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Julie Atherton MBA FCIM FIDM

Founder at Small Wonder Ltd

Bristol, United Kingdom

Julie Atherton is the founder of the social media transformation advisory and marketing consultancy Small Wonder. A business leader, author, public speaker, consultant and strategist, she specialises in advising organisations (B2B, B2C, and 3rd sector) on embedding social media in their strategic development and growth. Her social media strategy books are built on 30 years’ experience gained advising and training global brands, small independents and innovative start-ups including Deloitte Digital, Mott MacDonald, Nissan, Axa Group, St John Ambulance, Parcelforce Worldwide, Emerge Digital, Arnolfini, SmartViz, Asos, and Ulster Bank.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: UK
Speaking Topics: Social Media, B2B Social Selling, Personal Branding, Strategy, Content Marketing

Julie Atherton MBA FCIM FIDM Points
Academic 50
Author 372
Influencer 53
Speaker 38
Entrepreneur 70
Total 583

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.26
Analytics 30.25
Business Strategy 33.42
Creativity 35.68
Customer Experience 30.24
Customer Loyalty
Digital Disruption
Digital Transformation
Diversity and Inclusion 30.29
HR 30.12
Leadership 31.40
Marketing 37.65
Personal Branding 38.40
Public Relations 70.05
Sales 40.12
Social 76.89
SportsTech 30.65
Sustainability 30.15

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Engineering & Construction
Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services
Travel & Transportation


2 Academic Awards
CIM Content Strategy Specialist Award - Level 6
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
March 22, 2024
Achieved a distinction in this qualification.

This Specialist Award develops knowledge and skills to enable a strategic approach to content planning and creation. It covers three areas: the first area develops skills to create a targeted content strategy to deliver organisational objectives, the second area covers how content can be successfully planned and distributed; and the third area develops skills to create effective copy for a variety of target audiences.

See publication

Tags: Marketing

University of Bath
December 07, 2022
Online Professional Networking: An Exploration of Trust Limiting Behaviour on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest social networking site for business professionals with over 830 million members worldwide (LinkedIn, 2022). Individuals take a “leap of faith” (Akrout, 2019), trusting to connect with both people they know and those they have never met, to share ideas, support initiatives, and encourage participation. Since the Covid pandemic LinkedIn’s importance in building and maintaining professional networks has increased with a 20% growth in users between Q2 2020 and Q2 2022 (Iqbal, 2022). To facilitate this, LinkedIn shares guidance, focused around maximising an individual’s Social Selling Index (SSI), to encourage positive, trust-building and network-enhancing behaviours. However, with many users uncertain or unconfident, and unlike in face-to-face encounters, unable to perceive reactions to their activity, the question remains: are there behaviours or actions, unconsciously or unknowingly undertaken, that weaken those professional relationships so increasingly invested in?
This small-scale qualitative research study aims to explore whether there are any potentially trust limiting activities on LinkedIn which could weaken the effectiveness of an individual’s professional networking, to provide useful feedback to users, and identify areas for further research. The research was carried out in two phases. Phase 1 reviewed the content from 19 published interviews with LinkedIn social selling experts. Phase 2 consisted of in-depth interviews with 3 LinkedIn users, at different career stages, to explore their perspectives on LinkedIn professional networking and trust limiting behaviour. The findings indicate that LinkedIn is an important professional networking environment, and potentially the most important place for networking for younger generations and indicates that certain behaviours are perceived as trust limiting which could reduce the effectiveness of a professional network.

See publication

Tags: Social

5 Academic Courses
CIM Social Media Management Specialist Award - Level 6
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
November 29, 2024
Created the online course content for the Level 6 qualification - CIM Social Media Management Specialist Award.

The CIM Level 6 Specialist Awards have been developed for Marketing Managers and marketers working in
operational and supervisory roles, who are looking to progress their strategic and management skills.
Successful completion of a Specialist Award will equip the student with the knowledge, skills and
understanding to support decision making within a digital context at an operational level and carry out an
essential and successful professional marketing role within the workplace. These Specialist Awards provide
marketers with focused knowledge and expertise in specific areas of digital marketing while at the same
time fitting in with either current career goals, CPD or areas of interest within the Digital marketing sphere.
These qualifications are designed to enhance skills, improve career prospects, and demonstrate a high
level of proficiency in a particular marketing area.

