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Eric Vanderburg

Vice President of Cybersecurity at TCDI

Cleveland, United States

Eric Vanderburg is the Vice President of Cybersecurity at TCDI where he and his cybersecurity team protect companies from cyber threats, investigate data breaches, and provide guidance on security governance and compliance. Vanderburg has an MBA from Kent State University and several undergraduate degrees. He has also obtained over 40 security and technology certifications.
Eric Vanderburg is a well-known author, blogger, and a thought leader. He is best known for his insight on cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, and storage and has published books on storage networking and cloud computing. Vanderburg is passionate about sharing cybersecurity and technology news, insights and best practices. He regularly presents on security topics and publishes insightful articles. You can find him throughout the day posting valuable and informative content on his social media channels.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Cleveland, Ohio

Eric Vanderburg Points
Academic 0
Author 21
Influencer 659
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 680

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Big Data 30.09
COVID19 30.27
Cybersecurity 30.68
Digital Transformation 30.01
Legal and IP 30.25
Privacy 30.08
Risk Management 30.09

Industry Experience

Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Travel & Transportation


21 Article/Blogs
Coronavirus and Remote Work Considerations
May 08, 2020
As the rapidly developing Coronavirus situation continues to unfold, many employees may soon be required to work from home to help minimize exposure. There are important cybersecurity considerations when working remotely that, if ignored, place your entire organization at risk. Remote work can be done securely with the proper procedures, training, and technology in place. Below is a list of tips and recommendations to help ensure you are doing your part to help keep your company’s data secure.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, COVID19

The mechanics of cybersecurity maturity
February 03, 2020
As an organization becomes more conscious and engaged in protecting information, it progresses along a path of cybersecurity maturity. I like to describe this path in five stages, starting with reactive and ending with realization organizations. This model is helpful because it demonstrates how cybersecurity is refined in an organization. Most importantly, it shows that cybersecurity maturity takes time to be part of an established organization and how an organization can transform from viewing cybersecurity as a cost to an investment. Let's see how it works

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Risk Management

Monitoring is a key cybersecurity competency
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October 02, 2018
Technology has accelerated the pace of almost everything we do. The same is true for the speed of cyber attacks. Technology has decreased the time it takes for a small, localized cybersecurity event to balloon into a serious security incident. A single compromised password or one wrong click can ign

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6 Steps for Data Confidence in a Digital World
August 06, 2018
Companies today are critically dependent upon their data. It is the lifeblood of operations and is relied upon for strategic and tactical decision-making. Data doesn’t just support the business - it is the business of a growing number of companies such as search, social media, integrators, and marketing companies. With such a heavy reliance upon data, it is vital for companies to have confidence or trust in their data.

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Tags: Big Data, Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation

5 Threat Management Challenges and Opportunities
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June 21, 2018
As we look back on a succession of headlines about data breaches and security lapses at some of the world’s largest companies, we find a consistent theme. Attackers have continued to improve their techniques requiring companies to compensate and raise the bar on cybersecurity. However, there are s

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Protecting Data for the Next Generation of Applications
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June 14, 2018
As we look to the future, our reliance on data is only going to increase. Technologies such as IoT, AI, robotics, and virtual reality are going to fundamentally change the way we work and live. Each of these technologies is based on a lot of data that will need to be protected, not only from unautho

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Tags: Big Data, Cybersecurity

Four Steps to Effective Cybersecurity Logging
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June 11, 2018
Logs are crucial elements to breach investigations. However, some investigations suffer from a lack of logs. In such cases, the company must assume the worst if no evidence can be brought to the contrary. This may require sending notifications to an entire customer base or paying large fines. Some o

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Doing Business in a Data-Driven World
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May 29, 2018
The modern company thrives on data, yet some are also drowning in it. The data that we find so precious could be holding us back rather than driving us forward for data must be managed and interpreted for it to be turned into actionable insights. Data management complexity increases as data sizes ...

