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Kambria Dumesnil

Montesano, United States

Kambria is a management analyst providing people-centered consultation and expertise that drives business results. Her background centers on knowledge management, developing innovative strategies, and leading continuous improvement projects. She has her Master’s degree in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning from Boise State.

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Total 61

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26 Article/Blogs
The AI Fusionist Playbook for Learning Theories
AI Innovation Lounge
October 06, 2023
Learning is a complex thing. We don’t just read something and become instant experts. Instead, we engage with it. And we absorb it. We make connections between the materials, our past experiences, and interactions with peers. We adapt based on feedback and reinforcements we receive. And we reflect. All of this happens behind the scenes in our minds. In this part of my

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Tags: EdTech, Generative AI, HR

The AI Fusionist Playbook for Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory
AI Innovation Lounge
September 28, 2023
Adding AI to workplace L&D doesn't mean we sidestep our foundations. Instead, we really need to: Lean into our models & theories Let them shape our AI collaboration Make them the cornerstone of AI use cases Knowles' 5 assumptions is a prime candidate for this. In part two of my

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Tags: EdTech, Generative AI, HR

The AI Fusionist Playbook for ChatGPT & L&D Models
AI Innovation Lounge
September 20, 2023
Being an AI Fusionist means being an AI partner. That partnership boils down to 4 key elements: 1. Teaching AI to use our models & frameworks 2. Breaking boundaries & doing things better 3. Evolving & adapting our methodologies 4. Valuing our expertise as humans In the

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Tags: EdTech, Generative AI, HR

Shaping Tomorrow's Learning Landscape - The Impact of AI on Learning & Development
AI Innovation Lounge
July 09, 2023
We can’t predict the future. But we can prepare for it and even help shape it.

As the adage goes, "The only constant in life is change." This rings especially true in our digital age where new tools are being introduced and adopted at a quicker pace then ever before. At the heart of this transformation is Artificial Intelligence (AI), an innovative technology redefining various sectors, including Learning and Development (L&D).

As a professional in the L&D space, or any sector, understanding AI is no longer optional, but essential. Being ahead of the curve will be key to ensuring that organizations and their employees are well-prepared for this changing landscape.

Here are four ways is transforming L&D in the workplace.

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Tags: Future of Work, Generative AI, HR

AI & Multicultural Learning - From the AI and the L&D Horizon Storytelling Mini-Series
AI Innovation Lounge
July 09, 2023
Learning thrives in diversity.

In a world where workplaces span cultures and time zones, multicultural learning becomes not just an asset, but a necessity. When AI steps onto this global stage, language barriers dissipate and cultural complexity turns into a strength.

Here is Irene's story.

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Tags: Future of Work, Generative AI, HR

Six ChatGPT Plugins to Streamline Learning & Development Workflows
AI Innovation Lounge
July 08, 2023
Learning and Development (L&D) is continuously evolving and artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly significant role in shaping its future. One way it’s doing this is through streamlined workflows.

There are many AI tools available today, but the stand out for developing L&D materials is still ChatGPT - especially when we leverage plugins.

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Tags: Future of Work, Generative AI, HR

AI & Cognitive Apprenticeships - From the AI and the L&D Horizon Storytelling Mini-Series
AI Innovation Lounge
July 01, 2023
Even in an age of advanced technology, the human touch in education remains irreplaceable. But when artificial intelligence joins forces with human intellect, we can unlock the potential to redefine learning in profound ways.

This is Grace's story.

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Tags: Future of Work, Generative AI, HR

Optimizing ChatGPT Performance
AI Innovation Lounge
June 29, 2023
Consider this scenario - you’re an expert craftsman armed with a groundbreaking new tool. It promises unparalleled efficiency and breakthroughs, but at times, the tool doesn’t quite work as you expected. The outputs seem off, and you can't quite figure out why.

Now replace "craftsman" with "professional," and "tool" with "Artificial Intelligence (AI)."

Sounds familiar?

Even with the best AI tools like ChatGPT, things can go awry. Maybe your outputs are subpar, or your results unpredictable. The question is, how do we best troubleshoot this?

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

Transform Your Content Pillars into a Powerhouse of Influence with ChatGPT
AI Innovation Lounge
June 25, 2023
Your content is a goldmine. Are you fully leveraging it?

