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Wassim Jarkas

Southern Governorate, Bahrain

With a remarkable 24-year trajectory as a techno-commercial executive, I have been at the forefront of global telecommunication evolution, orchestrating the strategic planning, seamless implementation, and continuous innovation of cutting-edge Telecom and IT Network Systems.

My leadership has been instrumental in not only shaping but also advancing the industry's technological landscape, including pioneering the “World’s First Hybrid Cloud Core.” Collaborating with telecommunications titans like Ericsson, Nokia Siemens, and MTN, I've driven ambitious 3G/4G/5G network strategies across multiple continents, reflecting a deep understanding of diverse markets.

Educated at elite institutions such as London Business School, Columbia Business School, and INSEAD, my approach marries visionary thinking with disciplined execution, nurturing a culture that thrives on technical ingenuity and breakthroughs. My commitment to innovation extends beyond ideation, manifesting in substantial ROI through intelligent CAPEX investments and leveraging state-of-the-art AI and machine learning technologies for unmatched operational agility.

I've also harnessed Agile/DevOps/DevSecOps methodologies to revolutionize IT transformation, achieving efficiency and profitability that echo my reputation for excellence. My multifaceted expertise, validated by global recognitions, solidifies me as an invaluable asset with a proven record of leadership, innovation, and strategic foresight.

In an era where technology defines success, my relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering dedication to transformation positions me as a trailblazer, ready to propel organizations to new heights in the dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape of telecommunications and digital transformation.

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Manama
Speaking Topics: web3, fintech, 5G

Wassim Jarkas Points
Academic 0
Author 8
Influencer 142
Speaker 86
Entrepreneur 43
Total 279

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type:
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 15 years

Areas of Expertise

5G 30.94
AI 30.09
Blockchain 37.27
Business Strategy
Cloud 30.14
Cryptocurrency 37.82
Digital Transformation 30.08
Emerging Technology 33.16
Entrepreneurship 34.35
FinTech 33.56
Generative AI 30.38
HealthTech 30.02
Innovation 31.02
IT Strategy
Leadership 30.17
Metaverse 38.59
NFT 31.75
Personal Branding
Smart Cities 39.78
Startups 31.16
Sustainability 30.45

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Professional Services


3 Article/Blogs
Advancing Workforce Efficiency and Quality
November 06, 2023
The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human singularity within the professional environment has attracted significant scholarly interest, unveiling a range of effects and possibilities. This review of existing literature seeks to summarize the dominant discussions, significant discoveries, and emerging trends in this field. This compilation serves as a fundamental basis for the discussion presented in the white paper authored by Wassim Jarkas, who serves as a Senator representing Bahrain at the World Business Angels Investment Forum and a Senior Director at stc Bahrain.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Release for the Blockchain Maturity Model
March 14, 2023
The Government Blockchain Association Association (hashtag#GBA) will release the world premier hashtag#blockchain assessment standard called the Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM), available April 30th, 2022.

The Key Takeaways:

Governments need blockchain solutions, but do not know how to judge a viable blockchain solution from a less mature one. Therefore, hashtag#governments will always resort to traditional government contractors, leaving emerging blockchain companies behind.
The BMM offers a set of industry standards, providing governments and others the information needed to evaluate blockchain solutions.
The Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) will help blockchain companies improve their solutions, as well as demonstrate that they have met trusted and vetted industry standards
hashtag#vision2030 hashtag#blockchaintechnology hashtag#trescon hashtag#bitcoin hashtag#ethereum hashtag#wbaf hashtag#thinkers50 hashtag#thinkers360 Alarabiya News BahrainAssociation OfBanks Central Bank of Bahrain Information & eGovernment Authority Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) Bahrain FinTech Bay NEOM London Business School INSEAD Executive Education Columbia Business School

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

What does a world with highly advanced artificial intelligence, but no human touch, look like?
Khaleej Times
December 12, 2021
This could be the last generation capable of loving, says blockchain expert
What does a world with highly advanced artificial intelligence, but no human touch, look like?