Social media usage continues to grow with the proliferation of new platforms and tools. This module
provides strategic insights into how social media can enable an organisation to reach, nurture, and engage
with its target audience. It provides the knowledge and skills to create an effective social media strategy,
alongside successful management of social media platforms to drive audience engagement.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

CIM Strategy and Planning - Level 6
Chartered Intstitue of Marketing (CIM)
September 30, 2024
Created and presented the course content for virtual training, marked draft assignments and supported students for the mandatory Strategy and Planning module for the CIM Diploma in Professional and Digital Marketing Level 6 qualification.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Marketing, Social

CIM Global Marketing Decisions - Level 7
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
September 13, 2024
Prepared and delivered the course material for the virtual teaching, read and provided feedback on draft assignments and supported students for this mandatory module within the Level 7 qualification for the CIM Post Graduate Diploma in Professional Marketing and the CIM Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Marketing

The module prepares students to undertake a strategic audit of a global organisation and assess its capability and capacity to deliver across a range of business and marketing strategies before making recommendations, based upon a full critical evaluation of the various options available. The student will be required to apply a range of financial and risk assessment models to support decision making in relation to achieving the organisations vision, mission, and strategic business and marketing objectives.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Marketing, Sustainability

CIM Content Strategy Specialist Award - Level 6
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
February 08, 2024
Created the online course material and taught the virtual course for this Level 6 qualification for the CIM.

The CIM Level 6 Specialist Awards have been developed for Marketing Managers and marketers working in
operational and supervisory roles, who are looking to progress their strategic and management skills.
Successful completion of a Specialist Award will equip the student with the knowledge, skills and
understanding to support decision making within a digital context at an operational level and carry out an
essential and successful professional marketing role within the workplace. These Specialist Awards provide
marketers with focused knowledge and expertise in specific areas of digital marketing while at the same
time fitting in with either current career goals, CPD or areas of interest within the Digital marketing sphere.
These qualifications are designed to enhance skills, improve career prospects, and demonstrate a high
level of proficiency in a particular marketing area.

Content marketing management is essential for addressing important audience questions as well as
building trust, developing relationships and improving conversions. This module provides a strategic
approach to content marketing management that aligns to wider marketing goals. Delegates gain skills to
enable the creation an effective content strategy and manage its implementation, including the approval of
appropriate copy for a variety of audiences.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Marketing, Social

CIM Planning Campaigns - Level 4
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
January 15, 2024
Created the course material, presented the virtual course, gave feedback on draft assignments and supported students on the mandatory module - Planning Campaigns. This forms part of the L4 qualifications Certificate in Professional Marketing and Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing.

This module gives students the knowledge and skills to plan and implement successful campaigns that deliver real results for an organisation. Students will learn the campaign planning process including how to analyse an organisation’s current position. Students will also learn how to set campaign objectives, implement a campaign then measure and evaluate its success to aid continuous improvement in the fast-changing world of marketing.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Marketing, Social

1 Academic Fellow / Scholar
Chartered Institue of Marketing
June 25, 2024
Earners of the CIM FCIM badge are Fellows of CIM and senior marketing directors or consultants with strong strategic experience, operating at or around board level.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing

2 Article/Blogs
Influencer marketing and AI
Digital Marketing Institute
November 28, 2023
When AI meets Influencer Marketing you get a double whammy of marketing power all in one.
Top insights from award-winning digital strategist Julie Atherton MBA FCIM FIDM will change the way you think about your digital strategy forever.

AI can help you by improving these 5 elements
1/ Performance analytics.
2/ Influencer fraud detection.
3/ Content creation and optimization.
4/ Influencer discovery and matching.
5/ Target audience segmentation for precise marketing.

Plus there's an interesting discussion about AI virtual influencers.
Ready to navigate this innovative landscape?
Our guide is your roadmap to mastering influencer marketing with AI.
Discover how it’s done

See publication

Tags: AI, Public Relations, Social

Be a LinkedIn Leader in 2023
Digital Marketing Institute
August 15, 2023
This article provides 5 great tips to help you use LinkedIn effectively to boost brand awareness and increase reach.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Personal Branding, Social

2 Board Memberships
Trustee Board Member
Fi's Enrichment Education Support (FEES) Fund
May 06, 2024
Member of the trustee board of a small charity set up in memory of my close friend's daughter who died
in a car accident at 17. I particularly work in the areas of fundraising, social media, and marketing to
support the cause.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Public Relations, Social

External Trustee Board Director
Charity Commission for England and Wales
April 30, 2024
External Member of the Trustee Board for the Union of Brunel Students.
Trustee Board Member for 2 terms (6 years) ending in 2024.
During that time I was a member of the Audit and Risk Committee,
Finance Committee, Vice Chair of the People and Activities Committee, worked on a new 3-year
strategy, conducted the CEO's performance reviews and was part of a union-wide democracy and
representation review.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing

5 Books
Social Media Strategy; A practical guide to social media marketing and customer engagement
Kogan Page
October 03, 2023
2nd Edition
Social media marketing is no longer optional. This book unpacks the winning formula for effective social media marketing complete with comprehensive updates and latest developments.