Imagine staring at a goldmine every day, but never really knowing it’s full of riches. This is what happens when you undervalue the potential of your content pillars. These are the in-depth, detailed resources you've poured your expertise and knowledge into. They're comprehensive, they're informative, and they're powerful.

But are they working for you as much as they could be?

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Marketing

Which Performance Issues Are Impeding Progress?
TD Magazine
June 01, 2023
Organizations can face a host of performance challenges where gaps between desired and actual performance are worth closing. Discover how process mapping can help your organization better identify and address multiple, simultaneous performance gaps.

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Tags: HR, Management

The Future-Ready Workforce: Addressing AI-Driven Knowledge & Skill Gaps
April 20, 2023
The potential transformation, and even displacement, of jobs in various industries, is a reality that organizations and employees must address. At the same time, the rise of AI may also create new jobs in fields like AI development, prompt engineering, and ones we haven’t even thought to imagine yet.

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Tags: Innovation, Future of Work, Generative AI

Learner Focused GPT-4 Prompts: Part 1 of 3 Leadership Development
Innovation Lounge
March 16, 2023
Welcome to the three-part series on using ChatGPT to enhance learning!

In previous articles and posts, I've mostly focused on using ChatGPT to create Learning and Development (L&D) content. In this series, I'll share how learners themselves can leverage ChatGPT to develop and enhance skills and knowledge on various topics.

My first experience with learning via ChatGPT was with SQL database creation. It was my first time using SQL and I was pretty amazed by how well ChatGPT was able to guide me through the process, provide resources, and answer my questions. And this was using an older version.

This experience and the experimenting I've done with GPT-4 got me thinking about how we can use this technology to support learners in different areas. In part one of this series, I'll share some different use cases and prompts for how ChatGPT can be used for leadership development. In coming days, I'll share other topics where ChatGPT can be used for learning.

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Tags: Generative AI, HR, Leadership

The Ultimate Compilation of 101 GPT-4 L&D Prompts
Innovation Lounge
March 15, 2023
Have you tried GPT-4 yet? Looking for some inspiration?

Check out my compilation of 101 simple, but effective Learning & Development prompts for ChatGPT.

You'll also find 11 picture perfect prompts of the possibilities we'll have when GPT-4 widely releases image upload functionality.

These prompts range from innovative and creative use cases for L&D to more functional topics. Although they'll work in GPT-3.5, the results are much more comprehensive in GPT-4.

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Tags: Generative AI, HR, Leadership

An AI Enhanced L&D Workflow
Innovation Lounge
March 12, 2023
Integrating AI tools like ChatGPT in the workplace is never just a simple change. While it streamlines workflows, it also creates the need for new processes (like content validation) and shifts roles and responsibilities.

Mapping out your AI enhanced Learning and Development (L&D) workflow can help you better understand roles, identify performance support your employees may need, find gaps before implementing, and more.

This is an example of one workflow at a high level and at the task level. The actual workflow itself will look different for every organization and situation.

As AI tools improve and new models, like the much anticipated GPT-4, are introduced, we’ll have the opportunity to streamline even further.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, HR

The Conversational AI Tool Evaluation Blueprint
March 06, 2023
Are you putting all your eggs in the ChatGPT basket?

With all of the recent focus on ChatGPT, it can be easy to overlook other conversational artificial intelligence (AI) tools. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know which is best fit.

Here is a five step process you can use to evaluate potential conversational AI tools.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

A Bing Generated Research Paper
March 05, 2023
A research paper on Knowledge Sharing for Organizational LLM use - generated by Bing Chat.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, HR

Flying with the Bing AI-Powered Copilot
February 14, 2023
Ever since Microsoft announced the upcoming Bing conversational experience - the "AI_powered copilot for the web" last week, I've been anxiously awaiting its release. I even installed the Bing mobile app and Chrome extension in hopes of moving up the line, as they suggested.

I was ecstatic when I got the email with access to an early preview today and spent some time testing it out to see if it lived up to the hype. Here's a short summary of my experience with the Bing conversational experience preview.

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Tags: Generative AI, Innovation

Managing the Risks of Conversational AI in the Workplace
February 07, 2023
Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed how we think about human interactions with technology. With the releases of cutting-edge language model tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT and most recently, the announcement of Google's Bard and Bing's Conversational Experiences, we've taken a leap forward.

These new tools are expanding possibilities, but may also come with unintended consequences if we aren’t careful. In the workplace, this can pose significant risks.

