experiencing today. My extensive experience, having worked with industry giants like IBM, Sun Microsystems (Oracle), and Siemens, provides me with a unique perspective on the historical trajectory of AI and its current ubiquitous presence.

See publication

Tags: AI, Blockchain

Can AI Adoption Outpace Historical Technology Trends?
January 15, 2024
Technology adoption is the process of adopting new technologies for practical use by individuals, businesses, or society. The rate of adoption depends on various factors, such as the perceived benefits, costs, risks, and compatibility of the technology, as well as the availability of infrastructure, skills, and regulations.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain

Embracing a Brighter Future: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Our Daily Lives in the Next Decade
January 04, 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands poised as a pivotal force shaping the landscape of our everyday experiences over the next ten years. The rapid evolution and integration of AI technologies promise an array of positive impacts, revolutionizing various facets of our lives. From healthcare to transportation, entertainment to education, the impending changes are set to bring convenience, efficiency, and innovation into our daily routines.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Education

1 Founder
eWealthTech LLC and EWT Investments LLC
December 01, 2017
After 3 years of research and platform development we are nearly 95% complete, with a blockchain based exchange and trading system, digital wallet and a stable coin ready to launch shortly.

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Ecosystems

Thinkers360 Credentials

2 Badges



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