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Dorice Horenstein

Oy to Joy Relationship Keynote Speaker, Author, Positive Intelligence Coach at Dorice Horenstein

Portland, United States

After serving as an officer in the Israeli army and many fulfilling years in the education field, Dorice transitioned to make the world her platform. Dorice is an Oy to Joy relationship Navigator speaker, Positive Intelligence coach, and an author to the award-winning bestselling book Moments of the Heart: Four Relationships Everyone Should Have to Live Wholeheartedly was published in 2020, providing Dorice with the opportunity to use her knowledge and expertise to speak on international stages, both virtually and in person. Dorice motivates, inspires, and coaches individuals and teams to navigate through challenges, shift their mindset and discover opportunities for growth, and thus find their champion within!
Educating and training is Dorice’s superpower. She defines T.E.A.M. as Together Everyone’s Attributes (are) Magnified. Through her expertise obtained via International Coaching Federation and Positive Intelligence certifications, Dorice motivates others to identify their strengths and improve effectiveness and become the leaders they are meant to be. She promotes healthy and positive relationships that reduce stress and helps clients achieve higher retention as well as a positive atmosphere in the workplace (and at home!). When giving keynotes, Dorice invigorates audiences using impactful stories of challenges sprinkled with tips of positivity to gain awareness. When coaching, leaders are moved to take actions that bring their potential into reality. When delivering training and workshops, Dorice enhances teams’ effectiveness and promotes healthy and positive relationships by using AMEN to CORE a 4-step approach, Awareness, Mental fitness, Communication, and Resilience. Dorice passionately believes that positivity is an "inside out” practice that instills a calm, laser focus approach, produces success and growth, AND can be taught to strengthen, cultivate and inspire others to live a joyful, healthy, and positive life!
Dorice is a member of the National Speaker Association, serves on the NSA Oregon board, a fellow member of IOC, at McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, and is Past President of Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals.

Dorice Horenstein Points
Academic 0
Author 10
Influencer 10
Speaker 68
Entrepreneur 5
Total 93

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Business Unit: Dorice Horenstein
Minimum Project Size: $5,000+
Average Hourly Rate: $300+
Number of Employees: 51-250
Company Founded Date: 2018

Areas of Expertise

Change Management 31.59
Climate Change
Coaching 38.55
Health and Wellness 32.92
Leadership 31.24
Mental Health 30.82
Culture 30.52
IT Leadership

Industry Experience


7 Article/Blogs
Difficult Conversation, Now What?
Dorice Horenstein
November 22, 2023
We all have difficult conversations. Can you think of a situation recently that was a difficult conversation for you?

I have no doubt I’m not the only one who can think of at least one!

It happened not long ago. Someone said something that I found very hurtful. It didn’t help that I was fighting Covid and was not at my best. What made it even worse, it was entirely over text. Not live, voice to voice, face to face, soul to soul conversation, or as Positive Intelligence calls it, Sage to Sage..

Your faithful servant here, Dorice Horenstein, did not wait, did not pause, did not reflect, and the minute my finger push send on my iPhone, I knew it was the wrong thing to have done.

And what happened? What followed? I dived right into this conversation as if I jump headfirst into a pool with no water. Ouch!

What is in the center, in the heart of a difficult conversation?

I’m here to propose that it’s not necessarily the words that make conversation difficult.

It is the feelings, the emotions that these words evoke within us. It’s the meaning that we attribute to the words being said. It is our interpretation of the conversation as well as the person that makes this exchange difficult.

And here is another A-ha for me. A difficult conversation may be difficult only when we care about it. If we don’t care about the individual or the topic, it is not going to be as difficult. A difficult conversation is when we have a stake in the game. When we are seeking resolution to a problem.

So, what do we do?

1️. The first step is to have the self-awareness! Do not jump headfirst into a waterless pool. It hurts!

It is the awareness to intercept ourselves so we don’t say and do things we may regret because of the bottom line: do we want to be right or do we want to continue relate to this person and heal the wounds so our relationship can grow stronger?

2️. The second step is to listen to what they’re saying and ask questions. Be curious. Ask to learn and understand. Ask not to use it as ammunition but rather as a vehicle that can help you.

3. When you talk, pay attention to the tone of your voice, or to the tone of the text. My kids always laugh at me because I am notorious for using a ton of emojis to soften up any message I send that is not vocal.

4. Apologize when you are wrong. Apologize when you hurt others.

Tell your truth. Share what you think, how you feel, and do it while avoiding judgment of another person. Talk about your goals your wishes.

