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Kunal Patel

Senior Product Manager at Worldpay

London, United Kingdom

Kunal Patel is a thought leader and practitioner in the Financial Services and FinTech space. As a former director and business leader in Singapore/India, he has helped connect banks to the FinTech ecosystem through payment acceptance and mobile-banking-as-a-service platforms. He has additional perspectiv...

Available For: Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: London
Speaking Topics: FinTech; Payments; Banking; Digital Transformation

Kunal Patel Points
Academic 0
Author 19
Influencer 24
Speaker 9
Entrepreneur 0
Total 52

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Product Development and Innovation
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 5
Last Media Training: 04/10/2017
Last Media Interview: 06/25/2018

Areas of Expertise

AR/VR 30.22
Blockchain 30.07
COVID19 30.80
Customer Experience 30.02
Cybersecurity 30.04
Digital Disruption 30.05
Digital Transformation 30.06
Emerging Technology 30.33
FinTech 31.29
Innovation 30.17
Marketing 30.02
Open Innovation 30.27
Retail 30.07
Startups 30.07

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking


16 Article/Blogs
Private Banking Entering the Digital World
December 10, 2019
The importance of digital banking in the private banking sector - what are the key updates, challenges and approaches.

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Tags: Innovation, FinTech

What Will Cyber Attacks Look Like In The Future?
November 11, 2018
I am a relative newbie to the cybersecurity world, having spent the majority of my career focused within FinTech (payments and banking). The cybersecurity industry is a fascinating one, and very much key to the strategic priorities of CIO's and security teams. This is magnified even further given the recent spate of attacks we've seen in the last few years.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology

Digital Transformation - It's Not All About Technology
July 24, 2018
Digital transformation is nothing new, in fact it’s probably one of the most talked about subjects I have ever come across, there are differing opinions on what the priorities are. I have been involved in a number of digital transformation projects myself, and I can see where some of the challenges are, esp. in the targeted larger organisations that are trying to make a change from traditional models.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

Creating the perfect chatbot
June 01, 2018
The world has gone chatbot crazy, certainly there is still a lot of focus on 'virtual assistants', as some people like to refer to them as. They are essentially used to mimic human speech where a human would be required via a messaging interface. As someone who closely works within the financial services industry, automation is certainly one of the priorities in large companies, esp. within the banking world.

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Tags: AR/VR, Emerging Technology

Why the dispute between FinTech and Banks should come to an end
Business Week
May 18, 2018
Business mentor for fintech accelerator programmes Startupbootcamp (Singapore/Mumbai, India) and Supercharger (Hong Kong), Kunal Patel has more than ten years of experience in product development, innovation & strategy across corporate organizations such as banks, payment acquirers, mobile financial services and fintech start-ups.

Business Review caught up with him at Bucharest Technology Week for a chat on the importance of collaboration between banks and fintechs and possible solutions for bringing more financial inclusion to Romania.

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Tags: FinTech

GAFA in Banking - Will They or Won't They?
April 16, 2018
There has been a lot written over the past few years about the so-called impact that GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook & Amazon) will have on banking world in the future. These large tech companies are so intertwined with our lives that it stands to reason that they should look at making a play into banking. Moreover, they have invested significant amounts of money themselves into financial services, typically focused on payments, mobile wallets etc.

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Tags: Customer Experience, Innovation, Marketing

RegTech: Driving the Future of Financial Services
March 09, 2018
I am not an expert or an authority in the area of regulation and more specifically, RegTech solutions but I understand the importance of what RegTech can bring to the work being undertaken by FinTech start-ups and banks. I traditionally tend to focus on what's happening within the FinTech and banking industry, but I take an interest in other areas and felt I wanted to share my thoughts on RegTech's importance and evolution.

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Tags: Innovation, Startups

Payments Banks Are Feeling Restricted, Worry About Getting Customers to Transact
January 08, 2018
My thoughts on the priorities for payments banks in India.

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Tags: FinTech

Open Banking - Consumer Impact
Fintech Rankings
December 05, 2017
My thoughts on the open banking space and the impacts, both good and bad likely to be felt by the challenger and incumbent banks and consumers.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Open Innovation, FinTech

Innovation Labs, Hackathons & Accelerators - Fad or Fab?
November 01, 2017
What are the value of innovation labs, hackathon events and start-up accelerator programmes.

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Tags: Innovation, Open Innovation, FinTech

Blockchain: It’s a solution; now what’s the problem?
September 28, 2017
My take on the Blockchain hype and how everyone should approach it.

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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology

Digitised Banking is Now… Digital Banking is the Future
FinTech Rankings
September 25, 2017
The intention of this short article is not to talk about digital banking being the future, we all know it is and will be. I do feel there needs to be a clear distinction between what we’re seeing now, what we’ll see in the future and terminology.

There has been a lot written about digital transformation and quite rightly so, if one industry is in desperate need of it, that is banking and the move away from the traditional models which have existed for years.

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Tags: FinTech

FinTech vs. TechFin
August 15, 2017
My thoughts on establishing the difference between the terms FinTech and TechFin.

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Tags: FinTech

Mobile Wallets - Is The Future Rosy?
Financial IT
May 29, 2017
Mobile wallets have been talked about for years, I've lost count at the number of reports I've read citing that mobile wallets will dominate the world and that your traditional wallet will be replaced by an app on your smartphone.

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Tags: FinTech

In Emerging Markets, What Comes First: The mPOS Or The Consumer?
January 18, 2017
Enabling mobile payments isn’t easy.

Not only does it require a significant shift in the behavior of consumers but also a complete mindset change for banks, merchants and even regulators.

This can become increasingly difficult in emerging markets, where Kunal Patel, global head of product strategy and mobile payments at GoSwiff, explained that merchants are focused on operating in cash-driven economies.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

MPOS will Drive Omnichannel Merchant Innovation
Fintech Rankings
February 21, 2016
Here I talked about the importance and value of the omnichannel approach to help drive MPOS and innovations to help merchants achieve more.

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Tags: FinTech, Open Innovation, Retail

1 Media Interview
The Future of Virtual Banking
June 10, 2020
In conversation with Kunal Patel to understand the drivers of virtual banking, challenges faced by the virtual banks, and the imperatives to be successful post COVID-19

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Tags: FinTech, COVID19

3 Speaking Engagements
Fintech and Digital Banking
June 18, 2018

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

Digitised Banking is Now. Digital Banking is the Future
Bucharest FinTech Week
May 23, 2018

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Tags: FinTech

After payments, Fintechs aim to disrupt SME lending
March 12, 2018
Fintech advisor Kunal Patel says Fintechs are focusing on key areas like payments and lending. Payments business has become overcrowded and will be difficult to monetize it in future. Awareness among SME community is also crucial for growth of lending Fintechs.

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Tags: FinTech

1 Whitepaper
Payment Methods Report 2018
The Paypers
July 13, 2020
The Payment Methods Report 2018 is a comprehensive resource depicting the key trends and developments in payments methods

The Payment Methods Report 2018 presents the key trends and developments in global and regional payment methods by highlighting the innovation, challenges, and developments in the use of the most important payment methods across geographies and verticals. It emphasises customer preferences per region/industry and highlights best practices from both merchants and PSPs in illustrating the right payment mix.

The report also presents a summary of the evolution of payment methods and the way it has shaped the payments landscape today. The current edition also includes a comprehensive list of payment methods, as well as an infographic mapping them. In this edition, we also tried to understand which verticals and regions are more open to innovation. Several regions and verticals are examined by experts in their field, who offer an in-depth discussion of specific situations to give a clear image of how people pay.

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Tags: FinTech

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