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Prayukth K V

Global Head of Marketing at Sectrio

Helsinki, Finland

I am a data-driven B2B marketing leader.

I help businesses craft structured market intervention strategies and evolution of structures, systems, competencies, and partnerships for market and thought leadership. The goal is to ramp up the overall sophistication of marketing capabilities while driving revenue growth.

At ground level, I work to bring a convergence of messaging strengths around products, technology, segments, and competition. Level 1 is about building credibility for messaging and storyline. Level 2 comprises contextual conversations through targeted digital outreach. Level 3 involves sustaining engagement and revenue through nurture tactics and KPI-based RoI tracking. So far, I have marketed products based on niche technologies such as connected car solutions, IoT security platforms, blockchain and Artificial Intelligence across the globe.

From building India's biggest IoT brand ground up to handling a brand in transition, I have been there and done that. I have delivered on my sales and revenue targets consistently while tapping new avenues for improving market traction and brand visibility.

I have written articles, spoken on technology, been invited to podcasts and workshops to discuss ways to harness new technology and keep margins healthy.

Even after all these years, marketing is still an evolving journey of discovery for me. Thanks for dropping by. Leave a line to connect or discuss speaking engagements/podcast opportunities or to simply chat.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: San Francisco, Helsinki, Bengaluru
Speaking Topics: Cybersecurity, IoT, 5G, APT, Marketing

Prayukth K V Points
Academic 40
Author 77
Influencer 135
Speaker 16
Entrepreneur 40
Total 308

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Enterprise
Business Unit: Cyber security
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: N/A
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 22
Last Media Training: 07/10/2024
Last Media Interview: 05/20/2024

Areas of Expertise

5G 31.55
AI 30.44
Autonomous Vehicles
Business Continuity 30.75
Business Strategy 30.87
COVID19 34.02
Cybersecurity 35.21
Design Thinking
Digital Disruption 31.00
Digital Transformation 30.21
Digital Twins 30.34
Emerging Technology 30.75
Entrepreneurship 31.34
FinTech 30.15
GovTech 30.26
Innovation 30.74
IoT 33.11
Leadership 30.30
Management 30.97
Marketing 30.96
Retail 30.07
Security 30.20
Smart Cities 35.66
Startups 31.36
Sustainability 30.15

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
High Tech & Electronics


4 Academic Certifications
Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage
May 01, 2020
Offered by Wharton

See publication

Tags: Management, Marketing, Business Strategy

Certification in artificial intelligence
University of Helsinki
August 07, 2018
The Elements of AI is a series of online courses created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cybersecurity, IoT

Digital Marketing Certification
June 13, 2018
From Wharton

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Marketing

EGMP Certification from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
November 07, 2014

See publication

Tags: IoT, Management, Marketing

17 Article/Blogs
Security aspects of Mobile Edge Computing
January 20, 2020
This article talks about the strategies that can be used to secure MEC.

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, 5G

Smart cites
Smart cities on hackers radar
March 17, 2019
recent study on cybersecurity aspects of smart cities painted a pretty grim picture. The study said it was exceptionally easy for hackers to hack into environmental sensors, traffic management systems and other smart systems to create confusion, chaos and more. How can smart cities protect themselves? This articles explores answers

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Tags: Emerging Technology, IoT, Smart Cities

Emerging tech marketing - why's and how's
March 13, 2019
Presentation on strategies for marketing emerging technology-based products

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, IoT, Marketing

Decoding cybersecurity
DQ India
May 11, 2018
Though cybersecurity is a complex topic for discussion, the trigger for an enterprise-wide cybersecurity event is often a simple one. In the year 2017, as many as 91% of all cyber attacks started with someone clicking a link embedded in a phishing email. As hackers become more sophisticated – employing algorithms, machine learning, cloaking and behavior manipulation tactics, enterprises, individuals, and governments are constantly on the verge of losing data, IP, reputation, and money. It’s no longer about systems, networks, storage, and data but about staying a step ahead of hackers through predictive prevention mechanisms.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, 5G

Benefits of a Digital Twin Strategy
Aeris Blog
April 04, 2018
A digital twin is a near real time digital copy image of a physical object or a process that is used to optimize business performance. It can be defined as a virtual representation or a digital profile that is undergoing a process of evolution fed by data from the historical and present behavior. The constantly evolving profile uses an array of measurements providing key insights on overall performance which could serve as inputs to change a part of the process or design in the physical world. It’s been predicted that more than 80 percent of all IoT platforms will have some form of digital twin functionality within the next five years

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Tags: AI, IoT, Digital Twins

Usage-Based Insurance: A New Data-Driven Reality
Aeris Blog
March 07, 2018
The insurance industry, at least when it comes to motor insurance, has reached a mature lifecycle stage. Hyper competition and lack of product differentiation are leading to significant revenue reductions for a majority of incumbent and established Insurance companies. In a situation where motor insurance has a significant bearing on business sustainability, insurers now are seriously looking at the Internet of Things (IoT) to find ways to stabilize revenues, minimize risk, and incentivize safe driving.