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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology, Generative AI

1 Citation
starting a new acronym "MoIP" money over internet
April 08, 2023
Banks Are About To Face The Same Tsunami That Hit Telecom Twenty Years Ago. VoIP really disrupted the whole Telecom industry. I will claim a first in here by starting a new acronym "MoIP" money over internet protocol. MoIP will evidently disrupt the banking industry and Banks are better embracing it as early as possible to avoid what happened in telecom. You first heard it here "MoIP"! hashtag#bitcoin hashtag#ethereum hashtag#xrp are MoIP

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

6 Industry Awards
Money 2.0 recognition
December 28, 2022
Hard and smart work for years have culminated in receiving the "Outstanding Leadership Award" from Money 2.0 Conference in hashtag#Dubai. I feel very humbled yet very proud in receiving such a prestigious and regionally acclaimed recognition. I have so many to thank whom have played a role in such an achievement.
Of course firstly my hashtag#family, wife, son Sam (Abdulwahab) Jarkas and daughter Elsa Jarkas , my source of power and inspiration.
My parents, mother and late father God bless his soul.
My company stc stc Bahrain who have created such an environment of self development to reach such levels.
The World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) who have been instrumental in sharpening my hashtag#entrepreneurship skills
Government Blockchain Association for innovation and pushing the hashtag#blockchain agenda forward.
Also hashtag#Bahrain who have been such a blessing to me.
And all my hashtag#friends and hashtag#leadership
Thank you all for the support and inspiration:

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Tags: FinTech, Entrepreneurship

Bahrain representation in the Business Angels congress
October 31, 2022
I had the honor to represent Bahrain at the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) congress 2022. It was a world class event all the way. A series of insightful and enriching speeches from world dignitaries and investors, setting the agenda on how to ease access to finance and prosper the startup and entrepreneurship ecosystem. A big appreciation goes to the Chairman Baybars Altuntas and the Bahrain delegation with HE Chairman Khaled Al Zayani and Feryal Abdullah Nass , Lulwa Mutalq.
hashtag#business hashtag#startup hashtag#investment hashtag#entrepreneurship hashtag#vision2030 @beobh iBLOCKCHAIN Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) hashtag#wbaf Times Of Bahrain CNBC Arabia

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Finance

National Thought Leader
June 25, 2022
I am honored to be recognized as 'National Thought Leader' for hashtag#bahrain by the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) during the WORLD BUSINESS ANGEL INVESTORS WEEK 2023
The Week was celebrated globally with events in 36 countries that featured 523 great keynote speakers, moderators, and panel discussants, and additional events were held locally in 96 countries. The overarching topic of the Week was Business Transformation for Post-Pandemic Economies.
36,423 participants joined the Grand Opening Ceremony online on Monday, 20 June. The ultimate goal of all of the Week’s keynotes, panel discussions, presentations, and workshops was to agree on a common roadmap for entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs that will enable them to emerge from this pandemic period even stronger than they were before.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

Certified Angel Investor
November 27, 2021
I am glad to share that I am now a certified qualified Angel Investor.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

Bahrain to WBAF
October 11, 2020
As a senator in hashtag#WBAF for hashtag#bahrain, an affiliate of hashtag#G20, and as mentioned by the Executive Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum Baybars Altuntas , I will be joining global efforts to ease access to smart finance, to create more jobs and more social justice worldwide, to promote gender equality and women’s participation, and to improve opportunities for financial inclusion in all sectors of the world economy.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Finance

Senator for Bahrain
World Business Angels
September 28, 2020
am honored and humbled to be appointed as hashtag#Senator representing hashtag#Bahrain in the "World Business Angels Investment Forum", a hashtag#G20 affiliate for global partnerships for financial inclusions (GPFI). With this appointment, I will strive to provide angel investors, incubation centers, investment funds, technology parks, and Fintechs with more opportunity to connect with global leaders in the same field. Thanks to hashtag#wbaf chairman Baybars Altuntas for his trust.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship

2 Influencer Awards
number 1 Network
April 05, 2023
An unparalleled achievement for stc Bahrain!

We are beyond thrilled to announce that we have topped the TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) benchmarking report, securing the #1 position as the fastest hashtag#5G network in hashtag#Bahrain. This accolade serves as a testament to the robustness and high-speed capabilities of our network, solidifying our place at the forefront of the hashtag#telecommunications industry.