Integrated marketing and PR strategies are a requirement for all businesses but with the explosion of social media and content marketing many organisations still struggle to know which channels to invest in and how to maximise their impact. Social Media Strategy gives clear guidance with a simple structured approach to executing campaigns that work. It provides a blueprint for planning, delivering and measuring social media’s contribution to your business through:
• Identifying and targeting audience segments
• Maximising social search
• Enhanced reputation management
• Managing a diversified influencer portfolio
• Selecting the right channels for organic and paid social
• Creating a process and structure to improve efficiencies
• Using appropriate technology including AI

With explanations of best-practice tools and practical downloadable templates, this new edition includes new and updated interviews and case studies from industry leaders, influencers, and brands including TUI, Greggs, Lego, Ryan Air, National Geographic and others. Social Media Strategy delivers a long-term solution for maximising social media-led business development.

See publication

Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

B2B Social Selling Strategy: Connect with Customers, Build Relationships and Drive Sales
Kogan Page
November 03, 2022
Written by a recognized social media expert, B2B Social Selling is an indispensable guide for B2B sales, marketing, and social media professionals.

Social media, when deployed strategically and effectively, offers a uniquely personal long-term networking opportunity for sales teams and business professionals. For many, this has supercharged their sales performance, with empowered teams, faster results, and higher revenues. For others, the challenges of navigating social channels for business can be daunting. Concerns over social media confidence, personal and professional conflicts of interest, and a loss of management control can lead to a lack of action or just plain dull and ineffective modes of engagement.

A practical approach to personal branding and social selling. Read how to:
• Use the B2B social selling framework to create an achievable strategy
• Deliver, measure, and optimise leads and sales
• Understand your networked audience and their motivations
• Build a personal brand that works in synergy with your business
• Create and curate content to attract attention and gain trust
• Work with B2B influencers
• Transform to a social selling culture
• Integrate social selling with other sales and marketing channels
• Select the right tools for CRM and automation

Additional content:
• Original research on the supports and barriers to social selling
• Case studies and interviews with industry professionals
• Online interactive tools and templates to create and execute your own strategy
• Forward by Stephen Walsh, founder of BuzzSumo and Anders Pink

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Personal Branding

Manual Do Social Media; Um guia práti co para redes sociais e eng amamento do cliente
Rodrigo Simonson
June 01, 2022
The Brazilian edition and Portuguese translation of Social Media Strategy; a practical guide to social media marketing and customer engagement.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

Strategie Sociálních Médií
January 31, 2022
The Czech translation and publication of Social Media Strategy; a practical guide to social media marketing and customer engagement

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

Social Media Strategy: A practical guide to social media marketing and customer engagement
Kogan Page
October 29, 2019
Social Media Strategy provides a simple structured way to create integrated customer engagement and social media campaigns. Using Atherton's unique Audience-Brand-Campaigns (ABC) approach, the book provides a clear road map for efficient planning, deliverance and financial accountability of social media's contribution to the business.

See publication

Tags: Social, Marketing, Public Relations

4 eBooks
Social Media Marketing for B2B Marketers
Digital Marketing Institute
February 16, 2024
Even the smallest of B2B businesses can embrace the opportunity social media marketing offers. But do you know how to take advantage of its full potential impact? Or to decide the best way to employ all the tools and channels now available as AI technology comes more into the game?

This 50-page ebook was written by social media consultant Julie Atherton exclusively for DMI premium members. It will help you take a holistic and practical look at how to use social media for your business, from marketing and sales, PR, employee engagement, and customer services.

The ebook is aimed at those marketing a B2B business, but its keen insights and practical tips will be relevant to any social media marketer.

