Why IT Is Crucial, But Irrelevant
September 19, 2019
This article will explain:
- Why companies are not and will not become innovative by using technology and why there's very little opportunity to gain a lasting competitive advantages against competitors,
- The very dangerous assumption of why an overemphasis on a technology-driven strategy does not translate into a lasting competitive advantage, despite the increased importance of IT,
- What distinguishes proprietary from infrastructural technologies,
- How competitive advantages erode over time, by looking at past technologies,
- What makes IT a simple commodity input and not a strategic advantage to enterprises,
- Why companies need to focus on threats rather than opportunities and should keep IT expenditure in check,
- Why companies should not be first-movers and why there’s no shame in following your competitors when it comes to adopting new IT technologies.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation
Why Companies Need to Eat Their Children - A Comprehensive Guide to Disruption
David C. Luna
June 03, 2019
This comprehensive guide will cover a phenomena called “disruption”, explain how it impacts successful organizations and what they need to do in order to embrace it and become disruptors themselves. As such, I will address the following:
- Why almost everyone around you is misusing the term “disruption” and has been misapplying it for years.
- We will explore why Blackberry, one of the most successful smartphone manufacturers was disrupted, why they didn’t see it coming and what contributing factors led to the inevitable outcome.
- Explain why it’s not that simple for companies to just disrupt themselves (especially very successful ones) and why this is not a rational strategy.
- Point out how many executives (sometimes) willingly ignore and fail to recognize the predictable patterns of disruption, missing out on the opportunity to capitalize on it.
- We will look at another example about integrated steel mills, dominating the steel industry for decades, that were blindsided and overrun by an initially inconspicuous technology and why they only saw disruption coming after it was too late.
- Illustrate the reasons why highly successful incumbents get disrupted by innovations in a predictable fashion, simply for doing everything right (e.g. listening to customer) and how they become prisoners of their own success.
- Look at how German SMEs approach disruption and what defensive strategies they employ.
- Reveal why doing the right thing is extremely hard to sell to people in charge.
- Show you the leading causes of the demise of these industry giants by illustrating how a startup in the heating industry successfully disrupted its incumbents and reveal their secrets to success.
- Highlight various product and organizational strategies your company can use to solve the dilemma and advert being disrupted.
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation
Why Uber Is Not Disruptive
David C. Luna
May 08, 2019
...and What Almost Everyone Around You Gets Wrong About It
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation
Der Mittelstand braucht keine digitale Transformation!
David C. Luna
November 06, 2018
Warum die digitale Transformation nichts mit Technologie zu tun hat und die meisten Mittelständler mehr Mut benötigen, das zu nutzen, was sie bereits haben. Ein Appell an den deutschen Mittelstand.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation
018 - Free Private Cities: Why Governments Are Obsolete Relics of the Past /w Dr. Titus Gebel
David Luna
September 26, 2021
This episode talks to Dr. Titus Gebel about how Free Private Cities could fundamentally change the way we view government as a whole and force governments to compete for their citizens. We also explore why the structure of government hasn’t changed much throughout history and why democratic welfare states eventually all decline and create social unrest among its societies.
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, GovTech, Smart Cities
017: How Autonomy & Insubordination Made Sweden’s Army War Heros /w Tony Ingesson
David Luna
July 25, 2021
In this episode, I talk to Tony Ingesson about why the Swedish army was viewed as trigger-happy and insubordinate during the Bosnia war and was celebrated as war heroes, whereas the very disciplined and professional Dutch army forced the entire Dutch government to ultimately resign.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, Innovation
016: How Microsoft Felt Threatened by a Small Innovative Browser Company /w Jón S. von Tetzchner
David Luna
January 10, 2021
In this episode, I talk to industry legend Jon von Tetzchner about what it takes to compete in crowded markets. And we also explore how Microsoft felt threatened in its market dominance by his browser company and ultimately resorted to unethical business practices.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Startups
015: CRISPR – One of the Biggest Science Breakthroughs of the Decade /w Joram Schwartzmann
David Luna
October 12, 2020
CRISPR is considered one of the biggest and most important scientific breakthroughs of the past decade and will probably remain the biggest science story for the foreseeable future. CRISPR could revolutionize everything from medicine to agriculture - and it has worked on every organism it’s been tried on. And with COVID-19 at our doorsteps, this is a perfect time to get acquainted with the powerful new gene editing technology called CRISPR.