This accomplishment speaks volumes about our commitment to providing exceptional services to our customers. It's a direct result of our relentless pursuit of hashtag#innovation, our meticulous attention to detail, and our refusal to compromise on quality.

Our lightning-fast 5G network empowers businesses and individuals alike, enabling seamless hashtag#connectivity, hashtag#digital hashtag#transformation, and endless opportunities in this era of ever-evolving hashtag#technology. Whether you're hashtag#streaming, hashtag#gaming, conducting business remotely, or tapping into the possibilities of hashtag#AI and hashtag#IoT, stc Bahrain's network ensures optimal performance and reliability.

We are deeply grateful for the hard work, dedication, and unyielding passion of every single member of our technology team led by Ahmed Alsharif . This accomplishment was a team effort, demonstrating our collective commitment to making Bahrain one of the most digitally connected countries globally.

Finally, our heartfelt thanks go out to our esteemed customers for their unwavering trust and loyalty. This achievement wouldn't have been possible without your support. We pledge to continue our journey of excellence, serving you with the best, fastest, and most reliable 5G network.

Here's to the hashtag#future, and here's to always being #1 in your hearts and in hashtag#Bahrain.

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Tags: 5G, Telecom

GBA Chapter Lead
December 13, 2022
I feel very humbled and excited to be appointed to start and lead the hashtag#Bahrain chapter of Government Blockchain Association. Through this assignment I will look forward to bridge the gap in hashtag#blockchain technology adoption for hashtag#government agencies, offices and hashtag#enterprises. Bahrain has been at the forefront of E-government, digitization and FinTech initiatives in the region and hashtag#GBA is here to catalyse such initiatives like digital identity, e-passports, digital title deeds, leveraging hashtag#blockchaintechnology.

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Tags: Blockchain

83 Influencer Newsletters
FLYING HIGH Inside incredible triple decker SKY_WHALE
January 03, 2024
FLYING HIGH Inside incredible triple decker hashtag#SKY_WHALE airliner that could carry 755 passengers & is bigger than a Boeing 747.

WITH a huge bulbous cabin, massive sweeping wings and enough space for 755 passengers - it's clear to see why this concept plane is dubbed the "Sky Whale"

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, Smart Cities

the future of Bitcoin (BTC) in global finance
November 30, 2023
In a groundbreaking vision shared by Sandy Kaul from Franklin Templeton, the future of Bitcoin (BTC) in global finance is set to take a revolutionary turn! Kaul suggests that Bitcoin could soon become a staple in every national treasury and even emerge as the base unit in international trade. This move could offer unparalleled efficiency, reducing exchange rate risks and enabling smoother cross-border transactions.For countries, especially less-developed ones, this could mean a more level playing field in the global economy. Could Bitcoin be the key to a more unified financial world?
Read the full insights here:

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

Offline Payments and CBDC - Key Takeaway
October 10, 2023
Offline Payments and CBDC - Key Takeaways

I wanted to share some interesting insights on implementing offline payment capabilities for central bank digital currencies (CBDC). This is based on recent research published by the BIS Innovation Hub.

Providing offline payments is important for many central banks but complex to implement, with no one-size-fits-all solution. Different central banks have different motivations based on their local context and objectives around inclusion, cash-like features, and resilience.

On the technology side, solutions are at varying stages of maturity, from leveraging existing tech like smart cards to more novel approaches. Vendors face challenges like proving security/production-readiness and obtaining funding.

Central banks need to take an iterative, requirement-driven approach to design, clearly specifying their needs and collaborating closely with vendors to find optimal solutions. Many interlinked design choices exist around areas like user experience, security, risk management and integration. ️ Trade-offs are likely.

Central banks should drive innovation by setting requirements and standards. This helps vendors develop suitable solutions and demonstrate value. Analysis shows gaps in existing threat modeling frameworks for novel tech like DLT, so extending frameworks could help strengthen security.