Here are some key elements to consider for managing conversational AI risk in the workplace - starting with reading the terms of use.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Risk Management

6 Questions to Prevent ChatGPT Shiny Object Syndrome
February 04, 2023
New technology like ChatGPT is exciting because it provides new opportunities.
Every day, professionals in different industries, including Learning and Development (L&D), are sharing creative ways to use the tool. But if we aren’t careful, our excitement and enthusiasm can quickly turn to shiny object syndrome.

Since there are so many possibilities, we often want to try them all which can lead us on a wild goose chase and can cause us to overlook potential risks.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use ChatGPT for L&D - We just need a strategy built on evidence-based practices. Taking a strategic, systematic approach to integrating ChatGPT in our L&D processes can increase effectiveness and help manage risks ChatGPT presents.

Here are 6 questions to ask yourself before adding ChatGPT to your L&D processes.

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Tags: Generative AI, HR, Innovation

The Power Of Learning And Development For Innovation
eLearning Industry
January 27, 2023
In many workplaces, L&D teams are brought in after solutions are identified, to assess skill gaps and help employees prepare for implementation. But L&D teams can provide much more value when they are also involved in building business innovation capabilities.

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Tags: Business Strategy, HR, Innovation

14 Ways to Optimize Learning & Development Workflows with ChatGPT
January 21, 2023
From viral social media posts to mainstream news articles, ChatGPT has become a topic of much debate, especially in the Learning and Development (L&D) field. While ChatGPT alone cannot provide authentic learning experiences or accurate, evidence-based information required for high-stakes performance, it can provide value in other ways.

Here are 14 ways L&D can optimize workflows using ChatGPT. This list was created using my own experience and experimentation, ideation from ChatGPT, and ideas others have shared about use in L&D and adjacent fields like marketing.

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Tags: Generative AI, HR, Innovation

Leadership That Drives Innovation
January 18, 2023
New technology like ChatGPT is exciting because it provides new opportunities.
Every day, professionals in different industries, including Learning and Development (L&D), are sharing creative ways to use the tool. But if we aren’t careful, our excitement and enthusiasm can quickly turn to shiny object syndrome.

Since there are so many possibilities, we often want to try them all which can lead us on a wild goose chase and can cause us to overlook potential risks.

Does your leadership drive innovation or hinder it? Innovative leaders inspire change, empower others to take action, and champion change. Often, they push to break the status quo and encourage others to think differently. They remove barriers and work to collectively redefine success and improve the company’s bottom line.

Here are 7 ways leaders can empower business innovation.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

7 Ways To Boost Virtual Learning Retention
eLearning Industry
September 25, 2020
Only 54% of employees apply what they learned from training. Here’s how to get your employees to use their new skills and increase learning retention.

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, HR

Adapting Workplace Learning Programs In Light Of COVID-19
eLearning Industry
September 04, 2020
COVID-19 has undoubtedly had an impact on how we approach employee growth and development. Here are 7 ways to transform your professional development programs.

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, HR

Blending Learning Models: Finding The Right “Blend” For Workplace Learning
eLearning Industry
January 08, 2020
Throughout the years, several blended learning models have been identified, most of which have educational origins. When it comes to blended learning in the workplace, however, learners and organizations have unique needs that must be considered. Here's a new take on blended learning models.

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Tags: Change Management, HR, Education

1 eBook
Beyond the Surface (a ChatGPT generated eBook)
January 26, 2023
Can ChatGPT really create a full eBook? Of course it can! This is a book on cognitive task analysis for knowledge workers that is fully generated using ChatGPT and you can be the judge.

This started with initial topic exploration, outline creation, and multiple prompts to get the chapters built, add in relevant examples, and more. ChatGPT generated the book description, glossary of terms, and disclaimers.

Here is ChatGPT's generated description:

Beyond the Surface is the ultimate guide for unlocking the potential of instructional design and improving the performance of knowledge workers. Whether you're an instructional designer, trainer, or performance consultant, this guide provides you with the tools and techniques to conduct and apply Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) effectively.

With this guide, you'll learn how to:
Prepare for a CTA, including defining the scope of the task or job and selecting the appropriate method
Conduct a CTA using observation, interviewing, and think-aloud protocols
Analyze CTA data, including identifying key cognitive processes and decisions, and creating a task model
Apply CTA findings to design effective training programs & assessments

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Tags: Business Strategy, Generative AI, Innovation

7 Infographics
Human vs. AI Creativity
October 25, 2023
Humans vs. ChatGPT - Creativity edition

It's not about who's better.
In some ways, we shine bright.
In others, ChatGPT outshines us.

