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Bruno Armindo Esteves Macedo

Founder & CEO at FusionAlgo

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Experienced Manager, Researcher and Fintech expert with a demonstrated experience leading digital, process, IT transformation and human augmentation across a range of sectors including Fintech, Banking, Cyber Security, Government and Education. More than 20 years’ experience leading digital departments, business units and shared service centers.
Extensive experience in organizational transformation, design and implementation of business models. Strong experience in business development service management.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Speaking Topics: Fintech, Open Banking, Digital Banking, Motivation, Human Augmentation

Bruno Armindo Esteves Macedo Points
Academic 5
Author 17
Influencer 28
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 50

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Software Company
Theatre: Europe
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 18
Last Media Interview: 12/01/2020

Areas of Expertise

Big Data
Blockchain 30.73
Business Strategy
Cloud 30.21
Cybersecurity 30.04
Design Thinking
Digital Disruption 30.10
Digital Transformation
Emerging Technology
FinTech 31.14
Future of Work
Innovation 30.57
Open Innovation
Privacy 30.08

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


6 Article/Blogs
The Switch to a Phygital Bank
July 11, 2019
Innovation in Banking and Fintech is something amazing to embrace these days. Consumers around the world have changed the way they discover products, the way they buy and how they experience the products and services thanks to the big technology companies, their new technologies, innovative business models and disruptive brands. The general-purpose technologies behind the Fintech revolution have followed these trends and proved their value. Financial disruption has drastically altered societies, pre-existing economic and social structures. As for Banks & Financial Institutions (BFIs), to adapt to the Fintech revolution and the age of Open-Banking, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive learning and other disruptive GPTs is a challenging task

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Tags: Digital Disruption, FinTech, Innovation

Innovation as a role: following the Fintech path from outside challengers into part of the Bank
December 28, 2018
Bank incubators and accelerators are a hype these days. They are the main source of new challenging Fintechs and other financial and banking disruptive business models. They seem to have al the ingredients to innovate in Banking and Finance that are harder to get from the big banking institutions themselves. Interestingly Innovation as a role or department seems to be following the same path as Fintechs themselfs did .Starting outside the Banks direct sphere and then making their way into Banks, Finance institutions and even Fintechs.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Innovation, FinTech

Fintech & Banking The Perfect Storm
December 22, 2018
It is amazing how in less than 15 years, we shifted completely from a financial crisis to where we are now. It was all so quick, we started by a consumer behavior change, then a Business Model shift and for now a complete installed changed paradigmatic Mindset. It even reached little personal details as monopoly, if you are used to play it you remember playing it with money right? Well kids now days can play it with a PoS and a card. Tomorrow who knows, maybe with a watch or some gaming cryptocurrency.

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Tags: FinTech

Banking as a Service - beyond brick-and-mortar into the future
November 08, 2018
2018 Is without doubt a year to remember as PSD2 brought the opportunity for banks and fintechs to explore synergies as never before. The open access to banking customers' financial data and the evolution of cloud services has enabled the development of completely new consumer-oriented products and services. This presents an amazing opportunity for banks and third parties like fintechs to work together. Taking advantage of application programming interfaces (APIs) to innovate, digitize and disrupt the market, they can enhance the customer experience, easily scale the product and service catalogue and lower costs (which is much more than banks and fintechs could do on their own).

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Tags: FinTech

Digital banking technology and trends: digitization
November 07, 2018
Are banks keeping up with consumer demands when it comes to digital banking offerings? Consumers expectations are focused on digital channels and banks can’t afford to ignore it.

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Tags: FinTech

After more than half year of GDPR and PSD2, are banks “there yet”?
November 06, 2018
The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), which has been in force since January 2018, aims to modernize Europe's payment services and to benefit both consumers and businesses. ..