Overall, offline payments are complex but important for many central banks. Careful, collaborative design focused on specific jurisdictional contexts is key to creating CBDC solutions that meet central bank objectives around inclusion, cash-like features and resilience.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

hearing it from the inventor of blockchain himself
September 18, 2023
Nothing more touching and enlightening than hearing it from the hashtag#inventor of hashtag#blockchain himself, the one and only W. Scott Stornetta during the Government Blockchain Association event "Blockchain and the rise of hashtag#AI".
These were wonderful 2 days full of unique and high-quality notes, discussions, with a group of the most distinguished professionals in the US government and the Blockchain/AI industry. Let us advance Blockchain together!
Kudos to Gerard Dache, Kathy Dache', Dino Cataldo Dell'Accio, Bryant D Nielson and the whole hashtag#GBA family.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

This is precisely the disruptive change that we've been waiting
September 15, 2023

This is precisely the disruptive change that we've been waiting for, and I couldn't be more excited about what the future holds.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

Here is everything you need to know to start your hashtag#NFT journey...
June 19, 2023
Here is everything you need to know to start your hashtag#NFT journey...

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Tags: Blockchain, Metaverse, NFT

5G New Calling
May 03, 2023
5G New Calling: A Game Changer in Communication Services

I have recently attended an enlightening webinar on "Revolutionizing the Communication Services Landscape with 5G New Calling". Here are some standout insights for my network:
Seamless Integration : 5G New Calling goes beyond just voice, integrating smart video & extended reality (XR) . Say goodbye to additional apps and hello to an immersive voice experience.
Business Potential : Enhanced services and refined business processes await. Major service opportunities lie ahead for mobile network operators, harmonizing with OTT communication apps .
Reliability & Security ️: High-quality, real-time communication that's both reliable and secure is the new norm.
Innovation Roundtable ️: The deep dive at the GSMA 5GNC Industrial Roundtable at MWC23 Shanghai shed light on the transformative potential, challenges, and opportunities of this tech.
5GNC in Action : Real-world industry use cases offered a practical lens into the game-changing impact of 5G New Calling.
Business Models & Monetization : Exploration around 5GNC business models suggests promising avenues for monetization.
The future is bright and buzzing , and 5G New Calling is set to revolutionize our communication. Being deeply vested in telecom and tech, I'm eager to witness and be part of this transformative era. Let's chat and explore more together!

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Tags: 5G, Emerging Technology, Innovation

NFT usecase infographic
April 20, 2023
A great infographic on hashtag#nft use cases, and this is only the tip of the iceberg..

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFT

Scientists create matter from nothing in groundbreaking experiment
April 05, 2023
Scientists create matter from nothing in groundbreaking experiment

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, Smart Cities

Credit card giant Visa has launched an NFT creator program
March 14, 2023
Credit card giant Visa has launched an NFT creator program in an effort to bring small businesses into the digital economy.

“We’ve seen rapid growth in the NFT ecosystem over the past year,” Cuy Sheffield, head of crypto at Visa, told TechCrunch. “We think NFTs represent a new form of e-commerce.”

The idea of a small business is evolving from the traditional “brick-and-mortar mom-and-pop shops” to include other independent businesses with creators and entrepreneurs who want to build digital-focused companies and harness new tools like NFTs, Sheffield said.

The one-year immersion program, the Visa Creator Program, will bring together a global cohort of creators including artists, musicians, fashion designers and filmmakers the ability to build their businesses with NFTs.

There’s no “hard cap” on the number of creators for the first cohort and all members will have access to Visa clients and a broader network of mentors, Sheffield noted.

“Large merchants and brands are asking every day how they can get involved.” Sheffield said. “The thing that’s so exciting to us about NFTs is we think it lowers the barrier to entry for people to build a business and sell online.”

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse

Blockchain & Sustainable Economic Growth
March 14, 2023
Organizations and hashtag#governments are sending their hashtag#blockchain leaders to the "Blockchain & Sustainable Economic Growth" summit hosted by Government Blockchain Association hashtag#GBA. Meet the leaders from the following organizations:

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

GBS Mena Webinar
March 10, 2023
The first hashtag#GBA MENA Government Blockchain Association meeting with distinguished personalities in the region. Setting up the agenda for the year. It is going to be packed with action point to help with the adoption of hashtag#blockchaintechnology

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Leadership

enriching seminar with Rain and Bahrain FinTech Bay
February 13, 2023
It was a very engaging and enriching seminar with Rain and Bahrain FinTech Bay on the hot topic of hashtag#cryptocurrency and its prospect and impact on the hashtag#economy in Bahrain. I had the privilege of a side talk with 'the' Mohamed Khalid Ateeq-CAMS, AMLCA, Int.Dip(Comp) and I was thrilled to realize how many young hashtag#entrepreneurs in Bahrain are hashtag#futurustic and forward looking. This is how we realize hashtag#vision2030

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Entrepreneurship

The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) licensed stc pay
February 13, 2023
A very important milestone reached by stc Bahrain. The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) licensed stc pay Bahrain to provide payment and card processing payments. Congrats stc BH team!