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Tags: 5G, Innovation, IoT

Subscription-Based Ride Sharing Platforms: Data as Driver of Innovation
Aeris Blog
January 03, 2018
While every automobile OEM worth its name is considering a foray into ride sharing, such competition might unhinge the business models of established ride-sharing services players who will have to seek greater opportunities within the sector to stay in the game. One avenue to consider could be subscription-based services that traditional ride-sharing companies have been avoiding so far, but that offer a myriad of opportunities.

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Tags: 5G, Innovation, IoT

Can IoT transform last mile delivery of financial services to rural India?
November 09, 2017
While rural banking in India is heavily reliant on channel partners and distribution networks, an emphasis on digitizing and automating would give rise to greater cost efficiencies, as well as increased banking transparency and accountability. The Internet of Things (IoT) can bridge the information gaps that currently prevent banks from making social inclusion a reality for all. The financial services industry, however, appears to be taking it slow.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing

Greater Opportunities for Monetizing the IoT
Aeris Blog
September 13, 2017
Being able to effectively scale, improve margins, and monetize every aspect of your IoT operations requires a robust underlying platform, one built to withstand the intense rigors of smart device data generation.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing

How IoT is Set to Transform Vehicle Management Space
How IoT is Set to Transform Vehicle Management Space
August 07, 2017
IoT is indeed bringing about a transformation in fleet management. Ubiquitous connectivity and data harvested from individual vehicles now are routinely used to streamline fleet operations, improve efficiencies, and reduce cost per mile of operations. Fleet managers who deploy Internet of Things through a vehicle tracking solution to improve fleet processes stand to benefit from better bottom line revenues and better customer relationships.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing

How the Internet of Things is shaping up
July 10, 2015
How IoT is gradually chaging our world

See publication

Tags: 5G, IoT, Marketing

Evolving a wearable marketing strategy
May 11, 2015
How to leverage wearables as a marketing tool and channel

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Tags: Emerging Technology, IoT, Marketing

How the Internet of Things will change marketing
December 14, 2014
A presentation on how IoT will transform marketing as we know it

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, IoT, Marketing

Online brand reputation management
October 16, 2014
Strategies to expand your brand's presence across channels

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Retail marketing strategy
October 14, 2014
A presentation on strategies to effectively market retail offerings

See publication

Tags: Management, Marketing, Retail

Message engineering, a radical new approach to marketing
June 11, 2014
How to get more leads by changing the way you script your marketing content

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Weeds of hope
India Together
October 28, 2005
Found abundantly along the coasts of the country, seaweeds offer the potential to help meet nutrition and food security needs, and also hold other advantages in medicine and farming. But technology, labour and quality issues impede the realisation of this potential.

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Tags: Sustainability

1 Book
Dot Your I's and Cross Your T's: Why Ignoring Cybersecurity Will Be India's Biggest Mistake
KPL publishing
December 01, 2019
To secure India's future as a digital superpower, we need to think ahead and secure our ideas, infrastructure, IP and innovation by securing our digital footprint. In an environment where the cyber threats are growing each day exponentially, and the country is having to deal with cyberattacks arising from regional geopolitical tensions, and trade-related repercussions, the nation's progress could be held hostage by state and non-state actors acting independently or in concert. With increasing investments in malware and breach tactics, hackers now have the upper hand in almost every situation, and this presents many risks to our economic growth, national interests and safety of our citizens online.
What can India do to secure its digital footprint, and how can it deal with cyber threats and other risks connected to her digital growth? What can be done to turn this predicament into an opportunity? Where are the attacks coming from, and why? What happened in cyberspace after the Balakot strike by the Indian Air Force, and how is it relevant to our cybersecurity narrative? How can India thwart attempts to spread misinformation and fake news, and how is it related to cybersecurity? And how can India turn into a cybersecurity powerhouse? Dot Your I's and Cross Your T's offers answers to these questions and more.
This book is an attempt to provide a starting point to look at this critical topic and its linkages with fields such as social media, mass influence building, protecting national interests, critical infrastructure, securing mass mobility, supply chains and more.
It is a must-read for cybersecurity policymakers, lawmakers, analysts, consultants, threat researchers, students and anyone who wishes to understand how India can manage its cybersecurity needs.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, 5G

