Good Contract Administration is a necessity you cannot afford to get wrong
Ikaros Consulting
April 28, 2020
I was co author on this article, Ikaros consulting had prepared this article based off the discussion we can on the pod
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Risk Management
Are you ready for your digital procurement transformation?
the italian The Procurement Magazine
April 15, 2020
Are you ready to leave your nest and fly high!!This article appeared on the italian The Procurement Magazine n°1/2020 #TheProcurement_Italia #procurementdoctor #procurement #procurementtransformation
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement
Is Procurement Bot-able or not
March 27, 2020
Is procurement bot-able? My latest article depicting which areas are bot-able versus not. It's a short and sweet 3 minute read. Hope you enjoy it, stay safe #procurementdoctor #rpa #automation #procurement #roboticautomation #roboticprocessautomation #intelligentautomation #ai #procurementtransformation
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement
Basic of Procurement Contracts
Karthik Rama
October 13, 2019
My knowledge and experience poured into a presentation describing Basics of procurement Contracts
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement
October 09, 2019
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Let’s change the way we talk about procurement analytics
August 29, 2019
Procurement doctor Karthik Rama came up with an intriguing example of an Indian wedding
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Tags: Analytics, Procurement
Wake up Calls for Mid Market Organizations
Procurement League
August 02, 2019
3 Wake up calls for the mid market organizations
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement
What the heck is Procurement?
July 30, 2019
Read 18 experts speak about the above topic, I had contributed as 1 of the experts.
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Tags: Procurement
Wake - Calls For Mid-Market Organizations!
Karthik Rama
July 11, 2019
This article clears the pre-conceived notions of the mid-market organizations about
P2P solutions and how to be equipped for the procurement transformation.
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Why do organizations fail after procurement transformation?
Karthik Rama
July 08, 2019
This article describes the top 3 reasons why organizations fail after embarking on a Procurement Transformational journey.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Future of Work
Evolution of Procurement - Don’t be a Procurement Dinosaur!
Procurement League
June 10, 2019
Don’t be a procurement dinosaur! The future of procurement is rapidly changing with the growing use of tech like RPA and bots. Learn more about the evolution of procurement.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Procurement
Digital Transformation: Procurement & IT Working Together
March 11, 2022
For this webinar on ‘Digital Transformation: Procurement & IT Working Together,’ Duncan Clark, Head of Content & Product Marketing at HICX, was joined by Karthik Rama. Karthik, otherwise known as ‘The Procurement Doctor,’ is a procurement practitioner with years of experience in the industry, who uses his deep expertise to help various organizations around the world transform their troubled procurement processes.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Procurement
Procurement Doctor Live Event
Procurement Doctor
April 25, 2021
Open session where audience joined and asked question, the doctor provided emergencies resolutions of the pain points faced by the procurement community
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Tags: Business Strategy, Management, Procurement
Can You Call Your Master Data.......MASTER!!
Karthik Rama
July 15, 2019
Hear me speak about to be a "MASTER" of your "Master Data" in context of a Procurement Transformation
See publication
Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Delivering value in procurement with RPA
August 23, 2019
Was a guest speaker at a virtual event, was invited to share my views on RPA role in Procurement betterment
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, RPA
Developing a successful eProcument mechanism
June 07, 2019
Expert guest speaker on virtual platform
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Is Procurement Bot-able?
June 07, 2019
Was a guest speaker on virtual platform
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Procurement
Supply Chain Finance
May 30, 2019
Was a expert panelist, was called to provide my views on the above topic
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Tags: Digital Transformation, FinTech, Procurement
Working with the procurement side of contracts with Karthik Rama
Contract Heroes
December 15, 2021
Throughout our chat with Karthik, we had the opportunity to explore some of his experiences in working with the procurement side of contracts vs. the sales side while also learning about implementing a contract playbook in order to cut costs, bring in more revenue, and reduce the overall contract processing time. Read on to discover how the Procurement Doctor handles his cases and hear plenty of valuable tips for fixing up your own contract processes.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Procurement
How to give procurement contracting a facelift?
Contract Lens
October 13, 2021
On today’s episode of the Contract Lens, Anne Moore, Senior Solution Consultant at Malbek, discusses how to transform the way you do contracts for Procurement with Karthik Rama, a contract management expert and transformation leader in the procurement space. Karthik is known as the Procurement Doctor for a reason, as he begins by explaining how contract management is like the nervous system of procurement. He continues the conversation by using his experiences to denote the common problems Procurement faces with contracts, and how technology can work to solve them. Since Procurement is so different from other teams, Karthik describes ways to align Legal and Procurement for success. Finishing the discussion on a strong note, he shares how people, process, data, and technology can be combined to ensure continued success and efficiency.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Procurement
An Interview on Transformation in Procurement & Technology with Karthik Rama
July 29, 2021
During this episode of Supplier Experience Live from HICX, we are joined by Karthik Rama. Karthik is referred to as the ‘Procurement Doctor,’ as he uses his deep expertise that he has gained over the years to help various organizations around the world in transforming their troubled procurement processes. Karthik talks to us about his biggest passion, transformations in Procurement and technology.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement
The Doctor is in with Karthik Rama
Art of Procurement
July 21, 2021
The value of having an objective but experienced ‘outsider’ advising procurement teams before they embark on a transformation journey
What procurement teams have the most difficulty letting go of when the time comes to make lasting and meaningful change
How leaders can balance experience and innovation when building the right mix of team members after a transformation
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Supply Chain
What the heck is a procurement contract?