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, FinTech, Startups

Sweden's KTH real estate tokenization
February 08, 2023
I am sharing a very interesting study by Sweden based KTH Royal Institute of Technology on Real Estate hashtag#tokenization based on hashtag#blockchain with special emphasiz on hashtag#fracrional ownership

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

Very important updates on where GBABMM has reached.
January 30, 2023
Very important updates on where hashtag#GBABMM has reached. Click on the link below to know more.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

London Stock Exchange joins a global trend of metaverse-themed funds
January 08, 2023
Europe’s first metaverse-themed exchange-traded fund (ETF), the ETC Group Global Metaverse UCITS ETF (METR), listed on the London Stock Exchange Thursday, available for sale across Europe.

The ETF will track the Solactive ETC Group Global Metaverse Index, which currently offers exposure to 51 companies active in the metaverse industry.

The companies are engaged in metaverse areas ranging from VR/AR, 3D graphics, semiconductors, wireless communications, online gaming, video streaming, blockchain technologies including NFTs, and related cloud and data storage.

METR is the second thematic ETF collaboration between ETC Group, which develops digital asset-backed securities, and HANetf, an independent provider of UCITS ETFs.

With the announcement, the London Stock Exchange joins a global trend of exchanges launching their first metaverse-themed funds, with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong launching its own last month.

The metaverse has already attracted billions of dollars in investment, with a potential market size of $12 trillion globally, according to Goldman Sachs.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse

My Digital Twin
December 02, 2022
My Digital Twin in the hashtag#Metaverse is live now !
join us in Arab Meta Summit during Arab Blockchain Week
through the brand new Metaverse social networking platform for a full virtual experience of the event, discussion and presentations.
create your own twin and be part of the virtual audience.
such a daring step for the whole team!!
kudos Ramy AlDamati ALBRZA Global "Social Network for Business" Platform Eman Herawy GloryThink Group and the whole team and looking forward...

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Tags: Blockchain, FinTech, Metaverse

"Destruction event" from the sun has knocked off 40 of starlink communication satellites.
December 01, 2022
"Destruction event" from the sun has knocked off 40 of hashtag#starlink communication satellites.

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Tags: 5G, Emerging Technology, Smart Cities

The Perseverance rover has collected some of the most important samples
November 27, 2022
Investigating the site of an ancient river delta, the Perseverance rover has collected some of the most important samples yet on its mission to determine if life ever existed on Mars, according to NASA scientists.

A few of the recently collected samples include organic matter, indicating that Jezero Crater, which likely once held a lake and the delta that emptied into it, had potentially habitable environments 3.5 billion years ago.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation

Five brave Bahraini entrepreneurs jumped into the ‘Shark Tank’
November 08, 2022
Five brave Bahraini entrepreneurs jumped into the ‘Shark Tank’ and walked away with a whopping $1 million as the first season of Beban drew to a close.

They were among a dozen start-ups who got the chance to pitch their ideas to a panel of investors that included Youth and Sport Affairs Minister and Hope Fund chairman Aymen Almoayed.