It covers the following areas in depth:

Organic social media marketing for B2B
Paid social media marketing for B2B
Social media SEO and content marketing for B2B
Influencer marketing for B2B
Account-based marketing for B2B
Personal branding and social selling for B2B
Social PR for B2B
Social media customer service for B2B
Integration and amplification for social media B2B
AI and automation in social media B2B

See publication

Tags: AI, Personal Branding, Social

Create Britain 2030
The Data and Marketing Association
April 21, 2022
The pandemic released a wave of pent-up creative energy. According to a study by The Open University (OU), 61% of individuals tried a new form of creativity in 2020.

Whether painting, sewing, baking, or writing, huge numbers of people sought solace in being creative.

As Kevin Chesters, Co-Author of The Creative Nudge says:

“People think creativity is a job title and it’s not.

You can bring creativity to any field you’re in. You can be a creative lawyer; you can be a creative grandma. Thinking about things in new and interesting ways will just make your life better.”

However, creative businesses are facing new commercial pressures, from the need to show cold, hard metrics; to the squeeze felt by sub-sectors such as the arts and TV production.

As such, the DMA’s Creative Committee have looked at the different ways artistry, inventiveness, and imagination can be used to rebuild trust and the economy.

With case studies, insights from leading creative lights, and more, this booklet uncovers:

The importance of Britain’s creative industries to the economy
Why creativity is in crisis, from funding cuts across the board to a lack of truly representative talent
Strategies for creative and commercial success over the next decade

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Customer Experience, Leadership

The DMI Guide to B2B Marketing
Digital Marketing Institute
December 13, 2021
B2B marketing can seem daunting. When every lead has the potential to make a significant impact on your business’s profits, and competition is fierce, your B2B marketing strategy can make the difference between success and failure.

This comprehensive e-book is designed to help you create, use, and continually improve a B2B marketing strategy for your organization.

It breaks the process down into these 10 easy steps, for improved lead generation, customer experience, and sales.

Understand your B2B marketing context
Define your objectives
Take an integrated approach
Understand and target your audience
Build an online presence
Generate, nurture, and convert leads
Measure, test, and learn
Boost results with paid advertising
Drive efficiencies with automation
Where outsourcing could help

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

E-book: How to Spot, Evade, Manage and Learn from a Social Media Crisis
Digital Marketing Institute
April 04, 2021
Does one misspelled tweet cause a crisis? How do you keep control when a crisis hits on social media? This ebook discusses how to spot, evade, manage, and survive a social media crisis. And, how to emerge from it wiser and stronger.
It includes detail on preparation, with checklists, examples, and sage advice on how to prepare and manage a social media crisis. Available for download to DMI members.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

1 Industry Council Member
DMA Creative Committee Member
Data and Marketing Association (DMA)
January 02, 2024
Member of the Creative Committee
The Creative Committee exists to inspire UK data and marketing (and beyond) with the real value of creative thinking, leading to a more innovative industry. The committee brings together creative leaders from brands and agencies, working across the industry, focused on the execution of creativity to deliver consumer trust, a more diverse industry, and business results. They are also:

Researching and promoting Great British Creativity in all its forms, from verbal and visual to data and strategy.
Addressing the creativity crisis with learning and highlighting the skills opportunities of innovative technologies.
To help highlight the importance of Great British Creativity, apply to join the committee here, contribute to the discussions here, or reach out to the DMA Council Team.
The flagship report of 2024 is The Value of Creativity 2024

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Creativity, Social

1 Influencer Award
Marketing Maverick: Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2024
Elite X
November 20, 2024
An award that is given to visionary leaders transforming the global marketing landscape.
This award was issued for empowering global brands by making waves with her extensive experience in social media strategy.

See publication

Tags: Social

1 Keynote
Transforming Digital Strategy with Social Media
AMA Digital Marketing Virtual Conference
September 14, 2021
Closing Keynote: Transforming Digital Strategy with Social Media
Social media has changed the rules. Brands are no longer the sole owners and architects of their proposition and behaviors. They are shaped and influenced by their customers and followers within networked and interdependent relationships. The result, a new hierarchy for strategy. Explore the ABC of social strategy:
Consider the complexity of a networked Audience
Recognize the impact of interdependence on Brands
Reap the benefit of a symbiotic approach to Campaigns

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Marketing, Social

8 Media Interviews
How social media is transforming recruitment and employer branding
ET HR World
December 04, 2024
In an exclusive interview with ETHRWorld EMEA, Julie Atherton, author and seasoned business consultant, shares her insights on strategies HR managers should devise to effectively channels, including social media for recruitment while safeguarding the compny's brand reputation.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, HR, Social

Julie Atherton: Small Wonder Makes Big Impression in Global Social Media and Marketing Sector
Elite X
October 15, 2024
Interview with Elite X for Marketing Maverik Awars.
> Social Media
> Leadership
> Academic and professional achievements

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Marketing, Social

Identify The Difficult Conversations from An Outright Crisis
CXM Today
February 12, 2024
Interview in CXM Today about social media crisis management, AI and more ...