5. And the final step, ask what is needed for us to move on? Be a leader in your own life.

A lot of the time we talk about leaders in corporation and organizations, but I believe that every one of us is a leader in their own life. A champion.

I’ve recently read a quote “Leadership is a series of behaviors rather than a rule for heroes.” Margaret Wheatley

I love it! What set of behaviors are we willing to put forward?

Difficult conversations will take place. It is part of living life. It is part of being a human.

The question is, do we learn, and do we improve?

Recently I had an opportunity to practice what I preach- Another text came my way with similar tone.

Did I reply immediately? No.

Did I reply by text? No.

Did I call a day later and had a conversation on the phone hearing the other persons thoughts and conveying my thoughts and feelings? Yes, I did!

Do I feel much better about it? You Bet!

Let me know if you can apply the steps into your next difficult conversation. Can’t wait to hear!

As usual,
Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion You Want to See

#OytoJoy #Empathize #ThoughtLeader #PositiveIntelligence #Change #Mindset

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

How Hard Is It to Forgive, And What Can We Do About it?
Dorice Horenstein
November 15, 2023
How hard is it for you to forgive and forget? Do you ever find yourself harboring negative feelings about someone’s actions long after the fact? If you’re like most of us (or at least me!), the answer is probably “yes.”

We all have moments when we struggle to let go of grudges, resentments, and hurt feelings. It’s human nature.

The Jewish Day of Atonement, known as Yom Kippur is an excellent time to explore the theme of forgiveness, a concept articulated so deeply by the great Jewish philosopher and scholar, Rabbi Moses Maimonides (Rambam).

In his teachings, Rambam outlined four crucial steps to forgiveness. Wether you are Jewish or not, forgiveness is needed for all, right? Let’s dive into it and see how we, too, embrace forgiveness. And if not embrace, at least give it a shot!

Step 1: Recognition
You know that feeling when you’ve been wronged, and it gnaws at you, festering like a splinter in your mind? Yeah, it’s tough. But the first step towards letting go of that negativity is recognition. It’s about acknowledging the wrongs we’ve committed and the wrongs we’ve suffered. So, let’s get practical:

Tip 1: Find yourself a quiet spot. Seriously, grab some alone time. Think about the actions that have hurt you or the actions you’ve taken that hurt others. Write them down if it helps – sometimes, seeing it on paper makes it real.
Tip 2: Now comes the challenging part. Reach out to those involved. Apologize if you’ve wronged someone, or if you’ve been wronged, communicate your feelings honestly but respectfully. It’s like shining a light on those dusty corners of your mind.

Step 2: Remorse
It’s not just about saying you’re sorry; it’s about genuinely feeling it deep down. Ever wondered how to cultivate that kind of remorse?
Tip 3: Empathy is your friend here. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Understand their pain, their perspective. Imagine how they felt when you hurt them, and let that feeling sink in. It’s like a mirror reflecting back the pain you’ve caused.
Tip 4: Now, let’s turn that remorse into action. Do something good for someone. Acts of kindness and charity are like soul cleansers. They help you connect with others and express your remorse through positive deeds.

Step 3: Ceasing the Wrongful Behavior
Recognizing and regretting your wrongs is a good start, but it’s not enough. The next step is to put a stop to that hurtful behavior.
Tip 5: Create an action plan. Identify the specific behaviors that need to change. Break it down into manageable steps. It’s like GPS for personal growth.
Tip 6: Stay accountable. Check your progress regularly, and if you slip up, don’t beat yourself up. Adjust your course, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward.

Step 4: Asking for Forgiveness
Finally, let’s talk about seeking forgiveness from others. This can be the most challenging step, but it’s essential for healing and growth.
Tip 7: Timing is everything. Choose the right moment to approach the person you’ve wronged or who has wronged you. Make sure they’re open to a conversation. In Jewish life the time is now. Can you find a few sacred moments to do just that?
Tip 8: When you do talk, be humble and sincere. Express your regret, ask for forgiveness directly, and listen to their perspective. It’s like mending a bridge that was once broken.

We all have an opportunity to work on forgiveness, and it starts with these steps. Recognize, feel remorse, stop the hurtful behavior, and seek forgiveness sincerely.

These actions strengthen our connections with others and bring us closer to spiritual growth and reconciliation.