The brainchild of the Hope Fund’s investment arm, Hope Ventures, Beban is Bahrain’s first entrepreneurship-themed reality TV show that over the last four weeks pitted promising businesses against each other in wooing potential backers.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Entrepreneurship, Startups

A bird inspired car
October 11, 2022
a bird inspired car

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Generative AI, Smart Cities

Someone Just Minted an NFT of Ethereum's Last Proof-of-Work Block
September 17, 2022
Someone Just Minted an hashtag#NFT of hashtag#Ethereum's Last hashtag#Proof-of-Work Block
Thanks to an NFT project called VanityBlocks, anyone can own the final piece of Ethereum's history as a proof-of-work hashtag#blockchain.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFT

Apple accepting ccrypto
September 03, 2022
Apple is enabling merchants to accept cryptocurrency in a new feature for Apple Pay

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

Arguably the most awaited moment in the crypto history so far
September 02, 2022
Arguably the most awaited moment in the hashtag#crypto history so far. The merge into hashtag#ETH2 and launch of hashtag#Beacon chain. Goodbye to mining and welcome to validators. Below is the summary of the dates to monitor.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

7 Keynotes
Money 2.0 Keynote speech
December 25, 2022
I am excited to announce that I will be delivering the Keynote speech at the Money 2.0 Conference, taking place on December 17th in hashtag#Dubai at the Intercontinental Festival City. In my speech, I will be discussing the rapid advancements of the hashtag#fintech industry in the hashtag#web3 and hashtag#metaverse era, and the potential risks associated with these developments. I will also be introducing the Blockchain Maturity Model hashtag#gbabmm as a tool to help mitigate these risks and pave the way for a more secure adoption of blockchain technology. I invite you to join me at the conference to learn more about the future of fintech and blockchain. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting industry. See you in Dubai!

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Tags: Blockchain, Entrepreneurship, FinTech

Arab Metaverse Summit
November 30, 2022
It is my pleasure to be speaking at the Arab Meta Summit during the Arab Blockchain Week.

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Tags: Blockchain, FinTech, Metaverse

Arab Metaverse Summit Panel
November 30, 2022
Be there ad join us for a interesting discussion on hashtag#governments and hashtag#metaverse . Details below.

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Tags: Blockchain, FinTech, Metaverse

MEC application for OIL & GAS
October 20, 2021
Part of my participation in hashtag#5Gcoresummit where I delivered a keynote speech discussing stc Bahrain 5G innovation and future strategy. We focused on the importance of hashtag#mec use case in the enablement of 2B sector, in addition to the core convergence topic . I was thrilled to receive overwhelming feedback and follow up on the MEC application and I would be happy to share stc Bahrain successful real life application of this technology.

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Tags: 5G, Emerging Technology, Smart Cities

Importance of premium wifi to unleash new and improved Broadband experiences.
December 15, 2020
Join me tomorrow at Broadband Africa 2020 event organized by Informa where I will be speaking on the importance of premium wifi to unleash new and improved Broadband experiences.

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Tags: 5G, Emerging Technology, Innovation

importance of premium wifi
December 15, 2020
Join me tomorrow at Broadband Africa 2020 virtual event organized by Informa where I will be speaking on the importance of premium wifi to unleash new and improved Broadband experiences.

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Tags: 5G

Mobile Edge Computing use cases under 5G capabilities
October 14, 2001
I will be delivering a keynote speech during the upcoming 5G summit in Dubai on the 13th and 14th of October. I will be discussing the Mobile Edge Computing use cases under 5G capabilities and sharing stc Bahrain experience on the topic.

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Tags: 5G, Emerging Technology, Innovation

1 Membership
Looking forward to represent hashtag#bahrain in the World Congress of Angel Investors in Antalya, Turkey.
October 20, 2022
Looking forward to represent hashtag#bahrain in the World Congress of Angel Investors in Antalya, Turkey.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups

2 Mentors
participation as a judge in the decisive rounds of the Global Fund Raising Stage (GFRS) USA event
November 21, 2023
I am thrilled to announce my distinguished participation as a judge in the decisive rounds of the Global Fund Raising Stage (GFRS) USA event, a collaborative effort between WBAF USA Country Office and Harvard Business School Alumni Angels of South Florida scheduled for November 6th at 9 am EST. Join me in this insightful event as we navigate through promising ventures, exiting ideas and great minds, and contribute towards a financially inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. Your support and enthusiasm are much appreciated!