2 Founders
Founder MyBookWorks
March 01, 2019
MyBookWorks is world's first recommendation engine based book-sharing social network

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Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, Innovation

January 01, 2018
Is a start-up that helps b-school aspirants apply for and enter top b-schools around the globe.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups

20 Media Interviews
Como hackers estão usando o pânico com o coronavírus para atingir pessoas por WhatsApp e e-mail
Mundo Hacker
March 12, 2020
Enquanto a OMS declarou oficialmente a situação uma pandemia na quarta-feira, o pânico por contrair a infecção está no ar há meses. Isso ofereceu aos hackers a oportunidade de enviar spam às pessoas com mensagens / e-mails que, sob o pretexto de informações de saúde, segmentam dados confidenciais.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing, COVID19

How hackers are using coronavirus panic to target India through WhatsApp and email
The Print
March 12, 2020
Before you click on that WhatsApp forward or email with coronavirus in the subject line, be sure it's legitimate and not sent by hackers looking to infect your device with malware.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing

Coronavirus effect: Cyberattacks on enterprises go down in India; individuals new target
Financial Express
March 11, 2020
Coronavirus has not only impacted trade globally, it is also directly impacting the amount of cyberattacks happening in India.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Business Continuity, COVID19

Hackers using Coronavirus chaos to trick people into downloading malware
Business Standard
March 11, 2020
In a situation where many employees work from home or access wi-fi networks that operate at enterprise-level security, devices such as routers can be hacked to plant a range of malware. Find out more in this Business Standard interview with me.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Business Continuity, COVID19

How hackers are utilizing coronavirus panic to target India using WhatsApp and electronic mail
Go Tech Daily
March 11, 2020
Hackers have been luring Indians and users in other nations around the world with WhatsApp and electronic mail messages that have destructive malware embedded in it.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing, COVID19

Cyberattacks On Enterprises decline as Corona Virus related phishing attacks increase
Communications Today
March 11, 2020
Coronavirus has not only impacted trade globally, it is also directly impacting the amount of cyberattacks happening in India. New findings from Subex, a global telecom services and security provider based in Bengaluru, reveal that within a month, the number of critical attacks on IoT and cyberdeployments in India have come down by 2,100 to 29,900 in February from 32,000 in January.

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing, COVID19

In 2019 Most Cyber-Attacks on India Came from Slovenia. Why?
Total Slovenia News
March 05, 2020
The publication has taken excepts from my interview

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, 5G

India Was The World's Most Cyberattacked Country
Moby Geek
March 04, 2020
For three months in 2019, India faced the most cyber-attacks in the world, according to a report released by Subex, a Bengaluru-based firm providing analytics to telecom and communication service providers.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, 5G

India was the most cyber-attacked country in the world for three months in 2019
The Print
March 03, 2020
For three months in 2019, India faced the most cyber-attacks in the world, according to a report released by Subex, a Bengaluru-based firm providing analytics to telecom and communication service providers. The report, released on 27 February, notes that while the US was the most cyber-targeted nation in 2019, India held the top spot in April, May and June. I was interviewed for this report.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, 5G

Cyberattacks on India due to geo-political conflicts
February 04, 2020
In a time of 20 min, critical cyber attacks from various marked sources have been increased sharply, during India’s political conflicts including the recent border stand-off against Pakistan. The head of IoT marketing revealed the fact at Subex limited Prayukth K.V, which monitors critical and connected Internet of Things deployments by official bodies that operate in sectors like smart city, digital identity databases, smart roadways. These attacks are rising i

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Smart Cities

India the prime target of cyberattacks from China and Pakistan
February 03, 2020
India is at the receiving end of targeted attacks from China and Pakistan for various reasons. Find out more.

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Tags: 5G, Cybersecurity, IoT

Handling IoT security
Perseverance Overrated
January 06, 2020
An interview with PO podcast

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT

Difference between traditional and emerging technology marketing
Perseverance Overrated
December 20, 2019
How exactly is emerging tech marketing different from every other marketing flavor?