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Tags: Emerging Technology, HealthTech, Innovation
#014 - How Drug Cartels Operate & Innovate Like Silicon Valley Startups /w Rodrigo Nieto-Gomez
David Luna
August 23, 2020
In this episode I caught up with Rodrigo Nieto-Gomez (award-winning professor) to talk about the criminal entrepreneurial and innovation skills of Mexican drug cartels, how they operate and what we can learn from them.
I also explain how cocaine is produced and what makes it so profitable. Then I show you how to setup your own drug empire, what skills and mentality you need to succeed in this industry, how to scale your business and what offshoring options you can use.
See publication
Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation
#013 - How Vacuum Panels Are Already the Best Insulator for the Next Century /w Dr. Joachim Kuhn
David Luna
July 28, 2020
In today‘s episode I talk to Dr. Joachim Kuhn who is the CEO and founder of va-Q-tec - a very innovative company that produces highly efficient and space saving vacuum panels that insulate 10 times better than traditional insulators and will remain the best insulation material for the century.
va-Q-tec has won the TOP 100 innovator award, has been the National Champion at the "European Business Awards" multiple times, made it into the TOP 10 of the GreenTec awards, along with so many other awards and recognitions that it would seriously take a half an hour to name them all.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation
#012 - Scamming the Scammers — How Scammers Innovate /w Jim Browning
David Luna
June 29, 2020
This episode takes a deeper look at the much hated scamming industry, by exploring what types of scams there are, how the business model behind these scamming organizations work and how scamming has evolved over the years.
My guest is Jim Browning, an IT professional who, in his spare time, investigates and fights scammers. He has been featured in the famous BBC documentary series “Panorama”, where he managed to infiltrate a large-scale technical support scamming operation, leading to world-wide press coverage along with arrests of the scammers involved.
See publication
Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption
#011 - Why a CEO Stepped Down so an Intern Could Take Over /W Hermann Arnold
David Luna
June 07, 2020
In 2013 Herrmann Arnold (at that time CEO and shareholder of Haufe-umantis AG) voluntarily stepped down as a CEO and appointed a former intern for the CEO position, because he was convinced that he wasn‘t the right person to continue the next growth stage of his company. Many would view this as a colossal failure. Why the exact opposite is true, is something we discuss at length in this episode.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Leadership
#010 – How Gallium Nitride (GaN) is Changing the World /w Award-winning Prof. Martin Kuball
David Luna
May 11, 2020
This episode explores a special material called gallium nitride (GaN) that is not only a super efficient semiconductor, but is also changing the tech industry and is destined to disrupt the established silicon industry. GaN tech could save 10% of the electricity consumption in the US alone. And consumers can already purchase products using this high-tech material. To further explore this fascinating material, I interview the multi-award-winning professor Martin Kuball.
See publication
Tags: Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, Innovation
#009 - Biomimicry: Inspired by the Best Innovator on the Planet Nature
David Luna
April 19, 2020
In this episode we talk about the best innovator on the planet - nature and how we can learn and apply its ingenious solutions to solve some of the most challenging problems we humans face. We also explore some fascinating examples from the animal and insect kingdom and see how successful companies have applied these nature-inspired designs into their products.
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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, Sustainability
#008 – The Groundbreaking Approach to Language Acquisition /w Award-winning Prof. Stephen Krashen
David Luna
March 30, 2020
To answer some of the following questions, I talk to award-winning Prof. Stephen Krashen, one of the most prolific and most frequently cited scholar in the field of language education:
- Why current language learning programs are still largely ineffective and haven‘t fundamentally improved over the last decades and what we should be doing instead
- How Krashen’s theory about language acquisition, despite it being over 40 years old, remains groundbreaking
- We also debunk some of the most common and prevalent misconceptions about second language acquisition. Two of these being: Languages are acquired by speaking or that children acquire languages much more easily than adults.