I will be accompanied with esteemed colleagues Bhuva S. and Sharesz T. Wilkinson

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups

I highly recommend attending this course, it is very helpful for both the beginner and the seasoned entrepreneur.
November 30, 2020
I highly recommend attending this course, it is very helpful for both the beginner and the seasoned entrepreneur.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Startups

1 Miscellaneous
intriguing 2 days at the worldblockchainsummit.
March 23, 2023
What an intense and intriguing 2 days at the hashtag#worldblockchainsummit. hashtag#wbs2022 all the latest blockchain technology has to give and very ambitious projects ready to deliver the next big thing. A very special interest in the Unicoin project backed by high profile personalities and a promising use case to support investment in hashtag#unicorns in a self sustaining manner.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse

10 Miscellaneouss
November 16, 2022
Strongly advice anyone interested in the hashtag#future of hashtag#digitaltransformation, hashtag#blockchaintechnology, hashtag#web30 and hashtag#metaverse should attend hashtag#abw2022. Together we realize hashtag#vision2030

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Entrepreneurship

October 28, 2022
MOU Signing ceremony between iBLOCKCHAIn, GBA and Glorythink

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Tags: Blockchain, Entrepreneurship, FinTech

iBLOCKCHAIN during GITEX and the Blockchain Maturity Model
October 26, 2022
Proud to showcase iBLOCKCHAIN during hashtag#gitex2022, amazing to see the high interest in hashtag#blockchain and in our differentiated product Blockchain Maturity Model, in cooperation with Government Blockchain Association which is one of a kind worldwide...

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Tags: Blockchain, Entrepreneurship, FinTech

The former hashtag#unitednations secretary General Mr Ban Ki-moon will be addressing the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF)
October 10, 2022
The former hashtag#unitednations secretary General Mr Ban Ki-moon will be addressing our grand assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) in Antalya Turkey this October. We are very proud for his appearance with us and taking from his valuable time.
hashtag#business hashtag#investment hashtag#vision2030 hashtag#thinkers50 hashtag#thinkers360 hashtag#wbaf WBAF 2024 World Congress Bahrain hashtag#angelinvestment hashtag#angelinvestors hashtag#entrepreneurship Baybars Altuntas

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups

October 01, 2022
iBLOCKCHAIN , in cooperation with ALBRZA Global "Social Network for Business" Platform group and Government Blockchain Association , cordially invites you to our meeting point in hashtag#gitex2022 on 12 Oct between 2 to 3 pm. Be there...

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Tags: Blockchain, Entrepreneurship, FinTech

I will be representing Bahrain in the upcoming world congress of ANGEL investors
September 22, 2022
I will be representing hashtag#Bahrain in the upcoming world congress on ANGEL investors at hashtag#wbaf

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding, Startups

Bitpay Crypto card
January 10, 2021
Bitpay card offers crypto payments to Apple users.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

G20 GPFI priorities
December 22, 2020
It is intriguing to learn the G20 GPFI priorities focuses on Digital financial inclusion and SME financing. Such a sharp vision looking into the next 10 years. Report below highlights the action plan. G20 is currently headed by Saudi Arabia

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Startups

WBAF Business school
December 22, 2020
Grand Opening ceremony of WBAF Business school and introduction of digital library

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Startups

World Congress of Angel Investors
December 20, 2020
World Congress of Angel Investors – WBAF 2021
15 - 21 February 2021
Best Prices are available until 30 November

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Startups

10 Panels
An interesting discussion on the metaverse and the risk of its centralization
March 21, 2023
At the World hashtag#blockchain summit, an interesting discussion on the hashtag#metaverse and the risk of its centralization. Every effort should be made to keep the metaverse hashtag#decentralized?
hashtag#trescon hashtag#wbsdubai hashtag#worldblockchainsummit

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse

EST FAB Metaverse Panel
December 29, 2022
I will be delivering a live Webinar on 10th December at 6.30 pm IST time hosted by FinTech and Blockchain Association (FAB) discussing hashtag#metaverse and decentralized hashtag#web3. Register on the link below for an interesting discussion with a group of Technology leaders and renowned speakers.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse

WBAF Science and Technology
October 31, 2022
Great memories from the STI Summit hosted at the WBAF 2022 Congress in Antalya.
Our panel guest speakers graciously and generously shared their expertise on key topics relevant to the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Our 3 panel discussions focused on
Strategies for sustainable cities
Multi-Stakehder Engagement for Building Innovation Ecosystems
Digital Innovation and Digital Tranformation for a better startup economy
Mary Pagano
HyungSup(HS) Kim
Aleksandar Mastilovic
Wassim Jarkas
Shelli Brunswick
Yunis İsmayıl
Dr. Sindhu Bhaskar
Dr.Krithpaka Boonfueng
Peter Hu
Varit Intrama
Pam Norris

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership

I look forward for an enriching discussion around smart cities, digital economy and financial inclusion.
October 26, 2022
I am excited to be hosted on such a distinguished international panel on the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) during the 2022 congress. I look forward for an enriching discussion around smart cities, digital economy and financial inclusion.