See publication

Tags: AI, Public Relations, Social

CIM Marketing Podcast #79: A Social Media Masterclass
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
June 22, 2023
How to establish a winning social media account
This podcast:
Reveals how to boost social following and increase engagement
Shows how to tackle negative feedback in the social media space
Demonstrates how to balance your life in an always-on arena

See publication

Tags: Social, Public Relations, Personal Branding

Ahead of the Game Podcast: How to Survive a Social Media Crisis
Digital Marketing Institute
April 04, 2021
Does one misspelled tweet cause a crisis? How do you keep control when a crisis hits on social media? In this episode, host Will Francis hears from social media trainer and founder of Small Wonder, Julie Atherton how to spot, evade, manage, and survive a social media crisis. And, how to emerge from it wiser and stronger.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

Collaborate for Social Media Success
Digital Marketing Institute
November 01, 2020
You've created a fabulous social media strategy for your business or client - how do you get buy-in for your ideas and business processes to make them actually happen and get social media success? In this podcast episode, host Will Francis chats with Social Media expert Julie Atherton on how collaborating with others is the key to social strategy implementation.

Julie is the author of the book Social Media Strategy, an excellent resource covering all aspects of social media in clear form. Podcast listeners can avail of a special discount code for the book, listen to the end and you'll hear her share it!

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Marketing, Social

Practical Social Media Strategy
The Digital Marketing Institute
October 01, 2020
In this episode, Will gets the full low-down on practical ways to approach your social media strategy. He talks to Julie Atherton, founder and managing director of the UK marketing consultancy Small Wonder. With 30 years of experience, she has seen firsthand the transition from traditional to digital marketing, and explored every channel out there. Her book - Social Media Strategy: A Practical Guide to Social Media Marketing & Engagement - is already a classic guide.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

Social Media Strategy Is As Easy As ABC With Julie Atherton’s New Book
November 12, 2019
Paul Armstong interviews Julie Atherton about her unique collaborative strategic approach to social media strategy.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

1 Miscellaneous
Award Judge: DMA Awards 2024 - Travel & Leisure
October 09, 2024
Judge for the DMA Awards Travel and Leisure category.
This category is for B2B or B2C work promoting travel services and leisure brands which includes work relevant to transport, holidays, travel, accommodation, and leisure destinations or activities.
Entries can be made up of either a single execution, a full campaign or long-term activity using either single or multiple channels.

Each entry should show:
> Whether the work targeted existing or new customers
> How the strategy informed the creative execution
> Results that show impact against KPIs, such as cost-effective leads and/or sales generated or tangible engagement with the product, service, or brand
> How the work supported the overall marketing strategy
> How the work used customer insight in a new and interesting way

This category is judged equally on strategy, creativity, and results.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Creativity, Marketing

1 Miscellaneous
QA Social Media Marketing Training Course Content
July 29, 2024
Created subject matter expert content for video scripts to support QA's training courses in social media marketing.

See publication

Tags: AI, Marketing, Social

1 Panel
DMA Webinar: The End of 3rd Party Cookies - What's Next?
May 11, 2021
What comes after the end of third-party cookies?​

Marketers, advertisers, and publishers have long relied on third-party cookies for tracking, data collection, and ad personalisation and targeting. As browser providers move to offer more transparency, third-party cookies are being deprecated. ​

In this session, join John Mitchison, Director of Policy and Compliance, DMA, Zachary Faruque, Offering Analyst, OneTrust PreferenceChoice, Carolyn Bondi, Co-Founder, The Thread Team, Sue MacLure, Director of Data, CACI and Julie Atherton, Founder, Small Wonder as we review the timeline for third-party cookies and the current privacy landscape and ecosystem that is driving the changes. We also cover:

The opportunity for quality first-party data collection and strategies for building trust with your audience
The importance of third-party cookies coming to an end and what benefits this will have on consumers
Expert opinions on how third-party cookies have helped organisations and how the upcoming changes may affect your business

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

10 Podcasts
The Marketing Book Podcast: B2B Social Selling Strategy: Connect with Customers, Build Relationships, and Drive Sales
The Marketing Book Podcast
March 29, 2024
Julie is interviewed by Douglas Burdett about her book B2B Social Selling Strategy
They talk about sales, social media, personal branding and so much more ...

