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Gary James

London, United Kingdom

I have worked in the Business Applications market for 25 years across a broad range of sectors and across many roles. My professional goal is to assist clients to get the best out of their Business Applications landscape and to deliver benefits, not just solutions.

In my current role I lead the Business Development activity for Capgemini's Applications Management Division and bring our market-leading capabilities to our customers. Most recently my focus has been to drive forward the latest go-to-market thinking that reflects the latest Automation, Dev/Ops, SIAM 2.0 and Benefits Delivery thinking.

In addition, based on my experience, I am often engaged with CXO level management within clients to discuss the latest technologies and their applicability in different situations.

Twenty years of experience has given me a large network of contacts in customers and partners many of which I consider to be friends, not just colleagues.

I am an avid blogger so check out my insights on the challenges of the Constrained CIO in a Digital World below.

Further details available on request.

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14 Article/Blogs
Everything-as-a-Service – convenience and context through convergence
May 15, 2018
I believe the IT market is ripe for a similar change to ensure that services continue to be driven by what the business wants.
We live in exciting times. New technologies spawn new opportunities for disrupting markets, creating new business models, reaching new customers, etc.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

Is Blockchain the platform for eBPR?
April 05, 2018
I've spend the last few months trying to understand the fundamentals of Blockchain. What is it? How does it work? What are the applications? What are the benefits? In order to see the value of it I've tried to play devil's advocate (DA) and challenge the thinking to see if the emperor really does have some new cloths.

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Is Blockchain the platform for eBPR?
April 05, 2018
I've spend the last few months trying to understand the fundamentals of Blockchain. What is it? How does it work? What are the applications? What are the benefits? In order to see the value of it I've tried to play devil's advocate (DA) and challenge the thinking to see if the emperor really does have some new cloths.

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, FinTech

Application Economics – Considering the “macro-economic” landscape of IT applications
November 09, 2017
I’ve looked a lot at the constraints of the CIO and how to address these with some of the latest IT opportunities, both technology and process. Whilst these opportunities exist, no one should drive forward without considering the balance of value against cost.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

The Constrained CIO – Case Study 2 – Building the Shiny town in the shadow of the old
October 25, 2017
Sometimes you go to a meeting with a customer and you get some great alignment of thinking around how to extract value and drive forward exploitation of their application platform. At Capgemini, we've distilled it into the "Excel. Enhance. Innovate" paradigm of ADMnext and, for this customer, they were already with the program.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

The Constrained CIO – Case Study 1 – Unique Supply Chain challenges on a global scale
October 04, 2017
As part of my recent blog about the challenges of the Constrained CIO I identified 3 constraint areas with 6 specific constraints that are currently inhibiting an organisation’s ability to accelerate their journey to Digital Excellence and beyond.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Supply Chain

Evolutionary Intelligence – How the Constrained CIO achieves business value from AI
September 08, 2017
In my recent LinkedIn blog - The Constrained CIO – Addressing increasing demands for change against a background of constraints, I discussed how my customer, the Constrained CIO, was challenged by an increasing demand for change in a real world constrained by legacy applications, infrastructure, methods and models.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Innovation

The Constrained CIO – Addressing increasing demands for change against a background of constraints
June 12, 2017
There have been many events in 2017 at the likes of British Airways, Edifax, Deloitte, DXC, etc. that have brought to the attention of the world some of the challenges that IT organisations face where the simplest of (in)actions can result in a catastrophic outcome far from the site of the original action.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

It's Not About Ideas, It's About Making Ideas Happen!!
February 10, 2017
What is innovation?
Innovation is exciting!!
Innovation can be shocking!
Innovation can be obvious...why didn't I think of that!
Innovation drives us forward.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

A new era dawns in the evolution for Business Applications - 2017
December 05, 2016
This year, 2016, has seen the increased maturity of many applications across the market and the development of integrated platforms from the major vendors such as Oracle, SalesForce, SAP, IBM, etc. really pushing the niche, best of breed vendors in their core fields of play such as agility, flexibility and cost.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

Emergence of the i-ERPbots – the next evolution of ERP
October 10, 2016
In 2016 ERP has become synonymous with legacy systems, you could say it’s become boring because it is the focus of cost reduction initiatives as organisations seek to deliver back-office functions cheaper and more efficiently.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, ERP

Business Transformation in an 'outside-in' world
September 06, 2016
I recently read a blog by my colleague, Cliff Evans, titled “The benefits & challenges of an “out-side-in” model for IT Design & Delivery” and as Cliff delved deeper into the layers of the IT architecture and the changes I thought about the changes in the opposite direction and what that would mean for firstly the user and secondly the business trying to transform to address business challenges.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

Ensuring SAP Cloud for Customer Success - Enterprise Edition
February 01, 2016
As I was scanning my SM feeds over the weekend I came across this great blog by our partner DeVilliers Walton: - How to ensure SAP Cloud for Customer Project Success.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

Capgemini UK receives SAP EMEA recognition on HANA products
October 29, 2015
Well done to the team involved in the submission for our "Recognized Expertise in SAP HANA" accreditation and the wider team who have been doing work on the successful projects that have underpinned this award.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

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