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Marga Hoek

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Marga Hoek is the international business and thoughtleader on sustainable business and capital and the shift from the linear economy to a circle economy. She has gained recognition over the years as a successful and innovative business leader in various CEO and executive roles and now is a highly appreciated and frequently asked board advisor, key note speaker and moderator and Non Executive Director/Chair. Marga Hoek’s trailblazing new way of thinking has been recognized: she has been honored by becoming a THINKERS 50 member in 2019.

Ms. Hoek is an authoritative and inspirational speaker and author of the award-winning bestseller books The Trillion Dollar Shift (gold medal sustainability, Business book awards, 2019) and New Economy Business (business book of the year, 2015). Her books have gotten international appreciation for the clear vision on a sustainable economy and the new role of business and capital. She published numerous articles in magazines such as The Huffington Post, Executive Finance and is a global voice for G20, G7 Climate Change and Cop23. Hoek is a partner of Chairman Mentors International, a global company that enables CEO’s to benefit from the experience of seasoned Chairman around the world and thus knows about leadership and businesses around the globe.

Her newest book The Trillion Dollar Shift, launched during the World Economic Forum Annual Conference in Davos, is the first and only business book on the Global Goals, addressing how business and capital can make positive use of these goals, while strengthening their company and business proposition. Hoek thus is a unique speaker able to take all society’s challenges at hand sketching concrete path to business’ and capital’s success.

Hoek has a strong trackrecord as a businessleader herself. She has been CEO of multiple privat and public companies and has been CEO and Chairman of the Dutch Sustainable Business Association. She is always connected to business practice via multiple noon executive roles for business and capital and regular boardroom sessions.

Hoek is a visionair, but with a close look on reality. She combines sharing her vision with many concrete examples of exciting business cases throughout the world. She can engage and relate with many different audiences, in many different countries. She provides the right mix of information, humor and inspiration. Always well prepared and able to relate her vision to the concrete company or situation at hand.
Keynotes by Marga Hoek are inspirational, impressive and action provoking. She speaks for boards, management teams, company off sites as well as any other business meetings. She adapts extremely well to the specific topic and audience.

Available For:
Travels From: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Speaking Topics: ESG, Business for Good, Purpose

Marga Hoek Points
Academic 0
Author 122
Influencer 217
Speaker 33
Entrepreneur 0
Total 372

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 30.36
Climate Change 60.21
CSR 34.53
Management 33.41
Sustainability 53.18

Industry Experience


2 Author Newsletters
AI for Good
March 28, 2024
More specifically, AI for Good creates positive impact on both business and the world. When applied with this dual purpose, AI unlocks new business models and market opportunities. AI for Good is Good Business. Let’s take a closer look at how this synergistic alliance is evolving.

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Tags: Climate Change, Management, Sustainability

Mental Health and Well-Being
Business for Good
January 24, 2024
Mental health and well-being are tightly connected to sustainability objectives within our work environments and lives. This intrinsic link is reflected throughout the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the SDG’s influence on other leading international bodies. According to the World Health Organization, "there can be no health or sustainable development without proper mental health.

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Tags: Climate Change, Sustainability

2 Books
Tech For Good: Imagine Solving the World’s Greatest Challenges
November 29, 2023
Tech For Good reveals how Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will help solve the world’s greatest challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, inequality, and poverty. Tech For Good presents a unique perspective on how business can successfully apply advanced technologies in a purpose-driven manner while unlocking new markets and seizing business opportunities. Packed with 75 real-life business cases of companies from all over the world, this inspiring book unfolds a compelling narrative about how businesses commercially synergize technology and sustainability. The purpose of this book is to imagine the unprecedented possibilities advanced technologies offer business to drive sustainable growth. Tech for Good will be vital for realizing our Global Goals.

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Tags: Sustainability, Climate Change

January 12, 2018
Winner of the Gold Axiom Business Book Award 2019 in the Philanthropy / Non Profit / Sustainability category.

Over the past 30 years, the world has seen great social improvements. Technology has been developing at an enormous pace and is helping to solve our most pressing social and environmental challenges. Yet, despite this success, our current model of development is still deeply problematic. Natural disasters triggered by climate change have doubled since the 1980s, violence and armed conflict now cost more than 13 percent of GDP, social inequality and youth unemployment is worsening around the world, and climate change threatens the global population with tremendous environmental as well as social problems. Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework, this book sets out how business and capital now have a real opportunity to help resolve these problems.

With clear and plentiful examples and cases of how businesses are making a difference, relevant facts and figures to support the cases, and inspiring and instructional information on how businesses can create sustainable value, this highly readable book is a must-read for businesses (large and small) that wish to genuinely support the delivery of the SDGs.

