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Dr. Dorothea Baur

FEMALE at Baur Consulting AG

Zurich, Switzerland

I provide expert ethics advice for decision-makers in tech and finance. I help my clients to align their business strategy with ethics, or, put differently, to align value with values. I provide orientation and translate complex matters into a language geared to target group. By doing so I strengthen the credibility and the trust between organisations and their stakeholders. I empower my clients to be credible and effective actors on ethical matters in their core business. I am a consultant, public speaker, independent expert and lecturer.

I stand out with my highly customised approach to projects. I don't believe in 'one size fits all'-solutions. Clients have praised me for being unafraid of controversies, and they appreciate my great analytical and communication skills, which also involve being a good listener. Most importantly, I convince my clients that ethics is not just about right or wrong, let alone about blaming companies. Instead it is about finding the strategy that best represents your convictions and culture and that creates value for your organisation and your stakeholders.

My clients come from different industries and, at first glance, have different concerns. But they have one thing in common: the desire to take an in-depth look at ethics, sustainability and responsibility. My services stretch across three areas of expertise: ESG & sustainable finance, AI & ethics, and CSR & sustainability.

In ESG projects I have consulted various asset owners and managers on the topic of sustainable investment (ESG), I have written a position paper on climate change for a large private bank, I have led around 30 engagement dialogues with global listed companies on ESG issues, together with an investment fund. I am also head of the sustainability board of a Swiss retail bank.

In AI ethics projects, I am actively involved in developing an audit system for automated decision-making, I have conducted a data protection analysis for a start-up in the field of e-health, I have led workshops on blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ethics, as well as digitalisation, fintech and ethics. Among other things I have been named as one of "100 brilliant women in AI ethics" in 2020. I am also a regular speaker and lecturer on these issues and I have been invited as a thought leader in the field to numerous podcasts and web shows.

In CSR & sustainability projects, I am developing a sustainability strategy for an insurance company, in close collaboration with C-level and B-level. I have also developed a stakeholder community engagement strategy for international pharmaceutical company, adapted to the Swiss location; I have conducted numerous in-depth analyses of sustainability reports from global public companies. I am the principal author of The Corporate Social Responsibility Story of Chiquita, an in-depth study on the challenges of a multinational corporation in one of the most value-stripped markets of the world. I have also advised various investment promotion agencies on how to include sustainability in their work.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Zurich, Switzerland
Speaking Topics: AI Ethics, Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility

Dr. Dorothea Baur Points
Academic 5
Author 10
Influencer 94
Speaker 3
Entrepreneur 0
Total 112

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Service Provider
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Last Media Training: 05/01/2019
Last Media Interview: 12/01/2021

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.17
Big Data 30.07
Climate Change
CSR 31.13
Future of Work
Privacy 31.07
Social 30.55
Sustainability 32.24

Industry Experience

Agriculture & Mining
Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking
Professional Services


10 Article/Blogs
AI ethics — getting up early, but waking up late
Import from
November 03, 2021
AI ethics — getting up early, but waking up lateClockwise from top left: Navrina Singh (Credo), Ryan Carrier (ForHumanity), Dorothea Baur (Baur Consulting), Krishna Gade (Fiddler), Will Llewelyn (Ethicsgrade), Merve Hickok ( September 8–9 2021, ForHumanity, a public charity

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Robinhood: democratized finance on shaky ground
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March 17, 2021
Robin Hood (the Sherwood Forest version) would be disappointed by his Silicon Valley-Wallstreet namesake. (Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash)Legend has it that towards the end of the 12th century, the heroic figure Robin Hood set out to steal from the rich and give to the poor. More than 900 years l

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Privacy conundrums in early 2021 — on violators and accomplices
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January 25, 2021
Privacy conundrums in early 2021 — on violators and accomplicesA (scouts) clubhouse in the Swiss Alps; or: what came into my mind when hearing the term before 2020 (source: private).It took me a couple of days to realize what that sudden Clubhouse buzz in my Twitter feed was about. I was just