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Tags: EdTech, Generative AI, HR

Meet your AI team
June 26, 2023
Freelancers and solopreneurs are one-person powerhouses. But wearing multiple hats and managing all the moving parts can be overwhelming.

With AI like ChatGPT, you can multiply your impact and experience the power of an 11-person team.

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Tags: AI, Future of Work, Generative AI

AI Readiness Triad
June 18, 2023
Successful AI integration goes beyond just the tech. It's a triad of readiness: Business, People, and Technology.

Business Readiness
Have a clear understanding of your business goals, and align AI use cases accordingly. The aim isn't to use AI because it's trendy. It's to leverage it as a strategic way and build the policies and processes to support it.

People Readiness
It's not just about re-skilling or up-skilling employees. People readiness also means fostering an environment that supports continuous learning, change, and innovation, and making sure your external stakeholders are prepared.

Technology Readiness
Yes, the tech matters too. But this doesn't mean you need to have the most advanced AI, rather the right AI tools that fits your specific business needs, goals, and context.

Each of these readiness areas is crucial and interdependent. Investing in all three can help drive tangible value for your organization.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Generative AI

5 Steps to Build Effective ChatGPT Prompts
March 10, 2023
Creating ChatGPT prompts doesn't have to be a headache. Here are 5 simple steps to build effective ChatGPT prompts.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, HR

Exploring ChatGPT Epic Prompts
February 27, 2023
Transform your ChatGPT experience with Epic Prompts! Epic Prompts are interaction prompts that allow you to change the entire context of your ChatGPT conversation.

Like Mega Prompts, Epic Prompts provide ChatGPT with enough information to create a relevant and comprehensive response. But they go a step further. By starting with a single Epic Prompt, you can direct ChatGPT to become a specialized assistant tailored to your specific needs and tasks.

Imagine having a ChatGPT Learning & Development Coach who gives you personalized practice scenarios and feedback on a subject of your choice. Or an Assessment Creator who helps you develop quizzes, role-playing scenarios, self-assessments, and more. There are so many possibilities.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

What Goes Into a ChatGPT Use Case
February 22, 2023
Don't get stuck on a ChatGPT wild goose chase. From creating scripts to marketing campaigns and everything in between, there are hundred (if not thousands) of ChatGPT use cases.

When I'm creating a use case for ChatGPT, I look at four key elements: Process, problem, task, and goal. This strategic, systematic approach helps keep me aligned and allows me to measure result and continuously improve.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

Tips to Improve ChatGPT Prompts
February 19, 2023

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

10 Miscellaneouss
Transform Your Work with AI
June 25, 2023
Stand out amongst the 64% who aren’t using AI for work - and those who are.

Generative AI, like ChatGPT, isn't just about doing things faster or more efficiently. It's about reimagining how we work, communicate, and create.

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Tags: Future of Work, Generative AI, Innovation

Solution Ideation with ChatGPT
February 28, 2023
ChatGPT can’t replace a comprehensive root cause analysis, but it can enhance it.

Turn your problems and root causes into solutions using ChatGPT. With a simple prompt, ChatGPT can generate actionable solutions, identify solution elements, and even help you evaluate the potential benefits and challenges.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

Cause Analysis Using ChatGPT
February 27, 2023
ChatGPT can’t replace a comprehensive root cause analysis, but it can enhance it.

With a simple prompt, ChatGPT can help you identify common causes for problems, uncover factors you may have missed, and generate new ideas to consider during your own analysis.

If you need a second pair of eyes on your problem, give this cause analysis prompt a try. Just add your problem statement to the first line and let ChatGPT do the rest.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

Myth vs. Reality: A ChatGPT Prompt Showdown
February 24, 2023
Assigning ChatGPT a role is a common prompt strategy. While it can be fun to create a story for ChatGPT's character, it isn't always necessary.

Simple, clear prompts often work just as well. Unless you need ChatGPT to provide a specific perspective, mimic someone's writing style, or change the interaction, assigning a role doesn't usually improve results.

Don't worry - you can still use roles if you prefer.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

Exploring the World of Reading With ChatGPT
February 21, 2023
With National Reading Month right around the corner, it seemed like a great time to explore ChatGPT reading related use cases.