See publication

Tags: Personal Branding, Sales, Social

Ahead of the Game Podcast #91: The Human Touch in AI Copywriting | Digital Marketing Institute
March 08, 2024
AI is now an integral part of copywriting. But how do we consider the line between craft and automation, between efficiency and creativity? How do we balance the human touch?

In this episode, DMI podcast producer and today's host, ⁠Emma Prunty⁠, is joined by marketing strategist ⁠Julie Atherton⁠, and veteran copywriter and AI educator ⁠Kerry Harrison⁠.

Some of the key points in an insightful, wide-ranging conversation:

- Which AI tools work best for copywriters
- How to ensure the 'human' remains part of the strategic and creative process, such as through Kerry's concept of an 'AI sandwich'
- Ethics in the application and development of AI
- Transparency between clients and copywriters about AI use and implementing AI policies
- Gender bias in AI models and what we can do about it...
...the ongoing importance of encouraging girls and women in tech

Listen to the end to hear Julie and Kerry's top takeaway tips for copywriters!

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Diversity and Inclusion, SportsTech

Ahead of the Game Podcast #91: The Human Touch in AI Copywriting
Digital Marketing Institute
March 08, 2024
AI is now an integral part of copywriting. But how do we consider the line between craft and automation, between efficiency and creativity? How do we balance the human touch?

In this episode, DMI podcast producer and today's host, ⁠Emma Prunty⁠, is joined by marketing strategist ⁠Julie Atherton⁠, and veteran copywriter and AI educator ⁠Kerry Harrison⁠.

Some of the key points in an insightful, wide-ranging conversation:

Which AI tools work best for copywriters
How to ensure the 'human' remains part of the strategic and creative process, such as through Kerry's concept of an 'AI sandwich'
Ethics in the application and development of AI
Transparency between clients and copywriters about AI use and implementing AI policies
Gender bias in AI models and what we can do about it...
...the ongoing importance of encouraging girls and women in tech
Listen to the end to hear Julie and Kerry's top takeaway tips for copywriters!

See publication

Tags: AI, Creativity, Social

Social Media Strategy: A Practical Guide to Social Media Marketing and Customer Engagement by Julie Atherton
The Marketing Book Podcast
January 03, 2024
Julie is interviewed by Douglas about the 2nd Edition of her social media strategy book.

Social Media Strategy gives clear guidance with a simple structured approach to executing campaigns that work. It provides a blueprint for planning, delivering, and measuring social media’s contribution to your business through:

Identifying and targeting audience segments
Maximizing social search
Enhanced reputation management
Managing a diversified influencer portfolio
Selecting the right channels for organic and paid social
Creating a process and structure to improve efficiencies
Using appropriate technology including AI
With explanations of best-practice tools and practical downloadable templates, this new edition includes new and updated interviews and case studies from industry leaders, influencers, and brands including TUI, Greggs, Lego, Ryan Air, and National Geographic.

Social Media Strategy delivers a long-term solution for maximizing social media-led business development.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Public Relations, Social

A Social Media Marketing Masterclass
June 01, 2023
In this episode, join CIM course director, Julie Atherton, and founder of Rough Water Media, Henry Purchase, as they discuss how to set up and maintain a successful social media account for you or your business. Listen for tips and tricks on when and where to post, how to target the right audience, and how to handle negative feedback and comments.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

This is Influence: Julie Atherton discusses B2B Social Selling Strategy
February 01, 2023
Julie Atherton is the founder of the social media transformation agency, “Small Wonder”. she helps organisations embed social media into their strategic development and growth.

She has worked with many global brands, including Nissan, Axa Group and Deloitte Digital, to name a few.

She is also the author of a new book, ‘B2B Social selling Strategy’, Connect with customers, build relationships and drive sales.

We discuss:

Why B2B social selling has become an invaluable skill
The value of simplicity in B2B social selling
B2B influencers and how they can grow your business
How a presence on TikTok can boost your brand

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

Successful Social Selling
Digital Marketing Institute
December 09, 2022
Consultant, founder, strategist, and author Julie Atherton and customer relationship growth manager at Intercom Sean Gallagher join host Will Francis to tell us why Social Selling is more about value than sales. Julie and Sean discuss their original research, which Sean worked on while undertaking his master’s dissertation under Julie’s supervision.