Procurement Wale
March 14, 2021
See publication
Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Fights Between Business Stakeholder & Procurement Professional
Procurement Wale
February 28, 2021
See publication
Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Procurement
The fight between Procurement and Business Stakeholder?
Procurement Wale
February 28, 2021
See publication
Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Your organisation sucks at Contract Management
World Of Procurement
December 04, 2020
We cover:
How Contract Management Activities could be improved by Blockchain Technology
Why Procurement and Contract Management needs to be easier for people to understand
Pre-Signature Contract Management Activities and why it’s important
Why Contract Management is neglected and why your Organisation sucks at it
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Tags: Procurement
The transformation of tender management
BICARA Supply Chain
June 17, 2020
In this episode we discuss:
1). The essential of tender management and why does it matter for the business
2). The benefits of having a tender management for a buyer and seller
A features of TMS (Tender management system)
3). Things to keep in mind after implementing the Tender Management system
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Supply Chain
Dissecting a Digital Transformation
The Procuretech Podcast: Digital Procurement, Unwrapped
June 10, 2020
We've often spoken about different software solutions and certain, specific areas of the Procurement flight deck which can be automated or digitised. Here, we're taking a step back and looking more holistically at dissecting a project from the conception, right the way through to after installation and commissioning has been completed and managing the performance of the vendor throughout the duration of the contract.
Sourcing a vendor, contracting with them, and then actually orchestrating an enterprise level digital transformation in procurement is no easy task.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Supply Chain
The importance of good contract administration
World of Procurement
May 13, 2020
One of the best conversations I had on contract management. The #woppod has gone live with my podcast. Please do listen to it and provide me your feedback and only if you found value, share it within your community. Enjoy stay safe
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Risk Management
Procurement Data Pains!
Procurement Doctor
June 14, 2021
Procurement Doctor meet's "The Classification Guru" - Susan Walsh. Join this event to hear us nerd out on the Procurement Data Pains. I am sure you'll get a lot of knowledge bombs from Susan on this show. See you on 14th of June.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Procurement
Why Pre-Signature Contract Management is Vital to your Business
World of Procurement
August 24, 2020
Pre-Signature Contract Management is vital to your Business. It sets the foundations to enable effective Post-Signature Contract Management. For that aspect alone, it is vital.
In this episode, Daniel Barnes talks to the Procurement Doctor, Karthik Rama. Karthik is vastly experienced as is a Procurement Expert, especially from the viewpoint of Contract Management.
We cover a lot in seven minutes. Let us know your thoughts on Pre-Signature Contract Management in the comments below.
Check out for more Procurement content.
Find us on LinkedIn -
Connect with Daniel Barnes on LinkedIn -
Connect with Karthik Rama on LinkedIn -
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Tags: Innovation, Procurement, RPA
Could Blockchain be used for Contract Management?
World of Procurement
August 10, 2020
In this episode, World of Procurement Founder Daniel teams up with the Procurement Doctor, Karthik Rama. Karthik has recently taken up a role with a Blockchain-based business and we got to talking about how Contract Management activities could be improved via the use of a Blockchain platform.
We jump around and talk about the need to make both Procurement and Contract Management far easier to do and understand.
If you want to learn more about Blockchain, Procurement and Contract Management then you need to watch this.
You should check out our Podcast Epsidoe with Karthik on effective Contract Administration as this is a key element of Contract Management. You can listen to that episode in these places:
Apple Podcasts -
Spotify -
Anchor -
World of Procurement -
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Tags: Blockchain, Procurement, RPA
Christmas Contract Renewals
Karthik Rama
December 13, 2019
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Procurement
Karthik Rama
November 17, 2019
Watch the video to hear me speak about the Myth Buster's and when to use Auction
#procurementdoctor #procurementleaders #procurementtransformation #procurement #auctions
Let me know your bottle.....sorry auction story and the category you did the auction in?
Do subscribe to my channel if you don't wanna miss my videos
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Tags: Procurement
Isn't defining Supplier KPI's a PAIN!!
Karthik Rama
October 18, 2019
Isn't defining Supplier KPI's a PAIN!!
Well, if it is then this video is going to help you come out of that pain.
Let's start by asking ourselves a few questions.
Q1. Is your KPI
aligned to your business objective?
Q2. Is the KPI actionable in nature?
