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Chintan Oza

Mumbai, India

A Telecom Portfolio Management Professional with 20+ years experience in Government, Defense & Private Sectors. At present, working with Tata Communications as Senior Principal - Program Management. My current role involves Program/Portfolio management & strategic interfacing with stakeholders at CxO level. I am a team leader driven by building alliances and long lasting sustainable relationships.

Prior assignments include, deployment & upgrade of large scale, wireless network having multiple vendors and distributed teams spread across circles. Have program managed large scale Network roll out deploying Products & Services of various telecom vendors like Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent, Motorola, Ericsson, Huawei, ZTE, Genesys, Comerse, HP & IBM.

# 10+ Yrs as lead/head of PMO, 14+ Yrs in PMO environment
# Projects & Program experience for Reliance & Tata Group, India's top two diversified industrial conglomerates
# Experience in Program Mgmt of Wireless technologies & disruptive technologies
# Experience in Opex optimization, Network Service Delivery, NOC & Managed Services domains
# Program Managed & won bid for first SmartCity of India - GIFT

# Program & Portfolio Management – interfacing Senior Leadership at Strategic level
# Process Life Cycle Management – for Network & Business stake holders
# Services & Vendor Management – for Issue Management & Resolution
# Play a pivotal role for Presentations & Report analysis – to facilitate strategy review
# Drive large scale deployments thru distributed, multi-national, multi-cultural teams
# PMO-Driving Stakeholder engagement and benefit realization
# Consistently high on CSAT, Motivation Index, Employee Engagement Index & Leadership Index

Strategy,Project/Program/Portfolio Life Cycle Mgmt, Technology Engg & Mgmt, Product Mgmt & Service Delivery, Sales, NPI, Innovation Management, Digital Transformation, Agile, ITIL, Six Sigma, Smart Cities, Blockchain, VR, AR, Mentor, IEEE, PMO, Keynote Speaker

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Mumbai, India
Speaking Topics: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Technology scale up, go to market, India Market Entry

Chintan Oza Points
Academic 0
Author 7
Influencer 12
Speaker 53
Entrepreneur 20
Total 92

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

5G 30.28
AI 30.13
Blockchain 33.40
Business Continuity
Business Strategy 30.04
COVID19 30.27
Cryptocurrency 31.26
Customer Experience 30.17
Digital Disruption
Digital Transformation 30.01
Emerging Technology 30.85
Entrepreneurship 32
Future of Work 30.03
Innovation 30.84
Management 30.23
Open Innovation 30.09
Quantum Computing 31.29
Smart Cities 31.54
Startups 31.43

Industry Experience



1 Advisory Board Membership
December 01, 2023
Mentor at MNNIT.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups

7 Article/Blogs
Role of Blockchain in promoting Frugal Innovation
Industrial Automation Magazine India
September 08, 2020
In this article I would share mapping of benefits of Blockchain to the six principles of frugal innovation. These six principles of frugal innovation as shared by Navi Radjou and Jaideep Prabhu in their latest book Frugal Innovation: How to do More with Less. This book was reviewed by Madan Mohan Rao of The link to the book review page has also been included in the references. Due credits
to the authors and reviewers are acknowledged and extended herewith. My purpose of writing this article is to map benefits of Blockchain technology to the six principles of frugal innovation. This would explain the how Blockchain technology can help in promoting frugal innovation. Let us examine the mapping. As a first step, the six innovative principles of frugal innovation are listed as under.
1. Engage and iterate
2. Flex your assets
3. Create sustainable solutions
4. Shape customer behaviour
5. Co-create value with prosumers,
6. Make innovative friends.
Blockchain technology provides the solution to the age-old question of human trust. Blockchain runs on top of a peer-to-peer network and maintains the same versions of the transaction ledger in multiple nodes spread across the network. Blockchain network is a network of nodes having shared ledger between different organizations that can be used by anyone but cannot be altered. Blockchain is a distributed cryptographically protected database that holds every transaction record from the very first transaction.

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Tags: Blockchain, Innovation, Open Innovation

Fiction to Five Years Flat...
All India Management Association
January 28, 2020
The article is based on the upcoming technology trends. It has been published in Members' column on page no. 2.

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Tags: Blockchain, Business Strategy, 5G

Blockchain in Telecom, why it's a win win proposition
November 16, 2018
I was introduced to Blockchain at a Moonwalk Project by my employer, Tata Communications last year. The word Blockchain drew my attention and I googled word Blockchain for the first time. Wow! the introductory information I came across helped me take a decision and I decided to volunteer and led a team of professionals from different functions to study Blockchain in non-fintech domain. We as a group of technology professionals further zeroed down and decided to study Blockchain fundamentals extensively and worked upon several use cases in Supply Chain & Healthcare industry.

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Tags: Blockchain, Management, Telecom

10 interesting facts & features on Android's 10th Anniversary
September 30, 2018
World's leading mobile OS, Android recently celebrated it's 10th Anniversary. Android was created by Android Inc, a California based startup which was acquired by Google in 2005. In September 2008, Google released this mobile OS to the consumer market. On 22nd October 2008, the journey which started with the launch of first android device named G1 has taken over the world by storm. The creators of Android talk about their new open platform for mobile phones and the Open Handset Alliance - Let's have a look at this video.

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Tags: Blockchain, Innovation, Management

Hacking Happiness (Again) !
June 19, 2018
Hacking Happiness Again ! A refresher to life lessons from movie 102 not out.

Just watched a Bollywood movie 102 not out for the 2nd time and thought of writing this post. Started writing this article on Father's Day. It is dedicated to my father Dr Rohit M Oza and the cast/crew of movie 102 not out. The movie has an amazing star cast of millennium Super Star Amitabh Bachchan and Mega Star Rishi Kapoor. The story evolves around 4 characters...

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Tags: Blockchain, Innovation, Management

Why should you build a Chatbot for your business
April 13, 2018
Commands were the only medium to interact with a computer at the initial stage of the Computing era. Those were the days when we entered commands to compute. Many of the readers of this article would still remember quite a few MS-DOS 5.0 commands! Then came the WYSWIG/GUI era where we used mouse as an interface to give commands to the computer. WYSWIG era started with release of windows 3.1 and then it grew exponentially. Later came the era of gesture recognition and we used gestures to give commands to the computer/mobile device. Most of the millennials started computing in the WYSWIG era. Gesture recognition enabled humans to communicate with the machines and interact naturally without any mechanical devices i.e. the gesture we use to zoom into a touchscreen. Now is the era where we are using our natural language to interact with the computer/mobile device/bots. In this article, I would be sharing my views on the Chatbots.

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Tags: Blockchain, Innovation, Management

Let's meet LiFi, the future of Wireless
February 17, 2018
We are living in the Zettabyte era and moving towards year 2020, wherein more machines talking to machines than humans accessing machines. As per this Cisco whitepaper, annual global IP traffic will reach 3.3 ZB per year by 2021, or 278 exabytes EB) per month. In 2016, the annual run rate for global IP traffic was 1.2 ZB per year, or 96 EB per month. (above reference is 2 years old, wondering about the increase in data statistics by 2018

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Tags: Blockchain, Innovation, Management

4 Keynotes
Future of Customer Experience - Inclusive, Intelligent and Immersive
IEEE Systems Council
November 09, 2022
The IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (RASSE) 2022 will be held at the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan from November 7-10, 2022.
IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (RASSE) aims to create a high-profile, leading-edge, interactive forum for researchers, engineers, practitioners, and educators to exchange state-of-the-art research results and innovations, to discuss industrial practice, and to define the future research topics in all aspects of systems science and engineering. You are cordially invited to participate in this forum spanning multiple disciplines and specialty areas related to systems science and engineering, including science, technology, methodology, and applications of systems, integrated systems, cyber-physical systems, system-of-systems, etc.

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Tags: Customer Experience, Emerging Technology, Entrepreneurship

Barter Se Bitcoin Tak
Institute of Technology & Science
September 09, 2021
A talk delivered to students of Institute of Technology & Science on 9th September. Delivered a keynote on the rise of crypto economy. The session was attended by more than 335 plus attendees.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

Blockchain in Telecommunications
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering
October 10, 2020
Blockchain plays a vital role in enabling telecom operators to upgrade the business model and offer new products and services. Blockchain not only enhances operational efficiency but also provides new revenue streams to telecom operators.

I was invited to deliver a keynote at a faculty development program organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, India. The session was held on 10th Oct 2020. This faculty development program was held jointly with ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, 5G

Introduction to Blockchain Smart Contracts
Chintan Oza
May 16, 2020
Delivered a talk on introduction to Blockchain Smart Ccontracts for students of RAIT, Sangali, Maharashtra, India.