They also talk us through how a personal and company profile can complement one another, and how to go about starting meaningful relationships with industry leaders, among many other topics. Julie and Sean leave us with many practical sales tips on considering TikTok and other socials for selling, and the importance of consistency and genuineness in fostering leads.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

Ahead of the Game: 2023 Trends in Digital Marketing Podcast
Digital Marketing Institute
November 25, 2022
It's here! Our roundup of 11 experts across digital marketing with their insights on what to look out for in 2023.

Here's just some of the things they see coming up that marketers of all levels need to think about: the need to address the cost of living crisis, a shift within infuencer marketing, social media going back to its roots and seeing some decentralization, further personalization and a push back to one-to-one interaction, the need for skills in data analysis, the rise of super-apps, where is automation going, new responses to the shift in data, GA4, the serious use of AI, consumers' expectations of brands, and lots more!

We were delighted to have our host Will Francis chat with:

Ken Fitzpatrick of the DMI, Neal Schaffer, Caitlin Seele of Drift, Kate Toon, Clark Boyd Julie Atherton, Alison Battisby, Cathal Melinn, Katrina Noelle, Stephen Walsh, and Chris Coomer of Neil Patel Accel

The Ahead of the Game podcast is brought to you by the Digital Marketing Institute and is available on our website, as well as all podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

The Social Media Union Podcast: B2B Social Selling
The Social Media Union
November 03, 2022
In this episode, Jenna Alicia talks to Julie about her latest book (dropped 3rd November 2022) 'B2B Social Selling' and we get in to what social selling is, how you can use it in B2B sales and the power of using individual employees profiles for social selling, building relationships and more.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

Drift Conversation Starters with Sammi Reinstein: How to Effectively Incorporate Social Media into a B2B Sales Strategy
October 26, 2022
As we've learned this season, videos, emails, virtual events, and personalized demos all help to continue conversations with both prospects and buyers, but what about meeting prospects and buyers on the channel where they already spend a lot of their day (for better or for worse).
That channel is social media, and if used correctly, it can be the secret to cutting through sales noise.
Julie joins Sammi for the Season 3 finale to share her best practices for starting, and continuing, conversations with both prospects and buyers through social media.

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Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

1 Speaking Engagement
DMA Customer Engagement Future Trends Event
May 09, 2024
I chaired the event which shared original research and insights on everything AI and customer engagement, including:
How generative AI is transforming content production
The importance of in-person brand experiences, including research with ASOS and H&M
Using data and AI to deliver consent-based relevant experiences in a post-cookie world

See publication

Tags: AI, Customer Experience, Marketing

4 Trainings
DMA Social Media Marketing Strategy, Tools, & Tactics Masterclass
Data and Marketing Association
October 22, 2024
Created and ran this professional training course.

This two-day course gives practical advice that will help you boost your social media marketing results. Learn how to develop a strategy, set objectives and identify social influencers. Discover the best social platforms for you and plan your social content effectively.

During this course you will learn to:
> Understand your social media landscape
> Build your social media plan and determine KPIs
> Implement effective social media activity that contributes to your business objectives
> Innovate with content, tools, influencers and communities to maximise engagement and results

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

DMA Digital Marketing Strategy Skill Bootcamp - Level 5
Data and Marketing Association (DMA)
February 16, 2024
As part of the DMA's campaign to reduce skills gaps and talent shortages across the UK, organisations can now benefit from funding from the Department for Education (DfE) to upskill their employees.

The Skills Bootcamps are a great opportunity to get support from the DMA and the DfE, especially for small to medium size businesses that are struggling with digital marketing skills.

The Digital Marketing Strategy Skills Bootcamp covers 17 key topics of digital marketing strategy and application, from AI to social media and email marketing. It provides students with all the skills they need to confidently create effective omnichannel campaigns.

During the course, participants will complete the Certificate in Digital Marketing Strategy, an industry-recognised Level 5 qualification, accredited by the Institute of Data & Marketing (IDM). I teach the Content Marketing and Social Media sessions,

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Marketing, Social

How to leverage social media for you and your agency
September 20, 2023
Social media has become our primary means of digital communication and perhaps, for some, all communication. At its heart it is a way to create, foster and deepen personal relationships. Brands have seen incredible success in harnessing these channels, but is there a risk that trust is starting to erode, and if so, does our behaviour affect it, and what will the impact be?