Q3. Is the KPI controllable?
Q4. Is the KPI contractual in nature?
Q6. Is the
data for the KPI reliable in nature &
is it easy to obtain?
if you have a “YES” to many of
these questions,
then you have a good KPI. Let me know in the comments.
What else do you do to define your KPI's?
You must think the Procurement Doctor isn't good with numbers why did he jump from 4 to 6. Well the doctor wants you to give the Q5.
I want to learn from you as well. Thank you so much for hearing me out.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement
Are you ready for digital signatures?
Karthik Rama
October 07, 2019
Are you ready for digital signatures?
1. Pre - Deployment
2. During - Deployment
3. Post - Deployment
Feel free to post your thoughts about digital signatures in the comment. Enjoy the video and see you guys next week.
#procurementleaders #procurement #procurementdoctor #procurementtransformation #digitalsignatures #deployment #comment #contractmanagement
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Procurement
Are you a Procurement Police?
Karthik Rama
September 27, 2019
Probably one of my most controversial videos, I invite open criticism,feedback and additions of your experiences on what I spoke in the video. I had to condense the topics to 3 points so, there's a lot that could still be spoken on the topics. #procurementleaders #procurementtransformation #procurementdoctor #suppliers #procurement #criticism
1. Approval Maniac
2. Supplier Terrorist
3. Policy Police
Have an amazing weekend and if you wanna take a peak at my other videos.
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Tags: Procurement
EP 10: Are you a Procurement Police?
Karthik Rama
September 27, 2019
Probably one of my most controversial videos, I invite open criticism,feedback and additions of your experiences on what I spoke in the video. I had to condense the topics to 3 points so, there's a lot that could still be spoken on the topics. #procurementleaders #procurementtransformation #procurementdoctor #suppliers #procurement #criticism
1. Approval Maniac
2. Supplier Terrorist
3. Policy Police
Have an amazing weekend and if you wanna take a peak at my other videos.
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Tags: Procurement
Do you have a CRAZY RFP questionnaire?
Karthik Rama
July 19, 2019
"DISAGREE - WHAT" or "AGREE - NEW POINTS" in the comments.
Points of the video as a teaser.
1. Supplier Nightmare
2. Spreadsheet Love
3. Special Sally
#procurementdoctor #procurementtransformations #procurement #procurementrocks #rfps #sourcing #supplier #technology #innovation #comments #digital #digitaltransformation #solutions #digitization #subscribe #linkedinvideo
If you missed any of my older videos, check out my channel link.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Procurement
Fight between Finance and Procurement
Karthik Rama
July 08, 2019
Hear me speak on 3 reasons why Finance and Procurement fight during a Procurement Transformation
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Procurement
Are you a Supplier Damager?
Karthik Rama
June 30, 2019
Hear me speak on what makes you a Supplier Damager!
In the comments do let me know what else can make you a Supplier Damager.
Stay tuned for my next week's video
Fight between Finance and Procurement!
#comments #procurement #digitization #technology #digital #linkedinvideo #procurementrocks #procurementdoctor #procurementtransformations #procurementleaders #procurementwithpurpose #videos #subscribe #innovation #staytuned #supplier #suppliermanagement #supplierdamager #suppliermanager
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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Risk Management
The Fight between IT and Procurement?
Karthik Rama
June 16, 2019
Hear me speak on potential reasons to fight between IT and Procurement during a Procurement Transformation. What not to fight over for a successful Procurement Transformation
#subscribe #fight #procurement #videos #procurementrocks #procurementleaders #procurementdoctor #procurementtransformations #procurementwithpurpose #digitization #digitaltransformation #innovation #digital #technology
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Is Procurement Bot-able? Returns Part II
Karthik Rama
June 09, 2019
Hear me speak on where Procurement Bots can be deployed versus not. Bots = Robots
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Procurement
Is Procurement Bot-able?
Karthik Rama
June 02, 2019
Hear me speak on what is Bot-able versus not in a Procurement Transformation. Bot= Procurement Robots
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Procurement
Are you a Procurement Dinosaur?
Karthik Rama
May 22, 2019
All my videos are available in the below channel. You can hear me speak on what not to do during a Procurement Transformation
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement
Why do organizations fail after a Procurement Transformation
Karthik Rama
May 13, 2019
3 top reasons for failure and what not to do after a procurement transformation. Do like, subscribe and comment your reasons.
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Procurement
What the heck is a Procurement Contract?
Procurement Wale
March 14, 2021
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Supply Chain
WEBINAR: Digitize and Simplify Direct Material Sourcing with SAP Ariba
August 24, 2018
Webinar on SAP Ariba Direct Sourcing Features
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Procurement
Are Procurement tools only for Large companies?
Bristlecone SCC
February 21, 2018
Learn how procurement process transformation enable organization growth. It is also focused on key benefits, small, medium and large enterprise organizations can expect from such procurement transformation projects.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Procurement