Agility Is Not The Same As Being Agile
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November 22, 2022
Agile enables flexibility for change. Agility sets the direction.Continue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
Wie Sie künstliche Intelligenz erfolgreich ins Projektmanagement einführen
July 15, 2022
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
Calibrating Overconfidence
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June 27, 2022
Overconfidence can be useful and effective, as long as it is reasonable and calibratedContinue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
Information Overload is a Choice
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June 16, 2022
The often claimed information overload doesn’t really exist. It is our decision to get overloaded or not.Continue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
To Become Data-Driven, Fix Your Culture First
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May 04, 2022
Becoming Data-Driven is Less About Data and Technology But All About Culture and MindsetContinue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
Don’t Become a Data Activist
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April 29, 2022
It’s not all about data. Experience and intuition are still very relevant. And fake news is around the corner.Continue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
What Dark Data Does To The Project Ecosystem
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April 26, 2022
How the ongoing data spill in projects harms the project management evolutionContinue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
Effective Resilience Really Means Being Capable to Readjust
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April 26, 2022
Resilience in projects is not about bouncing backContinue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
Comparing Agile and Waterfall Project Success Rates is like Comparing Apples to Oranges
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April 25, 2022
Why arguing that Agile is better than traditional methods is a barrier to project management evolutionContinue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
What does ‘Embracing Uncertainty’ Really Mean?
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April 01, 2022
And why uncertainty is your ally to prosperityContinue reading on Predict »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
How Honest Are Project Managers?
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February 24, 2022
The required truth and transparency that enables data-driven project managementContinue reading on DataDrivenInvestor »
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Tags: AI, Big Data, Project Management
Australian Institute of Project Management
October 01, 2021
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Tags: Project Management
Data Literacy for Project Management Professionals
PM Fair
October 13, 2023
The role data plays in decision-making across all levels of organizations has never been more significant. Especially with the known potential of artificial intelligence and ChatGPT, the significance of data is experiencing exponential growth. But to unlock the potential of big data for improved project delivery performance, businesses must upskill their project management professionals with the requisite data literacy skills, tailored to the specific challenges, common behavioral and cultural constraints, and typical methods and processes in the project management domain. In this masterclass, attendees will learn about the necessary skills to overcome usual barriers in project environments, unlock today’s data capabilities, and make an impact toward improved project performance.
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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Project Management
Data-Driven Agility: Increase Strategic Adaptability and Speed in Projects
Agile Austria Conference 2023
October 12, 2023
The business world has reached a level of complexity that prompts companies to go beyond the usual agile methods and implement advanced adaptive measures. Most projects today struggle to meet their targets and often focus only on short-term and quick successes, losing sight of strategic value.
To be successful in today’s volatile business world, it is not only important for project teams to adapt quickly to new circumstances. Rather, fast, well-informed, and precise strategic decisions must also be made.
Data-Driven Agility is an approach that combines the concepts and current capabilities of data analytics with the principles of agility and innovation to meet the need for fast yet well-considered and informed decisions, enabling effective agility of teams and projects.
In this presentation, Marcus Glowasz will provide an overview of the key concepts of Data-Driven Agility and how they can make the delivery of projects in companies more effective and successful. Specifically, he will share practical tips on how project organizations and leaders can embark on the path toward Data-Driven Agility without major investments in data technology.
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Tags: Big Data, Agile, Project Management
Data Literacy für Projektmanager: Die essentielle Kompetenz im digitalen Zeitalter
PM-Summit Germany 2023
September 28, 2023
Gemäss einer Studie von Qlik wird ‘Data Literacy’ bzw. die Fähigkeit, mit Daten fachkundig und sachgemäss zu interagieren, bis 2030 die meistgefragteste Kompetenz in Organisationen sein. Aufgrund der rapiden technologischen Entwicklung und entsprechend steigernder digitaler Prägung des täglichen Lebens als auch in Unternehmen ist dies wenig überraschend.
Während die digitale Transformation in Firmen stark voranschreitet, hat sich im Fach des Projektmanagements diesbezüglich jedoch noch relativ wenig getan. Diese Diskrepanz führt in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen bereits zu Problemen, Ineffizienzen, und teilweise sogar scheiternden Projekten.
Die relativ langsame Einführung von datengetriebenen Prozessen und Techniken im Projektmanagement ist jedoch weniger ein Technologie-Problem, sondern hat eher mit der oft noch unzureichenden Datenkompetenz der Projektmitarbeiter sowie Stakeholder und Sponsoren zu tun.