Discover new stories to read, analyze author writing styles, and much more. You can even turn ChatGPT into your personal book club assistant to get theme ideas, book recommendations, challenges, and discussion questions.

Experiment and see how ChatGPT can become your reading sidekick.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

Exploring ChatGPT Extensions
February 20, 2023

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

ChatGPT Interview Coach
February 17, 2023
A prompt to turn ChatGPT into an interview coach with a single prompt. If you have Turbo mode, switch to Legacy.

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Tags: Generative AI, HR, Innovation

Single Prompt Customized ChatGPT Interactions
February 15, 2023
Customized ChatGPT interaction prompts can help give you more targeted and relevant results. With a single prompt at the beginning of a conversation, you can modify the entire context for the interaction between yourself and ChatGPT.

For example, you can prompt ChatGPT to become an Assessment Creator specialized in creating learner assessments. Instead of figuring out how to include information in your prompts, it can ask you relevant questions and build a customized assessment based on your responses.

You could also prompt ChatGPT to become a learning coach that gives you practice scenarios and feedback on your performance.

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Tags: Generative AI, Future of Work, Innovation

Putting a ChatGPT Prompt Template to the Test - 5 Use Cases for L&D Content Creation
February 12, 2023
Crafting an effective prompt is one of the biggest challenges with using ChatGPT (other than connecting that is). I really like prompt templates because they provide an adaptable structure that helps keep results consistent.

These are five of the many use cases I’ve tested so far with this:
Article on a tuition reimbursement policy
Job aid for one-on-one coaching
In-person learning activity plan
Virtual workshop outline
Training video outline

The prompt template is below. The information in [brackets] and the bottom sentence stays the same. The information in (parentheses) can be customized with relevant information.

Prompt Template

[TASK TYPE]: (The output you want ChatGPT to create - Outline, video script, job aid, etc.)
[AUDIENCE]: (Information about your learners like experience level, job role, etc. that will help ChatGPT understand your specific audience).
[BACKGROUND]: (Background on what’s being learned, the task, and context.)
[REQUIREMENTS]: (Any constraints or other requirements. Examples: use a friendly, engaging tone; include detailed examples; provide practice opportunities.)

[TASK REQUEST]: Generate a comprehensive and usable [TASK TYPE] for a [MEDIUM] that is appropriate for [AUDIENCE], is based on [BACKGROUND], and [REQUIREMENTS].

Tip: Use bullet points to list your requirements. A study showed this can help models better understand long descriptions & instructions.

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Tags: Generative AI, HR, Innovation

ChatGPT Prompt Terms to Know - with examples
February 11, 2023
A new, short guide on basic ChatGPT prompt terms to know - with examples. From prompt chains to mega prompts, this covers key prompt terms and concepts.

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Tags: Generative AI, HR, Innovation

5 Videos
Creating a Semi-Autonomous AI Content Creator with ChatGPT, plug-ins, and an Epic Prompt
June 29, 2023
love writing, but I don't always love the writing process. With ChatGPT we can transform our ideas into drafts for blog posts, articles, white papers, and more.

In this video, I'll show you an epic prompt that goes beyond the popular mega prompt. With this, you can turn ChatGPT into a semiautonomous content creator assistant that can plan and execute steps to turn your topic into a well-researched draft.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Marketing

Explore Careers with ChatGPT
March 14, 2023
Are you curious about the many types of ChatGPT prompt structures? Confused by the different formats?

In this video, I break down five common types of ChatGPT prompts including the:
1) Simple Q&A
2) Mega prompt
3) Mega prompt template
4) Interaction prompt
5) Epic prompt

See how each structure can be used to explore career paths using ChatGPT. By the end of the video, you will have a better understanding of each type of ChatGPT prompt structure.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, HR

AI Generated Video for Techno Titans Series Promo
Innovation Lounge
March 06, 2023

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

ChatGPT Assessment Creator Epic Prompt
March 01, 2023
Epic prompts (like the one used for the Assessment Creator) are my favorite types of prompts. They help make it easy to use ChatGPT for multiple use cases, like creating quizzes and hands-on assessments.

With these prompts, ChatGPT asks you the questions, allowing for a more personalized experience tailored to your use cases. While it doesn't eliminate the need for content validation or prevent hallucinations, it does help streamline your interactions.

Try the Assessment Creator with just a single prompt - no integrations or browser extensions required.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation

February 13, 2023

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Tags: Generative AI, Future of Work, HR

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