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Tags: Cybersecurity, FinTech, Privacy

1 Book Chapter
Blockchain technology - a distributed disruption for banking
Aktuelle Entwicklungslinien in der Finanzwirtschaft : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Bernd Rolfes | Teil2
November 09, 2017
Impact of blockchain technology in the banking industry

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Tags: Blockchain, FinTech, Innovation

1 Journal Publication
Service level agreement em cloud computing: um estudo de caso em uma empresa portuguesa
Universitas Gestão e TI
November 09, 2012
O cloud computing é um novo modelo de negócio que pressupõe a utilização
de recursos tecnológicos em regime pay-as-you-go, permitindo que
as empresas se foquem no seu core business, transformando as despesas de
capital em despesas operacionais. Num ambiente cloud computing, o Service
Level Agreement (SLA) é um documento que pretende gerir as expectativas
do fornecedor de serviços e do cliente, relativamente à qualidade do serviço
entregue, medindo e validando se os parâmetros previamente acordados são
cumpridos. Este artigo procura responder à seguinte questão: “Como negociar
um Service Level Agreement para um ambiente cloud computing?”. Dessa
forma, realizou-se um estudo de caso numa empresa portuguesa, de média
dimensão, fornecedora de soluções cloud. Procedeu-se à coleta de dados quantitativa
e qualitativa, por meio de inquérito aos clientes da empresa e posteriores
entrevistas a um administrador (e responsável estratégico da cloud), e à
responsável do serviço de suporte a clientes. Este artigo oferece uma reflexão
sobre como um SLA deve ser estruturado e qual deverá ser o seu conteúdo;
indica o conhecimento que as empresas possuem sobre os SLAs, bem como
quais os parâmetros que consideram mais relevantes para a sua organização; e
de que forma um SLA deve ser negociado, em regime cloud computing.

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Tags: Cloud, FinTech, Innovation

Thinkers360 Credentials

1 Badge


1 Article/Blog
The Switch to a Phygital Bank
January 08, 2022

Innovation in Banking and Fintech is something amazing to embrace these days. Consumers around the world have changed the way they discover products, the way they buy and how they experience the products and services thanks to the Big Tech companies, their new technologies, innovative business models and disruptive brands. The general-purpose technologies behind the Fintech revolution have followed these trends and proved their value. Financial disruption has drastically altered societies, pre-existing economic and social structures. As for Banks & Financial Institutions (BFIs), to adapt to the Fintech revolution and the age of Open-Banking, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive learning and other disruptive GPTs is a challenging task. They need not only to adapt to current times, but also to strive for leadership through innovation to match these new consumers, which makes it even harder to keep up.

Understanding and adapting to this new type of consumer connection is crucial and to be able to keep up with it (BFIs) need a shift to a phygital approach. They need to connect their online and offline worlds in a way that will allow them to create closer, more efficient, and more human customer experiences. A phygital approach is a new type of corporate innovation strategy that can pull (BFIs) industry legacy experience strengths but still be able to perceive and address their new market resulting “weaknesses” by:

  • Exploring means to understand and adapt to the driving forces behind the ongoing banking digital transition;
  • Being on the lookout for new global good practices in the development of new financial products under -digital channels and trough digital product development;
  • Realizing the strategic importance of the “new consumers” (Millennials. Gen X. Gen Z. Baby Boomers) and adapt to serve them;
  • Exploring means to understand and structurally be able to respond to a new generation of fast and constant changes in regulation ;
  • Achieving a genuinely phygital experience by using the existing GPTs into facilitating the introduction of immediacy (ensuring things happen at an exact moment in time), immersion (the user is part of the experience) and not forgetting as stated in previous posts a constant cognitive interaction that binds the buying experience with the customer.

BFI’s have also to take into account that this massive revolution has brought and keeps bringing new players into the market like Neo Banks, FinTech Startups, TechFin Giants (GAFA), Mobile Network Operators. All of them have strong arguments to compete and disrupt. Therefore BFI’s need to find partners that can orchestrate their business strategy to not only take a digital leap that can bring them into a phygital version of themselves, but also to support them into thriving through continuous innovation and reinvention of their financial services. This version will then take the best components from the digital retail experience like immediacy, immersion, and speed and the chance to interact with people, the product and adapt those learnings to revolutionize also their brick-and-mortar experience.

#fintech #banking #openbanking #fusionalgo #temenos #multifonds #p2pfintech #thinkers360 #payments #corebanking #funds #crypto

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Tags: Blockchain, Cloud, FinTech


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