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Tags: Blockchain, Entrepreneurship, Smart Cities

Blockchain technology in the future of Bahrain
June 25, 2022
As part of World Investors Week, I will be moderating a very interesting round table of hashtag#digitalbanking and hashtag#Blockchain technology in the future of Bahrain with very distinguished personalities. It will be great if you join us in this discussion on 25 June. . Registration

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

World Business Angel Investors Week
October 18, 2021
72 countries celebrate
World Business Angel Investors Week WBAW:
Angel Investors’ Flagship,
18 – 24 October 2021

The Week is coordinated globally by the World Business Angels Investment Forum - An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI). You can follow all events free and online here:

World Business Angel Investors Week WBAW is a global platform from which to campaign for solutions to critical issues of early stage equity and capital markets, startup economies and other worldwide concerns at the United Nations, the European Union, the ASEAN Economic Community, the OECD and in G20 countries and regional and local economies. This year’s global theme is Business Diplomacy for International Entrepreneurship.

The WBAW 2021 to host more than 80.000 entrepreneurs, startups, investors, innovators, policy makers and thought leaders from around the world. An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum issues commemorative stamps for events and themes of widespread global appeal and significance of the Week. You can follow all events free and

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Tags: Blockchain, Entrepreneurship, Startups

Global Mobile Broadband Forum: Core executive roundtable
Global Mobile Broadband Forum
November 12, 2020
Discussing 5G challenges and opportunities

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Tags: 5G, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Global Mobile Broadband Forum : Core CxO roundtable
Global Mobile Broadband Forum
September 28, 2020
Ideas discussed and shared around 5G uptake, use cases for the 2B and 2C segments and deployment scenarios.

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Tags: 5G, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Blockchain and crypto economy opportunities for youth and governments.
September 10, 2020
we discussed Opportunities in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency with our amazing panelists Wassim Jarkas (4G/5G /Fintech Expert), Tony Moroney (Managing Partner Beta Digital), Charbel Ghostine (CTO/Co-founder Blockchain Leaders), Jillian Godsil, MA, BA (hons) (Former European Parliament Candidate/Blockchain Expert), Lee Ucheoma Ohaeri(CEO Coin News Extra ) Moderator.

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Tags: 5G, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

The Kingdom of Bahrain Hub for startups and entrepreneurs
World Business Angels Investment Forum
October 23, 2001
The World Business Angels Investment Forum
An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) is going to Celebrate Bahrain as part of the World Investors Week. I will be hosting an interesting roundtable discussion on 23 October and look forward for a generous participation. You can click on the below links provided to register.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

2 Webinars
Wassim Jarkas, Metaverse and Decentralized Web3
December 27, 2022
Session on Metaverse and Decentralized Web3

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Metaverse

Blockchain In The Telecom. Application
September 09, 2020
Wassim Jarkas a 5G and telecom expert speaks about blockchain in the #telecommunication application during CoinNewsExtra's interview session

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Entrepreneurship

1 Whitepaper
The Harmonious Symbiosis of AI and Human Singularity: Advancing Workforce Efficiency and Quality
October 14, 2023
In recent decades, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a catalyst for discussion, deliberation, and in some cases, discord, within the professional and academic communities. The discourse often orbits around the potential ramifications of AI on the future of the global workforce. Pessimistic narratives foresee a scenario where AI usurps human jobs, leading to widespread unemployment and socio-economic disarray. On the flip side, a more nuanced and optimistic perspective envisions AI as a potent tool for augmenting the quality and efficiency of human labor rather than replacing it. This dichotomy of viewpoints underscores the need for a deeper, more nuanced exploration of AI's role and potential in modern work ecosystems.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Innovation

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