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, IoT

Insights on emerging tech marketing
Perseverance Overrated
December 07, 2019
In this interview with Perserverence Overrated, I establish a context for emerging tech marketing

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Tags: Emerging Technology, IoT, Marketing

IoT security: India faces growing onslaught of cyber-attacks
The Daily Swig
October 04, 2019
Some of the attackers seem to have access to high levels of funding, innovative tactics, and military-grade malware’

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Tags: Business Strategy, Cybersecurity, IoT

Modular Malware Threatens Critical Infrastructure
Bank Info Sec
September 16, 2019
Modular malware is targeting India's critical infrastructure in a manner that's extremely difficult to detect, says Prayukth K.V. of Subex Ltd., a telecom solutions provider that has released a new report on the threat.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, FinTech, IoT

Number Of Cyber Attacks Rise Massively In India: A Downside Of Digitalization
August 30, 2019
Prayukth K.V, the head of IoT marketing at Subex, made a remarkable observation about the increasing trend of cyberattacks in India. Particularly during the twenty minutes preceding India’s conflicts with its neighbour Pakistan. These cyberattacks are rapidly rising and becoming all the more sophisticated

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT

Cyber Attacks on India Rose Sharply Within 20 Minutes During Indo-Pak Border Conflict
India Defense News
August 18, 2019
Speaking to News18, Prayukth stated, "The recent cyber attacks are also looking at geopolitical tensions. During India’s recent heightened tensions against a geographical neighbour, we noticed increased reconnaissance activity by attackers, and once the actual firing began, we noticed a sharp increase in the number of full fledged attacks on IoT deployments in the defence space."

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, IoT

Cyber Attacks on India Rose Sharply Within 20 Minutes During Indo-Pak Border Conflict
August 17, 2019
Critical cyber attacks from masked sources increased sharply within a span of just 20 minutes, during India's geopolitical conflicts including the recent border stand-off against neighbouring nation, Pakistan. The fact was revealed by Prayukth K.V, head of IoT marketing at Subex, which monitors critical and connected IoT (Internet of Things) deployments by official bodies that typically operate in sensitive sectors such as smart city developments, digital identity databases, smart roadways, etc. These attacks are rising in consistency, sophistication and readiness to react in opportune moments.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Smart Cities

IoT Security Should be an Emerging Priority for India
Profit from IoT
May 30, 2019
Subex is today a leading provider of security solutions for various verticals globally. Subex is working with stakeholders across the IoT ecosystem to enable and sustain success in terms of value and revenue from a security perspective. The company has successfully showcased the significance of security and continues to grow from strength-to-strength with comprehensive investments in threat research, cross eco-system collaboration and in new and emerging technology paradigms around IoT.

In a face-to-face interaction with Aamir H Kaki, Prayukth KV, Head of IoT Marketing, Subex, talks on a range of topics from Subex’s IoT solutions to its business, awareness about IoT security to IoT deployment and much more.


See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, IoT

1 Panel
Disruptive technologies for smart cities
5th Smart Cities India Event
May 29, 2019
Discussion on how disruptive technologies will change the citizen engagement landscape in smart cities

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, Smart Cities

5 Speaking Engagements
Deliver Next Generation Digital Engagement with AI
July 23, 2019
How to use AI to deliver the next level of customer experience

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

Speaker at Bee Digital Conference on Emerging Tech Marketing
Bee Digital
February 15, 2019
Spoke on Emerging Tech Marketing at this premier conference of marketers

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Marketing

Securing sustainable development through cybersecurity
Sustainable ICT Forum
January 31, 2019
Spoke on how cybersecurity and sustainable development are connected.

See publication

Tags: 5G, GovTech, IoT

5G in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
IEEE Comsec
November 23, 2018
Our transportation systems are on the verge of a transformation as we make progress on
autonomous vehicles, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication
infrastructures, and smart road infrastructures like smart traffic lights. However, many challenges
stand in the way of this transformation. For example, Bangalore traffic is very well known to all of
us. Challenge before us are numerous. Can we solve them? Can we bring and accomplish safe
autonomous driving? How do we smoothen the crowded and ever increasing traffic? How can we
make smooth flow of traffic, can we have safe driving? How do we achieve near-zero fatality?
How do we optimize efficiency through intelligent traffic management and control of fleets? How
do we optimize for traffic capacity during rush hours? Is there anything special that 5G
technology offer? and many more. The workshop (organized by IEEE ComSoc Bangalore chapter)
will try to address some of the issues and present various challenges and possible solutions. Join
the workshop and listen from key industry experts

See publication

Tags: 5G, Cybersecurity, IoT

Importance of Security in Future Smart Cities
TIA Summit
August 23, 2018
How cybersecurity could make or break smart cities

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Smart Cities, Security

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