...and much much more.
In this episode I talk to award-winning Prof. Stephen Krashen, one of the most prolific and most cited scholars in the language education about his groundbreaking theory of language acquisition.
See publication
Tags: EdTech, Innovation, Education
#007 - Autism and the Untapped Potential
David Luna
March 15, 2020
This episode talks to two of the foundering members (Rebecca Beam & Chad Hahn) of Auticon. Auticon is an international technology consulting company, that exclusively employs adults on the autism spectrum as IT consultants. Of the 200 people employed there, around 150 are on the autism spectrum. auticon’s concept has been acknowledged internationally and has received numerous awards with Sir Richard Branson being on of auticon’s most prominent investors.
We look at the untapped potential of autism and some of the misconceptions and challenges surrounding it, as well as where people on the spectrum outperform neurologically typical individuals.
We also answer why not more companies are hiring people on the spectrum and move towards a more neurodiverse workforce and how auticon employs these individuals to solve some of the most complex problems for their clients. And finally, this interview makes the case for why hiring neurodiverse people will be the next big wave of innovation.
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Tags: Social, Future of Work, Diversity and Inclusion
#006 - Die 25-Stunden-Arbeitswoche, bei gleichem Gehalt & Urlaub mit Lasse Rheingans
David Luna
February 24, 2020
Lasse Rheingans, Geschäftsführer der Bielefelder Digitalagentur Rheingans Digital Enabler, hat im November 2017 testweise die 25-Stunden-Arbeitswoche bei sich im Unternehmen eingeführt - und das bei gleichem Gehalts- und Urlaubsanspruch. Warum er das gemacht hat und was danach passiert ist, erfahrt ihr in dieser spannenden Episode!
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Tags: Culture, Digital Transformation, Future of Work
#005 What the Inca’s Can Teach Us About the Rise & Fall of Organizations
David Luna
February 10, 2020
This episode explores why organizations rise and fall, by interviewing the authors of The Illusion of Invincibility: The Rise and Fall of Organizations Inspired by the Incas of Peru, trying to answer the fundamental challenge that every organization has:
How do established companies continue to stay competitive and innovate within an ever-changing environment?
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Tags: Digital Disruption, Innovation, Leadership
#004 - The Innovative Norwegian Prison system
David Luna
January 29, 2020
In this episode we explore what makes Norway’s prisons the most humane, and innovative in the world, how Norway went from a nation of pillaging Vikings full of violence, murder and revenge and to a country where peace and forgiveness came to triumph, how we, as a society, reconcile the need for retribution and punishment for heinous crimes and the need for reintegration of criminals back into society and much, much more.
My guest is Tom Eberhardt, former Governor at Bastøy prison, now the Directorate for the correctional services, responsible for the Norwegian-American cooperation. Some might remember the 2015 documentary *Where to Invade Next* from Michael Moore. Tom Eberhardt is one of the prison guards Michael Moore interviews.
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Tags: Innovation, Health and Safety, Health and Wellness
#001: Why Technology Matters a Lot Less Than You Think
David Luna
November 24, 2019
In this episode we will explore: - Why companies are focusing on the wrong thing when it comes to “digital transformation. - Why the over-reliance on technology can massively hurt your company... ...and more.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Business Strategy
#002: Why Uber is Not Disruptive
David Luna
November 24, 2019
In this episode I will explain: - Why almost everyone around you is misusing the term “disruption” and has been misapplying it for years, - why Uber is not disruptive...and more.
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Business Strategy
#003: Warum die digitale Transformation keine ist!
David Luna
November 24, 2019
In dieser Episode werde ich erklären warum die digitale Transformation nichts mit Technologie zu tun hat und die meisten Mittelständler mehr Mut benötigen, das zu nutzen, was sie bereits haben. Ein Appell an den deutschen Mittelstand.
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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Management
#008 - The Groundbreaking Approach to Language Acquisition /w Award-winning Prof. Stephen Krashen
David Luna
March 30, 2020
If you‘ve ever tried or are learning a language and haven‘t heard of the award-winning Prof. Krashen and his theory on second language acquisition, then you‘re in for a real treat and this episode will certainly blow your mind with things you probably haven’t heard yet - and you’ll likely get addicted to language learning.