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Tags: Blockchain

1 Media Interview
India’s Technology Transformation: Business Continuity and Future Growth
Project Management Institute India
November 01, 2022
Interview cum view point published in Manage South Asia, Pre-Conference Special Issue. This is Curtain Raiser for Project Management South Asia Conference being held on 9–10 December in Mumbai, India.

Refer Page 4 and 5.

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Tags: 5G, Blockchain, Emerging Technology

4 Panels
Futuristic Quantum Computing & Opportunities
MIT ADT University
August 12, 2021
Joined a panel discussion organized by MIT ADT University, Pune.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing, Startups

Saudi Arabia Digital Transformation Summit 2021
Digital Transformation Summit
August 11, 2021
Attended a panel discussion at Saudi Arabia Digital Transformation Summit 2021 on 11th August 2021.

Attended the panel discussion on CLOUD INFRA & CYBERSECURITY CONUNDRUM.

➤ Rethinking Cybersecurity in digital transformation era
➤ A new agile approach to security : Cyber resilience
➤ Key Actions to empower secure Digital Transformation
➤ Cyberattacks are on the rise as digital transformation progresses.

Hisham Mohamed Aly - Chief Information Security Officer, Emirates NBD Egypt

Dr. Abdullah AlNajem - Chief CyberSecurity Officer, Gulf General Cooperative Insurance
Company (GGI)

Majed Al-Shangiti - Chief Information Officer at Saudi Aramco Total Refining and
Petrochemical Company (SATORP)

Chintan Oza - President India Region at OneQuantum

Abdullah Biary - Chief Information Security Officer, United Cooperative Assurance / UCA

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing

How Technology can bring new opportunities, even during disruption
SAVIC Technologies
October 14, 2020
Growth matters, Valuable Session by Leading Speakers from Industry and SAP MSME Solution Architect #leader #growth #SAP #SAPBusinessByDesign #BYD #SAPERP

I spoke on how new technologies are chaning the future of work. How Enterprise can strategize the digital transformation and what are the best practices being followed in the industry.

Savic Technologies is a Platinum Partner of SAP in India.


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Tags: 5G, Blockchain, Future of Work

Key Skills for Project Managers Covid-era & Beyond
Chintan Oza
May 29, 2020
This is a Chapter exchange initiative by PMI Mumbai Chapter & PMI Czech Republic Chapter. It was organised on 29th May 2020 via Webex.

COVID -19 has changed our approach to Business, Our way of Working, and practically Our Approach towards Life!

The burning question that arises is what are the “Key Skills for Project Managers - COVID-era and beyond”
Presenting a collaborative initiative by PMI Mumbai chapter and PMI Czech Republic chapter.

Here is an opportunity to find out from Subject Matter Experts, their perspective encompassing our diverse culture and environment.
Panellists from PMI Czech Republic
Michal Jauker
Head of PMO, Raiffeisen Bank
Petr Janis
Founding Partner at
Panellists from PMI Mumbai Chapter
Satish Mittal
Head of ExpressWifi, Facebook
Chintan Oza
Advisor, Lloyds Ventures

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Tags: Blockchain, COVID19, Future of Work

1 Speaking Engagement
Blockchain Use Cases
Vedang Vatsa
August 08, 2021
Was on a event hosted on Twitter Spaces by Vedang Vatsa.

Delivered a talk on Blockchain in Space - Are we there yet?

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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing

2 Webinars
Blockchain - Need of the hour
Chintan Oza
May 31, 2020
The webinar was conducted by six rotary club of Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. I delivered a talk on introduction and application of Blockchain technology. Below is the invitation message.

Attention Rotarians, Rotractors, Anns & Annettes.

Dear All,

In this nations fight against COVID-19, while we continue our support during the Nations Lockdown, we also continue to expand our Online Weekly Meeting this weekend with 5 more clubs joining hands to have a knowledge sharing session on Blockchain which is a shared, immutable ledger for recording transactions, tracking assets and building trust. Discover why businesses worldwide are adopting it.

Please block your Calendar for Online Club Meeting this Sunday, 31st May 2020.

*The meeting is Joint Online meeting with RCNM Palm Beach, RC Smart City Navi Mumbai, RC Millennium City NM, RCNM Linktown Airoli, RCNM Sunrise& RC Satellite City Navi Mumbai *

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 6794 3158
Password: 353034


Nivva Yousaf

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Smart Cities

Smart Contracts on Blockchain
Chintan Oza
May 25, 2020
Delivered a key note on Blockchain Smart Contracts for Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Anurag University. This was delivered on 25th May 2020.

See publication

Tags: Blockchain

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