In dieser Präsentation wird Marcus Glowasz eine Übersicht der generell notwendigen Kompetenzen vermitteln, die ein effektiveres und erfolgversprechenderes Projektmanagement mittels Einsatz von Big Data-Konzepten und -Technologien ermöglichen und somit auch den Weg ebnen hin zum Einsatz von modernen Methoden und Technologie wie z.B. Künstlicher Intelligenz. Hierbei geht es insbesondere auch darum, das Thema auch dem nicht technisch versierten Projektmitarbeiter verständlich darzustellen, und praktische Tipps zwecks direkter Umsetzung mitzugeben.
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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Project Management
Project Manager 2.0: Elevating human-led skills and capabilities in the age of AI
15th Annual Project, Agile & Leadership Conference Prague
September 20, 2023
The use of data-driven practices and artificial intelligence in project management is a hotly debated topic in today’s digital age. Many are keen to leverage AI tools to assist with project planning, risk management, automated reporting, data collection for informed decision-making, etc. For many, this presents an opportunity to streamline and automate numerous project management tasks while gaining valuable new insights to enhance decision-making in projects.
However, to effectively benefit from AI in project management, a solid foundation and well-established structures are necessary to fully unlock its capabilities. This requires driving and developing the project manager’s unique human-led skills and capabilities which will become more crucial than ever in the age of AI. It is through this integration that the immense potential of data, analytics, and AI in projects can be realized while simultaneously providing significant growth and development of people’s project management skills and leadership qualities.
In this presentation, Marcus Glowasz will provide practical strategies and actionable steps for attendees to embrace data-driven practices, advance their human-led capabilities, enable AI to complement people’s skills and abilities, and position themselves as future-proof project leaders.
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
Data-Driven Agility: Employing data and AI to keep up with speed and complexity
Impact Summit / PMO Strategies
September 18, 2023
Business environments have become increasingly complex, requiring businesses to go beyond common project delivery methods and adopt more advanced adaptive measures. However, many projects today struggle to deliver on their promises, often focusing only on short-term results and losing sight of the bigger picture.
While the agility of delivery teams is important in volatile business environments, the fast pace of change calls for the ability to quickly adjust and make well-informed strategic judgments. The pandemic has emphasized the crucial role of speed in project success.
Data-driven agility is a management approach that combines data, analytics, agility, and innovation to help organizations adapt quickly, drive growth, and make informed decisions. It enhances project resilience, strategic alignment, and decision-making.
In this presentation, Marcus Glowasz will provide an overview of data-driven agility and practical tips for engaging with data-driven and evidence-based methods.
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Tags: Agile, Analytics, Project Management
SPM Frühjahrstagung: Data Analytics und KI
June 06, 2023
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
The importance of data literacy for project management professionals to drive organizational success
Big Data Framework
May 23, 2023
Presentation at Big data Days 2023 conference
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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Project Management
Enabling Projects and Teams to Succeed in a Data-Driven World
PMI New Jersey Symposium 2023
May 01, 2023
In the era of big data and a sheer endless amount of information, the use of data analytics and Artificial Intelligence is the logical consequence to ensure that information is appropriately processed towards rational and informed decision-making in organizations. Especially the project management practice is expected to significantly benefit from an analytical and data-driven approach to project delivery, towards more accurate project forecasts and predictions and ultimately truly informed and timely decision-making.
But to obtain true value and benefits from such approach, providing the tools and technology will not be sufficient. What often is forgotten is the need for a fundamental change in project culture and people’s behavior, to adopt a new evidence-based mindset. It requires new and adjusted perspectives in terms of authenticity, transparency, and accountability, to ensure genuine and accurate insights get produced, providing real value and impact in projects.
Consequently, despite the major impact from technology and data, the key driver and factor for a successful implementation of data-driven practices is a supporting project culture which needs to be formed through the necessary behaviors of project leaders, stakeholders, and decision makers. As a result, project leaders need to adopt new leadership skills to engage people, orchestrate knowledge and information derived both from data and human experience and intuition, and ensure behaviors from people that effectively drive full transparency through an evidence-driven approach.
This session will provide an overview of how a data-driven project management approach will impact project planning and delivery practices, how project management professionals need to adjust their behaviors and mindset to support the effectiveness of evidence-based practices, and what actions project leaders need to take to initiate such change.
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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Project Management
Data Literacy for Project Managers: Essential Skills for Future-Proofing Project Delivery Practices
PMI South Africa Summit 2023
April 20, 2023
A study by Qlik predicts that by 2030, data literacy – the ability to interact with data competently and appropriately – will be the most sought-after skill in organizations. This is unsurprising, given the rapid technological development and the increasing digitalization of everyday life and business.