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Tags: Sustainability, Management, Climate Change

3 Keynotes
Global thought leader Sustainable Business and Investment | Chairman/Board Member, former three-time CEO | Thinkers50 | Multiple awarded global speaker and author | Partner mentoring CMi
CSA Celebrity Speakers
December 30, 2022
Marga Hoek is the international business and thoughtleader on sustainable business and capital and the shift from the linear economy to a circle economy. She has gained recognition over the years as a successful and innovative business leader in various CEO and executive roles and now is a highly appreciated and frequently asked board advisor, key note speaker and moderator and Non Executive Director/Chair. Marga Hoek’s trailblazing new way of thinking has been recognized: she has been honored by becoming a THINKERS 50 member in 2019!

Ms. Hoek is an authoritative and inspirational speaker and author of the award-winning bestseller books The Trillion Dollar Shift (gold medal sustainability, Business book awards, 2019) and New Economy Business (business book of the year, 2015). Her books have gotten international appreciation for the clear vision on a sustainable economy and the new role of business and capital. She published numerous articles in magazines such as The Huffington Post, Executive Finance and is a global voice for G20, G7 Climate Change and Cop23. Hoek is a partner of Chairman Mentors International, a global company that enables CEO’s to benefit from the experience of seasoned Chairman around the world and thus knows about leadership and businesses around the globe.

Her newest book The Trillion Dollar Shift, launched during the World Economic Forum Annual Conference in Davos, is the first and only business book on the Global Goals, addressing how business and capital can make positive use of these goals, while strengthening their company and business proposition. Hoek thus is a unique speaker able to take all society’s challenges at hand sketching concrete path to business’ and capital’s success.

Hoek has a strong trackrecord as a businessleader herself. She has been CEO of multiple privat and public companies and has been CEO and Chairman of the Dutch Sustainable Business Association. She is always connected to business practice via multiple noon executive roles for business and capital and regular boardroom sessions.

Hoek is a visionair, but with a close look on reality. She combines sharing her vision with many concrete examples of exciting business cases throughout the world. She can engage and relate with many different audiences, in many different countries. She provides the right mix of information, humor and inspiration. Always well prepared and able to relate her vision to the concrete company or situation at hand.

Keynotes by Marga Hoek are inspirational, impressive and action provoking. She speaks for boards, management teams, company off sites as well as any other business meetings. She adapts extremely well to the specific topic and audience.

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Tags: Business Strategy, CSR, Sustainability

The SDGS, a compass for everyone, anywhere | Marga Hoek | TEDxAlkmaar
TEDx Talks
November 25, 2019
As an international non-executive director, author and speaker Marga has gained international recognition over the years, specifically known for her ongoing thought leadership on sustainable business and capital. She authored many books and articles, and recently launched ‘The Trillion Dollar Shift’, on the business opportunities of the SDGs. No one better to introduce the SDGs to us. As an international non-executive director, author and speaker Marga has gained international recognition over the years, specifically known for her ongoing thought leadership on sustainable business and capital. She authored many books and articles, and recently launched ‘The Trillion Dollar Shift’, on the business opportunities of the SDGs.No one better to introduce the SDGs to us. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community

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Tags: Sustainability, Management, Climate Change

Keynote Speakerin Marga Hoek auf der Zukunft Personal Europe 2019
Zukunft Personal
September 27, 2019
Die Zukunft der Arbeit bringt revolutionäre Veränderungen mit sich. Digitalisierung und Spitzentechnologien verändern nicht nur Geschäftsprozesse, sondern auch das Arbeiten an sich: Aufgaben, Arbeitsformen sowie -strukturen, Arbeitszeitmodelle und der Arbeitsplatz wandeln sich. Die Notwendigkeit, Arbeit für jedermann auf der Welt zu haben, die auch auf die Nachhaltigkeit unserer natürlichen und personellen Ressourcen einzahlt, wird die bislang wichtigste Herausforderungen für uns sein. Führung nimmt eine Schlüsselfunktion in diesem Transformationsprozess ein. Es ist offensichtlich, dass bisherige Führungskonzepte in Zukunft ausgedient haben werden. Diese Keynote geht auf die wesentlichen Änderungen der Arbeitswelt ein. Sie zeigt auf, welcher Führungsstil notwendig ist, um eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu gewährleisten.

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Tags: Sustainability, Climate Change, CSR

1 Speaking Engagement
The value of sustainable business | Marga Hoek | DLC Talks
September 14, 2022
Marga Hoek : The value of sustainable business; how to create positive impact on the world whilst unlocking business opportunities.

Marga Hoek, a three-time CEO and a global, multi golden award-winning author shares her take on the Value of Sustainable Business and illustrates her vision with multiple real-life cases from all over the world. Through this talk you will know about the current sustainability opportunities in the corporate world and how it can positively impact businesses

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Tags: Sustainability, Management, Climate Change

Thinkers360 Credentials

3 Badges



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