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Sam Goodman

Consulting at The HOP Nerd LLC

Phoenix , United States

I am a father, husband, and a friend. I am also an independent Human and Organizational Performance practitioner at The HOP Nerd LLC and host and producer of The HOP Nerd Podcast. I'm an accomplished consultant, coach, author, and speaker specializing in bringing HOP to life within organizations.

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Phoenix
Speaking Topics: Human and Organizational Performance, Learning Teams, Safety, Leadership, Operational Intelligence/Learning

Sam Goodman Points
Academic 0
Author 303
Influencer 0
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 40
Total 343

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Culture 36.18
Health and Safety 99.21
Health and Wellness 36.44
Leadership 33.05

Industry Experience

Engineering & Construction
Industrial Machinery & Components
Oil & Gas
Professional Services


5 Books
10 Ideas to Make Safety Suck Less
Pale Horse Media Co
August 02, 2022
A focus on bringing Human and Organizational Performance to life within your organization...

Are you stuck? Do you feel lost? Are your current approaches to the safety of work leaving you frustrated and without the “world-class” safety performance they once promised? Safety is seemingly everywhere in our work worlds, but nothing seems to be getting any better…

It’s time for a change.

10 Ideas to Make Safety Suck Less focuses on how to practically apply Human and Organizational Performance within your organization and will help you revolutionize your approaches to the safety of work (and practically everything else). No matter where you find yourself on your H.O.P. journey, 10 Ideas to Make Safety Suck Less offers valuable insights into bringing Human and Organizational Performance to life within your particular organization. These ten ideas were developed from Sam’s real-world experiences with leading transformational change and practicing safety and Human and Organizational Performance in high-risk organizations and industries.

Inside you will find...
Ideas to help you bring about fundamental changes within your organization - within safety and beyond
Meaningful focus areas for your journey towards safety better
Real-world stories and examples of bringing these concepts to life
Tactical and actionable items to help get you started or continue you along your journey
Resources and tips for planning and pursuing these changes
10 Ideas to Make Safety Suck Less isn't just a "safety book" - it can be best described as a "better way to lead" and "better way to do business" book. It will reshape the way you think about problem-solving, learning, and so much more relating to the safety of work and other areas of critical risk within your organization.

What People are Saying...

This isn't just a "safety book" - it's not only 10 Ideas to make safety suck less, but also leadership, quality, environmental, patient safety, and on... this is an great read for any leader, and it can be best described as a "better way to do business" book.

Sam Goodman is a compressed gas cylinder that falls off the back of a moving truck when the cap pops off and launches. Passion, intensity, purpose, and expertise!

Sam’s an awesome author that calls out the bulls*** within the safety profession.

Sam has mastered the art of highlighting the absurd by being absurd.

He is irreverent, passionate, and determined to make safety better…

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety

The Care and Feeding of Safety Practitioners : A brief guide to navigating the perils of the safety profession
Pale Horse Media Co
June 25, 2022

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety, Leadership

WTFRM?: A Reflection on What is Meaningful to Workplace Safety
Pale Horse Media Co
September 30, 2021

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety, Leadership

Safety Sucks! The Manifesto
Pale Horse Media Co
May 15, 2021
The professional practice of occupational safety and health has within it the ability to help and the capacity to harm. The safety practitioner, the one that wields this doubled-edged sword, holds within their hands a disease and a cure. Unfortunately, the disease seems systemic and the cure far, far away. Our dated and flawed approaches to worker safety have left much to be desired, both within our own ranks and the companies that we serve. In this second book of the Safety Sucks! series, we will discuss where the “sucks” of the safety profession stem from and will offer some ideas on how we can make them, at the very least, suck less. We will explore the underlying beliefs that organizations, industries, and safety professionals hold about safety, and how these beliefs impact the role of the practitioner. We will discuss how we can create a more impactful role for the safety practitioner, how the practitioner can be more effective in their day-to-day job, and the things that we as safety practitioners should be focusing on.

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety, Leadership

Safety Sucks!: The Bull $H!# in the Safety Profession They Don’t Tell You About
Pale Horse Media Co
May 05, 2020
"A thorough and needed rebuke of the modern safety profession." - Anonymous
"This should be a required read for anyone looking to start in the safety field! Just read it damnit!" Matt D
"If you’re in a leadership role of any capacity, read this!" - Dan R

Change is hard, I get it. But we move beyond bad ideas by introducing better ideas. I truly believe that by continuing to have these “hard” conversations in an upfront, honest and fun way, we cultivate betterment. The safety profession has been stagnant for far too long. Safety folks are abused and misused, they’re often underpaid and overworked, they are undervalued and not appreciated, they find themselves being blamed and shamed when accidents occur, they are torn between the frontline and management, they have been forced to knowingly promote flawed, ineffective and disproven safety management systems – to preach from a bible in which they do not believe, and it's time for all of that to change.

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Wellness

2 Founders
Sam Goodman
January 01, 2023

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness

The HOP Nerd LLC
Sam Goodman
October 01, 2022

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety, Leadership

1 Podcast
The HOP Nerd Podcast
Pale Horse Media Co
November 01, 2019

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety, Leadership

2 Profiles
The HOP Nerd
Sam Goodman
January 01, 2019

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety, Leadership

Sam Goodman
October 01, 2012

See publication

Tags: Culture, Health and Safety, Leadership

Thinkers360 Credentials

3 Badges



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