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Cybersecurity

Legal and Ethical Obligations in Cybersecurity
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May 21, 2018
I recently presented at the Duke Law EDRM on Cybersecurity and Law Firm Understanding Legal and Ethical Obligations. Some questions were asked that we did not have time to answer so I am answering them here for those who are interested.How often should a company perform penetration testing?It is qui

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Legal and IP

Four Pillars of Data Protection for the Modern Enterprise
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May 04, 2018
Data, a crucial asset for the modern business, is under attack. Data breaches, ransomware, employee theft, and mistakes can each cause significant harm to your company, customers, and reputation. There are four pillars of data protection for the modern enterprise. They consist of assessment, governa

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Data Protection Challenges in Preserving Company Value
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April 18, 2018
Data is the building block of the modern business. It is essential for daily operations and ongoing commercial operations, but more importantly, data is often what distinguishes companies in our modern digital economy. Data is so vital that its loss can destroy your business. Sadly, many have seen t

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Tags: Cybersecurity

GDPR: Success Strategies for Redefining Your Business
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March 19, 2018
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is set to go into effect on May 25, 2018, and yet many companies are still wondering if GDPR applies to them. The short answer is that it probably does. The GDPR requirements are incredibly broad, impacting any organization that stores data on Europeans.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Privacy

Four Steps to Patch Management Success
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March 15, 2018
The need for patch management has repeatedly been demonstrated in recent years as companies large and small suffered data breaches due to unpatched vulnerabilities. The patch management function of applying patches to remediate known vulnerabilities may seem simple, but even one unpatched computer c

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Tags: Cybersecurity

5 Secrets to Survive the Encryption Apocalypse
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March 15, 2018
The zombie apocalypse is frequently mentioned in literature and pop culture. Some have even taken steps to protect against this fictitious threat. However, there is a threat that is much more likely and very devastating to businesses and individuals alike. I am referring to the encryption apocalypse

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Tags: Cybersecurity

The Framework for the Future: Cybersecurity and Automation in 2030
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February 21, 2018
It is healthy to take a step back from the technological changes of today to strategize on how the technology and business landscape will evolve in the future. The Institute for the Future (IFFF) and Dell Technologies researched the technological changes of 2030 and their impact on our workplaces, c

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Backups Saved 16,000 Patient Records from Ransomware
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February 12, 2018
Cyber attacks on hospitals and other healthcare institutions have increased over the last 18 months, in part because they make attractive targets for the cybercriminals who spread ransomware, according to the latest research.A recent survey conducted by the American Medical Association found that 83

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Tags: Cybersecurity

3 Ways Ransomware Will Evolve in 2018
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February 09, 2018
There’s no doubt that cybercriminals are busy preparing more ransomware attacks for the remainder of 2018. And that ransomware code will be optimized to steal your data and get your money. Here are three things you can expect from the cybercriminals who create ransomware:AI will make ransomware mo

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Tags: Cybersecurity

The State of Cybercrime
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February 05, 2018
Companies experienced a deluge of cyberattacks in 2017 and the first part of 2018 has proven no different. In 2016, the cost to the global economy was 450 billion[i] from cybercrime. Since then, attacks have increased not only in frequency but also in sophistication. Cybercrime damages are expected

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Sitting around the table just got more dangerous
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February 02, 2018
In a world where many are battling corruption, Hasbro is doing the opposite. The classic Monopoly game where players attempt to be a real estate tycoon through savvy purchases and dynamite trades is replaced with one that rewards players for taking a little extra from the pot and backstabbing their

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Effective Ransomware Prevention and Response
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January 18, 2018
The recent Microsoft Office Modern Workplace episode “Ransomware?—?What you need to know” brought together two great minds, Theresa Payton and Steven Wilson, to discuss this topic. Theresa Payton, CEO and co-founder of Fortalice Solutions, LLC and Steven Wilson, head of EC3, Europol’s Eu

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Tags: Cybersecurity

Essential Ransomware Prevention Techniques
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January 08, 2018
2017 was called the year of ransomware, but ransomware is showing no signs of slowing down. Ransomware is expected to be an even greater threat to companies and their data this year. Ransomware is malicious code that encrypts valuable data on the computers it infects. Ransomware has been designed to

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Tags: Cybersecurity

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Eric Vanderburg