So, how about it? Are you ready to take these steps towards letting go of those grudges and finding forgiveness in your heart? I know it is easier said than done. I get you. And I can tell you from personal experience that holding that grudge is simply not worth it. Why? Because you will think about it much more than the other person will. Why will you allow a grudge or a hurt feeling to live “rent free” in your brain, robbing you from restful nights? Do it for yourself if nothing else!

Forgiveness is a journey worth taking, and it all begins with recognition and a willingness to grow and enjoy better life and rich wellness. I believe in you!

As always,
Be Yourself, Be Positive, Be the Champion you want to see!

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership

Work Life Balance
Dorice Horenstein
November 08, 2023
One of my clients is struggling.

She is a professional woman working outside of the home, raising small children, Her partner works long hours, and her boss is less than accommodating. She trying to be EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE.

She is exhausted and confused. She is not happy. She does not have peace of mind. It does not work.

She is stressed, and constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. How many shoes can a person wear at the same time?

She is so stressed that the job that she likes is becoming a burden. With no empathy, curiosity, and listening from her boss, her willingness to flourish is diminishing.

Work-life balance is not working. Why?

Because it is an issue of LIFE Work balance.

As leaders in organizations, we know our employees will give us what they can. But if they are stretched out to the maximum, they will give the minimum. And what they give will be mixed with resentment and despair.

I have seen it in my own work. When I, as a leader, did not pay enough attention to the stressors that team members were experiencing, I received little from them. If I was there for them, genuinely interested in their lives, I received so much more in return.

Together with my client, we delved into:

1. Prioritizing what she should pay attention as a result of the coaching conversation. She made progress to de-emphasize the items that were not on the crucial list..
2. Discovering the values that ignite her with excitement and commitment.
3. Formulating a plan for the ways these values can be materialized in her day-to-day life with her family as well as her work.
As a leader:

Can you communicate with integrity about values as they relate to the explicit and implicit expectations of the work you lead?.

What are the ways you can be consistent about the workload, and have realistic expectations? If you want to build a high-performing team, recognize, affirm and reward.

Ask your team what you can do for them. Foster a community of psychological safety for them to share with you what they need.

Be fair. Be respectful. Put yourself in their shoes. Be kind.

Last month I listened to Dr. Jacinta, a leadership Development expert. She spoke about the gifts and treasures in life. What aer yours?

We were all given “gifts and treasures” in this life. I believe that our task in life is to uncover the gifts that YOU were given and offer them to the world.

When I left my work in the organized Jewish education, I said “I want the world to be my classroom and my stage.” It was and still is so important to me that it is written on my website under my story.

And it has not changed! What about you?

What is your purpose? What is the impact you want to bring to this world? Do you want to talk about it with me?

This is your invitation.

Reflect on your own life’s journey:

1. What makes you shine? What brings joy and pleasure into your life?
2. Observe what dims your light. What thoughts/feelings/actions do you need to take to shine even greater? What stops you?
3. Do you need a coach to help you uncover and journey with you on a path less traveled?

From a recent coaching client: “I was without a doubt jealous and fell into a victim/unworthy /overwhelmed mode. I need to be fully present and honest with myself. I am on a quest for honesty, and being present in my life. I have you to thank for that. ”

I invite you to engage with me in this fully confidential relationship to keep on growing as a leader.

#OytoJoy #Mindset #Motivation #Empathize #ThoughtLeader #Change

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Mental Health

Speak Not For Your Sake
Dorice Horenstein
June 15, 2023
Have you ever spoken to someone thinking “How can I deliver this thought for their sake and not for my sake? How can I say something not to get it off my chest but for the message to be heard by the other person?”

There is something magnificent in finding insights, looking beneath what is written, questioning it, finding new hidden meaning, and coming up with a whole fresh concept.

I get totally tickled when I read something I’ve been saying for 1 million years, (yes, I’m that old!) and yet I find a fresh nuance that enters my mind as a flash of insight.

This is the insight I want to share with you today.
See if that can resonate with you.

When we are intentional about what we say and want to create positive relationships in our work and home, we measure our words, so it lands on fertile ears, so we will be successful in delivering our message.

It may not be how we perceive the situation, but we say what we say so the listener can internalize it with an open mind.

This week’s Torah portion was my son’s Bar Mitzvah Torah portion 7 years ago, and I loved that it starts with the word Nasso, meaning in Hebrew Lift up, or count and be counted. That word, Naso, also repeats in the priestly blessing I want to talk about right now.

For those of you who are not sure what is the priestly blessing- it is 3 sentence blessing that the priests used to bless the Israelites during the Temple era. Today we say it in synagogue services. Many families also use it as the children blessing they bestow on their children on Friday nights.