Drawing on original research and both agency and client-side personal practice, this interactive seminar will provide insights into the fragile trust dynamic that social media activity depends on. It will explore how, with increased awareness of trust building and trust limiting behaviour, you can leverage positive relationships for your personal brand and for your agency.

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Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

Masterclass: How to implement a successful B2B social selling strategy
Kogan Page
October 21, 2022
Join Julie Atherton to explore how a social selling strategy can empower teams, achieve faster results and increase sales performance. Learn to identify the right channels for your business, gain the trust of your audience and measure success while avoiding the common pitfalls of managing a social selling strategy.
Drawing upon her many years of experience in social selling and marketing, Julie will be speaking about:
What is social selling and why embracing it affects the culture of organizations
Why social selling works
How marketing and sales teams can work more closely to achieve better results
The type of leadership needed to ensure the success of your social selling strategy
Examples of organizations that have been successful
Gain key insights into how to implement and successfully manage a B2B social selling strategy in your organization.

See publication

Tags: Social, Marketing, Sales

3 Visiting Lecturers
University of Bath Marketing MSC: Visiting Lecturer
University of Bath
October 28, 2024
Conducted two lectures and one seminar for the students on the Marketing MSC for two courses:
> Contemporary Brandscapes - 1x lecture and 1x seminar to support their project on Clarks Shoe Museum with strategy techniques and social media insights.
> E-commerce and Omnichannel Marketing - 1x lecture focused on strategy and social media to support their assignment brief

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

Shifting Brands Towards Dialogue
University of Exeter
June 12, 2024
A guest lecture as part of the MBA Brand Module on the topics of:
Brand dialogue challenges
Distinctiveness and differentiation

See publication

Tags: Creativity, Marketing, Social

Integrated Planning
University of Bath
March 04, 2024
Visiting Lecture
Integrated Planning - applying the following areas to the assignment brief for 3rd year Marketing BA students
> Strategy tools
> Content pillars
> Channel selection
> Optimise integration

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

4 Webinars
Member Exclusive: How to successfully implement social media listening to support your strategy
Chartered Institute of Marketing
February 22, 2024
Social listening can provide a window into how your customers behave and think, and allow you to predict emerging trends and conversations.

Take a structured approach to social media listening to ensure your strategy includes the most important and relevant information about your audience, responds quickly and effectively to positive and negative sentiment, identifies hot topics and viral opportunities, and builds strong and effective long-term relationships.

In this webinar, Julie will identify the most important social listening activities and discuss how your social media strategy can benefit from them.

Member-only content:

Getting started with social listening
Improving your strategy with social listening
Tips on tools and techniques to save time and deliver results

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Public Relations, Social

Supercharge Your Social Media Strategy for 2023
March 15, 2023
CIM Member Exclusive Webinar:
In a constantly changing environment it can be hard to keep up with the latest tools and trends, especially on social media.
CIM course director and founder of social media and marketing consultancy Small Wonder, Julie will unpick the top social media trends for 2023, and share tips on how to stay ahead with social.

Tune into the session live for the chance to take part in our Q&A session.
Members can watch the recording to discover:
Which platforms to keep on your radar
How to implement new trends into your strategy
Which social media trends are set to take off this year.

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Public Relations, Social

DMI Webinar: Revolutionise your B2B Marketing Strategies
Digital Marketing Institute
May 12, 2021
Whether you work for a global brand or an SME, ensuring your business can stand out from the crowd is crucial to B2B marketing success.

This webinar with Julie, and Founder and Managing Director of Small Wonder, we focus on identifying the levers that will revolutionize your approach to B2B marketing.

Julie covered the following::

The key trends in B2B marketing - Technology, Channels, and Content
The importance of creating "stand-out" in your market
How to integrate and optimize the customer experience
Top tips for generating quality leads
How to make limited budgets go further

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

Social Selling Fundamentals for B2B
The Digital Marketing Institute
December 09, 2020
Now more than ever it is crucial for B2B organizations to integrate effective social selling into their marketing and sales activity.
In this webinar, social media consultant and author Julie Atherton explains and explores the fundamentals of social selling. She covers:
• What is 'the social selling funnel'?
• How social can help you build an effective sales network
• The importance of content marketing in social selling
• The principles of lead nurturing in social
• How to harness influencers in your network

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

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