With the trend toward data-driven project delivery practices to improve and evidence project decisions, eventually even supported by Artificial Intelligence, it is clear that data literacy skills are becoming increasingly important for project management professionals. It involves understanding the data that drives project decisions and the ability to interpret and communicate it effectively.
As a human-centric decision-making and forecasting discipline and its different personas with very unique characteristics, the project management practice requires however a customized learning path that goes beyond generic data literacy training programs.
Using examples and simple exercises, Marcus Glowasz provides an overview of the data literacy skills that are required to support more effective and successful project management using Big Data concepts and technologies, helping project management professionals to get started diving into the world of data literacy.
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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Project Management
How AI can help to make us better project managers
PMI Bulgaria Chapter
March 23, 2023
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
Enabling Evidence-Based Project Delivery Practices through Informed Leadership
PMI Global Summit 2022
December 01, 2022
Today’s increasing uncertainty and complexity demand fact-based and data-driven project delivery practices for improved planning accuracy. But to unlock and enable the capabilities of data and technology toward an evidence-based delivery approach in projects, new and adjusted behaviors of project professionals are required to optimize and enhance project delivery knowledge and intelligence. Learn about the required leadership skills for project leaders to effectively guide their teams through such a transition to improve their delivery performance.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
1. Assess an organizational culture regarding its readiness to implement evidence-based project delivery practices.
2. Formulate a transition plan for project teams to adopt new behaviors and build a culture that supports evidence-based delivery practices.
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Tags: Big Data, Leadership, Project Management
Adapting to the Age of Change and Transparency
PMI Belgium Chapter
October 07, 2022
Today’s world is rapidly changing with often fast-changing messages, leading to high complexity and increasing change frequency. As a result, project and change management practices are forced to move along with today’s evolving technology and modern practices and need to embrace new ways that enhance our natural capabilities to deliver change and become fit for the future.
But while technology can enhance our capabilities, it requires more than ever people to enable such a future. It requires a new mindset about how we collaborate, how we deal with failure, how we learn, and how we adapt to disruption and change. It calls for new leadership skills in all of us to foster a culture of transparency, authenticity, and accountability, to enable effective growth and evolution.
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Tags: Project Management, Risk Management
Driving behavioural and cultural change to boost AI-Powered Project Delivery Practices
PMI South Africa Chapter Summit 2022
May 19, 2022
In the era of big data and an ever-increasing flow of information, the use of analytics is now widespread across industries, with data analytics mainly used to help enterprises make better decisions.
With project managers required to make critical project decisions on a daily basis, while projects in most cases remain falling short to deliver on their promises, a data-driven approach to project management is needed more than ever – the previously untapped capabilities of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence need to be leveraged to ensure that relevant project information is captured, towards more precise project forecasts and predictions and ultimately sound, informed and timely decision-making.
With many organizations and project professionals keen to initiate the journey to an evidence-driven and AI-powered project management practice, the primary focus is often on technology concepts, available tools, and techniques to collect and process data, and feed relevant information and insights into decision-making processes for improved decision outcomes and therefore more accurate project planning practices.
But what often is forgotten for such significant change is the impact of the cultural aspect and the need for people to change their behaviors, reflect on their current practices, and adopt a new evidence-based mindset. Data-driven and AI-based practices have to be fuelled with data and information for which the very same people that will consume the resulting insights, are the main provider. It therefore requires a new mindset in terms of authenticity, transparency, and accountability, to ensure genuine and accurate insights would get produced, providing real value and impact in projects.
Consequently, despite the major impact from technology and data, the key driver and factor for a successful implementation of data-driven practice is a supporting project culture which needs to be formed through the required behaviors of project leaders, stakeholders, and decision makers.
This session will provide an overview of how data analytics and disruptive technology like AI will impact project planning and delivery practices, how project management professionals need to adjust their behaviors and mindset to support the effectiveness of evidence-based project management, and which actions project leaders can take to initiate such change.
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
Thriving in Complexity through Strategic Resilience and Agility
UMD Virtual Project Management Symposium 2022
May 05, 2022
In today’s VUCA world with the ever-increasing complexity and need for agility and flexibility, project professionals are increasingly facing challenges to deliver projects on their targets. This is mainly caused by today’s growing business dynamics and frequently changing messages, and consequently also by a rising number of unforeseen disruptive events that have the potential to derail projects.
Today’s methods of responding to such unexpected events are outdated and have become ineffective with today’s types of risk and uncertainty. In fact, projects are generally insufficiently protected and are struggling to bounce back from disruption and turbulence. The result is often a survival mode with a lack of valuable project outcomes while project failures are consistently increasing, costing organizations billions of wasted dollars every single year, only to proceed to the next project without progressing or learning.