The first blessing offers a physical and financial blessing. May we be financially successful, and may God guard us against any temptation that can occur because of that.

The second blessing is of spiritual nature. May God will shine his light upon us and be gracious unto us.

The third blessing is an emotional blessing. May God lift his countenance upon us and give us peace.

I think something profound is happening here.

God understands that for the human ear, He/She must start with physical and financial safety. That is the first order of importance, and then other blessings can follow (spiritual and emotional).

But from God‘s perspective, perhaps we should look at it from the bottom up.

For God’s sake, the most important element he/she desires from humanity is the third. It is peace. Peace is at the core and the foundation of all that happens next.

When we’re at peace, we can have graciousness toward others (just like God has toward us), which causes us to feel blessed in all the ways possible, financially included.
I invite you to listen to my 7 min reflection above and contemplate for yourself:
What are the ways in which you feel at peace? What are the additional feelings when the value of peace is practiced as a daily/weekly habit?

How are you a light to others? When do you feel that you are a light to others and when do you see that light within you?

How are you a blessing to others? What are your blessings? Can you come up with 3 new blessings every day?

Until next time,
Be Positive, Be Yourself, Be the Champion You Want to See!

#keynote #oytojoy #resilience #positiveintelligence #leadership

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Culture

Can I stop it before it starts?
Dorice Horenstein
June 15, 2023
Leprosy is described in the Torah as a skin disease that can manifest in your skin, clothing, and even your house. Rabbis throughout the centuries described leprosy as a manifestation and even punishment for “evil speech,” commonly known as gossip and called in Hebrew lashon hara.

How often have you gossiped? I will bet that ALL humans have engaged in gossip. We all do it. Some more, some less.
Our tradition says that when a person is involved in gossip, the consequence is as if they were involved in murder! Yes! That bad!
The realization is that gossip affects not only the person who speak it but the person who hears it and the person whom the gossip is about.
Imagine a working environment where gossip did not exist. How would it affect the culture or the relationships we have with our colleagues?

There are different ways we can address gossip, but perhaps the important question is not how to treat it, but how to contain it and remain uncontaminated by it.

Gossip in its essence is spiritual contamination. After gossiping we are a bit “impure.”

Who would want that? And that brings me to the question- how do we make ourselves pure?

To answer that, I came up with an analogy—just like a table that needs a minimum of three legs to have stability, so is our quest to be and become pure.
The first leg is self-awareness: knowing ourselves and OWNING who we are. The more we commit ourselves to who we want to become in the future, the more we can be THAT in the present. Noticing how we operate in this world, (do we gossip, do we get angered easily, etc.), helps us realize the danger of contamination of our own souls.
The second leg is knowing others, that is, understanding and relating to the emotional intelligence of other people. If we know and understand the influence that someone can have on us, that power that they have in ultimately taking us down with their own negative habits or actions, it puts us in the position of having to make a decision.

That decision is informed by answering certain questions: Do we want to participate in this conversation? How does it make us feel? What does this gossip mean to me? Do I want to be connected to someone who speaks about another person?

Answering these questions can influence our own behaviors and our own habits. Understand that when you are around people who regularly gossip, it is just a matter of time before you become the subject.

The last leg I offer you in keeping and maintaining your purity from gossip is the leg of trusting and committing to a higher calling! You may be resolute to not gossip, and you may surround yourself with like-minded people, yet you sometimes can regress. We all do. Trusting a source of power which is outside of us (in my case, God) helps us stay on course the times that we relapse. There is a prayer Jews recite daily that starts with “God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies.” I say it daily!

There is a known phrase in Judaism that the world is built on three principles: The Torah, service, and acts of love and kindness.

The first principle, Torah, is the last leg in my example. It’s that connection to what the Almighty wants and desires from us.

The second principle, Service (Avodah), is the awareness of knowing ourselves. It is part of engaging ourselves and determining what we are willing to do in the service of God and humanity to create a better world.

The third principle, acts of love and kindness (gemilut chasadim) is connected to knowing others. Whom do I surround myself with? What do I do that I and others find meaningful? How does it affect my life moving forward toward my optimum self?

Next time you feel like gossiping and you don’t want to wobble, think of the three-legged table!

#keynote #oytojoy #resilience #positiveintelligence #leadership

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

Compare and Complete
Dorice Horenstein
October 20, 2022
I want to share a story from years ago. If you wonder why I even remember this story, it’s because I experience and see it nowadays. It’s a story about competing and comparing ourselves to other people.
You can listen to the story, or you can read the highlights right here.

I was 22 years old when I arrived in the United States. I was living here for about a year and a half when a very good high school girlfriend back then was getting married. let’s call her Diana.

The wedding was to take place in August and so I plan my trip to arrive in Israel just in time for her wedding. In preparation, I went to Nordstrom and bought an expensive and beautiful dress. I remember it vividly. A wrap-up dress half black and half white just above my knees. I felt pretty in that dress, and I thought to myself I’m going to a wedding in Israel, and I am bringing my dress from America!

I arrived in Israel and two days later I went to the wedding. I saw girlfriends from high school, and we all sat around one table.

But alas, someone else had the same black dress… no other than the bride’s mother! Can you believe my luck? I was an embarrassed 22-year-old.

What happened next?

You got to watch the video to get the full emotional impact but basically…the mother of the bride asked the photographer not to have me in any of the photos for the wedding… when they came to take a picture of the table which I was sitting, they asked me to leave…. I remember when they had an informal group picture, I was asked to take a picture rather than to be in the picture… and following the wedding, Diana never contacted me… until today…

And at that precise moment compare and compete were formed in my mind. And I have carried it with me all these years. What could I or the mother of the bride have done differently?

Why are we, humans, compare ourselves and compete with other people? I don’t find it only in social events. We compare ourselves in the workplace. We ask ourselves “What do I have, what does she have?
Am I as successful as this person is? Why did they get the opportunity to ___ and not me?” Get the gist?

And here is what I have learned:

Competition can be a positive and energizing motivator if we compete with ourselves! I love Nelson Mandela’s quote “I do not lose, I either win or I learn.” Imagine our world if that would be the prevailing mindset.

Ask yourself “What will I attract more of if I continue to compare and compete myself to others? What other windows will open for me when I don’t compare myself to other people but rather try to be the best I can be?

In Positive Intelligence we have the universal saboteur, known as the judge. How we judge ourselves, how we judge other people when we allow competing and comparing to take front and center position in our brain!

We know that our mind naturally leans to the survival brain when we see somebody more successful than us, more beautiful than us, someone who makes more money than us.

But that is a fallacy. If we stop for just enough time to regain sage perspective we will realize that we don’t know what’s behind the curtain of those whom we think are so successful. We don’t know their life story. We don’t know what really keeps them up at night or not.

But what we do know is that the more we compete and compare, the more
pressure and stress we place on ourselves and the less aware we are of our own strengths. And you do have strength. You do have your special unique “superpower.”

Only you can bring that special contribution, that unique superpower to the world.

So what shall we do?

Perhaps instead of comparing, we should collaborate?! What a concept.

We should also ask ourselves- “What am I good at? What is my superpower?” Positive Intelligence business coach Bill Carmody shared a valuable insight. First Be. Then Do. And then Have (or get).
Who you truly are is the “be.” When you do not let your saboteurs run the ship (i.e you), your true sage comes forth. Once you understand be, act upon it. Do. When you do, your inner self shines outwardly, and you do not need to compete. You become obvious to the people and the world around you.

It is interesting that in English the word face comes from Latin which means a mask. In Hebrew, the word face means “inside.”

What is your “inside” that needs to shine brightly outwardly? Ask yourself “what is the awareness that I am discovering about myself?” Journal it. Watch and listen to how you do things. Observe the impact of your behavior on others. And finally, discern by asking others you trust and are honest and direct for feedback.

Ask them “what are my superpower?” And then listen.

All human beings have that special spark, that godly spark. Know what yours is and live it with conviction.
Have the world see your full light. While I know you have a light around you, I also know that sometimes your light is constrained by your saboteurs. Perhaps your hyper achiever, controller, stickler, or avoider?
I shared a story about a wedding and a size 2 dress to remind us that comparing and competing can be a curse, however competing with our own self to get us to a new place in life without the saboteurs but rather through sage, can bring much success.

When we do that, when we improve our life to a place of joy and insight, to a place of loving ourselves, and fostering a desire to make our lives better, then competing is indeed a blessing!
#keynote #oytojoy #resilience #positiveintelligence #leadership

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

Empowerment to Leadership
Dorice Horenstein
September 19, 2022
Picture this: it's back-to-school time, and I'm flashing back to my wild first day of fourth grade. My sister and I, are in a brand-new city, tackling a brand-new school—all on our own. Crazy, right?

But here's the kicker: amidst the chaos, there was this unspoken confidence, courtesy of my family's trust in me. Their belief in my ability to handle the unknown was like rocket fuel for my determination. So, let's flip the script and ask ourselves: how can we sprinkle a little trust and empowerment into others' lives? Because let's be real, it's those moments of belief that push us to rock the boat and set sail on life's journeys.

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Leadership

2 Keynotes
WFG Refresh February 7, 2024 - Keynote Speaker Dorice Horenstein
Dorice Horenstein
December 14, 2023
For more information and to register for Refresh contact Ben Matson at and Aaron Stelle at

#keynote #oytojoy #resilience #positiveintelligence #leadership

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership

Handling Challenging Situations and Challenging People
Advise Her magazine
September 01, 2022
“Dorice, how can we handle challenging situations, and challenging people?” Who does not want to know the answer to this question -- NO ONE.
That was a question I was asked as I led a group of 14 leaders from Hewlett-Packard.
We often wish to learn how to deal with challenging people by “teaching” them how to be more like us, or we wish that if they only understand what we know, they will act/be/feel different and better. Harder said than done!
Here are a few tips if you find yourself in this bind.

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

2 Media Interviews
Dorice Interview Liz Hagg, Financial coach!
Dorice Horenstein
September 08, 2023
"Liz is a financial coach who helps people and solopreneurs be more intentional with their money so that they can sleep well at night knowing they have a plan and can reach their goals.

You can connect with Liz in the following ways or email her at: OR- you are welcome to one complimentary Coaching Session.

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership

Moments of the Heart in Conversation with Kristen Mira, Dating and Life Coach!
Dorice Horenstein
April 21, 2021
Listen in as Kristen and Dorice discuss healthy relationship, vulnerability, self love and so much more!

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

1 Mentor
Teams That Enjoy Each Other Join Each Other!
Dorice Horenstein
June 01, 2023
Do we allow for playfulness in our teams? What is Team Spirit?
I say, “Teams that enjoy each other join each other.”
When individuals enjoy hanging around each other they joke, and have a good time together. It spills over to the work days.
How do you allow playfulness in your team members?
When I train teams with the Positive Intelligence Program I make a point of sprinkling it with levity.
We can’t take ourselves too seriously!
By doing so, it is easier to talk about our saboteurs more genuinely without feeling intimidated. I often talk about my hyper achiever and controller saboteur showing its ugly head. Provided, I do not watch out for it!!
I give the example of myself, never of others. And when I talk about the Innovate power and its game, the YES AND game, I always come up with the most ridiculous ideas– on purpose! Just so we Team Members just laugh and move our neural pathways to our prefrontal cortex. The place in the brain where we have curiosity, creativity, positivity…you get the idea!
Being playful and treating each other with empathy, curiosity, and respect creates an open line of communication and trust. It helps create a sense of belonging, a caring and fun community amongst in teams. Couple playfulness with the insertion of our values, as well as team values, and the sky becomes the limit.
Most importantly—When we are being playful (different than sarcastic) we create a positive environment that our employees and teams will regard as a home away from home. And who would not want that?
As Always, Be Positive, Be Yourself, Be the champion you want to see!
Over and above, if are looking for a Speaker for Team Building Coaching and you have the following FAQs:
What are Teams that Collaborate?
How do you join together mode in a a team?
Why are Teams good for Collaboration?
Feel free to contact me by clicking here to know the courses, workshops, one-on-one coaching, or group sessions I offer.
#keynote #oytojoy #resilience #positiveintelligence #leadership

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

1 Podcast
Moment of The Heart, Dorice Horenstein with Bill Carmody, author of The Three Rules of Marriage
Dorice Horenstein
February 27, 2021
In this episode Dorice Interviews Bill Carmody, author of best seller book- The Three Rules of Marriage. Bill Carmody is a man of many talents! He is an Iron Man! He is top 100's sales influencer. He has built the first commercial website for AT&T, CBS, MasterCard and more! And He is a Positive Intelligence Coach, and the head of the Marketing team in Positive Intelligence! Here Dorice and Bill talk about healthy, great relationships! Take a listen!

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

What We Say Matters
Dorice Horenstein
March 20, 2024
Ever noticed how our words can totally shape our world?

What we say sets the scene for our reality, so let's add some positivity and excitement into our words and watch how the world transforms for us.

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Tags: Change Management

I Can See You
Dorice Horenstein
March 18, 2024
How can we impact someone's life positively? By truly acknowledging and understanding them in their entirety.

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Tags: Leadership

Self-defeating Behavior
Dorice Horenstein
January 31, 2021
Do you recognize when you self-sabotage? When you have self-defeating behavior? And when you behave this way, do you still experience fear, feel anxious and overwhelmed, or unhappy? Do you recognize the lie?

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Tags: Change Management

Choose Your Words
Dorice Horenstein
July 23, 2020
What we say matters. It creates the reality in which we find ourselves.

Do you speak positively about yourself, about your life, about your family, about your situation? Do you put yourself or others down? Do you look at life as a bowl of cherries? Can you look at a difficult situation and yet glean positive gifts from it? perhaps even one lesson?

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Tags: Change Management

9 Speaking Engagements
What Are You Standing For?
Dorice Horenstein
September 07, 2023
Dorice's Nuggets of Wisdom

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Tags: Coaching, Culture, Leadership

Ask Yourself the WHY?
Dorice Horenstein
August 05, 2023
In this video, Dorice Horenstein brings up a leadership challenge. Asking ourselves WHY before sharing a story about us.

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

Parenting and Paranoia – Sometimes it does go together!
Dorice Horenstein
July 01, 2023
My son Yaniv said I was paranoid! There is some truth in it.

What prompted this? He was leaving for spring break at 6 pm and driving 18 hours to get to San Diago…with 5 other college kids! That’s what prompted it. Can anyone here relate?

Can anyone blame me for being “a bit worried?”

Trying to be a good responsible parent to a college-age kid is not simple.
Even though I raised 2 other kids that are now adults and married, I had to take a moment and reflect on what it means to be a good parent. There is no ending to learning.

Here is what is truly fantastic about it. After writing this I realized that it is 100% true when dealing with your teammates. Tell me what you think when you read it and instead of the word parent or child you place “leader” or “teammate”!
Here is what I came up with:

✓ Parenting requires a lot of effort, patience, and dedication.

✓ Parenting is constantly showing unconditional love: Making sure your child feels loved and supported, no matter what they do or say (even when they position you as a paranoid parent!) Show them affection, give them hugs, and tell them that you love them every day.

✓ Be present. Our time is so limited. Spend time with your child and actively engage with them. My son came with me for the Niky HQ talk and I knew he wanted to go to breakfast afterward. Guess what? even though I wanted to stay at the conference…I did not. I took him out to breakfast. No cell phone (just to take a pic of our moment together!)

✓ Set boundaries and be consistent. Creating confusion hurts our children and us!

✓ Listen: Take the time to listen to your child (even if they are adults) and validate their feelings. I always say “tell me more.” it is my favorite line!

✓ Be a positive role model: Children learn by example, so make sure you are setting a good example for them to follow. Show them how to be kind, honest, and respectful. AND be authentic. Be real. Even if you made a mistake. Everyone does.

✓ Foster independence: Encourage your child to be independent by giving them age-appropriate responsibilities and letting them make decisions. (back to the paranoia statement…I did it but gosh, was it hard!)

✓ Parents matter! Parenthood is important so take care of yourself: Get enough sleep, exercise, and practice self-care to maintain your own mental and physical health.

Remember that being a good parent is a journey, and it takes time and effort. Be patient, keep learning, and most importantly, value and love your child unconditionally.

As Always,
Be Positive, Be Yourself, Be the champion you want to see!

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Tags: Coaching, Culture, Leadership

Are you done for today?
Dorice Horenstein
April 05, 2023
In this reflection, I recall a moment when my husband's straightforward question, "Are you done for today?" makes me realize that I rarely declare myself finished for the day!

This prompts me to explore the impact on my well-being, linking it to the presence of my inner saboteurs and a lack of established boundaries. In this publication, I provide tips to address burnout stemming from my hyper-achiever and pleaser saboteurs.

#keynote #oytojoy #resilience #positiveintelligence #leadership

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership

The last missing piece!
Dorice Horenstein
February 22, 2023
Wisdom of nuggets to take with you wherever you go!

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Tags: Coaching, Culture, Leadership

A Know It All Attitude and The Surprising Turn of Events
Dorice Horenstein
December 13, 2022
Experience an enriching journey filled with wisdom and inspiration as Dorice shares her invaluable "nuggets of wisdom" in this captivating video episode.

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Tags: Coaching, Culture, Leadership

How to Create Healthy Conflict!
Dorice Horenstein
October 13, 2022
Reflecting on our WIPN webinar on Positive Intelligence, I'm amazed at how swiftly time has flown by. Conflict is an inevitable part of life, but I firmly believe in cultivating healthy approaches to navigate it. By reshaping our thought patterns and forging new neural pathways, we can address the root causes of our behaviors, fostering peace of mind and healthy relationships. While insight is crucial, true transformation requires practice and commitment.

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership

The Three P's
Advise Her magazine
February 01, 2022
Purpose, Priority, and Pleasure.

I recently shared these lessons with my college-age son as we were hiking through the Northwest trails away from technology, TV, friends, and other interruptions— it was a soul kind of a talk. As each one of you envision your goals and aspirations, it is good to be reminded and refocus on what I call the 3 P’s!

What I found out for myself, once I took the time to engage in this process of writing down the 3 P’s, I was able to better picture the journey; where I want to go, and how to get there. Lofty goals are achieved with actionable steps. Where are you on this journey?

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Tags: Change Management, Health and Wellness, Leadership

The lies Our Brains tell us
Advise Her magazine
August 01, 2021
The lies that our brains tell us and how to overcome any challenge in our way. Unpack the lies and reveal the four steps to overcome fears to succeed beyond your wildest dreams!

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Tags: Change Management, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

7 Videos
From Dust to Creation
Dorice Horenstein
February 06, 2024
"In this short video, I talk about the story of two pockets.

It’s a good technique to use to create balance in your life.

Remember: pull yourself up if you are feeling down, and ground yourself when you feel like you are soaring too high.

Let me know if this video was helpful to you in any way in the comments!"

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Leadership

Are Saboteurs Good for You?
Dorice Horenstein
November 10, 2023
A quick question– are saboteurs good for us?

Are they good for you?

Even more so, are they good for the people around you?

As a Positive Intelligence Coach, I’m here to guide you in taming these inner critics, enabling you to cultivate a more positive and empowered mindset, both for yourself and for those you interact with.

By understanding and mastering your saboteurs, you can create a ripple effect of positivity and transformation.

Watch this quick episode as I share a very interesting question I came across during one of my talks and let me know- what’s the most challenging saboteur you’ve identified within yourself? How do you work to keep it in check and maintain a positive mindset?

Share your insights, and let’s learn from each other!

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Leadership

How Do You Start Your Day?
Dorice Horenstein
November 03, 2023
Ever wondered how to kickstart your mornings with purpose?

In this quick episode, I invite you to explore this simple but TRANSFORMATIVE morning routine that helps anchor me to the day, to my values, and to the vision that I have for my life: gratitude.

By taking a few moments to acknowledge the things that I am grateful for, it not only sets a profoundly positive tone for the day, but I’m also able to establish a profound connection with my life’s vision.

What about you, how do you practice gratitude? Let me know in the comments!

#oytojoy #morninggratitude #productivity #morningroutine #wordswesay #resiliencecoach #mentalfitness #positiveintelligence #positiveintelligencecoach #motivationalspeaker

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Tags: Coaching, Culture, Leadership

A story of Resilience from Dorice Horenstein
Dorice Horenstein
October 11, 2023
A story of resilience and the 4 tips to get back on track!

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Tags: Coaching, Leadership, Mental Health

Moments of the Heart, Dorice Horenstein, interviews guest Laura Rotter!
Dorice Horenstein
October 09, 2023
Dorice Horenstein interviews Laura Rotter, CFA, CFP. Laura is the owner of True Abundance Advisors, a heart-centered, values-based financial planning firm based in New York. After a successful career managing money for institutional investors including Citicorp and Para Advisors, Laura discovered mindfulness practices and was drawn to guide professionals facing a big life change to achieve both financial security and life satisfaction. Since making her shift, she has been featured in CNBC, the Wall Street Journal, and Westchester Senior Voice, is on the advisory council of Impact100 Westchester, a women’s group giving organization, and the investment committee of the Hebrew Free Burial Association and volunteers with My Money Workshop, teaching financial literacy to underserved communities. Listen In!

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Tags: Coaching, Health and Wellness, Leadership

The Dichotomy Between What We Want for Ourselves and What We Want From Others
Dorice Horenstein
September 22, 2023
The concept of balance and the need to be judged favorably video is part of Nuggets of Wisdom stemming from Dorice Horenstein's Jewish tradition.

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Culture

Have you ever made yourself small?
Dorice Horenstein
March 01, 2023
I bet you are thinking of "being small" in a negative way, am I right? Well, this video is about making yourself small in a positive way. I invite you to listen in.

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Tags: Change Management, Coaching, Culture

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