To answer some of the following questions, I talk to Prof. Stephen Krashen, one of the most prolific and most frequently cited scholars in the field of language education:
- Why language learning is still largely ineffective and hasn’t fundamentally improved over the last decades
- How Krashen’s theory about language acquisition, despite it being over 40 years old, remains groundbreaking
- Why you can‘t learn a language by simply speaking it, contrary to popular belief
- How he can boldly claim that everyone acquires language in the same manner
- Why language learning is a subconscious process that can‘t be „turned off“
- Why there’s a strict separation between language acquisition and learning and why consciously learned language can only be used to monitor language output, but never be the source of spontaneous speech
- In which particular order language is acquired and why that order does not change between learners, and is also not affected by explicit instruction
- Why learning grammar does not improve language acquisition
- Why it‘s simply not true that children acquire languages more easily than adults and provide overwhelming scientific evidence to back up this claim
- How to apply his theory in practice
- And finally, discuss the the most powerful tool we have in language education
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, EdTech
How and Why the Corona (COVID-19) Killer Works!
David Luna
March 23, 2020
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, COVID19
#007 - Autism and the Untapped Potential /w Rebecca Beam & Chad Hahn
David Luna
March 15, 2020
This episode talks to two of the founding members (Rebecca Beam & Chad Hahn) of Auticon. Auticon is an international technology consulting company, that exclusively employs adults on the autism spectrum as IT consultants. Of the 200 people employed there, around 150 are on the autism spectrum. auticon’s concept has been acknowledged internationally and has received numerous awards with Sir Richard Branson being on of auticon’s most prominent investors.
We look at the untapped potential of autism and some of the misconceptions and challenges surrounding it, as well as where people on the spectrum outperform neurologically typical individuals.
We also answer why not more companies are hiring people on the spectrum and move towards a more neurodiverse workforce and how auticon employs these individuals to solve some of the most complex problems for their clients. And finally, this interview makes the case for why hiring neurodiverse people will be the next big wave of innovation.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Diversity and Inclusion
Die 25 Stunden Arbeitswoche, bei gleichem Gehalt und Urlaub mit Lasse Rheingans
David Luna
March 12, 2020
Dies ist ein kurzes Interview mit Lasse Rheingans, der bei sich die 25 Stunden Woche eingeführt hat. Warum er das gemacht, was nach der Einführung passiert und vieles mehr erfahrt ihr in diesem Video.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Future of Work
Interview with Glymz Founder GAMMA Insight #004 - Part 2
August 07, 2019
In this 2-part interview we talk to Daniel Lachmann, Founder of Glymz and ask him a few questions about China. If we should be afraid of China, what companies need to have to be successful in China, what similarities there are between China & Germany and where Germany is ahead of China.
Thank you again, Daniel, for taking the time to do the interview with us!
What do you think? And to you agree with Daniel's answers? Or do you have different opinions?
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation
Interview with Glymz Founder GAMMA Insight #004 - Part 1
August 05, 2019
n this 2-part interview we talk to Daniel Lachmann, Founder of glymz and ask him a few questions about China. If we should be afraid of China, what companies need to have to be successful in China, what similarities there are between China & Germany and where Germany is ahead of China.
Thank you again, Daniel, for taking the time to do the interview with us!
What do you think? And to you agree with Daniel's answers? Or do you have different opinions?
See publication
Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation
NOAH Conference – Startup Interview with Luca Verre CEO & Founder of Prophesee.ai
David C. Luna
July 15, 2019
I attended the NOAH Conference last month where I interviewed some very interesting startups. One of them being Prophesee.ai. Here I had a quick chat with Luca Verre CEO & Founder of the company.
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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Innovation
NOAH Conference – Startup Interview with Roman Koidl CEO & Founder of ClearVAT
David C. Luna
July 15, 2019
I attended the NOAH Conference last month where I interviewed some very interesting startups. One of them being ClearVAT. Here I had a quick chat with Roman Koidl CEO & Founder of the company.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation