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Gena Cox

Inclusive Leader Coach & Speaker at Feels Human, LLC

Clearwater, FL, United States

Dr. Gena Cox is an organizational psychologist, executive coach, speaker, and author of the new book Leading Inclusion, a groundbreaking guidebook for corporate leaders who want to build inclusive organizations from the top down. Gena has spent more than 25 years helping leaders, including some in the Fortune 500, build healthy organizational cultures and measuring employee opinions. A noted voice on human-centered leadership, Gena shows executives how to stop using 2019 behavior to address 2022 workplace challenges.

Gena has written for Harvard Business Review and has been quoted in Forbes, Fast Company, BBC Worklife, The Business Journals, Linkedin News, and other national media.

Gena holds a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of South Florida and is an International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC). She is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the American Psychological Association (APA), and the Society of Consulting Psychology.


Available For: Advising, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Tampa, Florida
Speaking Topics: What the So-called

Gena Cox Points
Academic 0
Author 72
Influencer 104
Speaker 6
Entrepreneur 0
Total 182

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Company Type: Individual
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 32.57
Culture 30.11
Diversity and Inclusion 43.48
Future of Work
Leadership 32.08
Management 30.37
Social 32.43

Industry Experience

Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


11 Article/Blogs
How executive sponsorship and technology can power ERGs
January 23, 2023
Employees from under-represented groups do much of the work to create safe spaces in organizations. The groups performing this work have various names, including #affinitygroups, business resource groups, and business network groups. For this article, I will call them employee resource groups (ERGs).

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion

Making workplaces better. Another of MLK's Dreams
January 15, 2023
Each year, on January 15, the anniversary of the birthday of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, I can’t help but think about his impact on American work, workers, and workplaces. After all, the reason he was in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4,1968 (the day he was assassinated), was to support the 1,300, Black striking sanitation workers of that city. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a labor humanist. He saw dignity in work and reminded leaders to treat all workers with equal respect.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

3 ways to drive inclusion in organizations
Smart Brief
October 06, 2022
A board leader invited me to participate on a national-level committee, and I excitedly entered the Zoom breakout room where this committee would have its first meeting. Unfortunately, as soon as I entered the room, one of the eight participants, who turned out to be the committee chair, said, “I don’t think you are in the right room; let me check to see where you should be.” Before I could respond, she halted the meeting and began typing furiously into her phone, so she could confirm that I was out of place. When she returned to reassure her colleagues that I belonged in the room, I was ready to leave. Being “the first and the only” Black woman in a group was nothing new. Yet, I wondered why I was volunteering for a committee that did not seem to want me.

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Tags: Leadership, Business Strategy, Diversity and Inclusion

Episode 6: "YES ... and!"​
Leader Curations
September 06, 2022
I lost my “voice” in 2013 after a very unpleasant workplace experience. The #improv class I took that year at American Stage was just the ticket. I regained my voice, and improv’s “yes … and” model became my way of life. I learned from improv that it’s best to have a general directional plan, a long game, rather than getting too hung up on defining specific actions too early. You have to learn to roll with the punches. Planning plus serendipity is how I often end up with outcomes that are better, smarter, and more powerful than anything I could have predicted.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Episode #5: Fake! Fraud! Phony!
August 24, 2022
Last week I shared my delight at receiving the first hard copies of my hashtag#book, Leading Inclusion. Since then, my colleagues and friends keep asking, “why did you write this book?” Likewise, hashtag#podcast hosts and media ask, “what is the origin story?” The answer is at once simple and complex. So I recorded a "Meet and Greet" video to explain it all. It's in this week's newsletter.

The simple answer is that I had to do it. Why? Well, this is where it gets complicated...

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

I made a mistake ...
August 09, 2022
made a mistake. Then I gave myself a little grace.

A couple of weeks ago, my assistant helped me create a series of emails I needed to send to inform clients, former clients, want-to-be clients, colleagues, and friends about my new business ventures. She gave me great instructions, and I went off with a “been-there-done-that” attitude because what could be so hard about this?

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Cleaning out my fridge: How long has that expired fruit been hiding there?
July 25, 2022
Do you have any people on your leadership team who are not pulling their weight?

Are they hiding in the background, making minimal effort and biding their time?

Are they dragging their feet on the strategic changes you need them to make so your organization can win the future?

Lessons from cleaning out my fridge in Edition #3 of my hashtag#LinkedIn newsletter. And more ...

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Edition #2: The workplace has changed. Have you updated your leadership “signage?”
July 12, 2022
Signs are good ... if they point to logical actions that can help you accomplish the goal. But what happens when the signs are faulty?

A yellow directional sign (see it in the attached newsletter), guiding users into a fence, reminded me that when
circumstances change, the behavior needed to get the new outcome must also be

The old signs must go, and new signs pointing out the new behavior hashtag#expectations must be installed.

Are you hoping to get a positive result without making any behavior hashtag#change?

Have you updated your hashtag#leadership signs?

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

The best books to understand the need for DEI and workplace inclusion from the leader and employee perspectives
June 29, 2022
I have been an organizational psychologist and executive coach for more than two decades, advising high-level executives, including Fortune 500 leaders, to build workplace cultures in which all employees can flourish. Yet, for many employees of color, the workplace is so challenging that many feel professionally stifled. I realized many years ago that to accomplish my own goals; I needed to take control of my career and not depend upon the vagaries of individual leaders. I needed to set goals, take a long game view, be honest with myself and my leaders, and help leaders understand how changing some habits could help them and me succeed in a disrupted world.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Leader Curations Edition #1: Curated Optimism, Inclusion, and Purposeful Action
June 27, 2022
It's the first business day of what we called (in the before-COVID times) "the workweek." This week also starts the second half of the calendar year. We've accomplished some goals, but we have lots more work to do. This upcoming long weekend, on July 4th, many of us will celebrate the 246th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. We will express gratitude and pride for the great things Americans accomplish together. And we will continue our work to make it self-evident "that all men are created equal."

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

5 Strategies to Infuse D&I into Your Organization
May 19, 2021
There’s widespread agreement on the need to improve diversity and inclusion in the workplace. But it’s not easy to deliver on the promises made. It’s time to adopt a more systematic, coherent approach to D&I. The authors offer five strategies for making more progress and creating a more representative, fair, and high-performing workforce. First, ensure the CEO positions themselves as the top champion for D&I efforts. Second, center D&I in your business strategy. Third, hold executive leaders accountable for D&I outcomes. Fourth, mitigate implicit bias at the systemic level. Finally, pivot from diversity training to leadership development coaching.

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Tags: Leadership, Business Strategy, Diversity and Inclusion

1 Author Newsletter
Edition 13: Leadership Is (Still) What Matters Most
May 19, 2023
My daughter and I visited the Imagine Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, this weekend. The “Floating World” exhibit of glass, bronze, ceramic, and iron #kimonos by Karen LaMonte was breathtaking. I noted how the artist’s vision, intention, and action brought something into the world that had never existed. And I thought, “This is what leaders do too! Artists are leaders.” The only way anything (#innovation, #inclusion, inspiration) gets done is if one person has a vision and then works relentlessly and consistently with others to achieve it. Whether the desired outcome is a cool glass kimono, a high-functioning enterprise, or a team that can get the job done, leadership makes the difference.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

1 Book
Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Your Employees Can See and Feel
Page Two
October 11, 2022
In this groundbreaking new book, organizational psychologist and executive coach Gena Cox shows you how to lead an inclusive organization, from the top down, and to seek solutions to the racially based discontent that pervades many employees’ experiences. Drawing on psychological science, corporate leaders, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), and her own experience in corporate America, Cox explains how to reframe the conversation, so you can more effectively guide the rest of the leaders in your organization. She helps you understand the key questions you should ask, the constituents you must address, and the difficult actions you must take to build an inclusive organization.

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Tags: Leadership, Business Strategy, Diversity and Inclusion

20 Media Interviews
13. Leading with Inclusion: Unveiling Leadership Lessons with Dr. Gena Cox
October 10, 2023
Meet our esteemed guest, Dr. Gena Cox, an organizational psychologist and an executive coach who believes in a human-centered approach to coaching. Her perspective, enriched by her travels, emphasizes the significance of understanding every individual’s point of view. She asserts that leaders who travel often develop a broad-minded approach, becoming more aware, inclusive, and adaptable.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Coaching

Gena Cox: How Leadership Attracts and Retains Talent
Profit First
February 24, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Gena Cox shares why respect is the key to making an organization attractive to new talents. People want to be seen, heard, and valued. Respect is really the driver of employee engagement and satisfaction that is likely to cause employees in your organization to stay and to be an attractor to others who might consider the organization.

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Tags: Leadership, Business Strategy, Diversity and Inclusion

Leading Inclusion with Gena Cox | UYGW054
Amanda Crowell
January 17, 2023
In the United States, we have always lived with the history and realities of racism.

Whether we have lived with it as an active part of our life or have had the privilege to ignore it and deny it, it has shaped our understanding of our country and each other.

Since racism has always been a loaded, hot-button, triggering topic to discuss, many leaders have flatly avoided talking about it. Since the summer of 2020, however, organizations are realizing that this issue is not going away.

Workers want organizations that are inclusive and equitable. As such, the avoidance strategy that has allowed leaders to manage this issue in the past is emerging as the biggest problem of all.

Fortunately for all of us, Gena Cox has taken the time to think deeply about how to open the door to these important conversations.

Listen in for compassionate, insightful, and practical advice to help all of us navigate conversations about creating inclusion in the workplace.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Making a Positive Impact on World | Dr. Gena Cox | TBCY
December 19, 2022
There are some ways to make an impact on the world, it might be walking down the streets, protesting but Dr. Gena Cox, an executive coach, got a whole different way of doing it. She is using her experience, knowledge, and training in human behaviour to positively impact the business world by summarising it in her book.
In this vodcast of THE BRAND CALLED YOU, the author of LEADING INCLUSION shares her idea of leadership.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

December 13, 2022
On this episode Jeff interviews Gena Cox, about how leaders can build inclusion into workplace culture. Gena in an expert in inclusion, and has her PhD in Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Jeff and Gena discuss her new book, "Leading Inclusion, Drive Change Your Employees Can See and Feel.”

Jeff and Gena explore why is it difficult for many C-Suite executives to understand and focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in a way that creates long-lasting change. They discuss the lack of education about black history in the United States among business leaders, and how can leaders can better understand the impact of racial trauma at work. Jeff and Gena explore the concept of REDI and how it is different from DEIB. Gina shares why some commonly used terms are not helpful when referring to disadvantaged and underrepresented communities.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Education

DEI Programs are Often Failures: How Leaders Can Bring About Real Change
Apple Podcasts
December 08, 2022
Wait, why would organizational psychologist and author of Leading Inclusion proclaim that DEI is BS? Because it must be a subset of leader effectiveness, not a standalone program, according to Gena Cox, PhD.

Gena was featured in a recent Vanguard Network Dialogue and delivers a powerful message for senior leaders: you have to be effective with 100% of your talent pool.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Gena Cox: Building Inclusive Organisations
Apple Podcasts
November 09, 2022
Inclusion has been one of those terms we might reserve for HR, an initiative, or a special interest group.

Wrong. It’s critical to the success of any organisation, and a moral responsibility.

For too long, traditionally disadvantaged groups – by race, gender, sexuality – have progressed slower and had poorer experiences at work.

Their leaders – from a majority group – have employed avoidance tactics, in some cases standing away and not giving eye contact, sticking to their familiar places and faces.

What does it take to build an inclusive organisation? Dr. Gena Cox shares the highlights of her book 'Leading Inclusion':

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Tags: Leadership, Business Strategy, Diversity and Inclusion

Leading Inclusion: My Interview with Gena Cox
Red Cape Revolution
November 06, 2022
Many of us are talking about diversity, equity and inclusion in our workplaces, but how do we make it happen? The problems and conflicts in our world seem insurmountable, and yet, as leaders, we can’t give up on creating change that matters.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Leading Inclusion Starts At The Top: A Blueprint For Inspired Organizations
November 01, 2022
At this crucial juncture, Gena Cox, Ph.D., brings us her new book, Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Your Employees Can See And Feel. She is an enthusiastic and straight-talking voice of guidance that leaders need in order to understand how they must adapt to this new set of expectations.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

4 ways small-business owners can retain diverse talent, including mentorship programs and employee surveys
Business Insider
September 22, 2022
When Gena Cox entered the corporate world in 1995, she was accustomed to almost always being the only Black woman, immigrant, and person of color in the room.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

How To Become An Effective Leader
September 20, 2022
My good friend Dr Gena Cox and I talked about how to become an effective leader on Episode 40 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast which is out on Weds 28th Sept. Gena told me "You have to remember that leadership has two components to it or at least two ... you're helping people to get a job done that's what a leader does, it's not like you're pushing them to get the job done or telling them to get the job done the leader's job is to help people get a job done so there's the task part and then there's the part of the job that is the human part which is to interact with the humans who are getting the job done in such a way that it encourages them to do the work and does not take away any of their natural shine or capability.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Episode 058: Leading Inclusion with Dr. Gena Cox
Mike Horne
September 20, 2022
“What really matters is, what does it feel like to work in your organization every day and what is your organization doing to the world?” shares Gena Cox, Organizational Psychologist, Speaker, and Author of Leading Inclusion. Gena is an executive coach and accomplished speaker with a focus on human-centered leadership and helping leaders to create healthy organizations. Today, Gena joins Mike Horne in conversation to talk about inclusion and the importance of going a step beyond representation to really understand the day to day experiences of employees that belong to marginalized groups.

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Gena Cox on Leading Inclusion in Libraries
Library Journal
September 07, 2022
Dr. Gena Cox, organizational psychologist, executive coach, and author of Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Your Employees Can See and Feel (Page Two, Oct.), will deliver the opening keynote at LJ’s Directors Summit in Baltimore this December. LJ caught up with her to learn more about what motivated her to write this book and what lessons she feels can help library leaders make sure their equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts improve the workplace experience for library workers.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

CEO Gena Cox Was Cavalier in Quitting a Job - My Favorite Mistake 113
October 25, 2021
My guest for Episode #113 of the My Favorite Mistake podcast is Gena Cox, PhD PCC, an industrial psychologist, executive coach, author, and speaker. She has advised corporate leaders for 20+ years how to build organizational cultures that support innovation, inclusion, and employee engagement.

Gena earned a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of South Florida and is also the Founder/CEO of Feels Human, Inc. She has a book coming out in 2022 called Leading Inclusion.

In today's episode, Gena shares her “favorite mistake” story about leaving a company in a way she thinks was “cavalier” — regretting that she couldn't recreate that same culture elsewhere. Sometimes, yon’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.

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Tags: Leadership, Business Strategy, Diversity and Inclusion

cityCURRENT Show featuring Dr. Gena Cox on Diversity, Inclusion and the Post-Pandemic Work World
October 05, 2021
Dr. Gena Cox is an organizational psychologist, who for 25+ years, has advised executive leaders at some of the country’s largest companies, including some in the Fortune 100. As an executive advisor, she helps executives and leaders build psychologically healthy workplaces. As an executive coach, she helps executives lead more effectively while satisfying their career and life goals.

Gena is on a mission to make organizations more inclusive, especially within the disrupted post-pandemic work world. She believes leaders should be as confident regarding diversity and inclusion matters as other leadership competencies such as finance and marketing. Gena’s book, showing business leaders a new way to think about their role in making organizations more inclusive, will be published in Fall 2022. Gena is also a keynote speaker who takes audiences on a journey from thinking to action regarding workplace inclusion.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Cultivating a Diverse & Inclusive Organizational Culture with: Dr. Gena Cox
July 10, 2021
Diversity can act as a catalyst for a competitive advantage, inclusion of all voices can serve as a concrete commitment by employers which indicates all strengths, opinions and prospective will be valued. However, it all starts with an understanding building sustainable relationships is the key to extended success.
Dr. Gena Cox is an organizational psychologist who helps executives figure out which strategies will effectively infuse inclusion into their organization so they can avoid wasting time and money on tactics that do not work.

As a strategic advisor, executive coach, and keynote speaker, Gena builds her clients’ confidence regarding diversity and inclusion matters, so they can “own” these conversations rather than sitting on the sidelines. Imagine a world in which executives make strategic decisions about diversity and inclusion with the same vigor and conviction they display when the topic at hand is finance or marketing. She joined me this week to tell me more.
For more Information:
LinkedIn: @Gena Cox
Email: *

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Tags: Leadership, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion

XL 10 Minute Leaders: Gena Cox
June 24, 2021
"Introducing Gena Cox joining us from United States to talk about leadership and Management

From Gena's public speaking profile: 'Knowledgeable on the following topics, with a warm personal style: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Diversity & Inclusion, Future of Work'

Welcome to XL: The 10 Minute Leader hosted by Graham Brown. Every episode we bring you concise insights from thought leaders shaping business, society and technology. Every guest we invite to the Show will share practical tips to help you lead better, stories of their journey and advice on how we can all adapt to this uncertain and changing environment we find ourselves in today. We broadcast Live via Youtube. Subscribe to our Youtube channel to catch our live stream.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Sophie Wade Live with Gena Cox March 25, 2021
March 25, 2021

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Courageously Inclusive: How Leaders Can Build Inclusive Work Cultures: Gena Cox and Prina Shah
March 01, 2021
Today I am talking with the wonderful Dr. Gena Cox. She has many accolades!

Gena is an industrial psychologist, executive coach and researcher who helps leaders build inclusive, diverse and psychologically-healthy organizations. Gena consults in the areas of employee opinion measurement, employee engagement, executive development, diversity & inclusion, change management, and organizational culture & effectiveness.

She speaks to corporations, professional organizations, and universities about how they can enhance the workplace experience of all employees.

Gena researches and writes about the systemic disparities in employees’ workplace experience based on gender, race/ethnicity, or intersectionality.

She also helps corporate leaders define strategic approaches to enhance inclusion and career mobility for Black women.

Gena earned a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the
University of South Florida. She is a Certified Professional Coach from the International Coach Federation and a Fellow of the Institute of Coaching.

Gena’s upcoming book, designed for an executive leader audience, is entitled “Courageously Inclusive.” It guides leaders to the behaviors that will help them build and lead inclusive work environments. The book will be published in Fall 2021. Gena enjoys riding her bike in local parks and boating in Tampa Bay, Florida.

Connect with Gena:
On her Website:
On LinkedIn:
Via Email:

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Tags: Leadership, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion

Talk to Tatiana Show: Gena Cox Talks Inclusion at Your Organization
February 28, 2021
Connect with Gena at!

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

1 Quote
Day 5: The Importance of Work Friends
The New York Times
January 05, 2023
Or give them a specific, thoughtful compliment, suggested Gena Cox, an organizational psychologist and executive coach based in Clearwater, Fla. “Recently, someone sent me a note out of the blue and told me why they admired me,” she said. “I was shocked. And I will always feel closer to that colleague as a result of them doing that little thing for me.”

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

2 Webinars
Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Employees Can See and Feel
How Women Lead
October 24, 2022
About the Event
Date & Time: October 27, 2022 8:30 - 9:30 am PT / 11:30 am - 12:30 pm ET


This talk will feature HWL member Gena Cox, Ph.D. author of Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Your Employees Can See and Feel (Page Two Books, October 11, 2022) and Lybra Clemons, Chief Diversity Officer, Twilio.

According to Gena, although we all know that human variation is normal, true inclusion that embraces these normal variations is elusive in the workplace.

Gena will share from Leading Inclusion, a “how-to-be” book, that educates, challenges, and empowers the C-suite and board to lead inclusion from the top of their organizations. Following along as Gena & Lybra have fireside chat and an audience Q&A.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

February MONDAY NIGHT READING with Gena Cox and Sophie Wade
February 17, 2022
This month's READING features two phenomenal women with goals of changing the workplace to be more inclusive and empathetic. Dr. Gena Cox reads an excerpt from her forthcoming book, Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Your Employees Can See and Feel,out October 4, 2022 and Sophie Wade shares an excerpt from her forthcoming book, Empathy Works: The Key to Competitive Advantage in the New Era of Work, out May 4, 2022.

Gena is a graduate of the Top Three Book Workshop and Sophie Wade is an esteemed member of the Top Three Author's Club. A wonderful and insightful evening of story!

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Tags: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

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