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

No, we don’t want to ‘democratize’ AI
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December 04, 2020
Citizens voting at the ‘Landsgemeinde’ in Glarus (CH); one of the most archaic types of democracy; no traces of AI (source: private, 2017).Everyone concerned with ethics is probably used to cringing while reading news on AI. For me, one of the most reliable triggers for such cringing is the tal

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Four reasons why hyping AI is an ethical problem
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November 21, 2020
Did someone light a cigarette? Now there is AI preventing that. (source: private, in Nevada, US, 2003)Bias, discrimination, privacy violations, lack of accountability — AI entails a lot of ethical problems. Hyping AI creates additional ethical challenges on top of the existing ones. Here is 

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Why we should hope that corporate claims about the ethics of facial recognition are pure marketing
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February 15, 2020
Photo by

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Opposing facial recognition — why focusing on accuracy misses the point
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February 04, 2020
Not a viable solution to facial recognition (source: private).Opposing facial recognition — why focusing on accuracy misses the pointFacial recognition has come under massive scrutiny, not least since its live variant has come to attention. Approaches to using it are quite divided. While Chin

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Why AI really needs social scientists
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March 15, 2019
San Francisco, home of OpenAI. Photo by Hardik Pandya on UnsplashA few weeks ago, the San Francisco based think tank Open AI published a paper titled “AI Safety Needs Social Scientists”.The paper describes a new approach to aligning AI with human values, i.e. ensuring that AI systems reliably d

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Algorithmische Entscheidungen und soziale Spannungen — Künstliche Intelligenz im politischen…
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February 22, 2019
Algorithmische Entscheidungen und soziale Spannungen — Künstliche Intelligenz im politischen KontextProtest gegen US Präsident Trump in Washington D.C. Photo by roya ann miller on UnsplashBeim Lesen des ausgezeichneten Berichts des Council of Europe zu «Diskriminierung, KI und algorithmisc

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

Algorithmic decision-making and social division — acknowledging the political context of AI
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February 21, 2019
Algorithmic decision-making and social division — acknowledging the political context of AIProtest against US President Trump in Washington D.C. Photo by roya ann miller on UnsplashReading the excellent report by the Council of Europe on “Discrimination, Artificial Intelligence and Algorit

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Tags: AI, Privacy, Sustainability

1 Journal Publication
The Moral Legitimacy of NGOs as Partners of Corporations
Business Ethics Quarterly
June 08, 2011
Partnerships between companies and NGOs have received considerable at­tention in CSR in the past years. However, the role of NGO legitimacy in such partnerships has thus far been neglected. We argue that NGOs assume a status as special stakeholders of corporations which act on behalf of the common good. This role requires a particular focus on their moral legitimacy. We introduce a conceptual framework for analysing the moral legitimacy of NGOs along three dimensions, building on the theory of deliberative democracy. Against this background we outline three procedural characteristics which are essential for judging the legitimacy of NGOs as potential or actual partners of corporations

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Tags: Social, Sustainability, CSR

1 Speaking Engagement
AI – freedom within and freedom without | Dorothea Baur | TEDxZurich
January 15, 2021
My TedX speech on AI and ethics: All eyes are set on the potential AI holds for monitoring and fighting crises like the COVID-19 pandemic; it epitomises how AI has become the most promising liberation that frees us from having to resolve complex problems ourselves. Because AI can detect patterns that we cannot see, we are prone to delegate our decisions to AI. But how can we be free when we delegate key decisions? Even more so, when we delegate them to algorithms that are effectively black boxes? We used to say ‘The ways of the Lord are inscrutable’, but the ways of the algorithms are equally inscrutable. If we want to keep our freedom, we need to remain in charge. Tech is our servant. We are the masters.

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Tags: AI, Big Data, Privacy

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