But instead of defending against the unknown and applying a strategy of hope, fear, or ignorance, the key to effective project resilience and agility is to turn uncertainty into an asset and an opportunity for project management as a discipline to grow and thrive in the long term. Projects need to become more robust and resilient to bounce back from unexpected events while evolving towards a truly value-driven project management practice.
In this presentation, Marcus Glowasz will outline the necessary skills of openness, adaptability, innovation, agility, and a mindset of growth along with uncertainty, to turn threats into opportunities and re-establish project delivery confidence and performance.
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Tags: Agile, Leadership, Project Management
AI-powered Project Management – A game-changer for the delivery of projects?
Swiss Project Management Conference 2021
September 05, 2021
In a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty, and rapid change, businesses are more and more dependent on the sheer endless and massive amount of data, as well as on their capabilities to understand that data. This is essential for organizations to stay ahead of the competition and to improve their productivity and the time to market for their products, requiring also a more efficient project delivery process.
Collecting and transforming data into knowledge, conclusions, predictions, and decisions is essential for the management of projects. Given the increasing complexity and amount of available data, and the human limitations to handle such amount of information, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on the project management practice, unlocking new potential to improve project success rates.
But how exactly will AI transform project management? How can one prepare for it?
The presentation will provide a critical review of AI’s capabilities in the project management practice, how AI can help to de-risk projects, and ultimately contribute to their success, and how it will impact project professionals.
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
PMI Virtual Experience Series
July 29, 2021
Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a significant impact on the way projects will be managed, and business leaders welcome this opportunity as properly applied AI in project management will result in significantly better project success rates. As a result, a true mindset change towards a more product-centric organization is required in order to unlock the full potential of AI in project management. This session will provide guidance on the Why and How towards an AI-powered project management approach.
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
The Impact of AI-Driven Project Management on an Organizations Decision-Making Culture
AACE International Expo
June 18, 2021
The project management industry is continuously facing challenges with rather low project success rates, which therefore demands a new intelligent approach to how projects are being managed and delivered. Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a welcomed opportunity for the project management practice to improve its service quality, to address its existing shortcomings with project deliveries, and increase the efficiency of projects. Accordingly, AI in Project Management is expected to enter and revolutionize the project management industry over the next months and years.
This new reality however means also dramatic change for an organization regarding its decision-making and project culture since this will mean a fundamental change in the beliefs and behaviors of project professionals. The paper aims to investigate the key elements of an AI-powered project management approach and how it will impact project management practitioners and their norms and values in terms of decision-making in projects.
Based on the findings, a recommended approach will be drafted to transition to an adjusted cultural setting that fits in a wider data-driven organizational culture, with the goal to increase the predictability of project outcomes.
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
Getting Ready for AI-Powered Project Management Within Your Organization
PMI Ottawa Valley
November 07, 2020
The pandemic has shown us how valuable advanced and modern technology is for today’s businesses and economies in a fast-moving world, and provides us an opportunity to accelerate digital transformations and augment our human capabilities with intelligent technology in order to be prepared for the post-crisis world.
This is especially true for the project management industry which is increasingly under fire due to its challenges with complexities and growing uncertainties, with often project failures as a result.
Artificial Intelligence will fundamentally change the project management practice by providing capabilities that go beyond the human possibilities, towards a truly data-informed project management approach.
This however requires a true mindset change and project professionals need to prepare for this new reality to unlock the full potential of AI in project management.
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management
The Death of the Project Manager – A Roadmap for AI in Project Management
Passion for Projects (PMI Sweden)
March 10, 2020
The fourth industrial revolution is underway, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking over tasks and activities usually carried out by humans, ultimately resulting in a dramatic shake-up of various industries, including the project management industry.
In fact, AI is expected to have a significant impact on the project management practice, changing drastically the way projects will be managed in the future, and business leaders welcome the opportunity to address the ongoing low project success rates and to improve business productivity.
But AI cannot be seen as just another tool that will automate administrative tasks and activities, helping the project manager to be more efficient.
Properly applied AI in Project Management will mean much more and will enable significantly better risk management, more realistic planning, more efficient resource allocations, and eventually better project success rates.
This however cannot be achieved by introducing AI tools alone – in order to unlock the full potential of AI in Project Management and provide real value and benefits, project management processes, frameworks, and methodologies must be redesigned, affecting also existing project roles, incl. the role of the project manager which is expected to disappear.
The presentation will outline the cornerstones of new processes and frameworks and explore a possible roadmap towards AI-driven project management, including the implications on roles and processes that need to be considered by project professionals and organizations.
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Tags: AI, Analytics, Project Management